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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  July 6, 2009 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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i'm jimcramer. welcome to my wld. you need to t in the game. they're nuts! they know nothing. >> i alws like to sa there's a bull marke somewhere "mad money." you can't afford to m it. hey, i'm cramer. welcome "mad money." her people want to make friends. i'm just ting to make you some moy. my job is not just to educate buto enteain. call me at 1-80743-cnbc. does american joblessness tru everythi? i know 9.9% unemployment is awful? does it trump,say, apple' hone sales? does it cancelout the explosive demand for 3g a 4g wirel
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gadgets and worldwi mobile internet plays like qualcomm or palm? how about the vorio chine demand for copper or st are ey nullified by our unemployment figures? does the lack of jobs here somehowcel those orderfrom communist china? what about the fantastic numbers om general mills? or how about terrific business is at the yum brands? taco bell, kfc, pizza hut, long john silvers for all you home gamers and seafood love. both companies are doing incredibly well. is that somehow neutralized becae unemployment still a big issue? shl we simply ignore tse bountiful earnings, ll everything, and hunker down? >> the house of in! >>ecause of that big bad figure from st thursday?
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or ybe, just maybe, does i make sense focus on,say, how the food and staple stoc are gaing? thanks to collapsing grain, tural gas, gasoline, andow yum is kicki butt. with lower raw costs for chicken and a wker dollar. plus a big expansion into ruia and china where there's a long rch away from general cho and toward colonel sanders. do you really think that china and russia, brazil, are they marching to e tune of the mbers of our labor deptment? pending new me sales, they're soaring. doesn't matter, unemployment big ordepiups in autos, doesn't matter, unemployment. 8 llion build of cs going to million, who cares unemployment. they're al rdered null and void, totally trumped an pantsed by unemployment? makes no sse to me. that's the question yohave to ask yourse with this market?
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does angly jobs situati twgh or countealance everything, everythinghat's good? ishat's what the people who were selling early in the d seemedo believe after th big selloff on uray. i thk they're ong. juing by today's positive close after stocks spent most of the timein the red, the market seems to aee with me. before you sell stock aggressively off a particar monthly labor report, you've got to ask yourself. do 40,000, 60,000, mbe even 63 lost jobseally offset everything gd that has happened arounthe wod in the last threeonths? including a peak in gasoline ices. how about arash in natural s? 63% of r homes areeated by natural s. member when $3 gasoline was the big fr? i hado talk about that on the "today show when i sd that wasn't going to happen. like i'll ever get credit for that one. consider thi gasoneeaded to $2.30. positive? think so. how about all the disposabl come we could genera? as we saw lt fall when gas
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fell and restaurant stocks soared. which is why i spent s much me on yum. you have task yourself, ask urlf if you should be selling nothat mortgage rates have stopped going higher. but are startin to actually tick down. how about affordabily? it's gotten better thanks to lower housing prices. to me, that says buy. those concernsere all sposed to derail theconomy. remember? let me ask you soing. is t economy supposed to rerail or ask the tracks? you have to ask yourself, if the government were take 100,000 people, ve them jobs working lands and parks, working at the post fice. have them go into a modern day civilian conservationorps or works progress administration. what would you think aut the market then? wouldn't you believe it would head much higher? in other words, if we got a non-nancy pelosi stimulus, o that created real jobs a di't just give existing federal, state, andocal
