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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  May 16, 2011 8:00am-10:00am PDT

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republican dom flation. carol, he's african-american. can you imagine having president barack obama going up against herman kane in 2012. very interesting. >> i don't think it will happen but you never know. mark preston live in washington. many thanks. now time to throw it over to suzanne malveaux. i'll be with you a little bit to talk about infidelity in politicians. who cares? >> maybe some people do. i'd like to cover that race with obama and kane. >> it would be spicy. they have totally opposite views. i want goet you up to speed for monday, may 16th. water from the mississippi river is gushing from nine spill gates from the morganza spillway. the water will cut a 20-mile
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path through louisiana's cajun country. >> we're fortunate that were have what we have, we haven't an opportunity to get out. material things we can replace. our family and what we believe in daily, just can't put prices on that. >> did you put up the sign? >> yeah, i put it up, i'm proud of that sign. it's just what we say, we will be back. >> almost a week after the mississippi crested in memphis, the river remains 11 feet above flood stage. president obama is in memphis today to get a look at the flood damage. and to comfort families who have lost their homes. zero and liftoff for the final launch of "endeavour" expanding our knowledge, expanding our lives in space. >> shuttle "endeavour" roared into space just two hours ago. his wife congresswoman gabrielle giffords watched liftoff at kennedy space center.
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she's recovering from a gunshot wound to the head. head of the national monetary fund will be arraigned inside this courtroom shortly. a hotel housekeeper accuses dominique strauss-kahn of attempted rape. a longtime source says she picked him from a lineup. an attorney says his client did nothing wrong an consented to a forensics exam. prosecutors are asking for international criminal court at the hague to issue an arrest warrant for libyan leader moammar gadhafi. they say there is direct evidence that gadhafi ordered attacks on people in their homes, put snipers on rooftops and fired artillery at funeral mourners. egyptians rally outside israeli embassy in cairo to show support for the palestinians. police arrested dozens during the rowdy demonstration. the protest came on date
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palestinians mourn the creation of israel in 1948. protests along israel's borders left at least a dozen palestinians dead. defense secretary robert gates says president obama's decision to launch the raid that got bin laden was nothing short of gutsy. >> i worked for a lot of these guys. and this is one of the most courageous calls, decisions that i think i've ever seen a president make. in canada, a runaway forest fire is threatening to burn the entire time of slade lake in central alberta. all 7,000 residents have been told to get out or face arrest. already, the town hall, the library, high school have now gone up in flames. more details now on the arraignment of a powerful finance chief and politician on sexual assault charges. dominique strauss-kahn is accused of attacking a housekeeper in his $3,000 a
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night hotel suite in new york. strauss-kahn is head of the imf, that is the international monetary fund, and he was considered a leading candidate for president of france. pamela hayes is a former prosecutor with the brooklyn d.a.'s office and former chief of the sex crimes bureau. she currently is in private practice as a criminal defense attorney and she joins from us new york. thanks for joining us. first of all, i want to talk about the specific charges that he is now facing. what do we know about the accusations and how his attorneys are responding? >> i think one of the things that we have to do is we have to wait to hear the exact charges. i would think that there's going to be an attempted rape, there may be a sodomy charge, but there are going to be a lot of attempt. and until we can get the full story of actually what happened in the room or what he did is really speculation. but it could be as serious as a
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felony where he's looking at, you know, attempted rape which could possibly be a "c" felony. or it could be less serious as some type of sexual contact, which would be a misdemeanor in this case. so we have to see what the d.a. is saying happened in the room. >> how does this work, in terms of which country legally has jurisdiction over him? being a french citizen. >> well, my understanding is he wasn't on the international fund business, so he couldn't claim diplomatic immunity. so i think what he's doing is, he's working with the local authorities, he has a fine attorney who knows exactly what to do. and his counsel for france is involved. and basically, for what i can gather from the reports we've been getting off the wire is he's undergo something type of psychiatric exam.
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and, you know, just to see what happens. but they'll have jurisdiction over him because they have his body. >> and what about the forensics? i know that he said that he had gone through some sort of forensics tests? what have we learned about that? what do we know? what are they looking for? >> a what kind of test? i didn't hear you. >> they said forensics tests. his attorney said he had a forensics test. >> that might be what we call a 730 exam which means he's undergoing some type of psychiatric examination to find out whether or not he has some emotional problem or mental problem. it could be, i don't know whether they would take some type of dna testing. but the forensic is very, very -- it's a large term. so it could be any one of those things. i don't think it's anything mental. but he might just be undergoing
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the dna test or something of that nature. >> okay. pamela hayes, thank you so much. we'll be following this case very closely. thanks for your insight. politicians, infidelity, your vote? carol, with the "talkback" question of the day. why is this not surprising, infidelity, politician, the whole messy theme. >> sadly, it sort of goes together in modern times, doesn't it? but in poll after poll, americans say they care more about a candidate's ability to handle the economy than just about anything else. but character is also important which leads to us the infidelity trap. republican presidential candidate newt gingrich began seeing his current and third wife, while still married to his second. gingrich is hoping voters will forgive and forget. >> i clearly have done things that were wrong. i've clearly had to seek god's forgiveness. i believe people have to decide whether or not what i've said
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and what i've done is real. and i think that if people watch me, talk with me, get to know me, my hope is that the majority of americans will decide that i can help this country get back on track in a way that no one else can. >> that kind of sounds like another presidential candidate from long ago, defending himself against charges of infidelity on "60 minutes." >> you know, i have acknowledged wrongdoing, i have acknowledged causing pain in my marriage. i have said things to you tonight and the american people from the beginning that no american politician ever has. anybody who's listening gets the drift of it. let's go on and get back to the real problems of this country. >> oh, yes, bill clinton, you know what happened there. clinton's clinton'ses s ees es escapades monica lewinsky almost derailed
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his presidency. unemployment was 4%. and who's to say newt gingrich cannot do the same, despite his messy marital past? so the talkback question today, should infidelity meat to voters. i'll read your comments this hour. >> i'd be curious if people are more upset with infidelity or hypocrisy, if that's what it is. >> when it comes down to it, maybe people will feel that way. we'll see. here's a rundown. some of the stories we're carrying today. terror at a fifth grade graduation. a children's bounce house floating away. and new spillways are at the mercy of the mississippi river. and the next move for the treasury department as the u.s. hits its legal borrowing limit. and the shuttle "endeavour" blasting off on its last
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mission. i'll have a conversation with astronaut and trail blazer mae jamison. and then america's job hunt. always, always, always have resumes readily available. it's one of the boy scouts things. always prepared. but what we'd rather be making are tee times. tee times are the official start of what we love to do. the time for shots we'd rather forget, and the ones we'll talk about forever. in michigan long days, relaxing weather and more than 800 pristine courses make for the perfect tee time. because being able to play all day is pure michigan. your trip begins at
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check out the stories from across the country. a jumping castle goes flying, as
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winds swirl through a park in tucson, arizona. the bounce house ended up wrapped around a light pole. rescuers say alert parents and teachers saved the day by grabbing the kids out just in time. look at that. unbelievable. even stronger winds blew through south florida on saturday. that storm also dumped a lot of rain and some hail, snapping a number of trees in half. and around new orleans, people are being warned not to get too close to the mighty mississippi, otherwise, they could have a close encounter with one of these guys. yep, that's right. the floodwaters are crawling with alligators that have been carried downstream. even more floodgates are being opened to protect new orleans and baton rouge, but that means that less-populated areas are going to be flooded. and those who live there are frantically packing. here's our own ed lavandera. >> reporter: suzanne, here on the banks of the river here in butte la rose, louisiana, we're already starting to see the
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water level slowly rise. in the words of the parish president here, he says looking at this say slow and painful process. this neighbor in crouch springs could soon be sitting in as much as 15 feet of water. >> it's going to be bad. >> reporter: jake nolan knows it's time to get his family out. >> we just moved everything in here, and now we're in the process of taking everything back out and bringing it to my other sister's. >> reporter: you have no choice, though? >> no, i have no choice. if not, i'm going to lose everything. >> reporter: but nolan and his wife have a bigger problem. >> today's actually her 4th birthday. >> reporter: little maya doesn't have a birthday cake and she's afraid of the floodwaters. >> she can't swim. she hears stories, she's scared she won't be able to make it out. >> reporter: since the opening of the morganza spillway the water is taking a long destructive path down and away from the mississippi river.
