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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  April 29, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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reload. >> guy? >> i know there are sixer fans out there that watch "fast money," i mean -- >> are there? >> that's too bad. >> i don't know. a lot of knick fans in philly. >> there were. >> courtney was talking a lot of smack before. ali ban ba. >> thank you for watching "fast money." watching "fast money." "mad money with jim cramer" starts now. >> my mission is simple. to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. my job is not just to entertain, but to teach you. apple and tesla led the market today. nasdaq climbing .5%.
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the averages were almost a side show compared to these two. both instructive about what can make a stock go high ner this market. you wouldn't expect the market to be this benign. the biggest earnings week of the year. worse than the fed meeting, the how did apple stock rally? tesla stock, 15%. what happened? i've been saying tesla stock keep going down and musk pulled a rabbit out of the hat. he bagged a terrific one this weekend. when he got permission to sell a subscription based full self-driving for the tesla giant, which gives him a whole new revenue stream. a big one. that can go a long way to restore price momentum after vicious price cutting in china. just as important as how musk got it. he made a surprise trip to china
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and nailed down a deal. this is unbelievable. also perfect example of a ceo redefining narrative had so much going on he hadn't been paying attention to tesla. he got on a plane and made a deal. i can't think of anything similar in the annals of american business maybe than arm and hammer. at the time, there were u.s. troops in russia fighting against the communists. of course, i don't put xi in the same category, but hammer is the only other executive i can remember who could make a surprise trip to a hostile country and come back with a deal. competition remains stiff but no one else can pull this off. it's why shareholder love the
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guy, making fools of last week's downgraders. >> boo! >> it's almost as if musk had leverage over the reveem. he maybe does. maybe they're just as dazzled by him. made people a lot of money. will tesla's move have staying power? plenty of people shorted the stock. the stock can keep running until the shorts are all crushed. different story, apple. i'm not a fan of today's rally. today, famous analyst upgraded apple to a buy with a piece called buy the fear upgrading from down perform. secondly believes that the expectations have gotten so low that it can work. on top of that, he points out, quote, apple's entering a strong trading period. the stock is outperforming the
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iphone launch in 15 of the last 17 years by an average of 1,280 basis points. secondly, he believes that because the stock is less expensive, you should buy. he's urging investors to be bike buffett who's meeting is coming up saturday. as tony says quote, warren buffett has been remarkably disciplined about adding to his apple position when it's relatively cheap. end quote. even as this quarter will be weak, tony believes apple can sustain 4 to 5% revenue growth. that could translate to 8 to 10%. everyone who watches knows one thing. i believe in owning not trading apple. it's been my view for 20 years now. but tony's an apple skeptic. in 2018, he downgraded the stock because he thought apple's growth would slow dramatically.
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from 195 to 170. i know. you might think that's not that bad given that apple's now $173, but there's just one problem. since tony's 2018 downgrade, the stocks had a 4 for 1 split. if you adjust the split, tony downgraded apple. now, anyone can spook any analyst. people do all the taime. nobody even comes close including tony. he's a very smart guy. the bigger issue is that i think of him as the leader of the apple's best days are behind. the one that has the critical questions, negative questions. to keep you out of the stock, but is really a de facto source. i think he's playing this, playing negativity is brilliant. never really attacking. never blasting apple yet being
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effective at making you dislike the shares. 'veen worse, he's a great analyst. he may be the best there is in that department. the goat of estimates. if we were talking about any other stock, when it comes to picking apple's stock price and where it's going, his direction work suboptimal. and for shareholders, the direction of the stock is more important than the earnings. of course that might have said in a moment were firing a moment in the old days, quote, the direction is all that matters. and now here's what i am most worried about. it's natural to be a little superstitious. downgraded apple and missed the move from 140 to 175. i actually don't care what his numbers are. i don't care about his revenues or service projectors. when he finally climbs on the band wagon, it feels a bit suspect. if someone who got the price wrong for six years and now is
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all over it, makes me think there's a jinx. i want you to own apple. i'm with him that you should buy the stock. i just think you need to wait it out because now you got what could be a bad quarter. that's not what i want for someone who owns a charitable trust. today, tesla's rally is transformational news. but apple rallied so historically does not have a great understanding of this stock. that's a much less inspiring kind of rally. carrie. >> hey, boo-yah, jim cramer. >> boo-yah. >> thank you for all you do. >> thank you. i'm just wondering what the take is on morgan stanley. >> we own it for the trust. i wish it had been up more. alma mater is doing better. i like the last quarter but the stock seemed to stall out again.