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employees higher wagesand more job security -o methat's the ief claim of the pelosi stulus -- would we still be fretti? i point this out because i do one piece of data even as i submit it's the most significant piece, overwhelm all the other eviden of a worldwe recovery, albeit a slow one yomade a big mistakend today you got burnedor it as the market recovered nicely. a german interviewith a federalexecutive who said that things are better. you know, the dow closedp a cool 44 points. that's 119 tshier than this moing's l. that was the time to buy, not to ll. people were taking a ltle bigger persptive. you cannot allow piece of e puzzle,ven the biggest piece, to connce you that it's next stop dow 630 as so many of the sellers d this morning and many of the sellers did on thursday. frankly, we'veecome so binary, 's ridiculous. so as a counterweight to that,
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let me tellou what i see happening when i take all the datanto account. we're going to have a slo reve, one that doesn't produce aot of jobs or a lot of spending, but shoul produce someent profits becse of the massive layoffs and the shuttering of facilies. enough profitso owning united parcelr united technologies, but not enough to own united airlines. th may not be a recipe f dow 10,000, but it sure isn't donner partycookbook for dow 6300 either. where do i see stocks going? i think we're home o the nge. low end -- highdow 7000 high end, high 8000. no ler because even with the job growth we have taken the catastrophe of the great depressi two off the table thanks to fed chairn ben bernanke and his heroic efforts to pump money into the syem. no higher than upper 8000 because, unless we get a second
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stulus, which we absoluly ed, then neither the market nor the economyill be able to catch fire. e fed will smolder along hap continue with the gigantic reliance on thestrength of the catalist eroding, desent cracking down mmunists in china. they are ti-first amendment, to say nothing of the four, the fifth, t six t, or the eighsomething i totally identify with although i'm not sure many of you agree with me. given the situation, i think it's ey to be blish on the way down for defens and high yielders like a ce or a lilly, not to menon the accidental highyielders like federal realty, north american tanker. ye i sti like it. and linois tool works. i think the smart play is to buy these stocks when the u.s. centric invests sell like they did this morning andikthey did onthursday. here the bottom line, the real takeaway, there is no sing one piece ofata that is goingo dermine the mark perfmance. there are many dferent
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important eces of data beyond just u.s. joblessness. we're just not that iortant ymore. which ishy youeed diversify portfolio stocks that don't go down all at once. withome that benefit if the recessio lingersnd unemployment doesn't abate where the ll market is. and some th could soar if the recovery ever cks into higher gear. 're taki questions. we're ing -- this pie looks -- was this a bad idea, this tie? it's t same color ashis shirt. i got it at costco for $12. anyway, scott in wisconsin. scott? >> caller:im. beauful sunnyshores of the great lakes boyah. >> holy ow, i dn't know they hashores there. i thought they had like a dropoff. go ahead. >> calr: jim, considering the recent slowdown in the u.s. and world economies coupled wit the supply glut in crude, what accountsor the fe week low in oil prices and all theecent volatility? >> becau it's never been up
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ther i'm the only g that's going to tellhe truth about th becausalof my iends in the commodities pitch e going to say cramer is suc alark, wch say -- , just kidding. would nevero that. here's the deal. oil was manipulatedup. there was some guy with $10 million thatoved it like $10. the oil futures are worthless. they aompletely manipulated up. the only people who talkbout this are congresspeople who have absolutel no clout whsoever, and the mind she, so to speak, of the big commoditpeople are way too strong. that's even stnger thanhe ag lobby, and that's saying somethg. oil is manulated up, and we' stting to see a natural pr sone sales are down. year over year is actually flat. there no increased demand in l. there is just incrsed demand to be able tobreak a f traderwhgot caught short, or alternatively have auy snd a little extra mon and manilate it up. that market is so unfair, so dilous, it's ridiculouwe even pay attenti to it.
