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tv   Street Signs  CNBC  April 26, 2024 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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dreaming like that, you know? a little more-- keith morrison: more nancy. man: --little more nancy, yeah. ♪ good morning welcome to "street signs." i'm frank holland with silvia amaro. these are your headlines wall street poised to join the bounce back ahead of the key pce inflation print. cbc capital partners surges in the first trading session in the biggest debut this year. u.s. private equity group agrees to buy cyber security
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firm darktrace in a deal worth $5.3 billion and airbus slides after the plane maker posts a miss after ramping up production in a bid to extend its lead over boeing >> if you look at our order intake for q1, which was 170 units. half of that from the a-350. that momentum we see to continue good morning happy friday yesterday, i was telling you we have about 300 companies reporting across the european continent. today, you might be thinking is it a quieter day not really we have 100 companies reporting, but investors are monitoring
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data from the united states as well as the meeting from the bank of japan. with that context in mind, i want to take you to the stoxx 600 and how it is trading at the moment we have the benchmark in europe trading higher by .6%. the index closed down .7% yesterday. i want to take you to the boards because we have seen an interesting picture when it comes to the ftse 100. today, we have the benchmark here in the uk trading higher by almost .5% the index has been trading at about fresh record highs it crossed over the 8,000 mark and it is continuing to trade above the higher levels. we know that is related to the fact that sterling has gotten weaker, but some positive momentum in particular in some of the companies that investors have been looking at with the defensive parts of the market
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which has propped up the index with other moves across europe, cac 40 is trading higher by .3%. in germany, the benchmark is up .6% a lot of these moves have to do with some of the corporate releases we have received this morning. let me take you to the sector to understand a bit more of the picture and message for some of the corporates at the top, the out performer at this stage is the tech sector trading higher by 1.6% we have been following the tech sector closely because we have heard from the big tech companies stateside. some of the corporate releases in europe have been positive let me share this stat with you. st stateside, the tech sector is up 3.2% that has contributed to the moves in europe. we are looking at construction and materials. they are up 1.4%
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some of the earnings this morning have contributed to these moves. on the other hand, if we look at the worst performer, chemicals are down 1.2%. one of the companies reporting this morning which has contributed to the negative momentum is the earnings below what markets expected and that is contributing to the negative momentum there i want that take you to other stories. shares of cvc is surging this year the private equity group priced the listing at is 14 euro per share. up sizing the offering to 2 billion euro it comes to market having twice postponed an ipo most recently in november as it cited favorable market conditions. the group was founded in 1993 when it was spun out of
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citigroup. it has 186 billion euro of assets with more than 125 companies within their portfolio. the group counts luxury watch maker like breitling and cosmetics chain douglas as its investments. it has taken an increased investment in sports buying the media rights for laliga and the six nations and premiership rugby group. the bullish note was struck on the european listing landscape >> i think the worst is over we have a big pipeline we have a dynamic domestic and eu companies and international companies. any international company that looks at the listing now looks
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at the market. this is the single liquidity pool platform. they look at euronext as a place to raise equity. last year, we had the companies coming to euronext we have an aggressive plan. private equity firm thoma bravo is buying darktrace for $5.3 billion that is a premium of $20 of the closing price on friday and 44% premium of the 44-month average. shareholders will receive $7.75 per share. anglo american has rejektd the $31.1 billion takeover bid from bhp the structure was not attractive for shareholders
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shares of both in the red right now. we'll have more on the takeover rejerction from john meyer in a few minutes. and the german group says talks are ongoing to increase the stake up to 50%. and nat west has a pre-tax first quarter profit down 27%. the british lender left the guidance unchanged saying customer confidence and activity is improving despite macro uncertainty. remy reported a decline in the fourth quarter sales the cognac maker has seen an um pr improvement in china
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deputy head of economics is joining us now to talk more about this report and some others good morning good to see you. >> good morning. thank you. >> give me a sense of the earnings report and specifically the comments about china we see mixed results with china with the luxury makers >> luxury makers have been under pressure with the exposure to china. consumption remains weak the picture from the beverage companies and remy as well was much better. we know that consumers are the weak spot in china european companies are exposed to the chinese consumer which might remain under pressure in the near term. china is now more about manufacturing and exports and automobiles. this is where they are on critical edge. >> i want to ask about inflation
