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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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today, the first stage is to decide whether the case should be heard in a belgian court, or whether it is within the competence of the european court of justice. i have everything by this time, see you at 19:00. in 24 hours it is possible. after all, a lot, in 7 days and even more. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema. and of course, online travel through our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more. in the weekly project ether
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24:7 watch on our tv channel every friday evening. the religious policy of the third reich in the occupied territory of belarus, when, in defiance of the soviet authorities, the nazis allowed priests to open churches.
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the position of hitler, who said that it is best if it is not some kind of general religious organization, even autocephalous, it will be a sect in each individual village. july 23, 1943, during the punitive operation herman, executioners came to the village of dory, volozhensky district. this was the zone of action of the imenets-nalibog partisan zone. people were forced out of their homes, some were shot on the spot. telling what, well, that's what. there pastavili, pastroili, the woman stood before me, i am proud of myself, and then they opened the gun, and here is the woman, iago, slaughtered, he was paralyzed, the temple fell, the wooden church flared up like a match, who managed to escape , they hid in the rusty fields, fled into the forest, their fingers explored the area and shot the survivors, as they knew what the astanks were,
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they burned more than 300 people along with the abbot ioann loiko. the most difficult moments, let’s say, for people, he remained devoted to his service, remained devoted to faith, instead of running away or hiding, let’s say, from the enemy, he performed divine services. this was the punitive operation hornung. people were forgiven for the activities of the partisans. the sons of father john fought in the karzhaus partisan unit.
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he blessed them himself. in the temple were the priest's wife, three daughters-in-law and a daughter. the night before usaana was uneasy at heart about this tragedy. and he uttered the following words: let us not separate this night, and he called everyone to prayer in preparation for the most important sacrament, that is, for the frequency. before setting fire to the temple, the punitive forces took away several dozen people, the labor force. among them was the priest’s daughter vera. she was not yet 18 years old, she was melting away. a witness to the tragedy, when they were guarding the temple so that no one would run away, then nationwide singing could be heard, accept the body of christ from the immortal source taste, and this service was almost over when people partook of the holy mysteries of christ. on the day the war began, june 22, 1941, father vasily kopychka turned 36. he served in the church of the assumption
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of the blessed virgin mary in the village of adrigin, modern ivanovo district, when partisans began to operate in the area, the priest organized meetings of the commanders of partisan formations at his home. the text says, sit, take up arms, join the were, what are called healthy, what are you doing here , addressing male people who partisan detachment, protect your loved ones , your homeland from these monsters. father vasily was a liaison officer of the molotov detachment, worked under the operational pseudonym kirillov, like a shepherd, traveled around villages, cast the dead, supported the living, at the same time watched the police, eavesdropped, and then passed on information about german equipment to the detachment.
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they collected medicines and various herbal infusions, all this was handed over to the partisans, there were moments when he saw how much they offended their fellow villagers, and he is a priest, you understand, this is the word priest, and i now i’m thinking like this, how old was that priest, for me now he ’s generally a young man, at my age,
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but he’s a priest, a priest is a father, he’s the father of his parishioners, now i’ll pay directly, you know, when parishioners are offended, the priest must protect them, so he protected them as best he could. the priest’s activities could not go unnoticed, and besides, the priest was reported by people who came to the church service, informants. the surveillance has begun. the pastor was warned that he and his family were in danger. father vasily had a little son, his elderly mother also lived with him. most likely, he was probably caught and shot, but even at night, 12 at night came, they knocked on the window, but... the gospel, then he said that they served the liturgy, in this detachment, they performed the liturgy,
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he was the best agitator , in fact, who spoke about this in his sermons, in his conversations with members of the partisan detachment. that they are doing a truly right thing, that the enemy will be defeated, there is no place for him on our land, and the lord god will truly be our helper in everything and bless you for all good, so to speak, heroic deeds. after the liberation of belarus , vasily kapyshka was sent to pinsk and became the rector of the varvara church of the church where in 1934 he was ordained as a sandacon. who would have thought. that in 10 years he would return here as rector, they had to clean the temple themselves, that is , the priest’s family, and repair it, and in order to support themselves, their family, they were forced to keep a vegetable garden, pigs, and a cow, that is, in this way they ate, served in
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this temple. in 1957, vasily kapyshka was transferred to gomel, became rector of the peter and paul cathedral, and after its closure , st. nicholas church. in 1984, the rector of the st. nicholas church in gomel, archpriest vasily kopychka, was awarded the patriarchal golden pectoral cross, the highest sign of recognition, it is awarded in exceptional cases. father vasily received the award from his holiness pimen, patriarch of moscow of all russia, a man who also experienced all the hardships of the great patriotic war, a front-line soldier. this award quite rare, in 77 years, only 25 people received it. svyatogeorgievskaya. the church is stale, more than 50 years old, the rector of the church was front-line soldier dmitry khmel, he went to the front at the age of 17, added a year to be taken into the army, this is 1944, most of the territory of the soviet union has already been liberated, including the one where the future priest lived , it so happened that it was in the house of khmely that the headquarters of general
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konev was located, acquaintance with him pushed the young man to go to the front. this is an icon, it’s like a relic of our family, her... vskorshu, lepel, begomol, lagoisk, then lithuania and east prussia, where he was seriously wounded. all the soldiers from his unit died, he was the only one who survived. he went with a grenade to the enemy's point, threw the grenade, and the bullet remained in his thigh, closer to the spine. for 3 days he lay there under the sprinkled earth, they had already sent a funeral to his parents. after the hospital, the front was again, and he ended the war in könexberg as a member.