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people in 240 homes were told to evacuate. >> thank you. >> we've just about got it all out. >> reporter: eight years ago, connie boudoir moved on to the banks of the three-mile lake. her little slice of heaven. >> this is where i have home, family, kids come in, frand kids spend time. jet skis, four-wheelers. >> reporter: she's packing it all up including her iguana. connie is told to expect 10 feet of water. what's the mood now? >> it's bad. it's sad. it's depressing. >> reporter: after days of warning, it's now the last chance to get out of the water's way. brett amsley isn't messing around. he's moving his entire trarlt to higher ground. >> i never experienced anything like this. it's crazy. unreal. >> reporter: but eddy sonnier won't let the flood get him
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down. he looks forward to fish here again. >> we're fortunate we have an opportunity to get out. material we can replace. our family and what we believe in daily, just can't put prices on that. >> reporter: did you put up the sign? >> yeah, i put it up. i'm proud of that sign. it's just like we say, we will be back. >> reporter: those mandatory evacuation orders were issued in st. landry parish just upstream of where we are. the mandatory evacuation orders we're told probably won't be issued here in butte la rose until the end of the week. that's when we'll start seeing the water rise and creep into the neighborhoods. on, we're going to set up a live webcam here in this neighborhood here in butte la rose, to give people a sense of what it will look like when these floodwaters start to creep in. you'll be able to watch that as it happens. suzanne. >> thanks, ed. reynolds wolf is joining us now. you look at this story, and you know there are people who are just waiting and watching.
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how much time do they have before the floodwaters come? >> i would be very careful in giving the answer. they should have, possibly, several days. when you talk about the transformation we're seeing in this part of the world, that's really not a lot of time. i don't want to give anyone a sense of false security and people say they will get out tomorrow. they need to get out now. controllinged by the army corps of engineers, the national weather service is going to put this in motion, first and foremost, this will be morganza, the spillway. the water rushing down. when i say so, this is a slow-moving process. this is not quick like a tornado. it's a slow-developing, destructive thing. of you take a look at the dates, may 24th, that's about 2 feet above flood stage in butte la rose. farther to the south, 6 feet above. maya point 2 feet above flood
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stage, and back on bayou city on may 25th. here the numbers for you, but also the dates. may 15th. that's when we had, the heaviest cresting of course. farther south, on the 19th, expect 14.5 feet above flood stage. record flooding on may 27th. for natchez. and then new orleans, cresting as we speak, just an amazing job they've done on the half of the mississippi river. very quickly to wrap things up, you can expect rain in the eastern half of the u.s. very dry conditions from the u.s./canadian border. back to the u.s., it's a combination of rain, sleet, and in the highest elevations the sierra nevada, some snowfall. today's the day that the federal debt reaching its actual
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legal limit. we're going to tell you what's been done to keep the country from defaulting. [ male announcer ] sitting, waiting, hoping. that's not how successful investing is done. at e-trade it's harnessing some of the most powerful
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and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! check in with lead's lead story, where the jobs are booming, health care, education, hiring through the worse of the recession. a look at the markets.
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dow jones now up by 37 points or so. also, major story today, you've got bills to pay. you've reached your borrowing debt, right? your limit. you can ask your lender raise the limit or default on some of your bills. that is the situation today that is facing the country because it's the day that the u.s. debt reaches its legal limit. but congress is still fighting over raising the borrowing cap. i want to bring in christine romans to explain this. she's with our money team. explain what we're talking about when we say we've got this deadline that we've hit. and what does it actually mean? >> it means that our national debt has now hit the level that congress said it wouldn't go above without raising it again. $14.3 trillion is where is that stands. the treasury department says he were hit it. now, going to take creative juggles by the treasury department and his team.
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that means august 2nd, the treasury thinks they can go to august 2nd. how longer? the treasury secretary said he's going to suspend investments into retirement funds. that's going to create some breathing room for the government to continue borrowing. why are they still borrowing? look at it this way, the u.s. spending $118 billion more than on average than it brings in. $118 billion more. that means we are to go into the open market and borrow money to fund that difference. so that's where we are here. we can't borrow more money if they raise that debt ceiling. the treasury secretary has got a little breathing room here but this is definitely an impasse. >> so what happens if lawmakers don't raise the debt ceiling? >> well, the treasury secretary has said it would be catastrophic economic consequences for americans. he has said that borrowing costs would go up. that means more expensive to
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borrow for a house, for a car, a college education. he says it would be more expensive for entrepreneurs to borrow for new equipment. it would mean ironically, we'd have to spend more for the national wealth and money coming in on interest on our bills because the interest rates would go up. so we would owe our foreign creditors much more than we do today. he says it would be catastrophic. others say, too, there's nothing more secure and sacred, really, than u.s. debt that we always pay our bills. if nothing happens until august 2nd, then the treasury department and his team have to decide what bills they want to pay. others have said that could mean you have to maybe give ious to people on social security. give iou to government employees. make sure you're paying the debt payment first. it's an ugly situation. the other thing i would point
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out, when ask people what happens exactly if we don't raise the debt krelceiling, no knows because we've not done this before. >> august is going to be important as well getting to that point. thank you, christine. >> you're welcome. well a final blastoff for the shuttle "endeavour." >> secuzero and liftoff for the final launch of "endeavour." expanding our knowledge, expanding our lives in space. >> i'll talk to the first african-american woman to travel in space. former astronaut mae jemison discusses "endeavour's" final mission answer the end of the shuttle program. we're adding new cell sites... increasing network capacity, and investing billions of dollars to improve your wireless network experience. from a single phone call to the most advanced data download, we're covering more people
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in more places than ever before in an effort to give you the best network possible. at&t. rethink possible. [ technician ] are you busy? management just sent over these new technical manuals. they need you to translate them into portuguese. by tomorrow. [ male announcer ] ducati knows it's better for xerox to manage their global publications. so they can focus on building amazing bikes. with xerox, you're ready for real business.
