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tv   Fast Money  CNBC  April 19, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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authorities are hunting for the remaining prime suspects in monday's devastating marathon bombings. let's get the very latest of what we know up until now. sue? >> thank you, maria. a couple of things being clarified as we go along. initially, it was thought that the two suspects stopped at a convenience store and robbed that, but now authorities are saying that that is not the case. they did stop and get gas before they chase occurred with the authorities, but they did not rob the convenience store. in addition to that, you know, everybody is trying to get a little bit of color, if you will, on this whole situation. we hope to have a news briefing, one more briefing tonight. bill has alluded to the fact that it looks like they're getting ready to do that. we don't have the a time frame on that. we're hoping for one more briefing before they close to the press for the evening. and, you know, one of the things that haspparent to us,
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so many different opinions of the characters of the two suspects and, so, we picked up this interview from nbc news' brian williams, who actually talked to the coach of the older suspect, earlier today and asked him about the character of that person. listen in. >> if you ask me two days before the marathon, what kind of guy he was, i would have said he was a very athletic, outgoing, nice guy, very respectful. just the opposite of what you paint as a terrorist. >> and actually those same comments have been echoed, maria, by different friends of both of the individuals that the police were looking for. and it just paints a very interesting picture. you have on the one hand, a number of their friends saying, we have no idea, this is very out of character of both of them and then, of course, we know what happened after that. so, we just thought it was interesting to put those two in
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perspective, if you will. back to you. >> all right, sue, thank you. we'll be back to you as news develops. questions of where the two boston marathon bombers came from and what motivated them still very much in focus at this hour. joinings now is professor mia bloom, fellow at the international center for the study of terrorism at pennsylvania state university. professor bloom specializing in the study of chechen terrorism. thank you for joining us, professor. what can you tell us in terms of the mentality of perhaps these two individuals, what they are thinking and what is motivating such a heinous act? >> we don't really know what's motivating the individuals until we get a little bit more information, so, what we do know is that this does and doesn't fit some of the existing patterns of chechen terrorism. it doesn't fit that the targets were american. most off than not, chechen terrorists go after russian state or russian officials. so, that's what makes it unusual.
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but what makes it consistent with chechen terrorism is the use of brothers or the use of siblings. this is something that the chechens do and they do it often. >> and in terms of a network, the potential of accomplices and a network in chechnya, what's your vibe in terms of how big this could be? >> there's actually, again, i apologize, i have to tell you, there's no way of knowing until we get more information. because it's such an unusual attack, it's very possible that they just happened to be chechens, that there isn't a network within chechnya that is deliberately targeting the united states right now. what it might just be is, these were two brothers who became radicalized either together or the older brother radicalized the younger brother and there may not actually be any larger network in chechnya. it might just be a one-off. >> right. and in terms of being the one-off, though, bill, are you there? >> yeah, i was going to say, you know, in terms of the -- we spoke to a former fbi official
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herbali i earlier about this young man, what it would take to bring him out, to get him to give himself up. either, he goes out in a blaze or glory or he gives himself up. and in order to give himself up, he's got to be able to be encouraged to send his message. that he's going to be allowed to give the message they were trying to make, the statement they were trying to make with the bombing on monday. what do you think that message would be, if they are trying to represent the chechen rebels in this. >> if they are trying to represent the chechen rebels, and we're not sure that's the case, it's about chechen independence and the end of russian occupation. if you were to ask me to predict something, i think actually this is not going to end well for dzhokhar. he's social media savvy. he knows what members of his family have said, that he's an embarrassment to him, they've disavowed him. he knows what's going on with the manhunt. i suspect either he's going to end his own life or he will go
