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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  May 15, 2011 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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america. the answer to our question was c, the prediction that a massive earthquake would hit rome on may 11, 2011, is said to have caused an exodus from the italian capital. interestingly, an earthquake did hit spain. be sure you tune in for a special edition of gps. we'll be coming to you from tiananmen square on an update on the arab spring four months after it began. i will see you next week. you're in the cnn newsroom this sunday, may 15. i'm fredricka whitfield. breaking news in south louisiana. mandatory evacuation orders are under way as floodwaters threaten thousands of homes, businesses and farms.
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2,000 people in st. landry parish west of baton rouge have been told to pack up and leave. they have until 6:00 p.m. eastern time. six other parishes in the region are also expected to flood. the evacuations come after the army corps of engineers started opening flood gates on the morganza spillway. more will likely be opened in the days ahead. they're merging spillways away from new orleans and baton rouge, but that puts nearly 4,000 people in the path of that flood. we're joined from st. landry parish where people have gotten the word. they're packing up as fast as they can. ed set up the scene for us. >> reporter: we're in a little stretch of community in a man-made lake called red mile lake, and they've been told they need to evacuate by this
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afternoon, so we've encountered lots of people packing up to leave their homes. authorities have been going door to door with the national guard, local sheriff's deputies, that kind of thing, urging people to pack up. you see moving vans next to homes and trailers, packing up everything they can and getting out of these areas. what's interesting, though, it's not the atchafalaya river that will do it, a lot of this water gets pushed up outside of these levees and that's what will threaten these communities. residents tell us they've been told to expect five to ten feet of water in their homes, and the worst part is they've also been told to plan to be away for a long time, perhaps as long as a month before the water reseeds and they'll be allowed to come back in here and begin assessing
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the damage. so a long road ahead and a long day ahead for these people packing up and heading for higher ground. fredricka? >> so a month is a long time to be away and not know how long it actually has to be depending on the damage incurred. where are the people going? >> reporter: the sense i've gotten from talking to people today, a lot of people have friends and family. it's not like you have to go a whole distance away to get away from it. you may only have to move a mile or so down the roads. if they've got moving vans and trailers, they're leaning on a family and friends just to be able to park the karat their home and move in with them temporarily. so you get a sense that people are leaning on the people they know best to get through this. >> ed lavandera, thank you so
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much for that. other parishes gearing up for this onslaught as well. >> we're talking about another couple days before it makes it to the gulf of mexico, so the big goal at this point is just to maintain. we've got four of those floodgates which are open at this time, and they're expecting they could be opening as many as 30 or so, and the whole idea is to keep the balance of that flow where it is so it doesn't cause any additional pressure or any additional strain on this levee system. so those things still have to work and they still have to hold for weeks ahead. let's talk about where that progression is here of that spillway. today it should be heading down towards i-10. it should be reaching this level sometime into the afternoon hours, and then we're expecting it to make its way by tomorrow somewhere near the baldwin area year grand lake. and then as we head into tuesday, that's the time when it's going to start to be approaching the area of morgan city, and we've been talking about some questionable numbers of how high the water could go
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here, maybe as much as five feet, maybe more than that. we'll have to watch and see as they continue to open up more gates in the future. so let's talk about the river itself and what we're expecting here in terms of cresting yet, and where is that crest? we're still talking until thursday potentially until this thing moves towards vicksburg and then we're talking about cresting maybe the 20th or 23rd. when we're talking about new orleans, for example, fredricka, it's cresting there now. we were talking about the 23rd before that was going to happen. the reason that is is because they're controlling the flow of the water, and basically it's going to be cresting until maybe the 23rd, before the whole river begins to move on down. so it's a very delicate balance. >> that was what was anticipated and that was what the hope was? >> it's doing exactly what it was designed to do right now, exactly. so as long as those levees hold all the way through, nothing worse is going to happen in baton rouge and new orleans as long as they continue to monitor