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here's a rundown of some of the stories that we are working on. first, the shuttle "endeavour" blasting into space, my conversation with astronaut and trail blazer mae jemison. next, an international arrest warrant sought for moammar gadhafi. then, the job market for people over 50. brutal and confusing. the space shuttle "endeavour" is now on its final voyage. >> 4, 3, 2, 1 -- 0 and liftoff
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for the final launch of "endeavour." it was picture-perfect, this blastoff happened about two hours ago at kennedy space center. the astronauts are on mission with commander mark kelly, he is husband of gabrielle giffords who travelled to florida to witness the launch. mae jemison is the first african-american woman to travel into space. mae, you and i spoke about a year ago out there. and we were talking before the break, this is kind of a bittersweet moment for you. you flew in "endeavour." tell us how you feel watching this? >> yeah, it's very bittersweet because it was a wonderful, beautiful launch. i think was on the second mission of "endeavour" and things are transitioning. when we spoke last year, we were there talking about the fact that the shuttle era was coming to an end and now the united states was putting more of its
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research money into how to do interplanetary travel, how to come up with the engines needed to take humans to an astroid. >> as someone like a trail blazer like yourself, i'm sure you can appreciate the historics of this mission coming to an end. what did it ago accomplish? >> it has a lot of things to do. for example, it's delivering a really interesting scientific payload to help us understand dark matter and those kinds of things in the universe. it's also doing a supply mission. it's doing some things where it's going to help bring back other pieces of equipment for us to understand how to keep the space station going. but i think really what it does, it puts a very strong exclamation point on the fact that humans are in space to stay because the space station is
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there. now, we have a space station that has people on board all the time, a large crew complement that does experiments, it looks back down at the earth, looks out at space. we've established our presence as humans in space. >> but i guess the mission itself is going to retire in june, the shuttle mission. it's going to be handled by private companies, as well as the russians. what does that mean for the future of our space program here? are we really kind of flailing at this point? >> well, the space station is -- the u.s. is part of the space station. russians are the partners with the spaces station, just like the japanese and european stays agency. it's not all in that we're not in space. we've got to take a ride with one of our partners now, but at the same time, again, we're moving forward. we're continuing to into interplanetary missions with robotics. we're continuing to look at how do we get humans farther along.
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we still have a very rigorous space program. we're just not flying the vehicle up to the station itself. that's a big importance. >> mae, what is your hope for when we get to mars? is that possible, anytime soon? >> i think with commitment we can get to mars very, very quickly. but it's a commitment that we have to have. remember, it took us ten years to go to the moon when we knew nothing about space travel. there's more hurdles going to mars but we know so much about how humans react to space. we know so much about the surface of mars. so i think there's a lot we can do, we can do it quickly. but it's the commitment that we need as a nation. it's the commitment we need as a society. >> do you think that the obama administration is putting in the funds to make that commitment to make that happen? >> the program right now has a commitment for looking at engines. i don't know exactly where we're going to do when people are going to finally say, hey, this is what we're going to do, we're
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going to do it it five years week going to do it in ten years. but it has to happen. it comes from a leadership issue. that leadership comes not only from the president but the congress and senate, to fund this. to understand how fundamentally important it is for us to continue pushing forward, to continue improving our science, our technology, all of which space exploration does. >> mae, something people might not know about you, you're a big "star trek" fan. you appeared in an episode of "star trek: the next generation." the character ahourha was your inspiration. do you think this say commitment to go where no man has gone before? >> or to boldly go where no human has gone before. i think sometimes, we waver in that commitment. every day we look at satellite
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broadcasts. we look at we're studying what's going on in the mississippi because someone had an inspiration about let's do something further, let's go beyond where we are now. so i think we have to sort of reassess where we are and say, yes, this is important. that commitment, i think that wonder is in all of us, we all look at the stars and wonder what they are, we also have to understand just getting there making a tremendous difference. >> mae, thank you so much. you remain an inspiration to many of us. we appreciate it. thank you. honoring the shuttle program, has condensed video from every launch. so you get 133 launches in 133 seconds. >> 3, 2, 1 -- we have liftoff. >> space lab two. >> you have power. >> that's pretty interesting video. check it out on moammar gadhafi accused of war crimes. a live report from the hague on
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the evidence and the action that's being taken against the libyan dictator. 2011, at&t is , building up our wireless network all across america. we're adding new cell sites... increasing network capacity, and investing billions of dollars to improve your wireless network experience. from a single phone call to the most advanced data download, we're covering more people in more places than ever before in an effort to give you the best network possible. at&t. rethink possible.
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an arrest warrant is expected for libyan dictator moammar gadhafi. the national criminal court in the hague is accusing gadhafi of crimes against humanity. his son and brother-in-law are also accused.
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our cnn international correspondent nic robertson joining us live from the hague. nic, good to see you. tell us what you the evidence is in this case, against gadhafi, as well as the regime. >> reporter: well, what the chief prosecutor is saying that gadhafi has the absolute power in the country. and through his -- through his second son saif al islam and through his brother-in-law head of the military intelligence abdullah sanousi, they are implementing his orders, they say it's got direct orders that saif al islam was recruiting mercenaries before the uprise began. they say they've got direct evidence that the military chief was involved in planning and assisting on the attack on civilians. he says that the attacks on civilians were coordinated, widespread. that this was the regime deciding that they wouldn't put up with any dissension whatever cost. that they were going to put down
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the civilian population. so he says he has this direct evidence. and he also says that in the last few days, he's been receiving phone calls from people, senior officials in the regime, he said, that are willing to offer evidence against gadhafi. suzanne. >> nic, this is the first time that the international criminal court has actually taken action while there say conflict that is going on. tell us why, why is this happening now? >> reporter: well, the reason the chief prosecutor said is because simply because right now gadhafi is still persecuting people. still murdering people. they were enabled by the u.n. resolution 1970, they started their investigation the 3rd of march. it's the first time they've done this while there's an active conflict going on. the investigation then requesting the arrest warrants but he said this is the only way he sees to try to stop gadhafi continuing to repress his population. and what he hopes will happen is that people will feel embolden.
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and that other members of the regime will give evidence and in this way stop gadhafi's suppression, repression of the people, suzanne. >> nic robertson, thank you very much. appreciate it. well, celebrity apprentice," without donald trump saying "you're fired," well, what the network says about whether the show will go on if trump runs for president.
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topping our political ticker this hour, republican says he's not running for president. shannon travis, part of the best political team on television. good to see you, shan. live from the political desk in washington. mike huckabee made news this weekend, yeah? >> that's right, he made a really big bit of news. the field of people running against president obama, suzanne is slowly taking shape. but one person is not mike huckabee. the former governor of alaska ran in the 2008 campaign. he announced on fox that his heart is not in. it. a lot of people were speculating whether he would be in or not. but there are a lot of signs potentially pointing he's not going to be in that. he got residency, he and his wife, in florida. he's made it official that he
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will not be in it. and he says his heart is not in it. one man who is in is, former massachusetts governor mitt romney, today, he's in las vegas, visiting a phone bank, basically, for fundraising, also participating on an online town hall on facebook. >> and a lot of people are wondering what happens to "celebrity apprentice" if donald trump runs for president? >> you know the saying, the show must go on. nbc news is talking about pot potential of donald trump running. the exec says the show will have to go. on. who will take over if he does run? i don't know about you, i can't imagine anyone else saying "you're fired" other than donald trump. >> we could all give our best donald trump imitation, but i don't think it would work, huh?
