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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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we will tell you the points of contact with belarus in a panorama. sports integration is only stronger, the results are only higher and the emotions of winning are only brighter. the traditional forum of athletes of belarus and russia is held at the national olympic committee. summoning demons, gay pride and a transvestite show all rolled into one. this is all eurovision 2024, but let’s look at what the political echoes of the long-unsung competition are. thoughtfully. intercultural and interfaith dialogue. discussion of true christian values, their relevance today. anniversary thirties kirillo-mefudev readings started in minsk. billion dollars in trade turnover. plan for the near future, official minsk and baku. alexander lukashenko's state visit to azerbaijan continues. as a result of
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the negotiations today, the leaders of the two countries signed nine documents that will stimulate mutual trade, joint projects in industry and agriculture , and tourism. and here are just some of the numbers that countries still have to increase. in 2023, trade turnover between countries exceeded 400 million dollars. at the same time , belarusian exports accounted for the lion's share of mutual trade. 370 million. our supplies to azerbaijan increased by 77% compared to the level of the twenty-second year. countries have become noticeably more active in stock trading. over 4 months, the amount of transactions increased 14 and a half times. relative to last year. the dynamics are based on a significant increase in the supply of our wood processing products. the presidents’ schedule today turned out to be very busy, in addition to the negotiations that took place in
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uskom in expanded formats, the leaders appreciated international exhibitions interfod and caspian agro. but of course, outside of the business agenda , alexander lukashenko visited places of memory that are important for every azerbaijani. more details about everything. katerina krutalevich. rain according to the forecast in baku in may is in the +30 category here in minsk in the spring. it happens once or twice a month , but today it started in the morning. the omen is good. zagulba is the official country residence of ilham aliyev; alexander lukashenko was waited here in full force from 10 am. journalists, diplomats, an honor guard company, a state visit, means that they will be greeted with all the paraphernalia of a gala reception.
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at the moment of the ceremony the sun will shine again, everything is quite short, the leaders will almost immediately move to work. the agenda is extensive and not only negotiations. a narrow and wide composition of the meeting, here in the wild, from the belarusian side, almost the entire cabinet of ministers and many journalists, everyone is waiting for the results. while the presidents communicated in a narrow format, the ministers could talk separately, especially if they had something to talk about. right now in the side.
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management and those parts where azerbaijan has our competitiveness is fruits, vegetables, olive oils, and today we have initial agreements on the road map of how we will work. presidents will also talk about this. trade turnover between countries today amounts to $400 million, which is not much considering the potential and relations between states and leaders. no one doubts that belarus and azerbaijan are two reliable friends. this is the basis. our
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interstate relations, because only in an atmosphere of mutual trust is it possible moving forward confidently, always...
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moving, and you know, i told you, there was a one-on -one about heydar, if he saw how azerbaijan was developing and so on, but i also remembered our conversation when we were talking philosophically at lunch together , we agreed, you then raised this issue, that after the war the most difficult time will begin, when it will be necessary to begin the revival, that difficult time has just come.
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we are talking about the karabakh lands, now azerbaijan is just facing the restoration of these territories, not the easiest process, but very supported by the azerbaijanis themselves, they sign an action plan to develop cooperation in the field of tourism. as a result , the parties will sign nine documents, in which decisions that simplify trade processes, plus separate veterinary protocols, a detail, but very important for agriculture, agreed on cooperation in the development of tourism for this next year, work in...
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actively invited belarusian companies participate in the restoration of the karabakh and east zangizur zones, belarus has very good experience in urban planning, modern technologies, we also talked about this today, experience in building agricultural towns, our primary task, of course, is to return former refugees to their homes, which will be built, as quickly as possible, but even so...
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such tasks were set , we discussed all the issues of closed topics, there were no, this is not only equipment and mtz, joint production of maz equipment, joint production of fire equipment, joint production of elevator equipment, especially old elevators, even soviet houses, apartments, they need to be replaced, we have preserved this production, there are large programs in agriculture, starting... from the supply here of elite livestock, cows, first of all, so that you fully satisfy your needs for milk, meat, cattle, moreover, on the lands that you are liberating, especially agricultural ones, we are ready for you to build, based on
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the belarusian experience, an agricultural town and the entire infrastructure and create jobs as regards pharmaceuticals. separately, the presidents will talk about geopolitics, alexander lukashenko will say that he informed the receiving party in detail about
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the situation related to ukraine, but so far everything is not easy. i informed you in great detail about what is happening in our region in connection with the conflict in ukraine, our assessments of the point of view are either close or coincide, you know our position, it is not easy for us there now, but we will do everything to ensure that there is peace and we will be.