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a warrior of christ, and a warrior of christ is a winner, as they say, an army of priests is something connected together, because they pray and defeat both visible and invisible enemies, he foresaw, he foresaw some more, i believe, because according to my destiny he, he always supported me, and now after his death...
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opinions, and this the field made it known, that’s why he was sick, he spoke sometimes, but did not show it, he never complained, he was seriously ill at the end of his life, almost no one knew that he was hurting, when he led services, he sometimes froze, it was visible that he had something there, something was wrong, it turns out that it was it’s just, well, everything hurt him, so he patiently waited in the wings. in the village of sadovaya, kletsky district, during the war years, the settlement was called blyachin,
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nikolai heltov served in the local church. the rector came to the church of john the baptist back in 1929. by the beginning of the great patriotic war, he was already an experienced priest who was trusted by parishioners. from the first days of the occupation, the shepherd hid and treated those around him in his house. at the hut they provided first-rate medical assistance to the partisans, who were returning from their assignments, paralyzed there, dachshunds there adpachyvali, yon.
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the chief of the kletskaya police, who reported on ambushes and raids. the threat of arrest hung over the brothers. the partisans offered to leave with them, but the priests remained with the flock. they were arrested before easter, on good friday, and sent to the koldychev concentration camp. the camp occupied an area of ​​approximately half a kilometer by half a kilometer. the area was fenced with several rows of barbed wire and
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a reinforced escort was installed. people were protected with the help of bunkers and even tanks dug into the ground, but there were also traditional towers with prozhek. nikolai and georgy kheltov arrived here in april 1944, and a few days later their wives, natalya and lydia, were brought to koldychevo. nikolai heltov died a martyr's death. he was tied to an iron bed, doused with gasoline and set on fire. the remains of the priest were buried in the camp cemetery. it was in may of forty-four, in the first days of july his brother georgy and... a large mass grave, the prisoners dug it themselves a few days before the liberation of this territory, and the last one took place here koldychevsky execution, people were brought to the pits, their hands were tied with barbed wire, the executioners shot in the back of the heads of their victims.
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the monastery is the fruit of the orthodox faith; he lived, worked and prayed here for many years.
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near the birch tree. on the first day of the war, the airfield was bombed. more than a thousand soviet aircraft were destroyed along the entire front line, many of which did not even have time to take off . twenty-six-year-old mechanic kelen survived miraculously. on january 6, 1943 , on the eve of christmas, nikolai ilyin was accepted into the partisan detachment, which operated on territory of the kosovo, ruzhany and berezovsky districts, he was a miner and learned the basics of the rail war, and already in august he became the commander of a subversive group. we ask, how do you feel? that he felt, he felt fear, he felt fear every second when you plant a mine under these flights, he even said himself that he once decided at the last second to check the fuse so that it would stand up in his hands, it would explode, he would die, but at the last minute he checked , it’s defective, there was a case when the group went on reconnaissance, the commander was called to headquarters, the task
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no one returned, more than once nikolai ilyin was on the verge of death, but he did not like to remember it. after the war, nikolai ilyin returned to his parents in serpukhov, in 1948 he again went to belarus and got a job on the railway. a few months later he became the chief engineer of the track and road workshops in pinsk. then he works as an economist in the statistical department of the pinsk region. at 53 he returned to serpukhov again and got a job as a stoker in a children's tuberculosis sanatorium. in january, as a novice, he comes to zherovichi monastery. a little more than a month, nikolai will take his first tonsure with the name georgiy, after 6 years, when monk georgiy is already 49, he will be tonsured as a monk with the name mitrofan. for 40 years he... carried a candle box to obedience, accepted notes about health and repose. this was the first person with whom pilgrims and believers met. mithraphanes was called the monastery's accountant. he was a little related there, well, somehow he was also
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related, he still loved to turn off the lights, he saved money, when after perestroika everything went up in price, he began to save light monastery and there were, well, somewhere there were big bright light bulbs, he changed them to more or less smaller ones, there, well, as if there was light, there it was still there, so... sometimes students called him a joke father megavolt, he was an old man who received people, people from all over the former soviet union came to mitrafan with questions, he was even given a separate office where he could receive those who wanted, people waited for advice from the elder. only then did it become known about his great talents, which he hid very much, sometimes hid under the guile, pretending like that, sometimes he doesn’t hear, sometimes he doesn’t see, the fool.