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>> that was probably a bad one you just got from me. >> thanks, shan. for the latest political news, go to makes tuneups, upgrades in your home now could save you a lot of money on your summer energy bills. our carmen wong ulrich joins us for today's top tips. hi, suzanne, well, get this. air conditioning eats up almost 60% of american electricity bills during the summer. and it is approaching. but there are steps you can take right now to ease the stress on your home energy budget before the weather really starts to heat up. now, experts say one of the best ways to keep your house cool is to prevent the hot air from getting into your home to begin with. one of the most effective ways to do this is to insulate your attic effectively. if your home is due for an upgrade, consider putting in fiberglass or cellulose insulation. it could cost anywhere from
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several hundred dollars to thousands. and could be reducing your bills by 20%. for example, if you're not using a room, close the blinds on super sunny days. use fewer appliances that generate heat like dishwasher, your drier and your stove. and another way to save, let your a.c. sleep when you do. turn offer the a.c. and instead, turn on a ceiling fan. prices for ceiling fans can range from $200 to $1,500 for industrial strength. these fans use as little as 10% of the power of central air conditioning. big savings. also, keep your air filters clean. and for a central unit, change your filters every month or two. if you have a window unit, make sure to clean it every three months. when you do turn on your a.c.,
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keep in mind, every single degree counts. according to the environmental protection agency, turning up your a.c. temperature by just one degree can knock 7% off your electricity bill. back to you, suzanne. >> thank you, carmen. politics and marital infidelity. it's already coming up in the presidential elections for 2012. and the "talkback" question for today, should infidelity matter to voters? [ woman ] jogging stroller. you've been stuck in the garage
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obama's former chief of staff takes the oath of office as mayor of chicago. are you looking at live pictures now. this is of rahm emanuel waiting to be sworn in. looks like they've got a musical selection going on there. he announced last fall he was leaving the white house. he was elected chicago mayor in february, winning almost 55% of the vote. you're looking at the bidens there, live pictures, the bidens there with rahm emanuel. he previously served three terms as a congressman and was a key
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aide to president bill clinton. he's got a lot of experience, replacing outgoing mayor richard daley. there's a lot of excitement in anticipation of this moment. as they all begin to gather. and rahm emanuel there for the swearing-in. presidential candidate newt gingrich says voters should forgive his past infidelities and vote for him based on what he can do for the country. should infidelities even matter? carol, what are folks saying? >> they have all different sorts of opinions. should infidelity matter to voters? kim -- absolutely. infidelity speaks to your character. in newt's case it wasn't just one indiscretion. how are you going to be morally corrupt and pass laws that affect my body and life? no! debbie -- it has a lot to do with hypocrisy. for others to turn the cheek when it comes to him but he couldn't do it for a fellow politician speaks volumes. >> kyle -- all that really
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matters are the issues and what the politician plans to do about them, not their personal lives. why should we force someone to be a saint just because they're running the country? >> dawn -- our standards have become so lax, the standard for public office should be much higher than it is. in short, yes, it matters. please continue the conversation at i'll be back in about 15 minutes. >> i want you to stick around first for the punch line here. this is good stuff. president obama taking a lot of good-natured ribbing for crowing over his recent military accomplishment. here's our wolf blitzer -- actually make it their wolf blitzer. >> earlier this week, president barack obama spoke in el paso, texas and while the topic of the speech was immigration reform, it also seemed as though the president was taking a victory lap after the capture and death of osama bin laden. let's tag along. >> not sure if you heard the
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news. we killed bin laden! ha-ha -- that's right! great to be back here in texas, the lone star state. home of george w. bush, the 43rd president. the 43rd president to not kill bin laden, that is. we got him! we got him! we got bin laden! >> this is great stuff. this is what the white house has to say. they say it is entirely appropriate for the president to mention bin laden in his speeches -- jay carney says, the spokesman says, it is no different than listing other presidential accomplishments like health care reform. we've gotten a lot of bin laden mentions lately, huh? don't you think? >> i'm just -- i just feel bad for wolf blitzer. he doesn't mumble like that. >> no, he does not. our wolf is better than their wolf! >> absolutely. >> all right, carol. next time they might do us, who knows? >> i hope not. i'll be back in 15 minutes. >> i'll see you.
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our cnn "in-depth" series continues. the focus today on america's job hunt. it is a different life in the job market for people who are over 50. you'll hear about it from a former navy medic who is out of work now for five months. it's no secret, we work hard in this country, but did you ever sit back and wonder what the least stressful jobs are? well, here's what the guys at career cast game came up with. number five, people who clean your teeth? dental hygienists. computer programmers at number four. software engineers, number three. so what are the two least stressful careers according to careercast? i'll tell you up ahead. building up our wireless network all across america. we're adding new cell sites... increasing network capacity, and investing billions of dollars to improve your wireless network experience. from a single phone call
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to the most advanced data download, we're covering more people in more places than ever before in an effort to give you the best network possible. at&t. rethink possible. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] with amazing innovation,
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driven by relentless competition, wireless puts the world at your command. ♪
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looking at least stressful jobs, number two -- dietician. audiologists make about $63,000 a year. number one. this week cnn "in-depth" focuses on america's job hunt. we're collaborating with and "time" magazine to look at where the jobs are, how to get them and how to keep them. logon to and for more reporting on america's job hunt.
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question -- is a college education even worth the money? that is the big question behind a new pew research center study. when asked to rate the job higher education is doing in providing value for the money, only 5% said it is doing an excellent job. 35% said good. 42% said fair. 15% said poor. but when college grads were asked whether college has been a good investment for them, 86% say it has. entering the job market after 50 is a different experience in today's digital age. a former navy medic who's been searching for five months lays it all out. take a listen. >> my name is nelson fuentes and i am 55 years of age. at this time i've been unemployed for about five months. i do try to sit here every morning. i would rather get up, put on a suit and go.