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from now on, i'm goi to criticize people who baseheir instmenthilosophy on a oil future tt is obviously being manipulated. why dot we go -- wee staking with heartland. matthew in illinois. >> caller: hey, jim, a big boo-yah from narville, illinois. >> naperville? >> caller: naperville. >> we ven't had a naperville call. good rl estate market. it turning there. inow that from aileen. >> caller: i'm concerned about long-term position. want to get your take on a revee stock such as aig, that 120 rerse split last week. i know why comnies want to do it. what are the long term implications for me? >> i've got to tell you. this is a mum ali situion. the earnings --heack of earnings, the lack of a compa aig can run but it cannot hide. itas not confused by that 20-to-1 reverse split. that was another gre lling opportunity. there isn't anything thataig
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has done in the last year tt i would rard as even remotel kosher. th has never really been the determinant of anything other an salami a baloney. what would tell you, augh ailots of baloney, i would te you to stay way fromhat thing. it's oed by the government it shouldn't be astock. i don't know whyit's a stk. why freie mac a stock? why fannieae a stk? why is gm a stock? these are designed t commission lots of fees and ht you. don't get hu. go buy naperville real estate. it's a bter bet than aig. there. bob in washington state. bob. >> caller: boo-yah jim crame watch your show every day, and i've read your books,an you've made me a much, mh better vestor thank you for your hard work. >> that's ice. thanyou. i bumped into a bunch of people who liked my book a the beach this weekend. i signed se at the beach. >> caller: i'll ve to get you to sign mine too. >> thank you. >> caller: you discussed pce equalsarnings per share times
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multiple concept. >> that's solving for the multiple is what i called that. that what i reviewed in that book you pbably rae, now out in per back. >> caller: some of the companies share bothgaap and non-gaap sharer earni estimates. i notice there can be a large gap betwee gaap and noap earningsestimas. which of t two should we be plugging into the equation? >> just strait outarnings per share. anybody at's got to mak it b using -- nobod goes, jim, that's not an accounng trick. yeah, i only took two years of acunting. all i care about is al eain per share. don't care aboutash fl. cable stocks have beenelling me to pay attention to cash flow for years, and they ven't done anhi. let's justook at regular earnings okay, regular earnings. if we n't have it, let's find another story. there's 6,000 sto stories the naked city. let's find a good one. unemployment is just one piece of the puzz. those who stole all the way down
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on thsday, those who sto at the openg, nah, nah, na na somee complained this weekend abouthe vaudeville nature of the show. you! stay with cramer. coming up, retire right. cramer gives his proposal to washinon for how to get your money back on track. lus prescription for profits? wi healthcare reform at e top ofobama's agenda, m takes on medco heah ceo david snel to find out if h stock could be just what th doctor ordered "the execute desion." and later, jim goe fast and furious as he faces a nonsto barrage of calls, giving stock after stock their final verdict on the lightning rnd. allcoming up on "mad money." (announcer) wepeak car.
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sure, but we speak hybrid? yes, we do. and we can s 700 miles on a single nk and epa estited 41 mpg city and all the words stk because they're true. we speak the most uel-efficient midsize sedan in america. we speak t a-new 2010 ford fusi hybrid. get in... and ive one.
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weome to the first of what he will be many re moments. eureka. last week, while attempting to get a tan in therain, i asked myselfhis question. how the heck are you sposed to safely save for retirement in this environment? got toell you, i don't have a loof good options. that's why so my people get scammed withhe so-called i.a. appved investmentshat you hear about on infomercials and the radio, t ones that promise you the moon by encouraging yo to take the money you have saved in your i.r.a. andour itnto some ridiculo investments. everhing fromxotic mortgage pools to ostrich farms. i can tell y how dangerous
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osiches e because saw my mother in law get nipped by one although she claimed it was an emu. the people pching these alleged investmentswill cla you can ultimately get a200%, 30 return, which y knowas got to be bogus. you can talk about how these scams are outrageous. how there's no s things an i.r.a. approved or i.r.a. qualified or i.r.a. sanctione investment, anthe people who to use these terms are ofn trying to take advtage of you. can go on an on about how we have to suspe the eighth amendment for guys like bernie mado. that's the one that protects people from cruel and unual punishment. not that i've ever been a proponent of tt one anyway. i'd be hpy to repeal the wle bill of rights eept for the second. anyway, as muchas i like cre and punishment, even if it not as good as dostoevsy's demons,
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let alone e gambler, let's do something cotructive. eureka. it's not as much as i spent a uple of y ago lling ben bernanke to do wit thefed. they know nothing! which we first laughed at and then scoffed at and t finally adted. it could, if washington gets i act tother, be the key to saving your retiremt. enough schtick, this is a serious idea. the prlem ist thescams. it's the reason why the people are attract tohe scams in the first plac there'no sa, decent yiding investments right now for retirement. normly, in a retirent account ere's room forsome cds. those areertificates of deposit for t demo that's too old for ipods but too you for vinyl. now is that te are incrediblyt low, and nody wants to accept that meager return in exchange for safety. especily not after presumably losing smuch monin the oc market.