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it's very, very inexpensive so i'm not going to trade it. i just wish i had bought goldman. jeremy in california. >> boo-yah. >> what's going on? >> i was in the "mad money" group chat which is just a text thread you've inspired us to put all thingsstocks on. we're leaning towards -- over yelp and given the dominance in search, do you think it has a realistic chance of competing with google in the long run? >> you know, it can. it has niche and it's been around forever. it's down 13% and i don't think, it's hard for me to say no, don't own it. might just say i'm going to sell. i'm just going to say i don't really like it. let's go to keith in my home state of pennsylvania. keith. >> hey, mr. cramer. how you doing?
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z >> well. how about you? >> wonderful. >> i want to say thank you to you and your team, you guys and your advice have helped us pay off the mortgage on our house and we love you guys for it because we listen to your advice and really take it to heart. so i have a stock i'd like to talk to you about. >> sure, thank you. sure. how can i help? >> so, i have a question on shopify. i just, it's been really lagging since march and i just want to know going into earnings, is it low or what your opinion is. >> it's down 7% for the year. i would buy a little, before after may 8th. i think it's doing incredibly well. it's had a big run. i think it can continuene. tesla transformation and upgrade from an analyst who has not nailed the stock before.
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that kind of rally is unfortunately not very inspiring. as i said last week, rolling al along, we're starting to see some chutes. where should you go to get a broader read on the economy? look no further than the rails. and the country as a whole. then in a market like this, i'm always trying to find some under the radar stories that could be a winner. tonight, i am unveiling an industrial con gglomerate that really like. so in the drugs are hammered for the company. i'm getting the latest from the ceos so stay with cramer.
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now that this busiest week of earnings season upon us, we're seeing brown chutes all over the place so what do we do with the railroads? we know truckers from here but could the rails be different this is an important part of our economy. norfolk southern, union pacific. kansas city. remember, that's the combination, and csx we'll start with norfolk southern at the end of january, we told you about the company but the stock might be ready to bottom because it got hit on a disappointing quarter.
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i also said it might be a good place for an activist to target. later that same night, "the wall street journal" reported that in cora holdings had taken a stake and planned to launch and put his own site of directors on the board. something every major player in the industry has gotten. we saw from union pacific. norfolk southern doesn't want to go there norfolk southern announced and last weekend expectations. when you look under the hood, the numbers aren't good. total revenue is down 4% 10% decline in hold. plus we're elevated over the margin i like the ceo who was on earlier this evening but i think both sides have compelling arguments in this fight. just this morning, the influential proxy adviser board
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of nominees. i prefer a railroad which cuttings against norfolk southern but they have their reasons and i am not a railroad man. however, i am someone who knows what drives up earnings in stocks next up, back in january, i told you union pacific was my favorite in this group almost 5%. the new ceo is clearly doing a good job he's a precision railroad guy. industrial revenue's up 4% growth rate down 4%. however, union pacific did a much better job of holding down costs and when expected which allowed them to deliver a sizable earnings beat. while the company vaulted numbers, they said their profitability was gaining momentum ooerchl as some areas are soft in coal again. imagine also promised to -- but
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that thing, although the stock popped last thursday, it's still down slightly year the date. trades at just over 21 times earnings i think it could expand. it's my favorite in the group still. how about my second favorite in january, i said it was canadian pacific now they've now got a great business bringing cargoes from mexico autos in particular. unfortunately, these guys reported last wednesday they didn't like it the stock tumbled more than 6% i thought the numbers were decent down 3% year-over-year on a pricing increase 5%. interestingly, canadian pacific had some of the best intermodal numbers out there driven by port of vancouver and cardinis, which is the largest port in mexico. again, that's why i like this so much meanwhile on the front, canadian
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pacific's numbers were basically in line. they've made huge progress in mexico remember, that's my big focus. 22% decreased by 15% most importantly, canadian's four year outlook for double digit earnings growth. while the market didn't like this, i think it was the victim of high expectations its shares were up 11% the selloff, stocks with the best performing railroad in 2024, i think canadian pacific had a viable pullback. finally, csx i know it's the worst performing major railroad, while it's a better operative than norfolk southern, it doesn't say that much there's no campaign to turn things around. when csx reported on april 17th, the numbers were uninspiring they had a decline in revenue, but is the opposite of the rest
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of the industry. high single digits very strong. trucking and others were down. while the earnings per share came in better than expected, csx reiterates its full year forecast because the first quarter results weren't so high. over all, fine i can't give you a reason to own this finally, let's not forget about the subsidiary of berkshire hathaway way we don't have the numbers yet as berkshire doesn't report until this weekend but we have the full year results from 2023 and they were not good they were actually not good at all. declines across the board, 8% decline. most important part. plus, they're going in the wrong direction, too i can't believe warren buffett will tolerate that kind of performance. we'll find out when becky quick travels to omaha boots on the ground then for saturday's meeting
