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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:11pm MSK

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each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus. i love the series subconsciously, and belarus consciously, because belarus gave me everything. whats up? i feel right at home, i want not only my roots to remain here, but also for my children to feel like they’re at home here too. watch on belarus tv channel.
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the news is live in the studio yulia pertsova, good afternoon and briefly about the main topics of the issue. from baku to the southwest of the country, state visit of the president of belarus to azerbaijan today continued in the revived territories of fuzuli and shusha. a direct violation of the human rights of his citizen, as a polish dissident, judge thomas schmidt tried to transfer documents to the polish embassy. between life and death, the situation and condition of the wounded prime minister of slovakia robert fitz was commented on by his hungarian colleague viktor orban. a symbol of courage, skill and heroism, a monument to the hero of belarus nikita kukanenko was unveiled in polotsk. voices of the young for
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sustainable development, the final of the youth media festival was held in minsk. the state visit of the president of belarus to azerbaijan continues. in the morning. alexander lukashenko arrived in fizuli. the air harbor connects the capital baku with karabakh. in an aeroport. the belarusian leader was met at the exit of the plane by ilham aliyev. the leaders were shown models of the new fuzuli and zangilan airports. both have been built. in the shortest possible time in just a few months. fizuli international airport is the first air harbor in the world built in such a short period of time in a snow-covered area. all international airports are equipped with modern technologies of navigation systems. presidents today visit revived territories, and in one car, driven by ilham aliyev. fizuli was returned to
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azerbaijani control in october 2020; this city has great transport and logistics potential. according to the general plan, by 2040 the population will increase to 50 thousand people, now only a few thousand. the presidents also toured one of the residential areas of shusha; the city was founded in the 17th century. this year it was declared the cultural capital of the islamic world. alexander lukashenko gave the city a belarusian one.
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polish dissident judge thomas schmidt tried to convey to the polish embassy a statement addressed to the ministry of justice and the country's prosecutor general, but the acting attorney general, krzyszta fažana, did this. good morning, dear consul, my name is thomas schmidt, judge thomas schmidt, i would like to convey a letter in connection with the violation of a number of laws, both polish laws and the constitution, as well as international laws. will mr. consul accept these letters from me?
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the polish dissident said that he feels safe in belarus and plans to apply to the belarusian authorities for asylum after consulting with a lawyer. an opaque hint or who benefits from the assassination attempt on robert fitz, in an interview with journalists
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, hungarian prime minister viktor orban said that his slovak colleague is still on the verge of death. at the same time, he noted that they have developed similar views on many international issues, including ukraine. the politician also recalled the upcoming european elections, which will decide not only question from members of the european parliament, but together with the elections in the united states can the course of war and peace in europe? he is fighting for his life, robert fitz is currently between life and death. if we can go beyond this and look at this situation from a political point of view, it is a big loss for hungary, because even if he recovers, the prime minister will not be able to work for several months. and just in the most important months, when we are facing elections in europe. the day before, slovak president pellegrini managed to talk to the wounded prime minister in the hospital. the vice's condition is still very serious, and the issue of transporting him to the capital is being decided. corruption in ukraine remains one
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of the highest in europe, as stated in the report of pentagon inspector general robert storch. the current conflict has created opportunities for bribery and kickbacks to flourish. storch noted that the ministry of defense is overinflating prices for state defense purchases. transparency of the process is limited due to the level of secrecy. american law enforcement officers have opened 12 cases related to fraud, corruption and theft of military and financial aid. this time, according to storch, they received 63 statements of theft. at the same time , the pentagon says that 12% of military aid sent to kiev since the beginning of this year has disappeared. without god in the soul. in poland, they opposed christ; the warsaw city hall banned catholic crosses, but ordered respect for transgender people, the wyborcza newspaper reports. warsaw is the first city in poland to ban the use of religious symbols in city hall offices. however, the restriction does not yet apply to wearing chest straps.
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crosses. at the same time, officials are urged to more often use feminives, impersonal forms, gender-neutral terminology and respect their rights. these measures were taken to be recognized and accepted. attention, social diversity. a monument to the hero of belarus nikita kukanenko was unveiled in polotsk. it symbolizes the courage and the highest level of skill that pilot andrei nicheporchik and nikita kukanenko showed in the baranovich area, sending the plane away from residential buildings and avoiding the loss of life. flight may 19 twenty-first year was their last. nikita kukanenko, graduate of the polotsk cadet school. that is why it was...
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a feat, that is, it is a symbol of patriotism, a symbol of heroism, it will undoubtedly serve primarily for our guys, such a source of courage, courage, courage, tribute to a patriotic man, a hero of belarus, who at the cost of his own life, in general, it warded off trouble, i think that this monument will organically fit into that historical and cultural environment in order to educate true patriots of our country, belarus with the ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary of turkey. the parties discussed the prospects
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for further deepening the belarusian-turkish dialogue. igor sergeenko emphasized: the heads of belarus and turkey openly exchange views on issues of bilateral interaction. the economy is developing, suffice it to say that for the last few years we have been at the level of $1 billion in trade turnover, we are moving very confidently towards the target of reaching one and a half billion dollars in trade turnover. there are positive results in trade in services, for the belarusian side is interested in issues of investment cooperation.
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our countries are friendly, ankara aims to develop relations with


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