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down in a blaze of glory. i can't see right now him giving himself up of his own volition and then being arrested, going through a trial and everything else. so, my concern right now is, i don't -- i don't foresee the possibility of this having a positive resolution, where we'll actually ever know. >> yeah, i mean, that's -- that's a good point, because the other main issue that you didn't mention is the fact that he's lost his leader, which, of course, is his older brother, who was shot and is dead because of the chase overnight with law enforcement. so, in terms of social media, i'm glad you brought that up, because the individual at large, dzhokhar, is savvy in social media. how does that play into this, that perhaps was not the case in past terrorist situations that we've cover and we've seen develop? >> well, you know, one of the things that we see most often with suicide bombers is that no matter how the families feel individually, they're very
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rarely disavow the child. usually there's a lot of family or other village community peer pressure to support what their child has done, especially in the case of these islamic groups, whether it's among the palestinians or among the chechens or any of the groups, al qaeda affiliates. so, though the parents may individually feel great sorrow, you'll very often see them on television saying, i wish i had more than one child. and i think seeing what his family is saying, both his family that's still in russia as well as the family that is local, whether it's in toronto or if it's local in massachusetts, i think it must be very jarring for him. and like you said, maria, he's lost his older brother, and from all intents and purposes, what it looks like is that the older brother might have been the ring leader, just from the descriptions that we have, that he became more devout, he went back to russia, he felt alienated where as the younger brother was far more integrated into american society. >> right. right. mia, thank you very much. appreciate that. we will --
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>> thank, mia. >> we'll talk to you soon. today's video of the manhunt seems like scenes from the film "u.s. marshals." up next, weaver joined by former united states marshal john clark. going to talk about what happens next in the search for the remaining suspect. stale with stay with us.
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welcome back. we will have the very latest on the manhunt in boston in a moment. let's round up headlines in the business world first. courtney reagan with that. >> thank you, maria. stocks closing higher but for the week, the major end sis slumped. the dow and s and sp dropped more than 2%. boeing's dreamliner may be back in the air jen. u.s. aviation regular lay tomorrows approving a series of fixes on the 787. the faa saying it will issue instructions to operators that will allow the 787 to return to service with the battery system modifications. shares of apple posting the second largest weekly decline in 2 1/2 years, down more that 9 percent. shares are down 45% from hitting the all-time high in september, marking a loss of more than $294 billion in fact cap.
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ibm is trading down more 8%, marking big blue's largest drop in eight years after its quarterly earnings missed expectations on both the top and bottom lines. more business headlines in the next hour, but for now, maria, back to you. >> courtney, thank you. watertown, massachusetts, is where the manhunt took place today. we're joined now by mike driscoll. mike, thank you for calling in. what can you tell us about the region right now? >> well, again, as everything, we're still in a shelter in place. they did that earlier this morning, on or about, a little before 5:00, the decision was made to, number one priority is the safety of our residents and the residents of the commonwealth. >> at this point, we know that the area is in lockdown mode. the faa, saying there is a no fly zone over watertown. we know that amtrak has been suspended indefinitely. so, do we know for sure that if, in fact, that individual, the
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younger brother at large, dzhokhar tsarnaev, that if he is there in the region, he will not be able to get out? >> well, i don't know. i wouldn't be able to comment that. i would certainly defer to law enforcement folks on that. and there is a press conference coming up shortly. >> in terms of -- >> right, and -- in terms of people in the region, police and law enforcement officials going door to door, looking for this individual. what can you tell us in terms of the process of police going to everyone's homes looking for this person? >> well, again, we put out, right at the beginning, to make sure that everyone would lock their doors and then we had s.w.a.t. teams and we're very thankful for all of the assistance that all the law enforcement agencies provided to the men and women of the watertown police department, which we're all very proud of. they would go to each one of the houses, hundreds of houses. >> bill? >> i'm sorry, mr. driscoll, i'm standing here in watertown and