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pusimply right now, eight-tracks are better investments than cds. at t se time, the idea that you have to be fly invested in stocks all the time, a notion ma i railed ainst on this show d my website, has been totally discredited. so what do we need? a safer way to earn a decent return our tax deferred retirement account. your 4(k), your i.r.a. let's throwin 529 college savings plans too. mething that's better than cds or what you currently get from treuries or bondfunds, and something tha won't put you 40% to 60% wn. the average at i hear abou visit the ma, like i did at the neune ctco where i got this abominable tie. that's why i want t prose something bi big. a new 30-year 5% treasury bond, clively for these rirement an college saving accous. with tax-free reinvestment.
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t's call them the rebuild amera retirement bonds. the only way we're going to prott investors fromcams is making them theydon't ve to take insane riskso get a decent return. my new 30-yr, 5% retirement bond could do that. they don't have to call it the cramer bond. will rounce any and all credit for myself if some politician will take u this issue. you can give the credit to gary and the u.s bonds for all i care. you guys all want to invest yr retirentey in a sure thing. i know tt. the closest thing we have to a sure thingon't give you anything like decent return. this 5 special treasury wld do that. shington, i hope you're listening to this eureka moment. i'happy to ve th administon and congress mock ne in public. heck, i'll feedhe white house press secretary, who seems to like wating this show so much. i'll feed him the mater just as long as they conside this
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id in private. i know this doesn't sound le a big thing,ut it would be the answer to every inveor's prers. you want to get eelected, be th congreman who can tell his or h constituents, i'm the person who createded tha great 30-year 5% bond forour 401(k), your i.r.a., your 529 that's helping you get backo even without the risk ofstocks or the miniscule return fm cds. you can say i'm the oneho rescued you from scams or high fee bond funds that give a smaller return. tim geithner, you want to win back all that popularity, start issuing these bonds. tim, sell the bonds directly to t consumer. no fees or spreads. give them anutomatic reinvestment option so thathat money can compound at 5% tax free. remember, because it is in a 40k) or i.r.a. where you don't pay taxes until you take out the money. th it's just income tax. people will lo y again, tim. because they should because yore a pretty good guy, if i
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say so myse. thissewhy, this30-year, 5% bo f retirement accounts, if you reinvest your return, you'll double your money in about14 1/2 yrs. that stres me as a nice balanceweenapital preservation and capit growth in your retement portfolio. now, obama haslans to auto-enroll work not ju in 401(k)s but also in i.r.a.s. who cares about them if we don't have something for people to inve in once their money has beenoud to be saved for rerement. we need this as happy medium between stocks, which are retively high risk, an cds, whh carry hardly any rern, even when yopoke aroun for the best rates. how about the flip side? i think the governmehould take theon itaises from seing these bondsand pour it intoob creatn, which as an aside, should beobama's and pelo number one priity, not climate change, n heal healthcare, t unemployment. because until washington tackles that, nothingeally matters. in fact, memoto the
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ultraliberal, ultrarichancy pelosi, most people don't ve tens of millions of dollarsike you do. infact, they don't even have a fractionf your wealth, and they'reorried about their job and they'r worried about their retiment. two things y never have to worry about, madam peaker. so could you plee get a little empathic. maybe try a little tenrness. e bottom line, i know i usualllk about a sck or a big picture economy-wide issue that needs to be solved. tonight iant tocreate an issue. if you want to get yr retirement savinack on a track, you need this 30-year5% bond for 401(k)s and i.r.a.s. u don't need a lobbyist for this. the financial industry will never do this for you. this one has no fee and can be bought decy from the govement. call your congressman. call your senators. th can be done. and it'swhat every invesr is really wishi for. ry and the u.s. bonds, let him
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take credit. stay withcramer. >> coming up, prescription for profits. with healthcare reform a the top of obama's agenda, jim takes on medco alth ceo davi snow to find out if thistock could be just what the docto ordereded on "the executive cision." and later, jim gs high voltage in an electrifying fast fire lightning und. us cramer checks s inb on an all new "m mail." alcoming up on "mad money. ♪ ♪
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(tucci) counon the nation's fastest network.
