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tv   The Profit  CNBC  April 18, 2021 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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and what i avoided in this scenario was mike. i think mike actually saved me a million bucks. thank you, mike. ♪♪ ♪♪ this is one of the most storied pieces of real estate in the entire world -- the las vegas strip. in 2017, more than 40 million people came to vegas, and they spent $34 billion. i wanted to see how the city works -- not as a spectacle, but as a business. so i'm going to spend the entire next three days and $20,000 of my own money learning how vegas got so good at separating you from your cash. we'll keep track of every cent, learning how vegas got so good at separating you from your cash we'll keep track of every scent
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and i'm betting we'll learn a few secrets along the way. ♪ ♪ ♪ there's no question that las vegas is the gambling capital of the u.s. here on the strip, four publicly traded companies control 20 different casinos, and for them everything is high stakes. most are camera shy. but after a lot of negotiations, this one opened its doors. caesar's palace. >> hello, how are you? welcome to seas caesar's palace. >> nice to meet you. >> they gave me a dedicated casino host. mine is steve. >> we'll take you to the platinum check-in. >> welcome to the caesar's
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palace, mr. lemonis. >> because you're a premium guest, we upgraded you to our diamond card >> so i could start earning points with all the money i'm about to spend, starting with my room we took an exclusive elevator to the 29th floor this is what $3,400 a night will get you. this place was unbelievable. it had a living room, a dining room it felt like a house >> would you like to grab a water now? >> i'm okay, thank you you don't have to stand there with that. >> ornate bathrooms, two out size bedrooms, all decorated to the nines. re nay also came with the room >> this is for you >> my own private butler on call 24/7 how many rooms are you handing right now? >> just yours. >> one person room >> dedicated to you. yes, sir >> but i accidendidn't want to n
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my room. i'm here for the action. >> hi, i'm rotina. this is roulette do you noru let? >> you're going to explain it to me >> i sure will do you have rewards with us? travel rewards >> my first dollar on the diamond card i asked martina for a quick explanation. >> so, you can bet on one number that pays 35 to 1, by the way. you can bet on two numbers which pay 17 to 1. you can bet on three numbers, 11 to 1 four numbers, 8 to 1 this is the only spot on the board for five numbers, which pays 6 to 1. >> honestly, i had no clue >> or you can bet on six numbers and that pays 5 to 1 but you don't have to remember all that >> and i should have stopped right there. >> there we go >> i only lasted three spins >> oh, man ah >> 17. 32 oh, you were close
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>> and just like that, i was out 85 bucks >> you're not coming here to invest money, you're coming to win money. you're coming for entertainment purposes entertainment only you only want to risk and come out here with what you know you might lose and are comfortable with >> generally what are the odds >> on this particular game, the house advantage is higher than most >> it is >> absolutely. >> it's not just roulette. the house is favored in every single game here >> thanks for bringing me this one first. >> you asked for the wheel >> for a town built on games of chance, the truth is very little is left to chance. >> it's a pleasure to have you here >> sean mcburny has been the general manager of caesar's palace for four years. >> can i get a tour? >> absolutely. >> i want the inside tour. as we walked, i asked him about the rewards card i got at check-in turns out it's mcburny's secret weapon in exchange for points, it
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allows the casino to track every game i play, every mealy eat, every cent i spend and everywhere i spend it. so when i spend on this card, i go to the club, i go to four restaurants, i go in here -- you're watching that -- >> one example, you play black jack we'll learn you like black jack. we'll learn the level at which you play black jack and how long >> $5 tables >> that's good >> so if i spend some money at noble at caesar's and swipe my reward card, they capture what i order, a glass of wine and sushi roll that goes into the computer and what might appeal to me. a wine tasting those offers are sent to my smartphone >> being able to capture all of those preferences allows us to target market based on your observed interest in preference. >> proprietary software to do
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it all proprietary? >> all internal. >> it really is about understanding what is the person that walks through the front door wants and how do i get more out of their wallet. >> that's exactly right. >> that is that a historical piece? >> it's original from when we opened august 1966 this is all original and if we walk over here to the left, you can see the palace casino original from when the property opened in 1966 just a very iconic part of the casino this is where most of the table games are located. >> table games, like black jack, still one of vegas's biggest money makers there are nearly 40 casinos around the four-mile long strip with more than 1200 black jack tables the casinos take in an average of $2,000 a day per table. that's about $900 million a year from black jack alone. how are they pulling in so much money? i got to play to find out.
