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tv   With All Due Respect  Bloomberg  October 7, 2015 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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>> with all due respect to vladimir putin, happy birthday, stud. ♪ >> >> with all due respect to vladimir speaking of russian, je biden is not rushing to get into the race. he put out this ad that highlights his personal story. the latest poll also has good news, the most honest and trustworthy potential candidate
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on the democratic side. hillary clinton is viewed as the least. we invite you to take a look at our new focus groups starring undecided democrats who we spoke with monday night. tonight, the democrats, and what they think about whether joe biden should run. >> who wants joe biden to get in this race? only one of you. >> if i was forced, i would say yes. >> i am uncertain. >> fraser hand if you think joe biden is qualified. if youing your hand think joe biden is qualified. your hand if you think joe biden is qualified. >> what are your reasons? >> i can't put my finger on it. i don't have a good reason why i
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don't thank he should run. >> why don't you think joe biden should run? >> i don't think his heart is in it. not sure he would make the best president. i worry sometimes about some of the things that he has done and said. he is a little bit wishy-washy on some things. he seems like a really fun guy, but i don't know if commander-in-chief would be the best. >> he almost seems like a guy you wouldn't mind -- >> you see the pictures of him having a birthday party with kids, and him and obama walking around with super soakers, but i don't think it is a president. >> no joe biden? >> i think he is a good support person. he has such a big heart that he
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can't be the face of the nine it states. he is talented. he is a good person to have behind the scenes. >> no joe biden for you either? >> i would have to agree with what she says. i don't think his fire is there. >> i don't feel like people trust him. he needs to gain a little more. maybe he doesn't have the confidence. i don't know. i think he would have a hard time a come pushing things. thinking more about his personality or positions on things? of commitment to positions. he can be a little wishy-washy, like she said. ken? >> i would like to see him throw his hat and the ring and see how he speaks is a real candidate.
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>> how do you know when it comes to other things, is it the right thing to do, or should i do it. -- he is notow just wrong about things. we need somebody who will be strong and aggressive. tell a personal story. our son died. i know that there is no way that he could focus on what he needs to focus on for five years. i would like to see him run to make the debate good, but i would not want him to be president. think he brings anything to the field that we already have. i don't think he contributes anything helpful. that he was all then, determine, without a lay your concerns about whether he is wishy-washy? >> he still hasn't decided if he is all in.
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at this point, you should know. happens toething obama question mark he becomes president. is he not going to be ready for it. -- what if something happens to obama? he becomes president. is he going to be ready for it? great point. being vice president, you should already know that you are ready to be president. he's talking about it and not sure if he's going to do it. he should be ready. banks for hosting these hostings for these focus groups. these joe biden focus groups group the value of that. this is a huge surprise. there is a huge clamor for biden
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to run, but here, no clamor. mentioned a poll showing biden doing well. these two groups in those two states have a real reservations about whether he should run. if you ran, how he would do. indecisionnk of his of not getting the race as weakness and uncertainty. that clip of joe biden with stephen colbert. a got a lot of attention. people thought he was great, authentic, inhuman. these people look at that and guy is not emotionally pulled together enough to run for president, let alone be president. >> donald trump said that when i get in the race, my poll numbers will get up. wisdom that when he
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gets in the race, joe biden's numbers will go down. if joe biden got in this race, his numbers could go up. those people who now showed no enthusiasm might then show enthusiasm. i think the clinton people who are restrained about going -- afterir bernie's bernie sanders would be less restrained about going after joe biden. i know the vice president is concerned about attacks coming against certain members of his family. he could get a bump up, but then be brought back down. >> iowa and new hampshire, so important. he might not get in before iowa and new hampshire. wait toarson, he could see how hillary clinton does. let sanders rough her up, and then there will be clamor within
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the party. amocrats may be looking for savior. that could be joe biden later on. when we come back. what the people in iowa and know him sure told us about clinton. that is after this. ♪
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interview today in an , hillary clinton came out against the transpacific partnership trade deal. she says there are too many "unanswered questions." about it as of today, i am not in favor of what i have learned about it. ,here is one other element because i think it is important. trade agreements don't happen in a vacuum. in order for us to have a competitive economy in a global marketplace, there are things
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that we need to do to help raise wages at home. her new position runs counter to what she advocated as secretary of state, but it does clear the deck of one big issue ahead of the them aquatic debate. -- the democratic debate. clinton and stallman that john and i did in iowa and new hampshire. -- clinton installment that john and i did in iowa and new hampshire. >> hillary clinton, probably win. >> still impressive. >> if you could call three democrats, which one would you call? >> hillary, she is the most generally concerned. >> she is well-connected as well. >> if you had to choose one democratic candidate to go out to dinner with. >> hillary, accomplished female leader who has continued to persevere. >> what you think she would
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order? >> glass of wine. >> lobster. >> who can tell me something she has put a policy out on? anybody? how many people were bothered by her use of a private e-mail account? >> just a little bit. >> the rest of you not bothered at all by it. how many of you think she is not being totally forthcoming? >> one. >> she is taking ownership, but it took her a while to get to that point. >> why did and she just own it in the first place. ? >> i believe she thinks she's screwed up.
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she is not believable to me. >> how many believe it has hurt her politically? all of you think it has hurt her politically, but none of you are bothered by. how do explain that? >> the other parties have to find a weak link. that billout a role clinton should have in this presidential campaign. >> i think he needs to take a step back so voters aren't thinking this will be the clintons third term. -- clinton's third term. >> i think he fires the democratic base up a little bit, more than hillary does. >> good thing, bad thing, in different? >> great thing. >> very good thing. >> indifferent about it. >> great thing. >> i think it's good. >> excellent. >> i think it's great. job inwould do a better
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washington, hillary clinton or bernie sanders? >> probably hillary. she has that experience. she has been in washington for so long. >> she has seen how the system have aso she might better chance of getting things are published quicker because she understands how to get that done. she can skip over any learning curve whatsoever. >> a woman stepping into a male arena, i think she can hold her own with them. i think she is being who she is now. >> let's watch a clip. this, somealk like of the republicans say i am playing the gender card. well, if calling for equal pay and paid leave and women's health is playing the gender card, deal me in. >> what did you think of that? >> she said some good stuff. she is charismatic.