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that flow. it has to do with the amount of water they need to push through the spillway in order to keep that water at the level it is through the mississippi river. >> we'll check back with you throughout this hour and this afternoon. thank you so much. another top story we continue to follow, this, the head of the international monetary fund being accused of attempted rape. police say dominic strass-kahn allegedly tried to attack a housekeeper. we're standing live in front of the courthouse in new york where strauss-kahn is expected to enter a plea, susan. what else can you tell us about this extraordinary case? >> reporter: well, the plea is expected to be not guilty. you know, fred, it was just over 24 hours agatha this alleged violent sexual assault occurred, and it's been a very long day and night for the alleged victim in this case, and certainly the
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same can be said for the defendant who is being charged, the head of the international monetary fund, dominic strauss-kahn. he is expected in court at some point today but we don't know when. we think it's this afternoon but it might even happen tonight, from what we understand, according to officials. his appearance is expected to be brief. he has already been charged but he will adhere to the charges read against him by the judge who is in court, and then he will be asked to enter a plea. his lawyer tells us he will plead not guilty and it is likely that he will ask for bail. we don't know what, of course, will happen as of yet. other than that, his defense attorney is not saying much about what's happening with this case, and in fact, the defendant has not yet been brought to the courthouse. he is being charged with criminal sexual act, attempted rape and unlawful imprisonment. here is what the alleged victim, a chambermaid, said to police about what happened.
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she went into this luxury suite. this is a $3,000-a-night room. she went into it yesterday, thinking it was empty in order for her to clean it, when she said she was assaulted by mr. strauss-kahn. she says he was naked, dragged her into a bedroom and then a bathroom, tried to force himself on her sexually and she was able to finally get away and call the hotel. she called police, but by the time authorities got there, mr. strauss-kahn had already left the hotel, and police are examining all kinds of videos and cameras around that hotel to try to establish him leaving the hotel and the premises. police caught up with him when he was on a plane, and just before they closed the doors on the plane, authorities were able to bring him off the plane. he did not offer resistance, we are told, and they brought him in for hours and hours of questioning. from what we understand, he didn't cooperate, but finally,
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at about 2:00 this morning, he was formally charged. now we wait to see what will happen next for this very prominent man. he will have legal repercussions as well as political ones given his position. fred? >> so susan, he's married to a french journalist, they live in washington, d.c. what's the explanation for why he was on a plane going to france? >> reporter: you know, the international monetary fund has issued a statement but isn't saying much about whether he was in new york for business or on personal time and where he was headed. however, it does appear, according to the latest information we have, that there are business meetings that are being held in brussels probably monday, and so it is likely that someone else will step in for mr. kahn at that time. but we don't know precisely what his plans were when he was getting on that flight for paris. >> all right, susan candiotti,
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thank you so much from new york. we'll get more details from you as they become available throughout the day. in the meantime, just moments ago cnn learned that the board will hold an informal session later today. there they will be briefed on the strauss-kahn arrest and how to move forward. dominic strauss-kahn's arrest comes at a time when he was thought to be leading the presidential candidates in the election. >> it's difficult to overstate exactly what a bombshell the arrest of dominic strauss-kahn has been. as a director of the international monetary fund, he had dealings with heads of state. he had a meeting this afternoon, for example, programmed with germany this coming week about the financial crisis up in brussels, and he was going to be at the table at the g-8 summit end of may. it is a huge story, but also domestically here in france, it is a huge story.