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and higher interest rates. we often talk about that hitting the housing market and sometimes the auto market. what about the luxury spirits market do we see that would the consumer or u.s. or china being stretched where a lot of people consider a soft luxluxury >> this is a good example with hermes which is preserved with the chasing power pressure the mass market of the segment is clearly on the spirits which is why the numbers from remy were quite positive surprise for the market today >> i want to get your thoughts on the ftse 100 because we saw the benchmark hitting fresh highs recently i wonder if you think there is more room to grow here for the ftse >> yes, clearly. we like some features of the
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ftse 100 clearly, the defensive value features and this is a segment that is attractively valued. we are bullish on this market, but clearly this is more about metals and mining and the deal between bhp and anglo is stimulating this segment this is the reverse of what we had in q1 with the ftse 100 underperforming against the ftse 100 which is not taking and the index is benefitting from the reversal and rotation we are experiencing and valuation is experiencing comeback versus momentum >> when it comes to the banking sector, we have seen in the first quarter which was not a bad performance for the european banks. i wonder the outlook for the rest of the year as the ecb is going ahead with rate cuts in
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june >> the banking sector is an inflation hedge to some extent this is the is sector that benefits when rates move higher. margin determination is higher when rates are higher. this is a sector that only benefits along with energy as inflation hedge. the banking sector is valued and never recovered since 2008 at some point, it is a value drop clearly, we are moderately constructive on banks. at the same time, they are attractive with the value. we think european banks might continue to experience going forward. >> i want to talk about the broader markets. broader markets are in fear mode, but make sigh of relief after microsoft and alphabet
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with the tech sector how much is really on the line here when we were talking about the upcoming inflation report in the united states? the decision of the u.s. fed having an um impact on the othe global markets >> the global markets have been on fear mode this is in stark contrast to q1 with the higher for longer is a real kwconcern with the level o the debt in the u.s. and in europe the gdp for the u.s. yesterday was along the lines. at the end of the day, the macro picture remains supportive for equities some growth and some inflation is not that bad for equities the concern is more about rates and how long they will stay high we think there is a window now to reconsider increasing loan exposures to markets we like to be somewhat greedy
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when others are fearful. it's not just that we think after alphabet and microsoft reports, we are heading into amazon with a good chance that the markets find ground to rebound from here. >> all right deputy head of economics and cross asset strategy at kepler thank you for your time. turning to the bank of japan, the central bank has kept rates on hold in line with expectations it expect inflation to stay near the 2% target in the next three years. with that in mind, i want to take you to what we see with the currency space at this stage, you see the dollar/yen is 156.2. moments ago, we had seen the currency, yen, falling sharply to as low as 154.97.
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that was a flash from reuters at 11.9 all in all, we have been tracking this pair closely because we know that the japanese authorities have been very vocal about the potential need to intervene in the market amid a very weak or weaker currency they have intervened in the past in 2022, but as we see the dollar strengthening in recent times, it has been putting more and more pressure on the japanese authorities we have, however, not seen that intervention thus far. perhaps the finance ministry was waiting for the bank of japan meeting to see how the markets would receive the news just to make the point at this stage, we have the dollar/yen pair at 156. the question about whether we will see further intervention in the currency space continue. the governor of the bank of
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japan said easing conditions will be maintained for the time being. he said the yen has not had a big effect on the underlining inflation, but acknowledged the impact of volatility on the economy saying it could be a thro reason to adjust policy in the future now policymakers are looking for a potential rate hike in the third quarter. coming up on the show, it's a rejection for bhp. we will have the latest mining m&a after this break
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don't wait- call today. welcome back to "street signs. airbus reported a miss on the first quarter down 25% on the year at 577 million euro however, the plane maker is sticking to guidance for the year in raising the a-3a-350 production target. charlotte is here with more. >> airbus is working hard to put planes out fast enough with the quality controls in place off the back of the issues with the competitor of boeing 142 planes in the first quarter. that is 12% higher than last
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year they missed on the key metric there. they are working and investing heavily. 1.8 billion euro cash flow to build in pre preparation to build up in the production they hope to build up on the planes to produce 55 at the month at the moment. that is the issue for the industry there is demand. that is not the problem. the problem is to produce the planes and working with a myriad of small and bigger supplies in the ramp up of production. the environment is still very difficult for uncertainty. the issues at boeing are bringing uncertainty into the ecosystem there. i had a chance to catch up with the ceo of airbus and i asked how he felt the supply chain would be like in 2024. >> the environment has not improved in the recent months.