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now it is quite different. well, it's not as personable. now we are digital age. everything is done through the internet. one of my primary search engines is monster. and no one wants to see you unless they've processed your resume through the internet first, where before you can go an visit a company, drop off your resume. always, always, always have resumes readily available. it's one of the boy scout things -- always prepared. hey, jan, it's knee, nelson, how are you? i do have a headhunter that's looking for me as well. she can find me a position in tampa, then that's what i'll do. >> it is definitely difficult for peep over 50. >> i think that my age is not a factor to me. i do know that i come with a
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long history and i've had many successes in my careers. and so that may be something that they look at more than my age. so my recommendation to anyone is don't give up on yourself, keep your passion, keep your enthusiasm, even though we're coming up against people that are 20 and 30 years younger than us, that enthusiasm, that sense of purpose is timeless. >> so where are the jobs? logon to for everything you need to know from where jobs are booming to employment ghost towns. even re-inventing yourself and your career. has got you covered. top of the hour. i'm suzanne malveaux. want to get you up to speed. space shuttle "endeavour" is settling into orbit after its final lift-off that happened today. >> zero -- and lift-off for the final launch of "endeavour." >> "endeavour's" launch is the
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next-to-last for nasa's 30-year-old shuttle program. just a short time ago i talk with former "endeavour" astronaut may jemison. >> it was very bittersweet because it was a wonderful, beautiful launch. i was on the second mission of "endeavour" and things are transitioning. when we spoke last year, we were talking about the fact that the shuttle era was coming to an end and now the united states was putting more of its research money into how to do interplanetary travel, how to come up with the kinds of engines that are needed to go to an aztec, humans to an asteroid. >> astronaut mark kelly is commanding "endeavour's" last flight. his wife congresswoman gabrielle giffords was at the kennedy spate cent space center for today's launch. the head of the international monetary fund will be arraigned in new york today. a hotel housekeeper accused
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dominique strauss-khan of attempted race. a law enforcement source says she pick him from a lineup. an attorney says his client did nothing wrong and consented to a forensics exam. water from the mississippi river is surging into louisiana's cajun country. many more floodgates are set to be open. the gush of water will cause a 20-mile-wide flood that will imperil the mississippi's path to the gulf. in canada, a run-away forest fire is threatening to burn the entire town of slave lake. that is in central ael llberta. al all 7,000 residence have been told to get out or face arrest. the vatican today tweaked its guidelines on sex abuse allegations. the church says catholic bishops should cooperate with police but it does not require them to report allegations.
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the vatican concedes that there really is little new. the changes are meant to standardize the church's response to allegations. doctors are moving beating victim brian stowe from a hospital in los angeles to one near his home in san francisco. doctors say that stowe is out of a medically induced coma and showing signs of some cognitive brain function. two men jumped him after the dodgers-giants baseball opener march 31st kicking and punching him in the head. no arrests have been made. to south central louisiana, cajun country. some of it is already now underwater after the floodgates opened near baton rouge. thousands of people live in that lower lying area and most of them are now grabbing what they can, getting out. our ed lavendera is there. >> reporter: here in butte larose, louisiana, the parish president says about 90% of the people who live here have already evacuated and the water
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from the atchafalaya liver we can see is already starting to rise. what's interesting is that the water makes its way back and curves around here and gets into the back waters behind butte larose. that's the water that will cause the major flooding here in this small community and actually in many of the small communities that go through the atchafalaya river basin. all of this water is being diverted off of the mississippi river through the morganza spillway. over the weekend, one of those floodgates were opened. now we're up to nine of those floodgates being opened and that's diverting a lot more water down through this river basin and that means people are running out of time to get out of the water's path. st. landry's parish just up stream, mandatory evacuation were issued yesterday. about 240 homes affected, some almost 800 people we saw packing up and starting to move toward higher ground. here in butte larose, the parish president says that he doesn't expect to have to issue the mandatory evacuation order until the end of the week so this is a
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long, slow, tedious process and that's what the parish president says here is the most difficult part. suzanne? >> thank you. politicians, infidelity. carol costello with the "talk back" question of the day. >> sex and politics. >> why do i crack up when you say that? >> seems to go together these days. who knows. in poll after poll, americans say they care more about a candidate's ability to handle the economy than just about anything else but character is also important, which leads us to the infidelity trap. republican presidential candidate newt gingrich began seeing his current and third wife while still married to his second. gingrich is hoping voters will forgive and forget. >> i clearly have done things that were wrong. i've clearly had to seek god's forgiveness. i believe people have to decide whether or not what i've said and what i've done is real. and i think that if people watch me and talk with me, get to know
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me, my hope is a majority of americans will decide that i can help this country get back on track in a way that no one else can. >> that kind of sounds like another presidential candidate from long ago defending himself against charges of infidelity on "60 minutes." >> you know, i have acknowledged wrongdoing. i have acknowledged causing pain in my marriage. i have said things to you tonight and to the american people from the beginning that no american politician should raise. let's go on and get back to the real problems of this country. >> yes, bill clinton. and you know what happened there. clinton's escapades with monica lewinsky almost derailed his presiden presidency, never mind it was then-house speaker news gingrich leading the impeachment charges against him. still, despite the lewinsky scandal, clinton's presidency was successful if you judge it by the economy.
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huchle hummed. unemployment was 4%. who's to say newt gingrich can't do the same despite his messy marital past? the "talk back" question today -- should infidelity matter to matters? i'll read your comments later this hour. >> thanks, carol. can't wait. here's a rundown of some of the stories we are covering today. a children's bounce house blows away at a fifth grade graduation party. the boss of one of the world's most powerful organizations accused of attempted rape. then, an arrest warrant sought for moammar gadhafi. plus, take a good look at this kid. he could save you a ton of money. and, rappin' for wall street? two unemployed bankers take to the mike. ♪ ocid most calcium supplemts...
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more details now in the arraignment today of a powerful finance chief and politician on sexual assault charges. dominique strauss-khan is accused of attacking a housekeeper in his $3,000 a night hotel suite in new york. strauss-khan is the head of the international monetary fund. his arraignment was delayed until today after he agreed to undergo physical and forensic exams requested by the police. his attorneys insist that he's innocent. they say that they will vigorously defend him in court. our cnn senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin was asked about how strauss-khan's french citizenship might affect the legal proceedings. >> this is not an international matter at all. new york being the cosmopolitan
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center that it is, has non-citizens arrested all the time, and they are entitled to have contact with the embassies of their host nation. and certainly french consular officials will have the right to go see him and make sure he has a lawyer. and i understand he's hired benjamin barackman, one of the finest lawyers in new york city. he is just going to be treated, as i understand it, like any other criminal defendant who faces very serious criminal charges. >> in addition to his role as head of the imf, dominique strauss-khan was also considered a leading candidate for the president of france. but this is not the first time that he has been involved in controversy. i want to bring in our cnn senior international correspondent jim bittermann who is in paris. jim, give us some background, who is this man, what are we talking about here? >> reporter: well, he is a
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leading candidate. he is "the" leading candidate. according to all public opinion polls taken over the last six months, he was the only candidate among the runners in the election contest for 2012 who could actually beat president sarkozy. so the socialists had great hope that he would come back and announce the fact that he was going to run. he hadn't yet done that but nonetheless opinion polls all showed him way out in front. as you can imagine, there was a lot of despondent people over at the socialist party headquarters today, some of them in tears actually, over the idea that they had just seen this morning that perp walk, the idea of strauss-khan, the man they put their hopes in to lead france, being walked by two policemen in handcuffs into the courthouse. so it was a pretty dramatic morning over there. they say they're going to find another candidate that they're going to continue onward. but by every kind of thing you can imagine, there was a lot of depression over there and a lot of desperation kind of a little chaos, too. >> jim, what do we suppose this
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means for his political future? do we think he's done? >> reporter: well, the socialist newspaper here had a headline this morning that said "dsk out." meaning dominique strauss-khan out, as in out in politics. it is hard to imagine he could pull out of this with any kind of respect, with any kind of image at all. certainly the idea of running for president, if he loses his passport as we expect he might during his arraignment hearing, he can't run very well for president of france while he's nailed to the floor in the united states, in new york. >> all right, jim, thank you very much. what exactly does the international monetary fund do? we're going behind headlines to break down what it could mean for the imf as well as the international community. remind our viewers what the imf does and what it means. >> sure. the imf essentially is like the rich uncle of the global
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financial market, which is an analogy i just love. when there is a country and its economy is in trouble and threatening to collapse, the international monetary fund swoops in and gives low-cost loans to the nation in need. the loans generally come tied to strict conditions to try to force the troubled nation to clean up its act. the idea -- to keep the global economy healthy by not letting a country that's drowning in debt pull the rest of the international mark into the drink. formed over 60 years ago at the end of world war ii, the imf includes 187 countries and is a specialized agency working out of the united nations. representation in the group is based upon the relative size of each nation, so kind of like states in the u.s. house of representatives. after the global economic collapse of 2008, the role of the imf has taken on even greater importance because that many more countries are in dire straits. so the fund's lending capacity tripled to around $750 billion. and between trouble in the european union and concern over
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china manipulating its own currency, the imf has been a big power player on the world stage. as head of the fund, dominique strauss-khan has been generally applauded for his work in leading the imf and helping lead the world through the dark times of the great recession. so the timing of his arrest for alleged sexual misconduct, that couldn't have been worse. this week the imf is going to be part of some big deals, building a bailout package for portugal, looking into lowering the interest rate for ireland, and here's a really big one -- deciding whether greece's economic collapse is cause for emergency funding. there are a lot of economists the world over who are going to be watching this very closely, suzanne. >> very powerful organization and a powerful man. thank you very much. appreciate it, carl. pitching your dream idea. in 60 seconds. >> reporter: these young entrepreneurs are 60 seconds away from winning $10,000. >> wow. minority entrepreneurs given a priceless opportunity to finance
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their own start-up. our premium litters now work harder to help neutralize odors in multiple cat homes. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home.