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i like clinton, but she has that look sometimes, that smug look. >> she looks angry. >> my opinion is more general in that she speaks well about her positions without having that of a scorned woman thing. it is offputting. i think that can put off a lot of male voters. >> tell me what it's like. what you seeing? >> i don't want to use the word, -- it's like women need to be equal. >> i don't feel i'm equal. unequal. it is not an issue that speaks to me. a double standard. if a guy was saying that, he would be in passion. >> do you think some people might see that?
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>> oh, yeah. >> i like hillary. i think she has that. that condescending. i can see that causing gridlock. >> i don't think it's condescending. that is a strange word for me. i'm a woman. i deserve it. i think it's not necessary. >> raise your hand if you think that hurts her chances of getting elected. that is part of what does that to her. people love or hate her. the attitude or whatever. iowa, lessorable and favorable in new hampshire, down double digits. if you were hillary clinton, what would you think of that focus group? >> i think she has got to figure out. they will interpret the fact that the personal stuff is what
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everyone is deliberating over, not policy, and they will say that is because they have not been able to write through on policy because of the e-mail thing. is, can theyn breakthrough on policy? the group are nothing about specifics on college affordability, economics, perception drugs, drug abuse. she is lucky if she can get past the benghazi hearing and turn the page. what a bernie sanders white house would look like two people in iowa and new hampshire. that, right after this. ♪
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>> the bernie bandwagon is rolling. the first congressional endorsement. hillary clinton has been endorsed by one. this first endorsement is big. intalked about his appeal
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our third installment of focus groups in iowa and new hampshire. >> described a bernie sanders presidency. >> people-oriented, the revolution stuff is awesome. he's trying to get people involved. let's work on this together. i think that is the kind of thing that people want to be involved in. >> what would it look like? >> gridlock regardless of who wins the election. ini think that if we bring somebody, somebody new, and i feel like things don't change. things sort of state same. better job? do a >> hillary clinton. >> anybody think bernie sanders? >> i do. >> four of you do. >why? >> i think every clinton is
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polarizing. i think bernie sanders has a chance. has spoken to your hearts and head on the issue of income equality. ? >> bernie sanders. >> bernie sanders. >> i agree. >> burning. -- bernie. >> brian, who has been best? >> bernie sanders. >> i think bernie has the edge on that one. >> i can't think of any other candidate that is talking about it. >> bernie sanders? >> knowledgeable and experienced. >> exciting. >> forward thinking. >> hope. >> interesting. >> game changer. >> he is not classically looking
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as a candidate. how does he overcome that? >> i think people are just listening to his words, and not focusing on appearance. says are things of that i think a lot of people are thinking. it is charismatic. it is funny when you look at them. he is hunched over. he looks old, but the stuff he says is in touch with a lot of the things that we are thinking about. >> his appearance>> good or bad is genuine. he's not trying to get a stylish haircut. he is genuine. >> are you concerned about his age? >> a little. my concern would be having a president by midterm. kane -- not like john john mccain because of his age. >> his age does not bother me. >> i think he seems in good
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health. he is willing to go after it, so he must think that he's ok to do the job. there has been some discussion in the party and debate among candidates about whether there are too few debates. is there anyone in the room who feels there should be more debates? >> i think there should be more. all the media attention is on the republican side. i would like to hear more from the democratic candidates. >> i think more debates would be good. >> does anyone else agree with senator senators that there should be more debates? >> i do. >> jonathan does. >> how many people know who martin o'malley is? >> almost everybody. >> three of you have heard of martin o'malley. you know what job he previously had question mark -- had?
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>> i don't. >> i think he is articulate. he is personable and has a plan. >> who will win the new hampshire primary? >> sanders. >> sanders. >> sanders. >> sanders. >> sanders. >> who'll win the iowa caucus? >> bernie. >> bernie. >> bernie. >> hillary. >> hillary. >> i don't know. >> i have no idea. >> who will be the democratic nominee for president? >> sanders. >> sanders. >> sanders. >> clinton. >> clinton. >> sanders. >> clinton >.
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>> as a betting person, who will be the nominee? >> hillary. >> hillary. >> hillary. >> hillary. >> hillary. >> italy. >> tillie. -- hillary. -- hillary. >> the fact that he has been branded a socialist is offputting at least 50% of the country. >> how many people think bernie history as a socialist will be a problem for him in a general election? hold your hands up if you believe that is true. thinkse of you who sanders will be the nominee, have you fought -- thought that all along? what is made you change? >> may be democrats need
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something new, something that needs to be tried, why not bernie? >> are you doing somersaults, cartwheels, or a snoopy dance? things and twog big advantages he did not have before. >> very good for bernie sanders. we will be right back after this. ♪
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tomorrow, sports fans, we will for you a curve ball. focus groups with the republicans. we find out why republicans like ben carson so much. appeal isnald trump's fading. just how much trouble jeb bush is in in new hampshire and iowa. you can find and share all of our videos at bloomberg then.will see you
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until then, for john a myself, we say to you sayonara. ♪
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emily: it is day two at the vanity fair covering intersection of hollywood, wall street, and silicon valley. i am emily chang and this is "bloomberg west." cofounder fortter his take on jack dorsey overseeing two company. dick costolo has a new job. i will be sitting


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