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>> how are you doing i'm marcus nice to meet you >> benny has been dealing cards under the dome longer than i've been alive so how long have you been here >> it will be 52 years sunday. i opened this place up in '66. i started off as the casino porter, which i clean the tables and ashtrays and taking out the trash. that's all blacks could do on the strip. >> really? you weren't permitted to deal cards? >> blacks weren't permitted. >> when were you permitted >> i'd say '71 >> did they teach you how to do this >> they sent me to school and i worked may way to be a dealer. >> once he became a dealer, a who's who of hollywood showed up at his table have you met any fantastic people >> a lot >> celebrities >> isn't that tra, diana ross, joe lewis. >> any dealer good enough for joe lieu willis is good enough
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for me >> let's do it >> okay, we're going to have fun. >> okay, let's do it >> first, a few practice runs. you don't need to explain anything 21, baby >> we'll do it again okay, that's 10. now, i have a short. you have to always assume it's a 10 underneath. so what do i have? >> you have 12 >> okay. that's 18. now, you want 20 there you go >> okay, we're doing good. >> let me pay you first. >> to be honest, losing at roulette was a distant memory. >> you told me you didn't know how to play this game. >> then i was ready to join a real game with real money. >> can't beat you. >> biggest bet you've ever seen? >> biggest bet i've seen was $75,000 a hand >> did they come out ahead or behind >> they came out ahead >> i wasn't willing to go quite that far >> come on
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>> benny dealt me a 20 i stayed >> i was just wondering were you thinking about splitting that. >> when it first went down i remembered what you told me, we don't split 10s. >> there you go. >> benny dealt himself 9, 12, 14, and finally --
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♪♪ ♪ i was playing black jack
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with veteran dealer benny fagans and had two jacks on the table benny's hand started with a 9, 12, 14, and finally 19 black jack rules meant he had to stay and i won the hand i ended up for the night winning a total of $197. >> all this is profit. >> anybody ever give you business advice? >> save your money >> i took that advice and called it a night >> you're a real gentleman thank you, sir >> i've been in las vegas nearly two days, and i've got to tell you, this place has a million ways to take your money. first, i went to the pool and had lunch in the cabana, $226. then i found some sneakers, $860 and a new tie, $950. next i tried the slots
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thanks for giving me 50 cents back another $99.50 gone. with my head reeling, i saw these giant tvs, part of the casino sports bar. >> i want to bet on college football >> what's your team? >> university of miami i took miami and three points and their season opener against lsu. oh, there it is, college football week one. i was also sure the hurricanes would play for the national championship >> 40 to 1 >> well, that didn't work out. down another 600 bucks in a flash, my pockets were more than $2700 lighter proof that businesses here are diversifying gaming accounted for just 34% of revenues on the strip in 2017. rooms, drinks and entertainment made up half food is another huge slice of the pie. withtop restaurants from gordo ramsey to giada delorentiis,
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it's been a destination for one thing, the really big buffet, one of the biggest at caesar's palace coming in at 25,000 square feet with 500 different dishes, i'm about to find out if this place lives up to the hype it seems busy. is it always busy? >> it's always busy. okay, this isn't your average buffet >> oh, my gosh >> it's a football field of food keeps going. lamb chops, crab cakes, paella and the executive sheff, letisha nunez. >> hi, how are you >> are you letisha >> i am. >> are you the head boss in charge >> i am. that's what they tell me >> to run an empire this big, you've got to work she comes in at 5:00 every morning and puts in almost 70 hours a week
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>> we do two tons of crab legs a day. >> two tons? >> two tons. that's how many crab legs will be put through this little station right here >> so there's none left for america? >> oh, god >> it's not just crab legs in a year they'll dish out nearly 3 million pieces of dim sum, 650,000 oysters, and more than a half a million sliders. do you do all the buying >> yes, i do >> for the whole place >> yes, i do that's the bulk of my job, financials managing the money and making sure we don't run out of every single item. >> what if there's a shortage? >> then we have a crisis we will have very upset guests >> the next time you're stressing over dinner, keep in mind that chef letisha and her team will serve a million people every year yeah, 1 million. this is the big leagues. >> this is it. >> this is the biggest experience in las vegas, is it not, the biggest buffet? >> it is
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i was born to do this. this is what i love to do. everything that you can imagine to do happens in vegas >> what are your dreams in vegas, what are your dreams long term >> i'm living it right now >> i'm about to meet someone else who is living his dream and you've got to see it to believe it >> so, when i levitate and fly around on stage, part of the audience will float out of their seats. >> at least in their mind? >> no, literally
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(man) so when in doubt, just say, "let me talk to my manager." next, carvana's 100% online shopping experience. oh, man. carvana lets people buy a car-- get this-- from their couch.
