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tv   Fast Money Halftime Report  CNBC  March 5, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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than a loser over time. >> we appreciate you stopping by on "money movers." ben axler from spruce point capital. a brief uptick on prices paid, ism services the lowest of the year but gave way, the dow down almost 300 points. >> with lower treasury yields as well. we'll hear from jay powell on the hill. >> a big day tomorrow. to the judge and "the half." carl, thanks so much. welcome to "the halftime report." i'm scott wapner. front and center this hour, the apple sell-off. now the investment committee debating how far the stock might fall and what to do. joining me jim lebenthal, josh brown, shannon saccocia, sarat sethi. a red day across the board and decidedly so led by the nasdaq. many of the big names, every mega cap stock's lower. uber down about 4%, tesla, sales force. it's pretty ugly.
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the biggie, jim, is apple. it's been hanging around right at that line but did dip below as i look at it in real time. we're right there at 170. >> it's a heavy tape this is what a heavy tape looks like. >> a heavy stock and a good tape. that's the problem. >> that is the problem. sales are worse than expected. anybody who is fundamental on the stock looking at china as an area that is gangbusters because of what the economy is doing. at the end of the day this is still apple. the services business is fabulous. i'm not particularly very bullish on the eye wear they've come out with. this is a mid-20s multiple. i'm comfortable with my ownership in it. i've had about half the market
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weight in it. you say, gee, i wish i didn't own any of it. this stock will find its level. i suspect it's around 160 but, honestly, folks, you have to just let it find its level. when it does, when it bottoms out, i will be adding to it. there is no fatal flaw here. >> josh, what do we do with the stock? and what's the right way to view it if you own it in a year thus far where the other big names in the space have just stolen the thunder here? we talk nonstop about ai. apple doesn't talk about apple nonstop. they don't talk about it barely at all because they don't have anything yet. >> the first decision, are you an investor or trader? you're a trader, you're not in the stock anymore. if you have any sell discipline, like an actual trader, then you are already out. it's gone negative.
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the highest high was in december. and momentum is toxically low. it's 30. if you're a short-term trader, an exit in advance, you're already out. if you're an investor, it's a different conversation. you have not been rewarded for panicking out of apple because you're afraid they will miss the technology cycle. they're never first. if you've panicked out of apple because you thought they were falling behind on innovation, you have been severely punished. i didn't expect them to be leading the charge on ai. they've never done so. they came out with the i pot and
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took the whole game over. the iphone came out seven years after everyone else's and dominated the game. this happens again and again. if you're an investor, take a step back. take a deep breath. ask yourself where on the chart it made sense to be concerned with recent price performance. you can't find that place. that's my attitude. i laugh at the downgrades. the stock has been incredible. it has six months, a year where it doesn't give you much. i can live with that. >> sarat, the bulls are out defending it like dan ives, sentiment is dismal because of the hed winds in china and
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losing market share and deliveries, et cetera, have been going on for months now. there's optimism about estimates remain hittable for the iphone, services being rock solid. ai is coming. it's a matter of when, not if, and probably will be wwdc and they have this install base. so you're in the stock, too. what are we thinking here with the stock, as we said, breaking 170, sitting there as we speak? >> i'm with josh and jim on this one. you don't trade this one. you hold it, and it will have its consolidation it's having now. no new news, and you're getting traders selling away or trimming positions. i think if you look at the system, the ecosystem is really why you hold the stock and then the cash flow. so what they can do with the cash flow, buy back shares or invest in other areas they're doing both of. so as a long-term investor this
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is not one that you want to trade. when it's coming off as some of the other mega caps are, it's okay. and to jim's point, at a certain point when it comes back down, you can start adding to it again to this. it is a solid company and it's very well diversified and it will lead. you have all the other players a little bit ahead but then it catches up fast. >> it's driving up the whole market in a accepts today. a big player in the nasdaq, nasdaq's down sharply. i have steve kovach, our technology correspondent, sitting at the desk. shannon, i want to bring kovach in first. it's a moment that you don't ordinarily see and even when you do, you're pretty much convinced things will turn. what's the turning point here? >> moment is the exact way to put it. you might remember 11, 12 years
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ago here comes samsung with the big screen phones, apple is doomed. they put out a big screen phone, biggest upgreat cycle ever. here we are with the ai moment. what is apple's position in ai? where does it play into the story we're hearing from its peers from meta, google and so forth? we don't know. what you have to hope is that apple a couple years ago hired this executive name who came from google, aai genius. he reports to tim cook. this is time to show his work. what does that look like? the company has put enormous pressure on itself to knock their stocks off.