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kept thinking th each meeting meant... that i would havto fly. but then i spentso many. readine-mails way too long. then i grew stro. network video came along. ♪ and so i'm back ♪ no ti to waste ♪ just clicthe mouse and get things done ♪ee peoe face-to-face ♪ i should have changethings long ago ♪ ♪ thitechnology saved the day! less complation. that's thhuman ne. learn more at you all know that healthcare reform is at the top of the agenda in washington. obama wants it -- the democrats want itoo. you know wh, i've alway been caught up er since th democrats iz the winter palace. i think that what's going to happen is this week we'll see
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the sena finance committee reach something. they're going to release an important proposal for healthre reform. it'sgoing to have to be watched. so far much of the focus has been on how it can turn for ofit healthcare enterprises in nonprofit and all the damage it could do to earnings over and ove n. as we no longer live under a government of, by, a for the corporatn with profits and didends for all, which is what said about when republicans were in charge. ere are some companies in healthcare that do the right thing. ones that help control cos. ani think when the smoke clea, ey are going to be the biggest beneficiary of healthcare reform. regardless of the form it takes. even if the hardest left g wins, there's some winners here. foremost ang them is medco healthsolutions. that's mhs for all you home gamers. it's a stock tha ie liked since we started the show. it's a pharmacy benefitmanager. they call them pbs. th's a company that run
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prescrtion drug plans, uses it bargaining power to get lower prices for you, the customers, and pockets someof the difference in order to turn a rofit, it's got to make money. it's a publicly traded company. medco is the largest specially pharmacy, d it's the larg mail ord pharmacy in the world,serving over 60 million members. now, healthcare reform ide, i think medc is just a great coy with a grt stock. it makes big money whenever brand name drugs go off pant. specifically, is is really interesting data. for every $100 million of brand name drug sales that g generic, dco client save $45 million. meo kes $9illion in that equation. om 2008 to 2015 tre are $1.7 billion worth of brand name drugs coming o patent protection. that's $9.4 billion in additional profits for medco i you the math. company isoing a great holding onto hits customers.
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96% retention rate for 2009. and they've an extra million worth of business. they had $1.8 billion cash on its balance eets. it's abank, a i don'tn atn a negative way. what happens is this a strong company. the healthcare perform ticker besides the fa this company fantastic at conolling costs, comes from medco's therapeutic resource centers, which foc on chronic conditions. think things lik diabetes. they're responsiblfo 96% of ug costs. 75% of total mical eense ins america. when patients or doctors deviate from accepted clinical procols for th conditio, it cos the healthcare system billions of dlars annually. medco helpedave everybody money by trying to me sure that doesn't happen. you know i like the compan i like the stock. especially it's 14 times earnin. frany, it should be much higher than that. 14 times 2010 eaings. it has greatpredictability. a long-term growth rate of 18%.
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i think mos growth managers would be willing tpay a minimum of one times gwth rate once they getover their fea of healthca reform, which think will sta this week. and some like the biotechtocks starteded three weeksago. i thinkthe stockan go to 56, which will give you a ten-point gainuickly but i think healthca is a thornyissue. let'stalk to an expert controing costs and make you money. 'd madyou money. it's david snow, the ceo of medco health solutions. mr. snow, welcome back to "mad mone" >> thank you, jim. >> gat to see you. >> good to seeyou. >> one of the things i've been trying to exain to people, if you wanted to keepn healthce costs down, you bring in medc not just because of your outcomes evaluation, but if people want to see this, they go to, and theyan see how we could be saving much more money. explain why medco is the solution and not th problem. >> let's talk about what we do. 96% all drugs expense goes t
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chroniand complex disease. 75% of all medical dollars in our system go tohronicnd complex diseas medcoanages chron disease to not only manage drug spend, which is really important, b to manage tal healthca costs. frankly, that's important partf e big healthcare reform debate. how do we better managehe waste when it comes to ronic and complex disease? it's an mated we waste year, $350 billion tied to poor magement of chronic and compx disease. that's what m's goodat. >> why doesn't -- maybe i'm maybe this administratiois too anti-business or sometng. why don't they just nd of have you testy and save the money? i'm not kidding. look, in the old da, i know at corporations were certa much moreell regard than e previous administration. e more i look at what you do, the more i alize you've got the answers. >> you know, it's hard.