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thank you, thank you, i’ll pick it up, they’re still sitting, thank you, so here we wished prosperity and peace to your people, which is a good thing from belarusian in azerbaijan, chocolate, candy, unrivaled alcohol, raw dairy products, we were already talking about bringing our cows here, i like it so much, it’s very nice that people come to the exhibition to try the products, they say: we buy you, i’m the president, your products, today i will also greet you with a lady.
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heydar aliyev, he is also called the builder of new azerbaijan, he has done a lot for the country. and to the eternal ag. azerbaijan has its own history. this is called the avenue of fallen heroes, people who, historical quote, gave their lives for the independence of azerbaijan. at different times. now they can look at the prosperous baku from a bird's eye view. this is where the official part will practically end before the reception organized in
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the gulistan palace, from here a no less panoramic view opens. now almost 3 million people live in the capital of azerbaijan. the belarusians have something to offer, and after today’s negotiations the delegation will obviously continue to work on specific projects. katerina krutalevich, olga onishchenko, alexander oleshka, agency tv news, baku. events in georgia are developing rapidly, the country is being rocked according to the ukrainian scenario. open sabotage, protests, chaos sown from outside, everything according to the old manual, which means double standards, open dissatisfaction with eu officials. the foreign influence transparency bill made its presence obvious. the pro-western media has joined the demonstrators, who so diligently continue to be financed and brought to the streets.
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the adoption of the law will stop georgia's further progress on its path to the eu and nato. if this happens, the responsibility will be directly assigned to the georgian government, but it may. reject this objectionable piece of legislation together. this law violates human rights and civil liberties , everything the eu stands for. this law is a symbol,
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a symbol of your choice between russia and the european union. this law further distances georgia from the european path. the leader of georgia's ruling party called the actions of foreign diplomats an attempt to organize a donor revolution. the politician believes that what is happening in tbilisi is similar to the situation in ukraine in 2014. however, a similar scenario has been tested in the countries of the post-soviet space, not only in ukraine. the crisis against the backdrop of the bill is just an excuse to organize a change of government. foreign agents in the country have already been promised power. they have now received a grant to attempt a revolution. the general director of the georgian information analytical agency shared this opinion with our channel. these are the mentors who are foreign agents who read morals to us all day long without looking at the tv screen, supposedly they are concerned about the sovereignty of georgia,
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today they are speaking out against the sovereignty of power, against our legal right to know what money is on...
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the manual for changing the ruling elite also contains more radical solutions. in slovakia , the investigation into yesterday's attack on the prime minister continues. the front pages of the local media today came out with the headline of the assassination attempt. after hours of surgery, robert fitz's condition remains stable but serious. as the country's defense minister emphasized, recovery will not be easy. vyhravame. i can't say the prognosis is positive yet because the extent of the damage caused by the four gunshot wounds is extensive. according to the head of the ministry of internal affairs of slovakia, the shooter fitz disagreed with the actions of the government, including against stopping the supply of weapons to ukraine. the attacker faces 25
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years to life. so who did the shooting? pro-ukrainian activist, supporter. always puts the national interests of his country, not washington and brussels. experts on good relations with moscow come first they believe that this is precisely what could have served as the reason for the bloody massacre. so, he is 71 years old, he went to a rally, shouted, and then took a weapon and went to kill. you and i must be even more attentive to our opponents. the list
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of suspects in the case of belarusians abroad has been replenished with 104 names. today the investigative committee announced: they will no longer go unpunished, the escaped puppets have decided to continue to provide active assistance in the implementation of criminal plans. an example of such actions served as anti-belarusian actions of the so -called diasporas abroad, including those timed to coincide with the triumph of nationalists and freedom day. the goals of such actions have remained unchanged over the past four years, imitation of mass participation in support of an extremist movement. demonstration of the false activity of their fictitious organizations, natural receipt of money for extremist cells, which has already become a standard set, economic pressure and... isolation of our country in the international arena. according to the investigation , on march 25, 2019, a small some representatives of extremist groups actively supported the call to
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hold freedom day in various countries, thereby they tried to implement the criminal plan of the fugitive leaders, with the intention of harming the strategic national interests of the republic of belarus to ensure independence and territorial integrity. sovereignty, inviolability of the constitutional order. gatherings of representatives of radicals aimed at discrediting our country were accompanied by the use of nationalist symbols, offensive slogans inciting social hostility among belarusians, calls for economic political pressure on our country. currently, the troops have already received accurate data from more than a hundred people who received them. mediocre participation in street actions in warsaw, vilnius, wroclaw, bialystok, brussels, batum, prague, california, philadelphia. the list is constantly updated.