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they need a new one but because they want the ai feature. >> i wrote, as you were speaking, i wrote down pressure inside cupertino. you know tim cook better than most. calm, cool and collected as any ceo we ever see or deal with. they're feeling it. they have to be. >> you said thank god they have a buyback. >> you want to talk about what tim cook is thinking. the shift in tone from the way he talks about ai has changed over the last year. just last week talking about
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features that had been in existence forever. fitness tracking on your apple watch, be labeling that as ai. yesterday new macbooks came out. they call it basically the best consumer pc you can buy. it's all marketing right now nothing to supplement that or deliver on it but they are changing their story. they would say machine learning or some other concept around it. now it's ai, ai, ai. they know that's what the market wants to hear. >> it's china, it's regulatory, it's ai, apple getting it from all fronts. >> i think there's give and take. it was more than happy to look aside from the potential rewards on the horizon.
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apple itself has really set us up to no longer look at hand sets but look at services. last quarter services was disappointing but still growing robustly. the challenge is that if you can only allocate a certain amount of your portfolio, you're probably looking at stocks that have momentum, have been performing better rather than being on the consumption side. i think josh has a great point here. they're not looking to be the lead disrupter. look at this divergence between meta and apple when facebook became meta and they really started focusing only on what was happening from a virtual perspective. that stock languished because they were putting the money in to find the proof of concept. apple is more than willing to let its competitors find the proof of concept and then monetize it and to the point
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about their install base, we cannot look past that. that is not going to be disrupted. no other electronic consumer company in my opinion that will be able to create such a strong install base. do we have to wait for it? perhaps. that doesn't mean they can't continue to grow. i think people are looking at this company as being able to grow when it was much smaller. with its cap, the balance sheet and the free cash flow, they do have a lot of levers they can pull at any given time. >> i do want to get down to washington, d.c. our emily wilkins has breaking news regarding tiktok. i think you're going to find interesting what she tells us she is learning. >> reporter: tiktok is coming under scrutiny by lawmakers out with a new bill. either say good-bye to bytedance or be banned in the u.s. the bipartisan bill seeks to narrowly target tiktok while
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avoiding potential issues with free speech. this is where some past tiktok legislation has ran into tricky issues. the bill would make it illegal for any app controlled by china or other foreign adversary countries from being distributed in the u.s. either through app stores or web hosting services unless those apps divested from their parent companies. the legislation empowers the president to designate apps owned by certain countries as a national security risk, provided the app meets certain guidelines spelled out in the bill. it remains to be seen how much support the bill will gather in congress or if the white house will back it. we expect to see more on thursday. if it does become law, though, bytedance would have less than six months to find a way to divest tiktok. scott? >> emily, i appreciate that. we find china all over the tech trade today whether it's the story about apple and sales down 24% year on year. tiktok, amd is selling off today
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in relation to regulatory issues. back to you, steve kovach. how concerning, not tiktok, but the china issue for apple where you could say, well, it's 20% of their overall revenues. now i wonder if they need to rethink what their business model will look like because of the loss of sales from china. >> i don't know if it's necessarily the business model, but they can't do anything -- >> the expectations is probably a better way of saying it. >> they can't make consumers feel confident but they can look at huawei, which is taking market share from them, is suddenly back on the market. we used to hear so much. my conversations with tim cook, so many conversations a year and change ago was about switchers. huawei was out of the game for a while and they would see people switch over from huawei from android to iphone. he stopped talking about that.