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the resident was called to the front and began to help women with food and pastoral words. if you have bread, the lord said: “share this bread, if you have anything else, share it.” a normal priest, like all priests should be in principle, this is the norm of life, and the person essentially fulfilled his oath given upon entering the priesthood. the shepherd was responsible for the inhabitants of 25 villages, this was the number of father victor’s parish; the priest himself had four small children, and this did not become... an obstacle to save the hiding of scouts and saboteurs. when the police arrived, father victor passed them off as his workers. he didn’t ask them unnecessary questions, they didn’t
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ask him anything either, he worked like workers, but he knew that at night they disappeared somewhere, then appeared, he felt that they were connected with someone somewhere there, these people, these people connected him with real partisan detachments. the priest in the village had spiritual power and enjoyed authority. v during the years of occupation, one often had to be on the edge of a knife, no matter how much the shepherd wanted, but he was obliged to communicate with the german administration, the civilian police, and this is a fact. father victor, taking advantage of his position, wrote out passes to certify that this or that person was his parishioner, and handed over documents to the partisans. there were partisans, they came to father victor, and of course they had already fed them all, then the germans came knocking, so what to do.
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money was collected for dmitry dansky's tank column for alexander mivsky's squadron. priteri viktor bikarevich, he was able to collect 15 thousand rubles in the occupied territory. viktor bikarevich is one of the few priests awarded the order of the patriotic war, second degree. for 3 years he risked the lives of his children to save his homeland. may 9 was a holiday for him.
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after the war, viktor bikarevich was the rector of the alexander nevsky church in minsk, saved it from closure in the sixties, then served in venena, and again returned to minsk to the alexander nevsky church. proteerius viktor bikarevich was awarded the patriarchal cross at the end of his life helped build a temple in the village of ponyatiche in veleischina, not far from his native votygole. the spiritual core that our people preserved during the great patriotic war, we have a part of it, it is important for us not to lose it. not to break it, on the contrary , to strengthen it, so that we, then our children, our grandchildren, will also be guardians and defenders of our country, our people, our fatherland. many priests contributed not only to their church services and military exploits to their great victory, but also to the collection of funds to help the army and devastated regions of the country. in addition to the tank column , the money collected by the church was created by
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alexander nevsky. funds were used even in the occupied territories; in total , the orthodox church collected 200 million rubles for the needs of the front, all in order to bring victory closer, and the victory day itself, may 9, 1945 , fell on the postponed reserve, which was celebrated on may 6, the day of remembrance of st. george the victorious, the heavenly patron of the army. everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. with the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the most ancient cities in belarus . this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given over to
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ragnedie and iz. the cross itself, which was created at the monastery's cathedral, is a copy of that blessing of st. euphrasinia. another important shrine of the monastery is its power. we will tell and show you in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. belarus and uzbekistan are looking for new points of interaction, after the historic visit of the belarusian to tashkent
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leader has arrived in minsk. delegation led by the minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan. tell us the details. the countries have reached a new level of partnership. an impressive package of documents was signed in february. and these are not memorandums, agreements that actually work in the energy sector, agriculture, science, and education. a roadmap for 2 years, it contains specific projects worth more than a billion dollars. new products also help promote technology under the made in belarus brand, among which an unmanned tractor will soon appear. what is known about this? special emphasis on development. software will be made on the security and navigation system. the main thing is to take into account the wishes of the farmers, because the drone will get to the field and carry out the work independently. you can start the smart car from the remote control; the maximum speed is 38 km/h. will be able to work 24:7. a film about the legendary partisan father minaya is planned to be shot in belarus. who will work on the project, when will it premiere. this is a joint work of the national film studio
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belarus film and a russian studio. military film directed by igor ugolnikov. the start of filming is announced for august, the release of the film will coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the great victory. the majority of the film crew will be belarusian actors and specialists. news, analytics, expert comments, interesting facts. watch the program events on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel. the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city. why do you need this, right? and where does the money come from, my two favorite questions, i would really like to look at what a school looks like, which is no longer a school inside, they see there more opportunities make the most of them. 26 paros do you have chickens? 130 chickens, who else do you have? loots, cow, cow, cow, ducks, that's what you don't have, it's free time that you can
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spend on laziness and despondency. i understand, this is definitely not the case, there is no time for depression, or discouragement, and there is no time to be lazy, yes, the presenter’s task is to find out why rural life is still... better than city life, then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange this when here in the future we will make a reception room, we will make some coffee here somewhere, maybe some kind of laundry, that's what we have leftovers here.


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