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my question is, maybe this is -- comes back to the law enforcement officials themselves making this call, but is your sense that once they had completed the door to door, even if they have not found this 19-year-old suspect, will the lockdown be lifted or -- have you gotten guidance on how that's going to happen? >> well, and i think, bill, to be honest with you, i'm going to defer to law enforcement folks and i think they'll provide a little, kind of an update on that within the hour. >> well, in terms of what you can tell us now, and what people of watertown should be doing, do you stand by, they should still be staying in their house? >> yes. yes. we're very much -- all the businesses aren't open and we're asking the folks to stay in. the police chief certainly requested their cooperation and watertown residents have been great about it. sit tight and certainly wait until further guidance from the law enforcement folks. >> well, this has obviously been
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a harrowing week for you and for the people of boston and watertown. how long would it take to recover from this? i mean, you've been in lockdown now for several hours. what do you envision the recovery to be like and look like? >> well, i think the recovery today, it's a friday, and another issue guarding the municipal services. in massachusetts, all the school children are on vacation, so, we didn't have to worry about getting the children to school and back, so, they were off. we have the -- there are some opportunities to, from a recovery standpoint here, we have a variety of things we have to do with our police officers and the equipment and the folks. but we'll have to see how we proceed with everything. >> all right, thank you very much, mike driscoll, for your insights and weighing in here. we'll talk to you soon after we do get that briefing. law enforcement officials continuing to extend the web around greater boston and the manhunt for the prime suspect in the boston marathon bombings.
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we are waiting for a press conference from officials to learn more information. stay with us. our live continuing coverage continues. everybody has different investment objectives,
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today and the world, watching the multi-agency manhunt continuing in boston right now. we know that one of the suspects in the boston marathon bombings was killed early today, after leading the police on a wild chase following the fatal shooting of the campus police officer at m.i.t. the other is a fugitive right now, and the law enforcement is on the case, looking for him. joining me right now on the telephone is craig dotlow, former fbi super visor. he spent 31 years in the new york city office. also with us is john clark, former u.s. marshal, service chief inspector, who ran a multiagency fugitive task force in southern california. gentlemen, thank you very much for joining us. we appreciate it. john clark, let me get your thoughts in terms of where we are right now, on what we've learned out of boston. >> it's obviously still very much a physical manhunt in the watertown area. they are still doing door to
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door searches, executing search warrants, in places that have been known to be associated with the suspects. but at the same time, behind the scenes and a lot is going on, as far as developing information about everything that ever has been in contact with the suspect, finding out who his associates, friends, family are. every piece of paper that he ever filled out that may have a reference on it, those types of things are being compiled to find out who he is, and where he might be headed. >> and craig dotlow, all of this being compiled as law officials look for the brother at large, dzhokhar tsarnaev. do you expect that he is in watertown, still? what does your gut tell you? >> well, i really don't know. but i would say that as time goes on, it's probably unlikely that he is still there and i'm sure law enforcement is making contingency plans as to where they're going to go next and likely what thooid be doing is interviewing relatives and friends to try to determine
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where he might be, where he might go. it's going to be very difficult to be on the lam for a long period of time -- >> you know -- yes, go ahead. >> yes, craig and john, we've been impressed here today, i'm standing in watertown, we've been impressed with the presence of the various law enforcement that have been on sight here, throughout the day, this tremendous coordination that's gone on. and the talk has been that maybe in the last 12 years since 9/11, this is now the result of all the planning that's gone on, all the practicing. this is the infrastructure now in place that was ready to be put into position, if there was ever another terror attack on u.s. soil. is that what we're witnessing right now, craig? >> yeah, i think so. i think basically the stove pipes have been taken down. you see a lot more cooperation among local, state and federal authorities. you have the joint terrorist task force that have been
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launched in many cities around the country. they do a lot of tabletop exercises, planning for these events. i re right on the mark. that's what 9/11 has done for us. >> we know that law enforcement officials have found the car that they believe was used by these individuals. what can they glean from that car, what will be the most important pieces of evidence that may -- that they may get in that car, john? >> as far as finding them, the pieces of evidence would be anything that leads them to other people where they might hide out. they are also, obviously, physical evidence, that your more germaine to the fbi case related to the explosives, trace evidence, that kind of thing. but as far as the fugitive investigation, the evidence would relate to if they found phones in there, address books, any scraps of paper with telephone numbers on it, account numbers, that type of thing