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yes, huawei is small, there is more market share there. it's a home grown brand, it's a brand that can play up to nationalistic consumers there. in china, how do they compete with huawei and then go from there? hopefully economic conditions improve. it's huawei, huawei, huawei. >> it is interesting when you look at the way the trades have worked between the qs themselves, the bigger group of these larger tech stocks, and apple. one going up. the other one sort of consistently going down, and how that resolves itself. that's what jonathan christian ski is talking about over at btig who says at some point that divergence between apple and the qs is likely to resolve. our thinking is the latter. i'm curious what you think about that and what the overall implications on the market
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itself would be if you have a more meaningful pullback for a considerable amount of time. >> so i told you that's exactly what i think is in the process of playing out. i said it two weeks ago on "closing bell." maybe i was earlier with nvidia making new highs. they are calling it the sensational six now. what does that tell you? there is a diversion amongst the leadership. tesla is out. the furious five, this is the problem because it's not just apple, judge, it's alphabet, and i own both stocks. what i'm saying is not like this long-term bearishness, but, come on, between alphabet, apple and amazon, alphabet is the cheapest. it's a 23 p/e. amazon is 60. but amazon looks better than the
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other two. year to date apple down 12%. it's the second worst stock in the top 20 largest market caps. the only one worse is tesla down 28%. and now alphabet is breaking down. apple is about 9% below its 50 day and it's about 1% below. the buyers didn't show up. the support wasn't there. now you have the situation where the largest market cap in that mag seven are breaking down one by one. i don't know who is next, but i can tell you as the air goes out of that theme, i don't think the money sits in gold. i think the money is looking for a home. i am bullish.
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i want more exposure to anything that's not tech or utilities. and i'm not hunting for my next tech stock right now. that's exactly whati think is playing out here. that theme is tired. it needs a rest, there's nothing wrong with the companies. the stock prices have run out of gas. >> kovach, pressure inside hqs, out in mountain view, there's immense pressure. the co-founder of google, they, quote, definitely messed up with the gemini image generation launch. that's why we're seemingly talking about the story in every way and i mean the stock story. >> you took the words out of my mouth. >> and look what happened a year ago when they tried to rush out that bard which became gemini, messed up, boom. they keep putting stuff out that just doesn't work or doesn't
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work their way. i was on with you when they first showed gemini and they faked the video to show it can do things it's not capable of doing. why do they keep putting it out and tripping over themselves. google putting out stuff that doesn't work or gets criticized and apple is doing nothing, just tea teasing. >> you explained a lot of this away, quite frankly assuming they will figure it out and get it right. i'm wondering what makes you think they will. >> i feel that when i look at the companies as an investor, i see the resources there. siri to me is impressive. when you talk about google, the mistake they made back in
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february, it went on to 2xthe s&p 500. that was pretty darned good. the resources are there. >> you're using that as a plus. i would suggest it's even more of an indictment of what were they doing for ten years. >> let's discuss what happened last week. that was an unforced error. it was stupid. it was dumb. but if we're going to use the tennis match analogy, we're in the first set of ai at best. maybe them just lost a game. and i want those resources from deep mine. i hear you and i've heard others say that's an indictment. i say to you as an investor looking at the company at 20x, roughly, forward earnings, having the resources there, all those years of experience, i hate the stupid mistake they made last week. it was just unnecessary. the heat on them, on the ceo, is
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tremendous. they either fix it or there will be a problem. i expect them to fix it with the resources. >> i want to ask shannon the last question in this segment. thank you, steve kovach, to put all of this into perspective. the idea of what josh said, you don't want to be in the nasdaq. that's where the bigger hits are going to continue to come whether parts of the trade are bubblicious. keith learner says no bubble but could use a breather. do you think it's in a little bit of trouble for a short period of time? >> i don't think we've reached euphoric levels and a lot of investors cite the valuation differential and the premium and, frankly, the stocks grow at a pace that's higher than the broader market and they generate a significant amount of free
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cash flow and probably deserve a premium. the challenge with the trade, it came into this year priced for perception. that was driven by two things, expectations of more than expected interest rate cuts, but, also, the fact they continue to post really strong results when the economic picture was from an outward perspective not as strong. coming into this year, why wouldn't there be a rotation, other industries that could potentially do better in a stronger economic environment but aren't trading and haven't received that type of will have from investors. certainly to multiple compression for the names when it comes down to it, this is within these companies is actually a strong sign for the market in our opinion that people are looking at fundamentals and making good choices.