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strauss-kahn was the leading candidate for president. he out-polled all leading candidates, including current president nicolas sarkozy. and for people here, this was huge. >> i think it would be outstanding, amazing. i would even use the word thunderstorm. i would say if strauss-kahn is out of the political process for the presidential elections, definitely we will be starting a political tsunami. >> reporter: many leading politicians here did not want to talk about the strauss-kahn case until more is known about it, but one did, the leader of the far right party. she said she wasn't particularly surprised because rumors have circulated for years about strauss-kahn's sexual indiscretions, especially after a 2008 rape case after he was charged by one of his subordinates of the international monetary fund. he was later cleared of the
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charges but he had to apologize to the furnd, and it, in fact, said he showed very bad judgment. when we talked to people on the street, they were in no hurry to pass judgment. >> even if he is proved innocent, it will definitely leave a mark in the years to come and it will be a decideer. yes, i think it's all over for him. >> i think he is innocent until proven guilty. indeed, many people have a certain history. dominic strauss-kahn is a french citizen who must be judged like the others, so we hastily await the outcome. >> first of all, it's a question of credibility. the fact that he fled speaks for itself. it's not the situation itself. the situation is dealt with. a crisis situation should be managed and a man who is supposed to have strong shoulders to manage a government must be able to face this situation, not run away. it's obvious. >> and the well-known
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anchorwoman wife of dominic strauss-kahn is telling people she doesn't believe for one second the charges leveled against her husband. irrespective of whether those charges are ultimately prove be to be true or false, a great deal of damage has already been done to one of the world's highest flying political personalities. >> dominic strauss-kahn won't be heading up the imf while he's facing these sexual charges. john lipsky will be stepping in as managing director. here's a quick look at what the ims does. the fund is like the world savings and loan. it has around $650 billion to lend to 200 member countries. the u.s. contributes $7 billion to that fund. an arrest warrant could be issued to muammar gadhafi for crimes against humanity. a source close to the court tells cnn to expect a formal
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charge tomorrow. sony plans to start a gradual restoration of its playstation services today. this is after a security breach knocked it off line april 20. that breach exposed certain details of 7 million playstation users. the space shuttle "endeavour" is expected to launch tomorrow. the shuttle's commander is mark kelly. his wife, recovering arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords, is back to watch that launch tomorrow. they are to deliver supplies to the international space station. i sat down with major baseball commissioner bud sealig, and he talks about all three topics, next. aking.
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for long lasting protection try cortaid. this week in atlanta, major league baseball is honoring past legends and looking to the future. among those reflecting, baseball commissioner bud sealig. i talked exclusively to sealig about a number of issues, including performance-enhancing drugs in baseball. >> cleaner now than ever, you're saying? >> we banned am fphetamines, whh were a problem for a long time. we're giving blood tests in the minor leagues, so sim proud of where we are. we always have to be on the
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lookout, chemists are always trying to develop things, but this is the first time baseball ever had a drug testing program. we went through the cocaine era in the '80s, there was never any testing done. now there's very stringent testing and i'm very proud of the progress we've made. >> how will that impact the eligibility of players in the hall of fame. when you hear names like sammy sosa, joe mcguire, and at the same time the cloud of drugs are there. >> that's going to be up to the baseball association of america. they're going to have to make that judgment in the years to come. >> will it be your judgment that weighs -- >> no, that's strictly up to the baseball association of america. they'll have to make their own individual judgments on players, as they do now. >> so when it comes to a pete rose, your opinion of a pete rose weighs very heavily on whether he should be in the hall of fame? >> that was different. he broke an existing rule of 70
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years. my office was created by the black sox scandal, and that's still under review. >> so you might change your mind on that? >> i didn't say i would change my mind, but it is under review, and i understand the pros and cons of the rose situation. >> did you ever think you would see rose inspect the hall of fame? >> not a judgment i'd like to make, no. >> i asked him what he thinks about the number of african-americans in baseball on the field and in the front offices. school officials lying about students' standardized test scores? those in the know say it is happening a lot. watch the documentary "don't fail me education in america" tonight. no english.
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are your children learning enough in their science and math classes? you may not be able to answer that question because state and federal education officials say some public schools lie to parents about children's profficiency. cnn's soledad o'brien reports. >> were you lying to parents about -- >> absolutely. >> out right lying to parents? >> in sixth grade math, we were telling 84% of children they were proficient when they took the test. >> what was the real number? >> 22. >> 22% instead of 84?