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this is the company i'm most interested to hear buffett talk about. i think losing market share to canadian pacific so things have gotten not only worse for the railroads since the last time we checked in on them, three months ago that's the brown chutes talking. still, doesn't mean the stocks can't work that would make it a great self-help story if the activists win. but apart from the situation, my views on this group haven't changed. followed by canadian, kansas city csx in third the more likely it is the fed will cut rates then the railroads get that boost that we all want them to have. "mad money's" back after the break. >> coming up, a deep dive into an industrial on the move. all you need to know about this stock to watch next
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and the same fears just like yourself. i'm so sure that travel is good for the world. it's really the best to engage with the locals and the destination. and i think travel helps broaden the human mind and makes us kinder. and that's fantastically valuable.
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your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit last week, the stock of dover came out of nowhere for a spectacular quarter. this is a company i used to follow really closely back in the day. it was a industrial conglomerate, textbook metal bender especially in elevators they've embraced clean energy and products for the data
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center, aerospace, even bio. it's a smokestack and people got to finally start realizing this because that's one of the reasons why the stock has rallied 41% from its lows last october and i don't think it's done for most of 2022 and 2023, it's coming right back. how did dover get it back in after a string of disappointing quarters, a solid set of results in february. while dover missed expectations for growth by more than three percentage points, they had a meaningful earnings beat although the forecast seemed lackluster earnings guidance worse than expected you would think this was dispairing they were come off a streak of -- took the numbers in stride investors focused on the fact that dover's, there's an issue, mortars are turn positive.
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for the first time since the fourth quarter of 2021 that was enough for people to overlook the mixed results in the forecast when the orders start turning around, generally everything else follows that's what you want which brings me to last thursday when dover reported its first quarter and this time, there was nothing mixed about the results. first, the hero of the previous quarter accelerated again. up to 8.5% that's tech. that's how good that is. while organic revenue growth can be negative. much better than the down 3.6% wall street is looking for and total revenue up 1%. first positive revenue growth in ages on top of that, they posted an earnings beat. even though management wouldn't reiterate the full year forecast, they raised the earnings outlook by five cents which is better than nothing long story short, the numbers are headed in the right direction. we are particularly pleased with the growth of organic platforms
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which validate the aggressive working capital posture, end quote. he said order momentum in the quarter was strong and broad-based. on our shorter cycle in markets building off the prior year, exit rate, and bolsters confidence in the full year outlook. to really slow growth in several key markets. when dan turned at 14th, it felt like that. it felt like timo. so what's really happened? what really matters is how it happened how did they start putting up such strong numbers. i love this. in large part, i think it's because dover has transformed itself after ignoring this one for a few years, the company has built up the biggest of our era. the category seeing the most momentum, it's a list of so many of the things i try to get in front of you
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dover's got strength in u.s. carbon dioxide systems they had a big boost in regulators with driving a transition toward natural refrigerants and great momentum in heat exchange wait a second. incredibly popular in data centers which can't operate in peak performance unless they get rid of the heat from the service. they're doing terrific in thermal protectors in bio pharma, which we've seen from the other life science companies. the best part, these are all high margin areas. not the low margins of old when you look at the five big reporting segments, only technology came up short how long is that going to stay bad in and products, the largest segment had 9.2% organic growth. on the -- volumes and waste and aerospace growth that result off bookings growth in the booking services carrier's up again today listen to these guys they had 4.5% organic growth in
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this area. when you run a dead end down here, the strength was driven by a quote, robust volumes and precision components and polymer processing, end quote. this pumps and process solutions business is also the one that's benefitting from the life sciences industry. now when dover's at it's best it's pretty active about managing its portfolio while in the position to expand in more attractive areas while dover never really abandoned the efforts, they de-emphasized in 2023. but dover's back in the swing of portfolio. that's one of their engineered products businesses that sells industrial automation components then dover turned around and an acquisition for its clean energy what did i tell you? by the way, can only be viewed
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as a good sign of confidence that's significant and has contributed to that nice earnings beat. the largest beat is the fourth quarter of 2021. in the end, it is tough to say dover ever really we want away the stock didn't fall off a radar screen as the company muddled through a complicated operating environment in 2022, 2023. oh, i know, i wish i circled back sooner. can't get everything right, but as the stock started recovering in october, months before we got any signs that the core business would turn around, i wouldn't spot it. you know what, for all of this sturm and drang, i don't think you're too late. this comeback story's got legs couple of quarters of growth revenue growth that means negative that can change.