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>> the dip buyers will come right back in, and we're going to be talking about, well, that was fun. a few days of upset within that trade as money has been broadening out. it's just been overshadowed by financials, industrials, materials, and speaking of other trades, our "chart of the day" is target, because it's popping on its earnings. stephanie link joins us now to discuss this trade. she's been adding to it. the sales did fall for the first time since 2016. what's the read here? why is the stock, steph, up near 12% when you read through this and you hear the outlook, it doesn't sound all that sunny. >> last year in 2023 operating margins expanded in 180 basis points year over year. in the past quarter it expanded
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again to 5.8. and they're on their path to getting to 6% which is what they historically have done all because of things we've talked about, inventory fell another 12% while revenues rose 1.7. this is the key, this is the fifth straight quarter where sales outgrew inventory. that is huge in terms of visibility and in terms of visibility to margins and the profitability story. i think that's what people are jazzed up about. there's still a lot of wood to chop on same store sales. it will be a slow recovery, but they're giving us a pathway to get to flat to 2% same store sales for the full year which suggests that they have confidence in the traffic trends they're seeing as well as easy comparisons. for this year in terms of earnings, if they can do with 6% operating margin and a 1% same
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store sales number with a buyback which they have not announced yet, i think that number they're talking about is so low, it could be for 2024. >> part of me wants to ask if you take this pop and run. the story you're talking about is dismal. same store sales declines. you can get back to flat. that doesn't make me feel all that fabulous about a stock that's giving you a gift today am. >> they have a new loyalty program i think will be very exciting. one of the reasons i started adding to the position is because of them going on the offense in terms of new product introductions, increasing private label and that sort of thing. this stock april 2023 levels is still down 37% from november of
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2021, and you only have 20 buys on the stock and 19 holds and sells. and i do think you will see the analysts start to change their opinion. the story is not over yet. >> i appreciate you calling in. stephanie link, hightower chief investment strategist. you've been shopping yourself for some retail. you bought casy. >> it links with what stephanie was talking about. yes, that was on purpose. the consumer is strong, folks. the labor market is strong. the consumer is employed and they're consuming. i've been looking in restale. i bought amazon. that's obviously a large cap name. i'm looking for something more unique, more on the small side where things are not as well known. casey's general store is a gas and convenience store chain in the midwest -- think iowa, think
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illinois, think small towns where this is a social center. not being pejorative or making fun of anyone. that's literally the truth. think about a locale where people drive 30 miles and they go to a casey's, get prepared foods there. there's a special story to this story, spescial aspects, growin at a measured pace of 5% to 10% a year, very good balance sheet. it's a little bit on the pricey side, but i wanted to be in the space, and i like this story. good stuff. when we come back, josh brown has a new buy. something he says is one of the best opportunities in the entire u.s. stock market. we're going to tell you what it is in two minutes. >> announcer: are you following "the halftime report" podcast? what are you waiting for? look for us in your favorite podcasting app. follow "the halftime" podcast now. our neighbors, the garcía's, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized,