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all of them were recognized as suspects in a criminal case. as part of the investigation , information about their real estate and property in belarus has already been received. investigative committee all measures will be taken to ensure the principle of inevitability of punishment and compensation. damage, including as part of special production. so, do n’t they still understand that they are just puppets, extras, decorations, they have simply been zombified and are being scammed. their road is one way. a clear example is kalinovsky’s regiment, when they go to fight for supposed freedom, but without understanding, they sign their own death warrant. a militant from an extremist formation, artyom molodov, spoke about this. how he makes friends with those who left the regiment, why they organize tours around the eu, and much, much more. watch the remark in the new episode of the project tonight on air. portions
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of a young cocktail, a nuclear mixture of problems in the regiment of belarusian mercenaries, from missing cannon fodder to drug trafficking and the attitude towards those who broke the contract from the lips of the next profit that the next one fell for. oh good times. i hope you have also noticed that western civilization is morally deteriorating. one even gets the
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impression that some kind of monstrous and inhumane experiment is being carried out on europe. european users of social networks are still discussing the competition of obscurantism, satanism and militarism, eurovision, that took place recently. no, no, you heard right, eurovision. it’s been a long time since i’ve talked about songs. this year there is a gay pride parade, a transvestite show, summoning demons, all these are western values ​​and their political culture. maria petrashka closely delved into what is being promoted today through the european vision. hello everyone, i'm maria petrashko, tv news agency. imagine a huge cross on which all sorts of evil spirits are dancing. what are you about thought right away? about satan's score? and i described it to you now. eurovision 2024 is supposedly a song competition, a stage in the shape of a cross, on it,
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but most importantly, all the participants are somehow non-binary, homosexual, as long as they are not normal, just like in the coordination council of the fugitives, now in the midst of their election campaign, who is yours ? who is not binary, who is gay, who proposes electronic voting, just to stay in power, but they have been of no use for 5 years, it would be better if they went to eurovision, well, they would fit in perfectly, representative finland appeared at eurovision without panties , sang a song about the lack of rules, not that sanctions and contributions to the nato alliance left finns without pants, this... they knew that, but why is it so obvious, you know what makes me special, i’m queer, i'm a witch, queer, get it together.
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a term used to refer to a person whose sexual and or gender identity differs from the majority. this creature's compatriots, such as oscar wilde or george bernard shaw, turn out to be unspecial. why bother trying to write talentedly? can was to define oneself as something perverted and that’s it, success. by the way, the irish depicted the day of judgment on stage in blue in the style of a satanic rite, and summoned entities there. all sorts of things and apparently they called. eurovision 2024. poles are calling not to support ukraine because of the video of jerry hale in a sweater with the inscription “bandersyaga”. the ukrainian performer decided to cross the name of a fashion brand with the name of the nazi killer bandera and she placed the resulting inscription “bandersyaga” in a sweater pattern. in general, ukrainian contestants knew about prohibited political slogans at the competition, but they ignored the rule and received a fine for
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slogans. freedom has become the defender of brains, here ’s a signal to you, europe is not so in solidarity with ukraine. and this greek contestant demonstratively falls asleep while the israeli performer is speaking at a press conference. atmosphere of unity. eurovision spectator shouting free palestine. israel's participation is contrary to the values ​​of this competition. me: i think that the country that is currently fueling the conflict should not be involved in competition promoting peace. israel is not territorially europe, and after all, according to the logic of the competition organizers, it should be out of the game, bombing the civilian population of palestine, but bombing for the benefit of the washington master. in many ways, this is why israel is a participant, but most importantly, the largest sponsor of the competition is an israeli company, and how can we do it without their singer? it can be said 100% that
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this competition has nothing. it is mainly part of an ongoing social experiment that pushes people to take certain actions. view, and it is also a reflection of the mood in the elites. devils, skeletons, men in female form - this is presented and imposed on the european viewer as the norm, just dare to say that this is with an obvious mental deviation, you will be bombarded with accusations, dragged through the courts, and where the vatican is looking is generally a rhetorical question. come on. in fact, we all understand that such a highly publicized event works as a propaganda machine, just like hollywood’s entire social scene, through them certain values ​​are imposed on us and narratives from the series “we hate belarus and russia together” or “we ignore the murdered children of palestine” and so on. sexual perversions, transvestite shows, homosexuality, and the worship of evil spirits are imposed as normality. well, why does a developing, proliferating europe serve as a competitor