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i ent an inordinate amount of time in washington lately. for people who know me know th's not my favite place to be because i'm a ab kind of guy. shington isn't an a.b. kind of place. politics are nvolved. e truth is there are a lot of constits pulling and tugng at members of ngress to do different ings. the elements of real healthcare reform a in this debateight now. the only thing that worriese is we're waing our time debatingbout w pays the bill, meaning should we have a public plan or not, wn really what w should beebating is how bithe bill is. and we're using a l of political capital to talabout things that en't xwet getting at thet cause proble in our healthcare system. it is a cost problem. that concerns me. >> now, could you just ta about thisiabetes situatn. it's a major,aj epidemic in the country. doesn't get talked about n epidemic. homuch does it cost s, and what can we do about it? >> it's huge. meo has about % of the diabetes population in this country.
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we have over 5 million known it's estimated that within our same population for our 60-plus million people. another 5 million people are prediabetic. we have anpidemic tied to obesity in this country. the challenge with diabetes is once you're diagnosedith it, there are thgs you need to do stay stable. that means comply with measing your blood sugars, take the drs the doctor prescribes. if you don't do those ings, it's pretty much guaranteed you can end up in the hospital, in themergency room. you can have renal faure. you can ve amputations. it's an uglydisease. you manage well, you can have a long, stabl healthy life. 50% of people don't d what t doctor tel them too once they leave the doct's office. that's a real problem. it'shere a lot of money is thrown awayin our cntry. >> okay. why is it thate -- when i'm on your conference calls, all yone wts to talk about is business you're taking way from cvs and whether you're going to
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y gns pharmacy benefit manager. why aren't peopleookingt bigger picture and thinking, under the obama administtion, there's reay only a couple big healthcare companies that are going to win, and yours is . you'reot promotional in your cas. that's part of yr problem. >> you kw me, i'm not a s gu >> you're no >> i actuall am. >> why is the focus on the next big generic and on cvs instead of how if the vernment tually pays attention toour outcom work, you will get a lot more business. >> you know, it's funny. i actually think e street does pay alot of attention to our clinic efforts. and we've gotten a lotf credit for iovation, and it'stied to our clic efforts. you know why ty don't talk about it. medco in the last two years has n over $16 billion worth of new me business. the proof is in the pding. you n either talk about the brandabl differences of medco, or you can look at the sales results. ey focus on theresults, just like you do on your . i do because, for instance, walmart moves init, and i only
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find out -- i think it w your d.h. blair, william blair conference that you are lower than lmart. your cts are lower than walmart. >> absolutely. >> walrt came outast week and talked about how 's more pro healthcare. uld walmart usemedco? >> here's the funny thing. walmart is putting their focus on generi, but remember, rememb rememberalthough 66% of all prescriptions are generic and 34% are brand, 84% of total cost is brand. >> 84% >> so walmart doesn have a solution for thend side of the equation. that's really where the big game is played for ourclients. the pain point is and, not generic. >> soow know that there's this woman, she w against the caremark -- she would theoretically gainst camark and cvs. ere's talk that that combination, wch you've been questioning anyway but that combination cod be broken up. any truth to that they're gog
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to look in th? >> the ftc has been asked look into it. ey've passed it within the system. i don't knowhere it's going to go. i willssume it won't be. it's a litimate compan it's a competitive mo it certainly doesn'tominate the market. there are plenty of competitors out there. i would say the odds are no. one last questi. i spent a lot of tim trying to figure out the multiple. your multip to me is t lowe i can ever recall because of the debate. oncehe debate's over and the bigged bad evt's ove do you think thathe multiple can spring back to historic levels givee fact that th gwth ra is as steady and maybe even increasingiven t number of generics coming off? >> there's a forward looking statemen i believe it could and it ould. it desves it. our growth rate- i mean,ou kn, we grew over 30% lt year. we're running at a 15% to 20% growthate this year. our growth is very strong.