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bottom line. i am thrilled to see it's no longer an old fashioned smokestack stock the new dover has donees of exposure clean energy rapid growth even the life sciences business. a trio of great things these are areas that are doing fine even in a slower economy. that's why i bet this stock can continue to rally. bright themes will travel. let's take, it's going higher. go to dan in ohio. dan. >> good evening, jim how are you? >> dan, i am flying. how about you, partner >> if i was any better, there would be two of me >> i like that i might have to adopt that go ahead >> okay. great. shi sherwin williams considering selling it thoughts >> i didn't like the last quarter. i
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i agree with you i'd hit the exit button. to larry in idaho. larry. >> how you doing >> doing well. how about you, larry >> i have a question for you regarding archer aviation. on june 9th, 2023. that's when you advised to buy it >> well, i don't like archer aviation it loses money and i don't like the electric i don't like the vertical takeoff market unless it's for defense purposes so i would exit that one to ed in illinois. ed >> boo-yah, jimmy chill. club member and your number one disciple >> holy cow. i thank you for those kind words. >> this stock has traded sideways since 2021. can it be an infrastructure or ai play? jim, is john deere a good
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long-term investment now >> okay, deere does have some ai adco actually is equal i happen to like the company very, very much. if you want to be levered to infrastructure, it's not a good play no one ever made a mistake buying deere even in the heart of the actual great crash of 1987 it was the stock to buy. believe it or not. the new dover has tons of what can really keep doing well in the basic economy. that's what we're looking for. i think dob can continue to rally. right themes, right market, right stock. stock's rebounding from its lows could be more room to run. i've got the ceo last week, we witnessed the quarter of the year when this big tech player reported why it's actually not too late to get involved and rapid fire
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tonight, the lightning round stay with cramer to fly. wooooo! (grunting) at morgan stanley, old school hard work meets bold new thinking. (laughter) at 88 years old, we still see the world with the wonder of new eyes, helping you discover untapped possibilities and relentlessly working with you to make them real. old school grit. new world ideas. morgan stanley. there's no sure-fire way to prevent accidents at work. so talk to your
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incredible set sof results for the medical device equipment that makes equipment for sleep disorder breathing this stock got obliterated last year, wall street worrying the rise in glp-1 weight loss drugs would translate into less obesity. turns out that was a big buy opportunity. they delivered earnings beat, strong revenue growth. laying out the case for how the drugs might be good for their
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business in response, the stock shot up nearly 90% so can he keep running he's the chairman and ceo, welcome back to "mad money." >> jim, great to be back on the show what a 90 days, huh? >> oh, i tell you. this is really some quarter. maybe you can walk people through how you were able to put this together then we'll deal with the glp-1 issue >> what the team has done, there's 10,000 selling in 140 countries. it's our 35th birthday in year 25 years public on the new york stock exchange so 100 quarters. what we do is we help people sleep better, breathe better, and live better lives and as more than a billion people worldwide suffocating with sleep apnea, over half a billion with copd and half a billion with insomnia that's one in four people on the planet so our job is to help those people find a path to screen,
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diagnosis, better sleep, breathing and care delivered in the home and we executed these last 90 days more patients came in, we took care of them we took some costs out, focused on more operational excellence focused on appropriate rnd investments and delivered 23% operating income in the quarter and 27% net income in the quarter on 7% top line growth. so just north of 4.5 billion >> that's incredinbly impressive you've helped me on some health issues that you have, say encountered a level of lack of awareness even among practitioners how many days in med school do they teach this incredibly important topic of sleep >> yeah, it's a really good question because i talk about all the financial numbers. you know, we helped 174 million
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people over the last 12 months to sleep better, breathe better, but out of 2.5 billion, that's not a lot. there's not enough education we've sponsored chairs at harvard and other institutions around the world stanford, uc san diego here and sponsored professorships in sleep medicine, but in general, primary care physician and gp medicine, general training, there's probably less than two to three days. certainly less than a week spent on the field of sleeping and breathing together i give guest lectures sometimes at stanford and other places students come. they want to hear about sleeping it's a third of our lives. they want to hear about breathing because without it, you die in minutes but it is a fundamental element for human health and it is underrecognized and resmed's job partnering with big pharma and big consumer tech, i think we've got an opportunity of a lifetime to drive awareness in our category >> there were people who thought