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the supply chain is complicated and a pacing element for the ramp up in a broad base. it is not only one piece of equipment missing, but we have our team broadly talking to the supply chain to the tier 1 suppliers and tier 2 and tier 3 suppliers to detect issues early and address them it is true that the supply chain is the bottleneck for 2024 and it has not gotten easier in the last two months. >> and another issue here is bringing more uncertainty for some of the suppliers and potentially making things more difficult for you as well. >> i would say this is, in fact, the case we usually get the question of the issues of boeing is helping us and i consistently said it is not helpful for the industry and not helpful for airbus what you mentioned is one of the symptoms we see it putting additional
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pressure and repercussions in the supply chain and individual suppliers. that is also what we are feeling that it is not helpful for the ramp up of the industry and airbus. >> can i ask specifically about spirit aerosystems they were talking about buying the company. you are in discussion was them can you give us a bit of an el t ement of information with them >> we have been in very c constructive discussions with spirit for a long time in the beginning, of course, this was in the frame of the existing contracts where we had joint improvement projects with them and see how we can improve the efficiency of the program. now given the new situation with boeing has announced they would contemplate to take over the company, of course, we are broadening the scope and we are
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potentially contemplating the takeover of the work packages that spirit is producing for airbus they are very important for us the highest priority for us is to make sure that the supply of the work packages is secured >> that was thomas toepfer they p putut a new wide body je production there was a big order yesterday from the indian company for up to 100 of those wide body planes they say this crisis is um pacting the ecosystem at boeing and airbus is working with other supplies it is tough for them to put out all of the planes. 8,600 planes on backlog. the demand is there. the challenge is to put planes out fast enough with the quality controls >> very interesting. let's move on and discuss what has been a bit of a roller
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coaster in terms of news on the mining space anglo american has rejected the 30.1 billion pound takeover from bhp. anglo american says the bhp offer under valued the company the proposed structure was not attractive for shareholders. you see the shares at this stage of anglo american are trading lower by 1%. let's discuss this latest on the mining space with our next guest. john meyer at s&p. thank you for being with us on the show first and foremost, i would like your thoughts on the options for bhp. do you think they will stop here or will they make a more attractive offer >> this is like a boxer walking into the ring and just warming
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up i'm not sure anglo is the first target they are looking toward the board of anglo has to jettison the south african assets bhp and south africa don't get on that well the big shareholder in anglo is the public investment corporation of south africa. i don't think they will be keen to see bhp come in either. i wonder whether the chinese are likely to come in and make a counter bid. china inc. or some china state company would be welcome in south africa all of the valuable assets in anglo american are outside south africa these days. i wonder whether bhp would turn attention to rio tinto later on. we know bhp and rio tinto had
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discussions in the past. we know the two companies would be keen to get together. it is a very -- i think there could be a lot at play here. more than just anglo american. >> very interesting. is this the start of a lot of m&a activity in the sector you highlighting some issue there is is this a new chapter as they prepare for the energy transition >> this is an opening shot a lot of people in the industry, including myself, think there will be a fairly severe shortage of copper coming at us the chinese state planners are still working out how to get enough copper to feed their electric vehicle industry. electric cars use more than twice as much copper as a normal internal combustion engine
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vehicle. given the amount of cars the chinese are putting out these days, where will they get the copper we know there is a shortage supply china ramped up the copper smelter factories. if you cannot get the concentrates, that means you cannot produce the metal if you can't do that, where do you get the metal? there is a lot at play here. the premium offered by bhp is underwhelming. that is an opening shot. i'm not convinced anglo is necessarily the big prize here. >> john, your comments are interesting on china potentially looking at further options here. i wonder what does that mean from the geopolitical point of view the europeans are said they are concerned with the level of the access that chinese companies have in terms of critical minerals they want to change that
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do you think there is room for chinese players actually to make advancements here with european policymakers concerned about that >> yes, there is if you put bhp and anglo together, they run 10 cents on the copper market. china runs more than that with smel smelting capacity. european policymakers have every right to be concerned and the americans as well. china controls a lot of copper production in the congro and dr. we know there are unconfirmed reports with problems of that with uranium shipped out with copper we saw that last week with problems of the drc army with the mining those are unckconfirmed reports. we know china is having problems
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in other parts of the world. china will need to look for more secure sources of supply of course, the eu will be pretty horrified at that because it looks like they are being squeezed out unfort unfortunately, the eu doesn't have the mechanisms in place to compete with china at this point in time. >> john, a lot of developments with bhp and anglo american shares the board unanimously rejected the board saying it under valued the company. what does this tell us about the outlook for copper you mentioned the shortage on the horizon. copper has risen 19% over the last year. how much higher do you see copper going with so much interest in acquiring the copper assets >> if we take something that anglo american said recently, the price to develop new copper mines is higher than where we are now. the copper price is about to
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breakthrough $10,000 a ton that feels like a good thing in fact, you need something between $12,000 or $15,000 a ton to persuade the mining companies or to start to develop new mines. there is a shortage of new mining projects to develop they run into problems you've got the mine in panama shutdown because of concerns over very heavy rainfall and shenanigans with the government. who knows what is really behind all that some of these mine is are in tricky parts of the world. nobody has anything new on the blocks in chile or peru. >> john meyer, thank you very much for your time coming up here on the show, big tech gets a big boost after alphabet and microsoft post big first quarter beats.