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to the same states? in general, there is a feeling that all the evil spirits who supported the ukrainian nationalists are literally furious with the carriage because of the defeat of their plan, but they must understand that the vampires’ point is ending. let me just remind you of a historical fact about european values: in europe they always loved the circus of freaks, they carried them in cages to show poor sick people or plebeians, they showed them for the sake of laughter, they only banned such entertainment. the middle of the last century in the fifties, but the circus of european officials spreads to all segments of the population, so we again see a circus of freaks in europe. even more observations in our telegram channels. belarusian sport is confidently standing on its feet, even in times of sanction pressure, our sports industry continues to develop,
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including. not without the participation of close partners, reliable friends. the national forum of athletes of belarus and russia opened today in minsk, the event once again emphasized that in our countries the main principles of olympism have been preserved, alas, they have been lost in the heads of the international olympic committee, where everything is decided by politics. andrey kozlov tried to capture the main thing that was discussed today in the national olympic committee. many did not even suspect the status of the participants.
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definitely not, taking a photo as a souvenir is especially important for our guests, how to get under the dome national olympic committee. it is interesting that five athletes, whose photographs are among the olympic champions, were in this hall today, two of them are active. what were the feelings 2 years ago and what are they now? these are two different states for me as an athlete. now i have confidence that the sport is alive, there is an opportunity to compete, this is probably the most important thing now for those athletes who are active. the forum is an opportunity to exchange opinions in different sports, because the crisis in the international olympic movement is so deep that some leaders of the federation do whatever they want, like, for example, the head of the international athletics federation sebastian koa, who has repeatedly made his russophobic
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statements. how are things going with your trip to paris at the moment? there is a ticket, but most likely there is no opportunity to go there, because something does not change its decision, it is more focused on the brix games for all these stages of the queen of sports. is it possible to explain somehow? well, well, he doesn’t love us at all. queen of sports, then there is athletics, you can put a counterweight to a wrestler. at the top of the leadership of the world wrestling federation, belarusians and russians, on the contrary, are only supported; ours, by the way, won even more licenses than at the games in tokyo. as for wrestling, i can note
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that the attitude of the international wrestling federation towards ours, and the belarusian wrestling federation towards the russian one, is very warm, they are interested in all athletes participating in the european world championships and the olympic games. one of the topics on the agenda. sports development in 2 years of sanctions pressure, however , the leaders of our committee, viktor lukashenko, and the russian olympic committee, stanislav poznyakov, are steering the discussion to the domestic market, because there are all opportunities for its development. another nod to the arc committee of the paris games, where several months before the opening there are a number of problems, social, organizational and others. today we need to concentrate our attention on the development of the olympic reserve, on those athletes who will already compete. at future olympic games as a single team, when there won’t be these artificial contradictions, artificial difficulties, because one of the most important tasks of our opponents from lazanne is to create a split in the sports community. as for our olympic participation,
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the head of the belarusian team, viktor lukashenko, sees no problems for the performance of the belarusians. to date, we have won about 30 licenses. at the moment, we do not see any big obstacles to the participation of our athletes in the olympics, therefore. therefore, at the moment, without additional conditions, i see that athletes can take part in the olympics. today's program at the athletes' forum ended with master classes with the participation of world-famous stars. one of the mentors
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who shared invaluable experience was olympic champion in athletics yuri borzakovsky. the events were attended with interest by the heads of the belarusian and russian olympic committees. well, in conclusion , i want to emphasize once again that forum athletes. russia is, first of all, about the fact that we are together in the most difficult times, especially when a politicized mock puts a spoke in the wheels, only a close person can lend a shoulder to each other. andrey kozlov and dmitry chumak, tv news agency. and another example of long-term partnership: belarus and china are reliable friends and partners bound by comprehensive strategic cooperation. this was stated by the chairman of the council of the republic natalya kachanova during a meeting with the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary. china in belarus. according to the speaker of the upper house of parliament, the basis bilateral ties; warm, trusting relations between the leaders of the two countries. natalya kachanova emphasized that good friendly relations are developing between the parliamentarians of the two countries.