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glp-1s would spell the death of you, but you've got data that spells the opposite. >> 90 days ago and jim, we've got more numbers it equals 660,000 subjects now in the study 10.5% higher propensity to start cpap for the patients with a per swipgs 310 higher reply rate at 12 months and higher at two years so what we're seeing is more of what we talked about last quarter. i'm glad the market is catching up with you and me, but these aren't a head wind they're a tail wind. they're bringing people into the healthcare system and the doctor is saying you have sleep and breathe issuing. they start cpap, they stay on it and they're doing incredibly well and that's just going continue to grow and bring more pat patients into the fold for many
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chronic diseases >> i woke up this morning, see royal phillip is up 37%. oh, my, they must have something besides the settlement of the lawsuits maybe they're being back in here after fda approval no, it was just a settlement it should not have hurt your stock. >> yeah, look. today, we were up 18.9% on friday today settl settled down a little bit. that competitor has had significant issues they're back in many markets in europe and asia and we were beating that competitor through 2020 in 140 countries we operate in they're backing most of them one, they are not yet. but they start with 0% new patient share and have to come compete with the two tier players. i'm confident we'll continue to beat them because we've got the smallest, quitest, most intelligent systems out there and we've created an ecosystem
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with 18 billion nights of medical data in the cloud. so we're unlocking the power of those data with ml, ai, generative ai. and we're lowering costs for the healthcare system, improving health for the patients and empowering doctors with the power of health and empowering patients with an app 7.8 million of them, they get their own data they know how they slept and how they're breathing all night every day. >> i wanted to ask you, the wears have helped, too that's put people in >> absolutely, jim i think this might be, you know, if you add up the two big glp-1 players, it's about $1.1 trillion worth of capital if you add up just one of the big tech players that's in our field now, look at samsung they got an fda clearance on their galaxy watch for sleep apnea detection. lack at apple. another little $2 trillion company. they have the apple watch with
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oxemetry they're going to have to ability to detect sleep apnea. google, they own fit bit and fit bit has sleep architecture and they'll be able to detect sleep and breathing problems you add that up, $5 trillion worth of capital then loop and oura ring. they're going to help people understand they should be asleep, are they breathing right and if they're not, indicate to them they have risky breathing and send them into the the healthcare system and a company like resmed has to be the digital health sleep concierge and help them find a path to screening, diagnosis, treatment, and ongoing management for life. >> i like that very much it is great to have you. chairman and ceo of resmed really good. >> thanks, jim
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great to talk to you >> "mad money's" back after the break. >> coming up, hit us with your best shot. an electrified lightning round is next. power e*trade's easy to-use tools make complex trading less complicated. custom scans help you find new trading opportunities, while an earnings tool helps you plan your trades and stay on top of the market. e*trade from morgan stanley
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♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ ("nyash" by jaden holder) ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ it is time >> are you ready jeffrey in new york, jeffrey
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>> thank you so much for all your advice. >> thank you >> just calling in about pgc s >> that's the best of the pot stocks a big piece is owned by -- we think it's the best. let's go to sam in colorado. sam. >> jim, how are you? >> i am good how are you? >> i'm all right, jim. you know i got an interesting company for you tonight. genome sequencing is going to be really important to our healthcare system. important area to watch. one of the companies i've been paying attention to is the market in the space. that's illumina. >> it's a good company that's not well run that's why i've been recommending danaher which is better run. i don't want to own a company that's poorly run because then the stock gets hurt. jimmy in georgia
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jimmy. >> hello how you doing? >> i'm doing well. how about you? >> i'm good. i was ghoioing to ask you about bank of america. >> inexpensive stock more expensive than citi i do prefer other banks. i don't think that it's one of the big ones, not my favorite. norma in new jersey. >> hi, jim, i appreciate you sharing your market wisdom buy, sell, or hold >> very expensive. i'm not kbgoing to recommend it. i can't understand why it's so high john in pennsylvania john >> boo-yah, jim. home health services company that went public in january. prices fell off after some insider purchases. it's trading out of a low market