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>> google, apple, you. that's all i've got in that level. >> yeah. deserve to have aigher multiple, and i believe, when the fear -- it won't be until october. that's when they're schedulo come out with somethinghat's meaningful. but the debate willo on all summ. >> and the moy will be made right no notthen. david ow, president, chairman, and ceo of med health. thank you for comin on and telling thtruth. good to see you. stay wh cramer. try to ep up with cramer as he takes your calls rid fire ian all new lightning round. plus e-mails at madmoney, a jim could swer you on the air on an all new mad mail." all coming up on "mad money." anshop till you drop,
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k today. it is t it is ti for the lightning roun on cramer's mad money.
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what's that all about? rapid re calls, onefter the other. yosay the name of the stock. i'll tell you whether you should do '. my staff prepares thegraphics on t fly, which is why it looks like it's prad whenou hear thissound, and then the lightning round is over. are you ready? ske-daddy. it is time for the lightning round on cramer's "mad moy." we are starting wit cheryl in tennessee. >> caller: we have a tennessee family bah-bah boo-yah. familial style. what's up? >> caller:e'd like to know about undation coal holding >> we've got peabod btu. at one point it was dn hideously. peody energy, that's yr quality play. i'd rather see new that. let's not mess with less
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quality. if you want to go one notch down because you wan a $14 stock, we'll go with arch coal. i'm sorry. th're all better than foundation. yoknow what, i d want your family in that bad coal compan now, of cose, coal foundation ceo will sayit's go. one says i work ery day for aad company becaus that's not the way it's done in america. let's goto kim in pennsylvania. caller: jim, big boo-yah from pennsylvania. >> boo-yah. either fro pirates or phil boo-yah. >> caller: my questi is on ppg. on your entry point of $45. sinc i'm long over ten yearsi want quality companies. can you jump in on t dip. >> bought some todayor my charitable tst. it hit that mac level. hi yielder. terrificeo on two weeksago. 's tking about 15% business in cha. they have a ding business. i looked at the some of their sunges this weekend at the aforementioned ctco. i think you have a winner.
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ppg. and i wa you buy more right here. let's go all the way d to florida. let's go to jake in florida. jake. caller: jimmy cramer, i need to give you extrapecial boo-yah from orlando, florida. >> from orlando, florida. i've got to tell you, theagic are shaki things up in the off-season. what dyou got? >> caller: need some mad money for my honeymoon, jim. i've bn reading your books and buying on wider scal of onb, old national bank. first to repay t.a.r.p. >> i'v got to with you on ther that stock has been in olonged downend. it's a really, rely good bank. you kn what, i would keep buying more. it's n sexy. it's not an interesting situation. but it happenso be a cheap situation. i y buy. how about nie in california? nie. >> caller: h, jim. my old time favoritstock
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trader. >> same. >> caller: 12 months ago, walter energy, wolt, hit trie digits. now that the coal miner is building and fanng real estate, what's your take on that? >> i actuay wrote up walter dury because i said that this one isa great, great congmerate. and i continue to agre it went all the wayp and then all the way down. this is a really hard one to be able to judge becse it's a conglomera. one of these. and said it was reat, and it we up a whole lot. walter energies. bear wh me as i check the index. walter energies, page . i said it' a great breakup story. i reite that. it's got co, hoing, and steel. t's go to randy in arizona. ray. >> caller: firstnd foremost, a mooon coming boo-yah. >> w, sun devil boo-yah. >> caller: i'm curious about at&t i did some reseah over the week i want todo some dividend capture possibly. >> ye
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at&t and verizon, they ve been down so long the look up to me. i cann believe how horribly these stocks ct. we are in a owdown. this is what you buy. i am not concernedabout at's dividends. in fact, i think they'rgoing to raise thedividend. i think buying at is a very, very smart thing to . ani reiterate my buy. i know it's de nothing. you get that vidend, and that dividend is safe. let's go to richin flida. rich? >> caller:, jim, boo-yah. let me ask you auick question. i'm interested in boeing airlines i pick some up wh you made the ference to it a couple of weeks ago fore the paris air show. and i saw a little bit of it as it started to dropdown. i was wondering if i should now cost avera it. >>et's understand. this is o where they've been -- they've made eat sport of me about boeing. remember what i said. i said that dreamliner is going to fly. it didn't fly. i blame myself for that. immediately i said the reason why it didn't fly is becausef me.