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we breakdown the numbers coming up next.
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welcome to "street signs." i'm silvia amaro with frank holland and these are your headlines. wall street is poised to join ahead of the key pce inflation print. cvc capital surges in the first trading session in the debut this year. u.s. private equity group agrees to buy darktrace in a deal worth $5.3 billion. airbus shares are sliding after the plane maker posed a bottom line miss as the company ramps up production of the a-350 in the bid to extend the lead over rival boeing. >> if you look at our order intake from q1, half of that came from the a-350. strong order intake. that momentum we see to
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continue welcome back to "street signs. it is friday and it is a positive mood in the markets look at the boards in europe and it is all trading in the green this is a hefty day with corporate earnings as i said earlier, we have 100 companies reporting today across the continent. we brought you some headlines so far, but it is a busy day for the markets. of course, it is not just about the earnings season. there is a lot happening with data and particularly that gdp printout out of the united sta. that brought momentum to the markets, but that has changed over here in europe as we hear from the corporates. i want to take you to the ftse 100. it has been a very important index to monitor this week we are seeing the index moving
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higher currently at .4% it has been hitting fresh record highs on the back of the weaker sterling of course, the news recently of the potential acquisition deal in the mining space propped up the sector however, we are still following what happens in the particular part of the market after anglo american refused the bhp offer i want to take you to the currency space with the bank of japan meeting with a lot of question marks over whether we get intervention from the japanese authorities when it comes to the currency. at the moment, we are seeing the pair trading at 156.4. therefore, the question at this stage is we have surpassed the 155 psychological level where investors expected the authorities to intervene that did not happen and we are now at 156 what is going to happen now?
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let's see. i want to take you to u.s. futures. it was an important session stateside yesterday. at the moment, the futures do suggest it is a positive start to the trading session on wall street to give you an idea, yesterday, we saw the dow and s&p moving lower at the end of the trading day. if you look at the week to date performances, both indices are posting a positive week. i want to look at the tech sector we heard from microsoft and alphabet yesterday to give you an idea for the week at this stage, we are on track to see the tech sector stateside ending the week up 3.2%. frank. ams osram said the canceled project is at the bottom of the range and posted 740 million euro which was in line with the
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expectations revenue will decline in the second quarter in line with seasonality, but will pick up in the second half. the ceo spoke to annette about the earnings and the decision to focus on micro l.e.d. for the projects >> the business side was solid 5% growth year on year strong auto business at plus 15% and good consumer business at 13%. muted industrial business. we delivered in guidance and revenue and profitability. on that side, i think it is a solid start. the stock price has been impacted by the decision of the customer to stop a project for us here, we have made important decisions. we decided to scale down activities here and sell the factory and restructure our organization to really focus more narrowly for auto applications let's look at intel. shares tanked in extended trade
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with revenue coming up short of expectations of $12.7 billion. the second quarter earnings was less than half of what analysts hoped at 10 cents per share. the ceo pat gelsinger said he is confident for the second half of the year. >> the second half is going to be better. we worked through the inventory issues from the first half we have a good idea of where we are with the second half oem partners as well we feel good with the healthy stronger second half of the year and into 2025. in other tech news, snap is surging after the bell after issuing a bullish joutlook for the second quarter this on the back of $1.2 billion
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in first quarter sales which was up on the year our colleagues will speak to evan spiegel at 17:00 cet. don't miss that conversation. and big tech is surging with earnings and revenue which topped expectations with the latter up 15% on the year. the fast of the pace of growth since early 2022 the first ever dividend along the results and increased the share buyback program by $70 million. generative a.i. would eat into google's cdominance and the company is boosting the search business >> we served billions with the generative a.i. features it enables people to ask questions in new ways and complex questions.