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forward pe multiple of 14. despite its strong growth. analysts calling the stock rated a buy. has a massive 27% short. thoughts on ticker btsg, bright spring health services >> i am surprised about that short position, too. i've got to find out what's the matter before i bless it what you said is true. i happen to like the industry, but that's too big for me to just say i'd buy that stock. someone may know something i don't. rich in california rich >> hey, jim in san diego, we need more of you and david on sid squawk in the morning. >> i'll do my best to make that happen what's going on? >> nothing much. shutout to my wife, cousin, my son, family from coast to coast, baby jim, this stock has doubled since february of '22, but it seems to be just getting started, my man. vwi technology
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>> i'm biased. i like genova. this is a little difficult i also like euc but i'm with you on this stock. let's go to sally in florida >> hi, cramer. i'm the biggest fan. >> thank you >> always watch your show. >> thank you >> so, yeah. so my question is i'm trying to invest in cybersecurity and i'm choosing between palo alto and crowdstrike. >> morgan stanley put out incrementally more bullish about palo alto. gave a bunch of reasons. we bought some when i got it i would be a buyer of palo alto right here, right now. mitchell in arizona. mitchell mitchell you're up, mitchell. all right. let's go -- and that is is the conclusion of the lightning round.
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>> coming up, why alphabet is getting an a, google best quarter of the year and stick with cramer. ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk,
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last week, alphabet astounded us with what i'm
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calling the best quarter of the year new 20 cent dividend got a lot of attention but not the main reason why the stock, which includes google, caught fire no, it was all about apple's conference call with more information and transparency than we've ever seen just as important, that information was very positive and it's why i think the stock can keep running why i think the decline today was a good opportunity to buy. first, alphabet talked about its own artificial intelligence programs and why they're superior to others plus, the ai spending isn't killing their bottom line even as ai accounted for more than alphabet's capital expenditures. unlike meta platforms, nobody cared about the spending because their other businesses are doing bet erat the 60% growth with margin expansion which gave you 1.74, that's 15% of what wall street was expecting for this gigantic company. many incruding yours truly were
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concerned about how ai could hurt google's search it helps search which then helps advertising. allowed us to see the good things that are happening at google cloud they've announced new products and features in the last eight months more than 300 partners including mercedes-benz and walmart. all huge accounts. they claim the cloud business is viewed at the leader in cybersecurity. they're using alphabet for health i can't disagree as for search, it beat expectations by 100 basis points, growing at 14% we know viewers are watching a billion hours of youtube each day and ad revenues were up 21%. cloud's up 28% if you put youtube and cloud together, these businesses without exit the year at a phenomenal $100 billion run
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rate fantastic margins. buy, buy, buy. at alphabet president stated, youtube has become the leader in streaming for the last 12 months for example, help mcdonald's build the restaurant of the future, they're deepening their partnership across google cloud. i love that kind of detail operating expenses were 24.1%. there were $760 million in employee severance they're way more detail than i can describe here, but chew on this the company is increasing capital spending to about $50 billion. that would represent a bigger increase than meta and meta stock got killed by cap ex worries but it gave us comfort that the ai payoff will be immediate and they need to spend a lot just to meet new customer demand. we always want companies to spend more money to keep their
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customers happy. this was what i call a master class of transparency. made me feel great to have this one for the charitable trust it was truly glorious and if this member of the magnificent seven pulls back, it's pretty easy buy, buy, buy. there's always a bull market somewhere. i promise to find it just start doing something it hasn't done in more than three years. corporate america giving the side eye to the i.v.s. a study about how they feel about hiring ivy league students right now. lights, camera, confusion? paramount may have just concluded one of the most bizarre earnings calls in history. we will show you what has analysts stoned right now. homebuyers getting hosed


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