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oh, how disruptive. no salesman there to help me pick out the car i need. how does anyone find a car on this site without someone like us checking in? she's a beauty, huh? oh, golly! (laughter) i can help you find the color you want. that sounds nice. let me talk to my manager. (vo) buy your next car 100% online. with carvana. woo! you are busy... working, parenting, problem solving. at new chapter vitamins we've been busy too... innovating, sourcing organic ingredients, testing them and fermenting. fermenting? yeah like kombucha or yogurt. and we formulate everything so your body can really truly absorb the natural goodness. that's what we do, so you can do you. new chapter wellness, well done. ♪♪ ♪
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it's early afternoon at the planet hollywood theater and this dirty dusty stage is undergoing a total transformation becoming the chris angel theater. you think you're the only one with illusions >> there you go. >> i got up here like that >> you appeared in the cat walk. >> i literally just levy tated myself up here >> that's pretty good. >> i'm going to come down and see you. >> come on down. [ chuckling he's the mind freak. >> chris is the only mind freak. specials for walking on water. but the chris angel i know is much more than just the guy who does tricks. this is not a magic show i want to make sure people understand that. you're not a magician. you're not some strip headliner. you're a business person >> show business so there's no show if you don't understand the business. ♪
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there's 250,000 tourists that come through vegas every day to two days depending upon the seasons. everybody's out there trying to get the attention, get people to see their show you really have to understand the mentality of the public that come to las vegas to really understand how to capitalize on that you really have to understand what the audience wants. >> believe me, chris gets it he just spent ten years at the luxor hotel and casino >> success brought in $150 million a year in direct and indirect sales, revenue, it's incredible number one magic show on the planet >> he's been lured away with a long-term megadeal there's a rumor going around the street and it's no illusion. people are telling me you have struck the largest entertainment deal in las vegas ever >> that is true. but you know something people have to understand this is not something that happened overnight. it took me 18 years to become an
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overnight success. >> if chris's new show is not a success, this guy will feel the heat jason is the man who brought chris to planet hollywood. he's the president of entertainment for caesar's >> i would say the way we seek out these artists is they go by one name it's a start >> he's the one that came up with the residency having big stars like gwen stefani doing stints here. >> when we opened at the coliseum, it was wildly successful >> celine grossed 500 million ticket sales sell out all the seats and the cash registers really ring this can get pretty close to a million dollars of revenue if all things are firing on all cylinders. >> yes
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>> in a night. >> yes with just ticket revenue we've been over a million even with resident artists >> chris's new theater promises to be spectacular and will raise audience participation to new heights. >> so, when i live levitate and around the stage the audience will, too. >> they will think they will he had something large up his sleeve >> write 1 to 100. you wrote your number. >> yes, sir. >> i'll ask you a series of questions. >> i can lie to you? >> you're permit today lie to me >> your numbers are between 11 and 10 31 and 40. >> no. >> interesting >> he's not getting into my head >> 71, 72, 73, the number you
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wrote down, 72 is that it >> am i still allowed to lie >> i'll look on the paper. is it it 72 >> i could have used chris's magic for numbers at my next stop >> how much do i have on the table right now? >> 1150. >> i have $1100?
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♪♪ ♪ it's my last night in vegas and i'm going to win all of my money back and with 7700 bucks on the craps table, there's just one little
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problem. >> i have no idea what i'm doing. >> you came to the right table we'll explain the game as we go along. here we go >> can we win? >> no. >> can i lose? >> you didn't lose >> the rules are a bit confusing. >> the objective of the game now is to roll a 5 you can take odds like -- >> okay, they're a lot confusing. but that's not going to stop me. here we go >> got your points any time an 8 or 9 rolls, you're going to win >> put one on the 5. >> 5 >> 5, 8 or 9 you win >> 5, 8 or 9 >> i don't need to understand the rules. the crowd is firing me up. >> get that 5, marcus. [ cheers and applause >> how much did i just win >> $700. >> 700
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and the more i win, the bolder i get. how much do i have on the table right now? >> 1150. >> i have $1100? hold on, i'm in business the million spent to build all this had to come from somewhere. >> what was that >> the casino's got the edge here and i'm seriously out matched. that was pain of the i could feel the mood shift. i was once up by thousands now i'm back to even but it's vegas and i can't resist one more roll >> this is the last one. i'm going to go big and then go home i'm stressed first i need to pump up the crowd. i need more than that. [ cheers and applause >> now i'm ready to get paid >> come on, baby >> oh, my god. >> 7 >> ouch. i was kidding myself i'm out nearly $1600 >> i feel like crap is what i
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feel like. with a nod to my dealers i'm done during my stay my room ended up costing $14,000. on food and restaurants i spent 2,000. and 3,000 on shopping and entertainment. gambling, well, that totalled 2,500 in losses. gone are those $20,000 i came with and more that's the thing about vegas >> i need cash in my chips >> there is always this incentive to go for broke. >> i lost my voice i lost my voice at the craps table. >> it offers you life in fantasy land, and the amount of money you spend there, it never seems real until the end ♪ after three days here it's clear to me that las vegas knows what it does well at its heart, it's still all about entertaining you and they've got that down pat. but i'm in business, and i take
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risks every day. so gambling is no vacation for me >> oh, man >> i'd rather stake my money on a small business or entrepreneur those are my kind of odds. i'm marcus lemonis ♪ ladies, what's the first thing you take off when you get home? - my bra. - absolutely my bra. - well, of course the bra. - i hate wearing a bra. - i definitely take my bra off. - bra, 100%. - get those girls out. (laughs) (buzzer buzzes) - [announcer] imagine a bra so comfy you won't even know you're wearing a bra. stay tuned to find out how you can get your hands on a bra that's rated number one for comfort, custom fit, and ultimate coziness.


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