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an agreement on cooperation has already been signed between the national assembly of belarus and the national people's congress of china. emphasis was placed on the need to intensify cooperation. aspect of regional cooperation, parliamentarians of the two countries, including since the council of the republic is a chamber territorial representation, and we see this direction as one of the most relevant and promising. and moreover, within the framework of the signed agreement between the parliaments of the two states, a high-level committee is currently being formed, the activities of which will also be aimed at strengthening the friendship and cooperation between the two states, the chinese-belarusian relationship has the status of an all-round comprehensive strategic partnership, our cooperation in a variety of regions go very... between belarus
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and china are actively developing not only political, trade and economic ties, but also humanitarian partnerships, youth contacts, and joint events are being held, which also deepen relations through women’s organizations. here's to the next collaboration. belarus manages to reproach and this is done by the very same democratizers and distributors of cookies, because of whom children become orphans. since 2017, seeing what horror the youngest citizens of this country had to endure in syria, alexander lukashenko decides to organize holidays for syrian children. more than 1,300 boys and girls have already vacationed in belarus. today at the minsk national airport we were greeted with bread and salt.
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we read a lot about belarus on the internet,
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they will relax with belarusian peers in our famous bison camp, the shift was named from heart to heart. what lies ahead? of course, these are health procedures, because it is air, sun, and nature, a certain range of medical services that allows our institution to provide such services, and interesting leisure and entertainment program, these include festivals and competitions. straight from the airport, acquaintance with minsk, then a water park, ahead are our castles, palaces, in a word, you won’t be bored. they talked today in minsk about what war is and how important it is to remember so that the past does not repeat itself. republican seminar dedicated to the genocide of the belarusian people.
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the conference participants laid flowers in memory of the executed underground fighters. the monument in the capital’s alexander square is located on the very spot where the nazis staged an exemplary massacre. in belarus the establishment of
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order in the field of shadow wages has rapidly intensified. the department of financial investigations is identifying more and more schemes involving payment of salaries in envelopes. let me remind you that since june 2000, twenty-one , our country has introduced criminal liability for such settlements with employees, if we are talking about large amounts of damage. over the course of 3 years, the financial police have developed effective methods for conducting control and analytical activities. today the department works in close cooperation with regulatory and law enforcement agencies. organs. dozens of criminal cases are initiated every year. watch today in the new series of the project under the control of the president. the brightest. examples of how businessmen paid wages in envelopes and how this turned out for them? salary in an envelope, money down the drain. officially i received a salary of 650 rubles. and unofficially i received a salary of more than 3.00 rubles. the benefits are immediate, the consequences are long
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lasting. the insurance period is counted only for those periods when the employer. but they will stop taking it and the desire to pay less will be, so everyone should definitely put in equal conditions, and the results of the work done. this situation is very clearly visible in places where, by word of mouth, people understand that it is necessary to comply with the law. a joint project of the state
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control committee of the television news agency under the control of the president. watch it on the evening broadcast. intercultural, interfaith dialogue, discussion of true christian values, their relevance today. thirties, cyril methodius readings started in minsk. representatives of different faiths who have existed peacefully in our country for decades. the ministries and departments discussed the development of religious education in the post-soviet space, as well as the interaction of secular education. and spiritual education in modern society. an anniversary year for the institute of theology of bsu, for 20 years now, the university is the only educational structure in belarus that prepares professional theologians and religious scholars in the field of secular education. on the occasion of the round anniversary, we signed a cooperation agreement with the russian theological seminary
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orthodox church. modern man really needs such spiritual guidelines that help make the right decisions in the modern rapidly changing world, modern laws, decisions that are made at the state level are also evidence that the spiritual component must be present in our lives and be present and fill it , and the holding of kiril methodi... the participants, took place in one of the classrooms of the institute of theology, but metropolitan phillaret was present at them, this is probably a good thing the blessing was that year after year they grew and became more and more, and
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today, when we already have more than 100 participants annually, it shows that interest does not fade. on the second day, cyril and methodius readings will unite several platforms at once : institute of theology of bsu, minsk theological academy, parish of the church of the icon of the mother of god, joy to all who mourn, specialist scientists in the field of theology, history, philosophy, cultural studies and religious studies will meet at a scientific and practical conference called spiritual revival of society and the orthodox. book.