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>> instead of 84. you may feel good for a minute if you think that, but you're not doing these kids a favor by lying to them like that. >> reporter: high scores on easy state tests made tennessee seem like an education powerhouse. the truth? tennessee was one of the lowest performing states in the country. >> today begins a new era, a new time, in public education in our country. >> reporter: in 2001, the passage of no child left behind tied student test scores to federal education dollars. president bush's no child left behind law, the states have to report their standardized test scores, but they're making their own tests. you're going to need to report your own numbers, but guess what, you get to design your own test. >> i think that pushed the states in the direction of, we don't want to lose federal funding, we don't want to be held up as bad school systems,
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so let's make it work. >> and make it work means they dumbed down the tests. >> exactly. >> he said, we lied to parents in the state of tennessee. how many other states are lying? >> in many, many states around the country, we have been lying to students, lying to families. >> what's many? more than half? >> yes, probably more than half. absolutely. >> reporter: tune in tonight for don't fail me education in america. it starts at 8:00 eastern. sex crime charges aimed at a major figure on the world economic stage. full details on the attempted rape allegations, his arrest and whether he can claim diplomatic immunity. all of that next.
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floodwaters rushing out of the morganza spillway are already having an impact in louisiana. some 2,000 residents in st. landry parish are being told to evacuate today. the parish is west of baton rouge and people have been preparing for these evacuation orders. >> for four days in and out, you have people coming to the camp, getting everything they own, because they probably won't have a camp. >> we love the river, the river has always been a part of our lives, and if the river strodess property, then that's what has to be. >> two more gates open on the
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spillway, so floodwaters are spilling through four gates on the morganza spillway. ie evacuations are also under way on the north border in canada, flooding near manitoba. a dike was diverged. tyler macintosh explains. >> reporter: this is where the water needs to go. it can't handle the amount going through, so now the lake is backing up like a bathtub. they have evacuated nearly 4,000 people from their homes. at the rate the water is rising, he sdendoesn't think his house survive. >> it's probably molded underneath because the water just erodes it. >> they're expecting at least another half litre of water
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here. it's rapidly cutting off access to people's homes. all of that isn't the lake, it's farmland. these are some areas of manitob farmland. probably 10,000 head of cattle need to be moved. >> if we can't get the cattle off of here, we talked about euthanizing part of the herd. >> reporter: people here feel forgotten and they're frustrated. chief garnet said they never told them. he said it's as critical as in the south. >> we see it on tv what's happening over there, every step they take. what about this area? >> reporter: if it wasn't for flood control, he's confident he wouldn't be leaving. >> they cause so much damage.