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anticipation building now in memphis at booker t. washington high school. the commencement speaker is president barack obama. the school won the race to the challenge, its graduation rate has soared almost 30 percentage points since 2007. live coverage from memphis is coming up.
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also, we talked last week to the principal and a student from the school where the president's going to be speaking and we asked the principal what the school did to turn things around. >> look. just treat each kid as an individual. it's not about tests. it's about meeting the kid where they are. parents send the best kids they have to school every day. it's our job to meet them there. >> graduating senior kenneth roberson talked about his reaction to the news that the president is going to be speaking at his commencement. >> i was shocked. i was very shocked. and i was willing to do whatever it was and whatever it takes to see the president. and i'm just looking forward to shaking his hand and hoping that i say the proper things to the president. >> we're sure he will. the president is the only one who's giving words of
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encouragement to the class of 2011. earlier in the weekend first lady michelle obama was commencement speaker at spelman college in atlanta. she talked to them about their education as an inheritance. >> i've chosen that word "inheritance" very carefully, because it's not an entitlement that you can take for granted. it's not a gift with which you can do whatever you please. it is a commitment that comes with a certain set of obligations, obligations that don't end when you march through that arch today. this week, cnn "in-depth" focuses on america's job hunt. we are collaborating with c and "time" magazine where jobs are, how to get them, how to keep them. logon to and for more reporting on america's job hunt. howard university is
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offering people with a business idea and a dream the perfect opportunity to launch their own start-up. it they just have to sell an audience on the idea in one minute. t.j. holmes reports. >> reporter: these young entrepreneurs are 60 seconds away from winning $10,000. that is, if they can come up with the perfect business pitch. the upstarts recently attended the 100 entrepreneurs event at howard university. they had 60 seconds to pitch their dream business idea to a panel of four judges. grammy award winning songwriter and producer brian plikle cox was among them. >> i'm looking forward to a business, even if it makes sense, it can be effective, if it can be profitable and i'm looking forward to it. >> pictures range from an interchangeable jewelry design business to ways of bringing organic food to the inner city. >> finally, someone came up with this idea. >> reporter: the team of toni
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hall and natalie crather was one of the five winners. their pitch -- size 12, a shoe boutique catering to women who wear sizes 10 to 14. >> i figured i was so frustrated at finding fashionable shoes. a lot of other women were frustrated, too. >> reporter: wanting to turn the agony of shoe shopping into something positive, toni researched starting a business and conducted surveys of other women shoppers. >> there was one woman who came here last week, she actually wore size 13. she picked out a cute pair of flats and she was like these are a little tight do you have a 14? i went in the back and i came out with 14s in three different styles. she looked at me like -- >> reporter: the duo heard about the competition from a previous winner hone couraged them to enter. >> i feel -- i just feel so honored. >> i'm very grateful. >> this is amazing. >> it is an ams. the opportunity, just the fact they had this program, it's awesome. injure organized just over a year ago and with a $100,000 backing from one of the most famous entrepreneurs -- 3679
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diddy, 100 urban entrepreneurs chairman says its mission is to give young minority business people a hand up. >> i can tell you that being an entrepreneur is attainable for many. we just need a to level the playing field and gives the tools and inspiration to what i see in urban america is a tremendous hustle, a desire to get forward. >> reporter: so what happened to toni and natalie? their 60-second pitch landed them to go on to win $10,000 and participate in an eight-week mentorship. t.j. holmes, cnn, atlanta. >> good for them. is a college education worth the money? that's the big question behind a new pew research center study bhp ask. when asked to rate the job higher education is doing in providing value for the money, only 5% said it is doing an excellent job. 35% said good. 42% said fair. 15% said poor. but when college grads were asked whether college has been a good investment for them, 86% says it has. where are the jobs?
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and we'll provide the coverage you need at the right price. liberty mutual auto insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? senator john kerry is in pakistan after the bin laden raid. plus, an international arrest warrant sought now for moammar gadhafi. then, this children's bounce
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house blows away. quick thinking parents and teachers rescue the kids. four, three, two, one, zero, and lift-off for the final launch of "endeavour." >> picture-perfect lift-off for the shuttle "endeavour" on its final voyage. it blasted into space about 3 1/2 hours ago from the kennedy space center in florida. six astronauts are on that mission. it is commanded by mark kelly, who is also the husband of wounded u.s. congresswoman gabrielle giffords who traveled to florida to witness the launch. want to bring in chad meyers. chad, the weather was really beautiful. it was lovely when you saw that. >> there was a cloud deck but it was high enough it was okay for that cloud deck to be there and it was broken. so it was fine. that shuttle was built in 1992.
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how about that? i have a '92 ford ranger that i had to sell because it just wouldn't run anymore and this shuttle's still going. what do you think the pilot had for breakfast this morning? >> wheaties. >> you know -- that would have been good. no, no, no. two eggs over easy, bacon and fruit cup, rwanda coffee black. that's not my breakfast table going up into the shuttle. delivering an alpha magnetic spectrometer two to try to find -- >> do you know what that is? >> it is going to try to find the origin of the universe. looking for the end of the big bang, i guess. every time that thing goes off, i love. it just goes off so fast. >> it's spectacular. >> a night launch is spectacular, too, but they don't so do some now because of how the ice as falling off. >> i hope to get a chance to actually see one. >> i have a 6-year-old who loves watching it on replay. >> maybe we'll all go.