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white and red is now our flag, let’s stand hand in hand. coupling is a priori an element of attack; of course, the phrase “let’s cling together” is a call. here is the bc flag, inciting social hatred and enmity. but this is different, i guess. smogar pro-ukrainian beer. this is a prototype for a wedding in malinovka, by the authorities.
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they will come in handy, here you go, i don’t like that she communicates with him, that’s why, in my opinion, he’s a great guy, but in my opinion, chanthropa, the apple
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doesn’t fall far from the tree, love, vanechka is this the most wonderful thing in our life, you will definitely become an iceman, i believe in it, mom, what are you doing, you know? what does it mean to love, who do you love? marina evgenievna, take the pashka, please, he can’t be there, i beg you, take the pashka, van, what happened, i won’t let you in, get out, mom died, what are you doing, watch the series embracing the sky on tv channel belarus 24.
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isai pavlovich kozenets, one of the organizers and leaders of the minsk anti-fascist underground. in the summer of 1941 he created one of the first underground groups in minsk, the group oil workers. for the sake of secrecy, he took the name of his deceased comrade vyacheslav yurygin. under the name slavka, he went down in the history of the minsk anti-fascist underground. the oil workers established contact with other partisan detachments operating in the vicinity of minsk. equipped an underground printing house, organized sabotage at the minsk railway junction and other objects
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of the occupiers. in march 1942, the minsk anti-fascist underground failed, as sd agents were introduced into its ranks. despite all the measures of secrecy, protect yourself they failed. almost all members of the first minsk underground were arrested and tortured to death in fascist dungeons. after prolonged torture on may 7, 1942, isaiah cosenza. hanged in a city park in the center of minsk. in 1965, isaiah cozenets was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously.
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in the next few minutes we will only talk about sports, hello, basketball players of minsk, champions of belarus, today in the third game of the final series against horizon, the team of andrei vavlev. won 72-66 and thereby made the score 3:0 in the series in its favor, interrupting the dominance of natalia trofimova’s squad in the national championship. 66-72 horizon is the opponent in this match today, and the series ends, the belarusian women's championship ends. at the end we relaxed and entered a difficult ending, but we still pushed on
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and won, just as we wanted. in the second half. somehow we left the locker room with such anticipation, we had been working towards this for a very long time, it seemed to us that it would be easy, and horizon took advantage of this, since we lost the cup, our goal was to go further without defeats to prove that it was simply a mistake. tomorrow we are watching the men's final, where minsk fights against grodno 93, the series score is 1:0 in favor of the capital's squad, a live broadcast of the meeting will be waiting for you on belarus 5, starting at 16:30. the capital today began the fight to reach the decisive stage of the tournament, the first match took place in orsha, the result of the meeting is on your screen. the day before , in the first semi-final, gomel vrz won a difficult home victory in the match with minsk. the score in the match was opened on the second minute of the second half. dmitry shimanovsky distinguished himself. after the meeting, he will be
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recognized as the best player in the host team. the gomel team has already doubled their advantage. 5 minutes later alexey pinchuk scored the goal. 2:0 victory for vrz. the guests' best player of the match was roman belonozhko. it was a good game, a tough game, there was a lot of back and forth, there were sharp counterattacks, both first and second. we have the goal, we managed to convert and score and won. thanks to all the guys. vrz and minsk will play the second match of the semi-final series on sunday at the uruchie sports complex. belarus 5 will show the meeting will also be live. start. 17:45. juventus - coppa italia winner bion caneri take their first trophy in 3 years. in russia, meanwhile, it became known who will play in the super final against baltika. zenit players pulled out the lucky ticket in the penalty shootout from cska. in the english premier league, chelsea rises to the eurocup zone; in the spanish la liga, the race for silver and bronze continues.


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