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what can you say? >> reporter: at current flow rates, it could be months before all that water recedes. >> wow, incredible flooding all throughout north america. big winter has a lot to do with it, all that snowfall in canada and the northern united states also. it's hard to believe they did the same thing that we did here, and that was just yesterday. so our neighbors to the north are suffering just as much as the united states. 3,000 homes have been covered in water in that area. many people have been forced to evacuate. to put it in perspective for you, here you can see the u.s. border, north dakota, here's lake winnipeg. we'll show you that lake they're talking about, the cinnabon -- i hope i pronounced that correctly. the river will form these little oxbows where they'll cut themselves off and then they'll flow into this other area in the
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hopes of reducing further flooding and reducing that water down the line. you mentioned the snowpack they had. look at the satellite image from nasa. this is what it looked like all winter long, so all the blue you're seeing in that area, that's all snow cover, so now take a look at what it is now after all of this is melted. you can see this pooling of water all over the place, so still very, very saturated. we've got some other flooding concerns that i just want to give some folks into the mid-atlantic and the northeast some heads up on. we've got an area of low pressure getting cut off from the main low here, and we're expecting some very heavy rain in the next couple days. take a look at the forecast in the next five days. we're talking as much as two to four inches in some areas. in addition to that, we're going to have what we call coastal flooding, and that's when the winds combine with high tide to bring that water into places like the potomac and coastal areas and bring standing water in there. this is going to be a big focus in the coming days ahead, as
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well as what's happening on the mississippi river. >> jackie, appreciate that. it is a major shock wave racing through the world's economic community. the head of the international monetary fund is in new york city police custody charged with attempted rape. authorities pulled dominique strauss-kahn after a hotel employee reported that strauss-kahn attacked her in his manhattan suite. strauss-kahn not only leads the ims, the international monetary fund, but he is considered a strong candidate in france's next presidential election. jeffrey tube in is with me by phone. jeffrey, give me an idea what the road ahead is here now. we already understand he has pled not guilty, but since he was on a paris-bound flight, surely he might be a flight risk, so are we talking about no bond or bail possibilities for
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him? >> reporter: he is in a world of trouble. the issue of bail is one that will come up first, but certainly the lodnger term and greater problem is if he is convicted of sexual assault, which is a very serious crime in new york state as it is everywhere, he could be looking at multiple years in prison. obviously we have to learn what the facts are and they ultimately have to be presented to a court. but given these circumstances, he is looking at a lot of legal trouble for the foreseeable future. >> because of his position with the international monetary fund, would there be diplomatic immunity that he would be able to lean on? >> reporter: let me answer that in two ways. first, it appears that someone who is with the imf does not enjoy diplomatic immunity. second, even if he did have diplomatic immunity, there are many exceptions to diplomatic immunity, and a crime of violence, like sexual assault,
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is almost certainly one that would not be covered by diplomatic immunity. so as this case progresses, i assume this issue will be aired out in the courts, but it is unlikely it would be of much help to him in the long term. >> now, will there be both domestic -- i guess will he have to straddle both the domestic judicial system as well as an international one because of his position, even though this allegedly took place in new york, in the united states of america? >> >> reporter: no, not at all. this is not an international matter at all. new york, being the cosmopolitan center that it is, has non-citizens arrested all the time, and they are entitled to have contact with the embassies of their host nation. and certainly french consular officials are -- will have the right to go see him and make sure he has a lawyer, and i understand he's hired benjamin
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braufman who is one of the finest lawyers in new york city. so other than having access to people in his embassy, he is just going to be treated, as i understand it, like any other criminal defendant who is facing various serious charges. >> does it strike you that so quickly after the allegations, they managed to locate him on a plane, and just before the doors were to close, actually apprehend him? >> well, it is a bizarre story at every level, and the fact that they pulled him off a plane is, of course, another peculiar aspect, but the nypd is a famously good police force, and i'm not surprised that they got their man. and we'll see how the legal system treats him now. >> all right, jeffrey tubin and analyst for cnn. thank you so much for that. other news we're following today. eyes rail bor-- israel borders.
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every year they protest the creation of israel. senator john kerry, in the meantime, is in afghanistan. he says there is evidence that the pakistani government knows about insurgent activity on both sides of the border. he also says the death of osama bin laden oepens up, quote, a nw phase of operations in the region. and mubarak is expected to have open heart surgery today. she reportedly suffered a heart attack two days ago while being questioned about her husband's charges. it is graduation season, so what do you buy the grad who has just about everything? some suggestions next. we're adding new cell sites... increasing network capacity, and investing billions of dollars to improve your wireless network experience. from a single phone call
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to the most advanced data download, we're covering more people in more places than ever before in an effort to give you the best network possible. at&t. rethink possible. personal pricing now on brakes. tell us what you want to pay. we do our best to make that work. deal! my money. my choice. my meineke.