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tell us a little bit about the weather. i know ed lavendera was talking about the situation with the flooding and southern louisiana, some real problems that they're having. >> it happened over the weekend. it happened on saturday. they opened that morganza floodgate, that gate that brought all the water in out of the river and into the gulf of mexico in a shorter distance of time. it flooded 3 million acres of land. still flooding right now. here a your i-report from cajun country. water is going to continue to come up because not even half of the gates are open. they are going to keep the gates open to keep the water level -- level -- in new orleans. that's their glooal right now, keep is at 27 feet. that's at or above flood stage. it is not going to be at the top of the levee because it could have been much, much higher. of course the top of the levee could be a problem. let's go right to the morganza floodway and i will tell what you it means. here's new orleans, here's the mississippi river. what they did over the weekend
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is they opened up the gates at morganza. the gates allow water to come down in a low area, low level. this is the bayou. these are difference and swamps and the bayou. but people do live there. but they knew, these gates haven't been opened since '73. they knew when they built there or moved there that this was a possibility. this is the outlet to save new orleans and save baton rouge and they had to use it. now new orleans actually crested, cresting right now, they're not going to let the water go too far from where it is now. but still cresting for baton rouge and the like. i have one more picture. we talked about how they opened that spillway. bonnet carrey. this water won't fill up lake pontchartrain because they filled up morganza. a lot of water will go down
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there, not pollute lake pontchartrain like it could have. >> thanks, chad. the u.s. is now focusing on mending relations with pakistan. senator john kerry is in the pakistani capital. a live report on his mission up next. what's this option? that's new.
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personal pricing now on brakes. tell us what you want to pay. we do our best to make that work. deal! my money. my choice. my meineke.
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want to bring you some live
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pictures here. the excitement unbelievable at booker t. walk high school in memphis, tennessee. president obama to speak at their commencement. kind of shows up a little bit ahead of time. actually this is tape. they are just rising to their feet. they can't gleev he's there. one girl, can you see there, just tears flowing there. so exciting. this is an incredible class of students. they've won the 2011 president's challenge, the race to the top challenge in terms of their own forms. let's take a listen. >> y'all kind of excited about graduating, huh? well listen. i just had a chance to meet your principal and these two outstanding classmates of yours. and i just want to say how
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inspired we were. we were inspired by the video you sent, we're inspired by the stories you told, we're inspired by how you turned this school around. now obviously a lot of that has to do with your outstanding principal. we are proud of her. 25. she started when she was 7, was a child prodigy. finished high school at 7 years old. obviously it has a lot to do with great teachers. but, this is mainly your day and your success, because a lot of you -- i'm going to talk about this at the commencement -- a lot of you had to struggle to get here. most of you weren't born with a silver spoon in your mouth. but what you've shown is determination.
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what you've shown is character. what you've shown is a willingness to work hard and the ability to steer clear of folks that were trying to send you down the wrong path. and so as a consequence you've now become role-month-olds for all the young people coming up behind you. af become an inspiration to the city and the state of tennessee and the country. so i just want you all to know, you inspire me. that's why i'm here. i could not be prouder of what you do. but i still got some big, big expectations for you with so don't think just because you graduated from high school that that's it. you've got a lot more work to do, because i expect all of you to be leaders in this community, and communities all across the country, and this is just the beginning. this is not the end. all right? so god bless you, guys. i'm so excited to be here.
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>> students are absolutely in tears as they are greeted by president obama there who's going to be giving the commencement speech at about 20 minutes or so. just overwhelmed some of these students as they meet the president. they have accomplished a great deal, their graduation rate going up 30%, percentage points since 2007. these are the winners of the administration's 2011 race to the top challenge. obviously a lot of accomplish students there, very proud moment for many of them, their parents and their teachers. congratulations. senator john kerry is on a mission to mend u.s. relationship with pakistan but don't expect any apologies for the raid that killed osama bin laden. kerry appears to be standing firm as he meets with top
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officials in islamabad. our stan grant is in pakistani capital. stan, tell us what is kerry's main message today? >> suzanne, the main message here is how to get this relationship started again. in his words, how to reset this relationship. the killing of osama bin laden has really exposed some cracks and he came here with some tough words. he said to the pakistani leadership, the president, the prime minister, the heads of the military and the intelligence service that there are those in the united states, in washington, who are asking some very tough questions about this alliance, wondering what pakistan knew about bin laden's presence here in the country. now he said he wants to move beyond that, although he is setting some goals here, some benchmarks. there are some things he says that pakistan needs to do to be able to get this relationship back on the right foot. there, more discussion about this as some officials from the u.s. are coming later this week. there is a planned visit by the
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secretary of state hillary clinton also to try to mend these fences. now there's been a lot of criticism from pakistan to the united states as well. they've been pointing the finger back at the u.s. about the secrecy of the raid on bin laden's compound. they're saying that pakistan did not know about it and that infringed on pakistan's sovereignty and this is what john kerry had to say about that. >> my goal has been to talk with the leaders here about how to manage this critical relationship more effectively, about how to open up the opportunities to put this relationship back on track where isolated episodes, no matter how profound, don't jeopardize the larger relationship and the larger goal. >> reporter: he's not here to apologize at all for that raid. he said it had to be carried out secretly. in fact, he didn't know about it either until after bin laden had been killed. what he's stressing to the
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pakistanis is to focus on the things that you know pakistan and the u.s., the fight against the insurgency, taliban, al qaeda and not their differences. >> the fact that bin laden was hiding in plain sight in pakistan has many here concerned and convinced that pakistani officials were either xlits or or incompetent in this hunt. >> i asked him that, do you trust what they're saying. he said there is no evidence to suggest that the pakistani officials, military intelligence, civilian government, didn't know about bin laden's presence here and he said he wasn't going to speculate. he said he'd rather focus on moving the relationship forward than getting into speculation. then i asked him if this indeed is negligence then on the part of the pakistanis, is he happy with that. again he said this is not something he wants to get into. you see the emphasis here really is not about trying to go it
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alone, the whole ground is about trying to get this relationship going forward. pakistan is very important to the united states. it has its flaws. we know that there are those in the united states who suspect pakistan at playing a double game. but it is so crucial to try to end the war in afghanistan that right now they're prepared to live with some of these differences and try to get the relationship moving again. >> all right, stan grant, thank you very much. a little bit of breaking news here. want to bring you up to speed here. this of course is the case -- the case against the imf chief, dominique strauss-khan. prosecutors are arguing against bail for the head of the imf. these are allegations, rape charges, they're arguing against bail. he is facing sexual assault charges. they are saying that during the arraignment they believe that strauss-khan has engaged in similar acts, at least once, and so they are rejecting the idea -- the notion of bail. the defense attorneys for
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strauss-khan, however, say they will agree to bail of $1 million. that's the latest development out of this case that we are following very closely. we'll have a quick break, get right back to you. [ male announcer ] montgomery and abigail haggins had a tree that bore the most rare and magical fruit, which provided for their every financial need. [ thunder rumbling ] [ thunder crashing ] and then, in one blinding blink of an eye, their tree had given its last. but with their raymond james financial advisor, they had prepared for even the unthinkable.