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notably, based on the testing, we are encouraged with the increase of search usage among people who use the a.i. view and increased user satisfaction with the results. >> microsoft beat on both the top and bottom line in the third quarter with growth in the cloud unit continuing to exaccelerate and the azure grew to $26.7 billi billion. the cfo said the company expects cap ex to move higher next year. satya nadella is seeing strong growth in the artificial intelligence products. >> our a.i. innovation continues to build on the partnership with openai more than 65% of the fortune 500 use azure.
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our customers continue to grow and average spend continues to increase. >> we are seeing that earnings optimism filter through the market with amazon and nvidia and pinterest among the tech names moving higher. you see the shares on the screen at this stage. all three in pre-market trade moving higher. let's discuss other issues with our guest good morning good to have out the show. first, i would like to get your thoughts so a.i. obviously, this was a very important narrative for the market at the start of the year. on the back of the results, the a.i. boom is still there >> all of the companies are talking about it as microsoft was saying, the demand is outstripping the supply we are seeing corporates investing in this and we see demand coming through.
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this requires cloud services and that's why you see acceleration of azure growth to 31% and cloud business beating which they attribute to a.i the supply is restrictive currently with the demand out there. >> speaking of a.i there are other options to invest in a.i. not just tech. tell us what other sectors are you thinking about in the context of the a.i. boom >> right it is interesting that most investors when they think of a.i., they think of the first order effect i have to get into tech and invest in companies building the software we like to think of the second order effect where will the it show up also where? one is the healthcare sector biology is complicated and a.i. is suited for the idea of mining that data that we've got we think areas like bio-technology is going to see the productivity improvement it will come further down the line, but drug discovery is
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important for the companies. >> alphabet and microsoft make it clear demand is strong out stripping capacity right now they both significantly increase the cap ex spending. microsoft cap ex is up 80% for alphabet, up 91% that is what meta got dinged for it meta said this was the same thing and they get hit for it. >> the first thing to note about google and microsoft results is the level of cost control. google is restructuring. if you look at microsoft, the head count was down and costs are not growing as much. they are all investing in the cap ex amy is saying we are only going to build up the cap ex if demand is there if you transition back to meta they are investing heavily they raised cap ex again the second thing is they are not showing as much cost control as others they are showing some.
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the cap ex is going to old reality labs business. investors see that as suspicious not all of it is going to a.i. the other bit that is quite clear is that google and microsoft have businesses benefitting from that. we are seeing the revenue. microsoft said 7% of growth in cloud was coming from a.i. products meta is actually not really clear what their business model is going to be they are giving away the models. >> investors do not like the metaverse one bit. one thing that is underreported is the digital ad business google with a rebound. double bdigits year over year. what does that tell you about the companies for microsoft and the tens of billions for google. for amazon, it is a big and growing business how important will the digital ad business be going forward >> it is the business.