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all right, so it's graduation season, and while many college and high school seniors seem to have it all, our gadgets expert mike saltsman has a few more ideas for you, and they're all tech items like ipads and blackberries. we're going to start with alarm clocks. who uses an alarm clock anymore? everybody is using their i phones to wake them up. >> this is a docking station for
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your iphone or ipad touch which turns it into a power speaker and you can wake up to your favorite song. this is a bedside companion, if you will. what's neat about this one is that when you dock in the iphone or ipod touch in the middle and you want to watch videos, well, watch this. you just press a button on the wireless remote or on the clock dock itself, and it spins it around. look at that. >> cool. >> and there's a video clip of us chatting. >> i recognize that person. well, that is neat. >> $99, and it charges up your favorite gadget, too. >> that's good. early in the morning you do need bigger letters to figure out what time it is. that is very handy. then there's this jam box. it sounds to me like an earlier version of the boom box. that to me i thought was obsolete. school me. >> look at this. it's about the size of a stick of butter, but it can blare
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about 85 decibels wirelessly. it could be a tablet or a smart phone like this blackberry. it wirelessly connects whatever is nearby and it's a portable-conscious speaker, if you will. 40 colors and styles to choose from. it's hard to get an idea of the texture on it, but it's really funky. >> mesh-like. >> if you're wirelessly attaching it to a phone or wallet, it lets you talk through this speaker. >> this is insane. >> it's called the jambox. i'm sorry, i wanted to see from jawbone, those folks who make the trendy, bluetooth headsets. >> and kindle. everybody loves their kindle. you have something special about this kindle. >> this is a new one, a great
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one for grads. this is a discounted or subsidized kindle that gives you the same functionality of the $140 one, but it's 114 because there are a few ads you'll see. one is in the screen savor mode or along with showing artwork and famous quotes and all that, you'll see some ads. then there is a little banner as well on the bottom of the screen. but for 114, it's a great deal. you know the drill, you can store up to 3500 songs on here. it also has digital newspapers and magazines as well. a great gift idea for a grad who loves to read. >> my head is about to explode. all this stuff is really cool. i want it all and i haven't even graduated. the next is your favorite. tell us about this. >> i have to pick it up here.
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it is designed for the ipad or ipad2. this is a retro dpaming cabinet. then you're i-pad has the classic aatari app. this is a 1980s joystick and eight different buttons. so this is a great gift, i think, for any gamer on your gift list -- >> of any age. >> you do need a tablet. you need the ipad or ipad 2 and like what i showed you earlier, it uses bluetooth technology. then you play your games like that. i hope my son isn't watching. he's not graduating from anything yet, but he's going to want that. >> and people will think this is
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a blast as well. >> thanks so much for the kid in all of us. for more information on high-tech ideas and reviews, just go to our web site. john edwards may have to testify again. our legal guys weigh in, next. to a doctor, it's groundbreaking. to a ceo, it's powerful. to a teacher, it's the future. if you ask a child, she might call it magic. and if you asked us, we'd say it's just getting started.
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john edwards is back on the hot seat forced by a judge to go under oath again and answer more personal questions about his one-time mistress. it's part of a civil case and our legal guys tackled it this weekend. >> he goes to his first deposition, john edwards, and he refuses to answer like three-quarters of the questions they had. so now objections are made to the court, so the judge says, i'm going to sit and listen. ask him questions and i'll make rulings on each one you object to right there. that doesn't happen in real life, fred. trust me, it doesn't happen like that. >> sometimes it does. sometimes it does. >> but the judge has released certain documents to the press, he's waiting until after this edwards deposition. i think he's going to release everything that should be out there, but edwards is stupid because he's under criminal investigation and he's waiving his first amendment rights here.