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all right. we have a portfolio move to tell you about. josh brown adding to pfizer, something he says is one of the best opportunities in the entire market right now. tell us more. >> yeah this is very far away from what people are doing. this stock is on the 52-week low list. it's actually at an 11-year low. we haven't seen it trade at these prices since december of 2013. what's happening here, in my view, is very simple. there's just no great near-term catalyst for this stock and, as
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a result, people are coming out of it and looking for other things to do that might be more rewarding in the shorter term. from my perspective, that sets this up perfectly because i'm looking to be an investor here. i'm not looking for any kind of short-term pop in the stock. i don't even know if i'm done buying it yet, but i added to my position by about 50% yesterday as it was making a new 52-week low. the people who watch the stock -- the show, know i'm looking for stocks closer to a 52-week high and exhibiting strength. i think this is a special situation. covid wrecked this company. they went all in on paxlovid and on the vaccines. then the disease became endemic. nobody needs the pills. nobody cares about the shots. and their revenue was demolished. that's why the stock is in a 60% drawdown paying almost 6.5% dividend yield and they made an
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acquisition of cgen i think will have huge potential in the coming years for oncology drugs. it's been around for 175 years. they've had other issues like this, people worried about viagra coming off patent in 2017. they got through that. before that people were worried about lipitor in 2011. they always find a way to rebuild revenue growth and reorient the company. i don't think this time will be any different. i am a buyer under 30, and we'll see what happens in the coming years. >> it's getting a move as we're having this conversation. do you have a comment here? >> josh, i'm sure you're not surprised pfizer comes on my radar screen a lot. i bet on sarat's, too. i see what you're seeing. i think you're going make money. the thing holding me back is that dividend yield. a lot of free cash flow they're holding off in dividends. does that leave them enough for
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r&d, the high yield is signaling that it's too high? >> i'm really glad you asked that question. in a series of recent presentations, not only have they committed to substantial r&d, but, in addition, last year they froze the buyback so this used to be a dividend plus buyback story. they stopped doing that. they will have to deleverage the balance sheet to get back to buybacks. i believe they'll continue the dividend and i think they'll add the new leg to the story when it's appropriate, and if you look at the history of shareholder return here, they've done a good job historically with that capital allocation decision. i think they can do all of these things at once. i don't think the street is giving them that much credit that they will.
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>> stock is on the move and we'll continue to watch it from negative or flat line by 1%. bill baruch joins us now. he has a new buy. good to see you. that is duke energy. tell us more. >> it's not a sexy buy. here is the thing. you can't manage risk all at once. we're planting a seed. i'm a believer they come down. utilities have been beaten down. i'm looking to duke, and the reason i'm leading it here, earnings just over the last year alone, three out of the last four reports they've missed eps estimates. a lot of that has to do with capex, and i think controlling capet is something you will see in the coming quarters and will be a tail wind to their eain. revenues they beat over the last year. i see this as a positive.
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strong economies. this is the seed i'm planting. coming here next week or in the coming months this is a name i'll nibble more and more into. >> shannon, a utility move which, look, this trade has been terrible. it's the only sector that is down year to date and 1.6%. when everything is up, it stands out like a sore thumb. the only other sector that has done poorly is energy. what do you make of this move? >> josh said earlier, he wouldn't be a buyer in tech and utilities. utilities has two challenges right now. it's a rate story and so with less interest rate cuts, not as much momentum, if you will, or any momentum or positive sentiment from a yield perspective.