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the court case over whether or not he will actually have -- be hell on pail or bail or be rele. we know that his attorneys are arguing back and forth on the matter of whether or not this is going to take place. he's the head of the imf. want to also go to another story, breaking news story. this is coming from kevin bond, our cnn senior producer here. this is a statement, donald trump announcement saying, after considerable deliberation reflection, i've decide not to pursue the office of the presidency. this is donald trump's statement from a person in his office saying let me just read a bit of it here. it says after considerable deliberation, reflection, i've decided not pursue the office of the presidency. this decision does not come easily or without regret especially when my potential candidacy continues to be validated by ranking at the top of the republican contenders in polls across the country.
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he says -- goes on to say, i maintain the strong conviction that i if i were to run i would be able to win the primary and ultimately the general election. i have spent the past several months unofficially campaigning and recognize that running for public office cannot be done half-heartedly. ultimately, loufhowever, busines my greatest passion and i am not ready to leave the private sector. he goes on to personally thank -- he says i want to personally thank the millions of americans who have joined the various trump grassroots movements and written me letters and e-mails encouraging me to run. my gratitude for your faith and trust in me could never be expressed properly in words, so i make you this promise -- that i will continue to voice my opinions loudly and help to shape our political thoughts. my ability to bring important economic and foreign policy issues to the forefront of the national dialogue is perhaps my greatest asset and one of the most valuable services i can provide to this country. i will continue to push our president and the country's
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policymaker to address the dire challenges arising from our unsustainable debt structure and increasing lack of global competitiveness. issues including getting tough on china and other countries that are methodically and systematically taking advantage of the united states were seldom mentioned before i brought them to the forefront of the country's conversation. they are now being debated vigorously. i will also continue to push for job creation and initiative that should be this country's top priority and something that i know a lot about. i will not shy away from expr s expressing the opinions that so many of you share, yet don't have a medium through which to articulate. i look forward to supporting the candidate who is the most qualified to help us tackle our country's most important issues and am hopeful that when this person emerges, he or she will have the courage to take on challenges of the office and be the agent of change that this country so desperately needs.
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thank you and good bless america. this statement coming from donald trump. we have seen and heard a lot from donald trump over the last weeks or so, promoting the whole birther controversy around president obama, taking full credit for that after the president released a long-form birth certificate an then, beyond that, we have heard from donald trump talking about policy, very critical of u.s. policy regarding china, the wars and other matters. but this making it very clear now that donald trump who has flirted with the idea of running for president is no longer going to be pursuing that goal. we'll have more after the break. [ male announcer ] in 2011, at&t is at work, building up our wireless network all across america. we're adding new cell sites... increasing network capacity, and investing billions of dollars to improve your wireless network experience. from a single phone call
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we are just getting word we just read a rather lengthy announcement from donald trump now saying that he is not going to be running for president. he had been flirting with the idea and certainly with the media for quite some time, at least quite vigorously over the last couple of weeks about the potential for doing so. but he's releasing a statement saying that he's decided not to pursue this, that his ultimate interest is in business.
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his greatest passion. he says he is not ready to leave the private sector. want to bring in gloria borger. what do you make of this? >> well, in talking to some republicans, i think it really isn't totally unexpected. there was a whole school of thought here that donald trump was doing this to raise his already-high profile, to raise ratings for his television show, "celebrity apprentice" on nbc. we know that they've just renewed that show. and that there were some who were also quite skeptical, suzanne, that when it came time to providing his financial records, releasing all of those, as you have to do when you run for president, that that would be problematic for him because, as you know, as well as i, th e there's an awful lot of scrutiny that goes on when those financial forms are released. so in effect, some republicans say, you know, this was all about raising donald trump's profile, this really wasn't
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about the republican party's profile. >> gloria, i'm curious. i had a chance to interview with trump an we went back and forth over the whole birther issue, the controversy there. he had said, he'll release his financial records when the president releases the long form birth certificate. he kind of trumped him on that one, if you will. but how do you think he changed the debate? did he change debate at all among the republican party or even in the main discussion about moving forward for 2012? >> well, you know, i think he did change the debate. that was kind of the worry within the republican party, was the debate seemed to turn to the issues that were diversionary, if you will, and out of the mainstream, the question of the president's birth certificate. in talking to republicans from other campaigns, an republicans in congress, the worry was that he was making the republican party look out of the mainstream. what he was trying to do was show that he had a ready-made
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base. and he did. the minute you raise that birth serth i certificate issue, there are plenty of people out there who are willing to believe president wasn't born in the united states even when presented with the proof. but the worry among republicans is, look, he was diverting us from the issues we need to be talking about, which is jobs, the economy, gas prices, those are all good issues for republicans, and so they were worried that he had essentially hijacked the conversation away from the more legitimate conversation that could actually help them win the election. >> gloria, do you think there was any concern among republicans that trump might actually do well and if he did well, that that would be a big problem for them? >> sure. sure. i mean i think there was a concern -- look, he's a dynamic guy, he's a well known guy, he was doing well in our polls, which are largely about name identification at this point. so he did have a ready-made base of support, and there is always a worry that he's going to
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take -- in a pretty large field, that he's going to take away support from some candidates who obviously would want it from the tea party, for example. but i think in the end, people i spoke with always believed that while donald trump dipped his toe in the water here, that he would find out that the scrutiny was not the kind of scrutiny that he would really want or enjoy. >> we noticed, too, at the white house correspondents dinner he certainly got a lot of scrutiny from the president as well as the main headline. >> but he was not smiling. he was not smiling. >> did not smile about that. he was not happy about that criticism. we'll have more on this story as well as the imf chief who is facing allegations of sexual assault in his trial, what's happening next. after this quick break. what do you see yourself doing after you do retire? client comes in and they have a box. and inside that box is their financial life.
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this is the trial of imf chief, dominique strauss-khan. both sides now in a manhattan courthouse. the defense saying that they will -- are willing to agree to pay a bail of a million dollars. the prosecution saying, no, that's not going to happen, they don't want that to happen, at heeft, because they say there have been similar incidents of alleged sexual assault or abuse in previous occasions. i want you to take a listen to how both sides are laying out this case for the head of the
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imf. >> -- well known, well respected international person. he is also probably the most easily identified individual in the world today as a result of the publicity that's been generated during the past 72 hours. i also would add for the benefit of the defendant that he denies these charges, that he is presumed innocent of them under the law, something whichdy not hear at all coming from the people's position, and he is presumed innocent, and indeed this is a very defensible case. there are significant issues that we have already found simply with a preliminary investigation, and in our judgment makes it quite likely that he might ultimately be exonerated. >> the strength of the case as it now stands and potential for additional evidence to be generated, the defendant has additional motivation to flee. we also know that the defendant has the personal, political and financial resources to in fact


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