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i can't believe he's giving a deposition. >> you can refuse to give a deposition? >> of course he can refuse. this is a civil matter. a civil matter. hold on. after the deposition starts in this civil matter, because there is a federal grand jury and some of the things that he's being asked will be incriminating, he's clearly going to be interposing his constitutional rights, he's clearly not going to answer certain questions. so the bottom line on whether or not ms. rael hunter was actually his photographer for the purpose of federal campaign funds will probably not be answered. yeah, she took pictures, all right, but not for the purposes of a federal campaign fund. >> also at issue is this infamous videotape, the one that the friend andy young found, and
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now she's saying, that's my issue now as well as ownership of this tape. where is that going? or does it continue going nowhere? >> no, no, no. if you put something in the garbage, fredricka, do you consider that gone or do you believe you have the right to privacy? >> oh, boy. >> that's the issue here. i believe andy young made -- he if i should arou fished around in the garbage, but he may prevail in keeping that tape. >> time now for cnn's politics and updates. we're keeping an eye on the latest headlines at the desk. here's what's happening right now. mike huckabee has decided not to seek the 2012 presidential election. the 2008 presidential candidate made the announcement last night. in chicago tomorrow, a big changing of the guard at city hall. richard hall's 20-year stint as
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mayor comes to an end. former white house thief of staff rob emanuel will be sworn in. speaking of chicago, president barack obama and a reporter are waging a bet on the conference finals. the reporter has promised the president a box of cigars if they win, and president obama will pay him if the heat wins. you know exactly where to go.
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baseball's fifth annual civil rights game is under way, the braves versus the phillies. commissioner bud sealig says it's the perfect setting given atlanta's role in the civil rights movement. are they keeping pace? here's my exclusive interview. >> you are celebrating the civil rights of baseball, and as it pertains to baseball, noticeably the number of african-american players is very low.
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same goes for the number of black managers and ownership among blacks. how important is it to you to change that part of history? >> first of all, we have seven or eight minority managers now, which is -- we got up to ten. but in that area we're doing all right. we're doing great in front offices. in fact, richard lapcheck gave us a grade of a this year on all that. we were a little deficient in terms of hiring of women. as for the african-american players, we're working on that. we have -- we're building academies all over america. we built an academy in compton, california, we have one in houston, we're going to build one in miami, we're going to build one in philadelphia, so we're really working. i think you'll see that there will be great progress in coming years. you know, you just don't solve that problem overnight. >> what is at the root of the
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deficiency, in your view? >> if you'll remember, i always said the most powerful and greatest moment in history was jackie robinson coming to the big leagues. it produced great players like henry aaron and willie mays and bob gibson, ernie banks. tremendous. somehow in the '60s and into the '70s, we lost that. i don't know why. nobody seems to know why. but we're going to get it back and we're really working hard. the inner city's rbi program was 150 million kids playing baseball. in the front office, we have three or four general managers, but we have scouting directors, so i think in the next four or five, six years, we'll have lots of improvement. >> in a couple of hours, the commissioner will answer a
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question some of you had about instant replay in games. also at 4:00 eastern time, i will tell you how to hit home runs in your career. it all starts with networking. i'm fredricka whitfield. see you an hour from now. to a ceo, it's powerful. to a teacher, it's the future. if you ask a child, she might call it magic. and if you asked us, we'd say it's just getting started. years ago, my mother taught me. and over the years, i've taught my family. we've created so much here together. so when my doctor said that over those years my high cholesterol was contributing to plaque buildup in my arteries, i listened. and that's why i'm fighting my cholesterol with crestor.
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these are the top stories we're following. the head of the international monetary fund is charged in new york with attempted rape. police say 72-year-old dominique
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strauss-kahn tried to attack a housekeeper in his hotel. he is also accused of unlawful imprisonment. he will be charged following a court hearing today. the massachusetts democrat insists that the pakistani government knows that insurgents are crossing the border between the two countries. he also says the death of osama bin laden opens up a, quote, new phase of the u.s. operations in the region. and the first mandatory evacuation orders are in place in louisiana as the mississippi river's floodwaters surge through a morganza spillway. 2,000 people west of baton rouge are being told to pack it up and get out. right now four flood gates on the more began z-- morganza


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