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what happens is most companies captured attention of all of the people in the world and they are selling ads. ads are profitable this is what amazon realized everyone is coming to amazon to buy products and they will think let's sell them ads. if you look at the amazon page, 70% of it is ads they are paying for. this is an important business. the growth is continuing you saw acceleration with the youtube ads and growth with search ad business is here to stay. >> was this the "show me" quarter for a.i. microsoft's cfo implied guidance is this the "show me" quarter? does a.i. or these companies need to show us more >> i think it is an important development in the end demand. we need to see more applications out there for the use by the corporates overall, we see the demand
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coming through i think what is happening is microsoft and google are saying customers are buying these cloud services what is great for the customers is they are showing restraint on the cost side. >> back to meta. we were discussing how investors are not enjoying the metaverse as much as the past. that was a rebranding for the company. i wonder if this is a moment where meta has to rethink their name again and strategy ultimately. >> yeah. they say cap ex is going up and they are putting that to a.i they are looking to the reality labs and they believe they will change the paradigm of computing. that is what they are trying to invest in as well. perhaps it is time for that. it will be a couple of years before that happens. >> thank you for your time that was yuri at tema. in other news, tiktok owner
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bytedance says it has no plans to sell the social media app it comes after a reuters report that the company could consider shutting down that app if it exhausting its legal options to fight a u.s. law to sell or face a ban in the united states tiktok has criticized the law signed by the president joe biden this week describing it as unconstit unconstitutional >> is tiktok big in europe in america, it is 200 million users. >> it is big mostly among younger people. >> uproar in the united states over tiktok. >> do you have tiktok? >> i do. i barely understand it >> me, too i don't know how to be on t. . inflation figures out in the united states today. we will discuss what's coming up right after this break
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. welcome back to "street
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signs. i want to take you to the equity space. equities have been trading for of a couple of hours now you see the major boards trading in the green this is a slight different picture from what we have seen from the end of thursday's session just to give you the idea with the stoxx 600 which ended down .6% today, all of the boards are trading in the green as it is friday, i want to give you the picture for the week so we understand what this week has been about no doubt we have to keep a close eye on the ftse. they are on the track to end the week up by 3%. this has been basically a very important story this week. we saw the benchmark here in the uk moving higher and hitting a fresh record high trading above the 8,000 threshold. we know that has to do with the
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weaker currency, but the corporate results have benefitted when it comes to the ftse in other parts of europe, all of the indices are expected to end the week in positive territory let's see what will happen when we actually get more data from the united states that could have an implication on how european investors feel the about european equities. no doubt that we are following the pce figure from the idenunited states with that in muind, i want to look at the united states numbers. if we look at the dow, they are on track to end the week up .3%. not significant moves there. we see the s&p moving a little bit higher so far to end the week up 1.6% i want to take you to the nasdaq they are looking to end the week up 2%. the tech stector has been critical for moves across wall
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street and naturally for the nasdaq we know that we have heard basically from alphabet and microsoft with the earnings boosting momentum here to give you the idea on the tech sector on wall street, this sector is on track to end the week by 3% significant moves there, frank the u.s. economy grew much less than expected in the first quarter. notching a bump of 1.6% on the year that is less than half of q4's figure and lower than the forecast that report sparked a selloff in the u.s. and the questions of the path forward steve liesman filed this report. >> the big miss that exaggerates weakness, but not on inflation based by the federal reserve and the u.s. economy details of the report show gdp at 1.6% down from 3.4% in the fourth quarter consumer spending was okay at
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2.5% after strong numbers in the fourth quarter business spending was up 3.2% compared to 0.7% in the fourth quarter. inconvconvventories and trade tf at 0.9%. those two combined were a big reason for the miss compared to the estimate of 2.4% what it means is the core of the economy, business and consumer spending, is doing fine. easing a bit from the fourth quarter as would be expected in the soft landing scenario. the inflations numbers were not fine they took off from the top line. core and headline inflation numbers rose in the report core pce up from 2% erasing a half year of progress. the bull manyk in inflation that drove down the rate cut
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from june to july and then september being a money bet, but that number has been declining now a 59% probability of that first rate cut the modest slowdown in the numbers when you take out inventories and trade are consistent with the soft landing which has been sought. the inflation numbers are not cons consistent it is extending higher for longer rates for fed they have not prompted futures markets to bring additional rate hikes on the table the response is keeping rates where they are for now steve liesman, cnbc business news. we are watching for pce data due out today ahead of the important fed decision next week analysts expect the central bank preferred inflation gauge to remain stubborn in march with pce coming in higher year over year and up .3% on the month
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>> frank, i wonder if today's data is going to boost expect ta expectations of the rate hike. we know those probabilities are going up, but i wonder if the figures will make investors a little bit more hawkish about what to expect from the fed. >> i thought after jay powell spoke on april 16th, that s settled the idea of higher for longer wit we see the weak gdp report and it seems odd pce is coming up a lot of eyes on inflation we will talk about that coming up i'm frank holland with silvia amaro. we'll be on "worldwide exchange" which is coming up after this break. what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is your frosted treat with a sweet kick of confidence. cirkul
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5:00 am
it is 5:00 a.m. here at cnbc global headquarters and here is your "five@5." trying for a rebound stocks looking to claw back the losses yesterday as investors push past a weaker than expected gdp read and meta's earnings mess today is all about big tech with a different spin. alphabet stock is popping and set to join the $2 trillion market cap club. microsoft pushes aside concerns and focusing on growth in the cloud and artificial intelligence. a stellar report from snap


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