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that way i w able to defct some othe incredibly urrilous criticism. however, here's the ssue. i thinthat boeing is now 4% yielder. i doieve that yieldis safe. i kn they have problems making the play, and that's obvious. or else i woun't have been out there with my neck chopped off or at least in a noose. but i would buy mor boeing here. again, i said to get out of it - i did jus what you said. i went there,he thing didn't fly. i said forget about it. itas annteresting trade. it didn't work. down here, it feels liken investmento me. cago to aen in maryld. >> cler: hey, jim. we'd like to fwif give you a genue baltimore ravens boya >> i can think of the ravens without thinking of mcnai which s pretty sad. that's pretty sad. >> caller:y question today is r. grace, gra. >> very terestg. i remembe before the big breakup when th had the bo industry and thetuff that goes all ovhe meat when youbu it, that's the plastic, and they had the shipping li.
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got a gre coatings business. ki of an interesng off the wall play. i will bless it as an intesting spec although ie got to tell wub i do noknow the earningsower right now. with that, the ligning round is over!ra >> announcer: the lightning round is sponsored by td amitde. twenty five hundd stocks... e quick look. that's where the action is. plus, this amazingadget... it's calledhe telephone. i can call td amerra anytime and talk trade strategy... anything. td ameritrad builby traders, for traders. thiswhat i need. announcer: trade commissn free for 30 days, plus get 100 dollars cash, when you open an aount.
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i've been doing eugh mad mail lately. let's get on the ca. this one from melanie. i always he to ask howo spell it. my husband and i are i our 50s -- boy, i remeer th ys. and i fire now would be a good time to start acmulating some stock for our retirement. yeah, yeah yeah, what too us solong? weave decided to have a stable portfolio by buyin some dependable stocks, but our additional aim is to start collecng stocks from companies who either make green pruc or the components. we live st. louis, and we are going start by buying coupleundred shares o zoltek. thoughts? no. no. no. i don'twant you to think le that. your first idea abouthe stocks
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is good, but i wanto define defendable as coany that is paying a dividend and raising thdividend. use that as your criteriand i'll go wh you and the green vs. no green, i'm not goinwith that. i'm trying to develop something with so companies that can benefit from cnd trade that'sot the way to inve. i like comnies tt are accidentaligh yielders or have a csistent policy of paying dividends. here is scot in you book "stay mad for life" -- boy, every time you want tomote around here, it's almost impsible -- you wrote that pros worry aut making too much mey too fast because it shows potentially dangerousmbalance in the risk/reward ratio. does this idea apply to companas well, especially financials? if you're puttingumbers on too fast, if you'rbuying other companies it does apply.
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i often look at this issue f my travetrust that i work with on i'm always nervo whe i've made say, twic what the market did on a given day. when i have tt kindf outpformance, i know i'm taking t much sk at's what you need to worry about. is making money too fast mean e you beating the market by two, three times in a da you're probably having too much risk. cut back the risk, and the reward wilstay steady. "mad money" back after the break. idelity,
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gothis tie for $12.99. no m to m it looked good. there's always a bull market somewhere. i promise you i'll try to find it. see you tomorrow! next up on "the kudlow report" defensive stocks become cyclical. and a minimum wage hike to revive jobs? sarah palin will reenergize con serve tichl. and might n have pleased russia. d#: 1-800-345-2550 "i'm rethinkin everything...
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