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i don't think people are adding they want to feel a lot of protection. there's the trend of electrification, of demographic shifts, upgrades that are needed. you have part of the solar story. you also have some, what i would say, some access to sustainability, which is becoming increasingly important outside of the esg paradigm. i think utilities should be looked at more so from an investment perspective, but i understand some of the near-term head winds. we see a different story on the rate side and get some real spending coming out of the i.r.a., the inflation reduction act. i think could you see a pop in utilities. >> sarat, do you agree or disagree? >> i do. i own it and edison and owning it in a period now if and when rates do come down, multiple expansion. they also have 5% to 7% earnings growth and 3% to 7% earnings
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yield. i like owning a couple of utilities in the portfolio to add to the diversification. >> good stuff. bill baruch, we'll see you soon. appreciate the update. we'll track that. let's get the headlines with bertha coombs. meta's social media platforms are down for many users today. facebook and threads were affected the most, not loading around 10:00 a.m. eastern time while instagram wasn't refreshing for some. according to down detector which tracks outages, a meta spokesman confirmed users were having issues. the ukrainian military said it sank a russian ship off the crimean coast in an overnight drone attack. intelligence published a video that reportedly shows the ship being hit and going up in flames. nbc news could not independently verify. russia has yet to confirm the
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attack. and scanners who spot fentanyl crossing the u.s./mexico border in vehicles have been sitting in a warehouse because there's no money to install them. that's according to the customs border protection commissioner to nbc news. the $300 million to install them was part of the funding request blocked by republicans. the cbp said over 95% of fentanyl seized at the border is in personal vehicles. scott, back over to you. >> bertha, appreciate that. > r ha coombs. >>ou"calls of the day," analyst activity in toast and oracle and ak censure. and the good news is we have ownership. we'll trade them next. meets bold new thinking. (laughter) at 88 years old, we still see the world with the wonder of new eyes, helping you discover untapped possibilities
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and relentlessly working with you to make them real. old school grit. new world ideas. morgan stanley. (christina) with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. old school grit. new world ideas. so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. my name's brian hoeflinger, and because of tiktok, i have the power to educate people and hopefully save lives. when my son brian died in a drunk driving accident, i put out a video about it and try to stop young people from drinking and driving. no other family has to go through what we did. tiktok has the power to change society,
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and i think that's where the power of tiktok lies. if you save one person, that's one more person that can change the world too. right? ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ they're waiting for you. hey, do you have a second? they're all expecting more. more efficiency. more benefits. more growth. when you realize you can give your people everything, and more. thank you very much. [applause] ask, "now what?" here's what.
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you go with prudential to protect, empower and grow. with everything you need to deliver, you guessed it... more. one more thing... who's your rock? learn more at let's talk some toast because, josh, there was the call that came out yesterday. we wanted to do it today. it was initiated evercore,
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outperform, price target 32. you own the stock. >> i'm in the stock, and the first quarter they reported after i bought it, it immediately collapsed, so i look like an idiot. now it's on a rampage up 20-some-odd percent over the last month. the stock looks really good and i think what evercore is saying in their call yesterday is the main point which is the main reason not to be bullish on this company they haven't reached profitability yet on purpose because they're growing really fast, people need to start thinking about what this looks l like, ebitda will grow even if it takes a while to get to profitability. evercore gets to a multiple of ten times profit or 32 times enterprise value to ebitda.
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gets you into the 30s for the stock. the competition which is the other bear case, i know a very big thing people don't understand, talk to restaurant owners. once they train their staff on one software program, especially in that industry where the typical restaurant owner worker is not very adept at technology, they don't switch platforms. it's highly sticky. owners know that somebody who has learned toast elsewhere can plug right in for payments within their restaurant. it is rapidly becoming the industry standard with the biggest market share. the 106,000 restaurant customers they have today will pale in comparison to what the overall will be. >> reiterated barclays, the company will earn on monday. you own it. >> i do.
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>> it's up about 50% year to date. the key here after the last earnings call what is the capex spend and what is the backlog, and that's what hurt the stock before. it's cheap valuation compared to its peers. >> what about accenture reiterated a buy at mizuho. 426 is the price target on that one. the consulting businesses have taken off now as more clients look to ai, looking to more cloud if they establish themselves. they're in the sweet spot in terms of working with a lot of customers using the products from the microsoft's of the world. the operating coverage here is what you have to look for. >> a break and we'll trade the biggest movers. first, mike santoli will join us with his "midday word."