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would be very helpful to the manhunt. >> and of course the fbi is really in charge here, leading this investigation. craig, what can you tell us, in terms of the network of people, friends, family, that the fbi, no doubt, has been talking to. we've already heard from the -- these two individuals father who basically suggested these guys were set up. the uncle, who basically said, look, this guy is a disgrace, my nephews are a disgrace. how important are these conversations and these comments out of the tsarnaev family members? >> well, it certainly kind of indicates a degree of cooperation you may be getting from family members. but i think what family members say publicly may be different than what they say privately. i'm sure there agents attempting to interview family members because obviously they can provide some good leads. and also, i think they would want to stress to family members that the fbi and law enforcement want to take this particular
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individual alive. it's a benefit for him to be taken alive. he has a treasure trove of information. i think we want to know what triggered this. having him alive is very important. we want to encourage family members to help us in that regard. >> we want to bring in scott cohn, who is on the ground in water town right now. scott, i know that we are waiting on another press conference from law officials. what are you seeing there? >> ah, well, we're seeing that things are starting to wind down in terms of the intense house to house search, at least from what we can tell from aircraft, helicopters in the air, which seem to be -- seem to be done. some of that might have to do with the weather. and we are waiting for this news conference, where we think we're going to get a timeline of the events of last night and early this morning. we know now that about 10:24
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last night, according to police, that that's when they get the call from m.i.t. police, they hear what appears to be shots. then, there's an armed robbery of a 7-11, which is unrelated to all of this. early reporting on that was incorrect. but sometime after that, the brothers apparently bought gas at a shell station in cambridge and then at, about 10:30, m.i.t. campus police officer is found shot and later dies of his wounds. then a couple minutes later, a call about the car jacking, the mercedes suv. and the chase goes on then, with the -- with explosive devices being thrown out of the vehicle as they drive here to watertown and watertown is where the pursuit ended and where the search has been going on all day and the thinking is that dzhokhar tsarnaev is still here in watertown, at least that's
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the part. hopefully we'll learn more about that shortly. >> yeah, and we'll be going to that live news conference as it happens. craig, are you surprised -- craig dotlo from the fbi, he was with us a moment ago, we're going to get back to more fbi officials. bill griffith on the ground in watertown. all day today. bill, has the scene changed in any way? you've been there all day, from the early morning hours. what has changed? >> well, as i keep saying, there's an ebb and flow to the activity. the activity is definitely picking up again. scott was just pointing out, those things that have happened before the news briefings are happening now. the state troopers are marching in. they're there to protect whoever, whichever dignitaries come in and the last few briefings we've had, governor patrick, we've had boston mayor menino. we had watertown officials, we had state trooper officials and other law enforcement officials, so, that's probably what's going
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to happen and i received the same information that scott did on this timeline. so, that may be what we get. what we may not get, still, unfortunately, is word that they have found this 19-year-old suspect. but we may be getting closer, though, to the completion of that door to door search that's been going on all day here in watertown. but yes, the level of activity is definitely picking up here in the last few minutes, maria. >> many people speculating this ends one of two ways. either he is caught and is brought to justice or he kills himself. we're going to take a short break. we've got much more of our live special coverage of the hunt for the remaining suspect in the boston bombings. stay with us on cnbc. you've known? is the n we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed: the official retirement age. ♪
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welcome back. we continue our live continuing coverage of the watertown, massachusetts, horror. one of the suspects in the boston marathon bombings was killed overnight after leading the police on a wild chase following the fatal shooting of a campus police officer. the younger brother is still at large. that is dzhokhar tsarnaev. and there is a massive manhunt across watertown, massachusetts, and the entire region. no fly zone, according to the faa. am


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