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our senior markets commentator mike santoli with his "midday word." a good test for the market if the mega cap stocks remain upset for a bit, and as i was thinking about this, i looked down and nvidia goes green. i don't know what you want from me. >> it replains the most exceptional of the exceptional out there. that being said we've had on the nasdaq 100 in the last six months or so in this uptrend five touches of the 20-day average. this would be just the start of it. a fitful rotation. that said, as i was saying yesterday near the close, it feels the rhythms are off in the
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market. you did have so much hot money flow into some of the neglected corner, stuff ran really fast, you cleared out the short base. we'll see how the market handles that. the new high list, it's all of these big, important consumer industrial and financial stocks people own a lot of. nothing says it stops here either. >> a breather is okay, too. >> i know the market was kind of doing that but you're still at 5100, thereabouts, for the s&p. the russell is over 2060. we're still holding on to pretty good levels. >> we are for now. >> it wouldn't even be visible. if it's under way it's about something else, what powell says tomorrow, thursday, or something that gives you reason to be concerned that the story is over
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and the choreography. >> thear mket just trying to get ahead of what powell may say on the hill. we shall see. i'll see you on "closing bell." up next, two big winners, two big rozzers. (vo) what does it mean to be rich? maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪♪ ) with the push of a button, constant contact's ai tools help you know what to say,
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we are back. let's trade "two big winners and two big losers. " davita, stock up a bench. now, i'm not suggesting this move today for this name means anything about anything else, but are we going to get some love into other areas of health care beyond that specific trade that has seen the likes of lily and some others just shoot to the moon? >> listen, this is a transformative franchise in terms of glp-1, but i think, you
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know, this expansion into south america is indicative of the growing demographic trends that are benefiting everything else, including a glp-1, but across the board, it's an aging demographic globally, as well as an expense of health care into developing markets. so this is fueling some of this rotation into health care, scott, but so far this year, away from just the glp-1 franchises. >> at&t gets an upgrade today. that stock is a winner. losers, albermarle. would be too much? we are back with fooi"final tra" next. (inner monologue) another destination wedding?? we just got back from her sister's in napa. who gets married in napa? my daughter. who gets married someplace more expensive? my other daughter. cancun! jamaica!! why can't they use my backyard!! with empower,
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i'm see you at "closing bell" at 3:00 eastern. we take you through the last hour of trades. it's going to be an interesting one. we're talking to kevin simpson and jonathan krimski. we talked about this resolution he thinks has to happen between the qs and apple. he'll explain further to you at 3:00. shannon, final trade. >> deputy's equity. >> sirat? >> slb, schlumberger is very attractive at these levels. >> josh brown? >> berkshire in a 6% drawdown. this is where i would look at
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it. >> citi group looks like it's breaking out of a six-week consolidation phase. >> i told you with mike santoli, nvidia has gone green. otherwise, all the mega caps are in the red. obviously, we're watching apple closely. some of these other names, meta and alphabet down, as well. i'll see you at 3:00 on "closing bell." "the exchange" is next. [sfx: win and rolling thunder] nobody's born with grit. british announcer: rose is really struggling. it's something you build over time. american announcer: that's 21 missed cuts in a row. [car trunk slammed shut] for 88 years, morgan stanley has offered clients determination and forward thinking to create the future... crowd: stop it! ...only you can see. american announcer: rose, back in the winner's circle. [crowd cheers] [music out] ♪ ♪ every day, businesses everywhere are asking: is it possible? with comcast business... it is. is it possible to help keep our online platform
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early studies suggest a better way. lexaria bioscience. with nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtec odt. welcome to "the exchange." i'm dominic chu. nvidia turned him into a growth investor for a little while. but now our market guest is back to his value roots and brings the names he likes coming up from here. plus, a challenging housing market has been a good thing for this company. we'll tell you why and talk to the ceo about where he sees demand going in housing from here. and we have the action, the story, and the trade on three more names getting


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