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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 16, 2024 9:55pm-10:56pm MSK

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kolinovsky is in crisis, recruiting does not bring any results, there are few donations, pseudo-funds have no time for this, conflicts against the backdrop of business, the whole range of problems is obvious, they will try, it’s unlikely, they’ll rather get a little hype, recruit naive people and send them to one end, but that’s no one doesn’t care, just like the fate of the young man, artyom wants to go home, well, all his friends are bored there, all his acquaintances, of course, he wants to go back.
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salary in an envelope, money down the drain. officially, i received a salary of 650 rubles. and not officially i received a salary of more than 3,000 rub. the benefit is momentary, the consequences are long lasting. the insurance period is counted only for those periods when... the employer pays contributions for its employee to the budget of the social protection fund. vivid examples of violations of the law are the principled reaction of state control. the office salary is the revenue that includes. measures taken by the state to combat salaries in envelopes. apparently, it is necessary to introduce responsibility for those who take this money in an envelope, then they will stop. take, but
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they stop taking and the desire to pay less will be, so it is imperative to put everyone on an equal footing, and the results of the work done. this situation is very clearly visible in places where, by word of mouth, people understand that it is necessary to comply with the law. a joint project of the state control committee of the television news agency under the control of the president. watch it now. once upon a time , this building on minzhinsky street in brest housed the office of two construction companies, which, as it turned out, were serious offenders, with from 2017 to 2022, their leadership organized a scheme for paying salaries in envelopes, they employed people in belarus, and then sent them to poland, where they worked, food and accommodation were at the expense of the receiving party, but when the salary was paid. some of the money
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still related to travel expenses. in addition, according to the employment contract, the salary ranged from 400 to 700 rubles. but employees received an average of over 3.00. all this significantly reduced tax and insurance payments. the total damage to the budget exceeded 14 million. they offered a normal amount - $1,200 and above. accommodation in hostels, hotels, meals. free of charge, provision of special clothing, well, i agreed, the payment had its own nuances: officially i received a salary of 650 rubles, and not officially i received a salary of more than 3,000 rubles. obudexexport to 771 employees as wages under the guise of travel expenses, money was paid in the total amount of 17.6 million rubles, from which:
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personal income tax in the amount of 2.3 million rubles was not paid to the budget, and insurance premiums were not paid fszn in the amount of 5.8 million rubles. by as a result of the preliminary investigation, the guilt of the defendants was fully proven; the criminal case was sent to court; themis issued a guilty verdict. as experts say, salaries in envelopes do not exist on their own, but are. as a kind of indicator that a shadow economy may be present in the country, the sources of illegal payment of wages are very diverse, ranging from unaccounted revenue and illegal financial transactions to the presence of so-called dead souls, workers who only are registered at the enterprise, and others receive wages for them. currently , the state control committee is fighting against illegal payments and salaries in envelopes. is carried out in several
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directions: firstly, it is the identification and suppression of crimes and other offenses related to the payment of wages in envelopes, and in 2023, the bodies of the state control committee carried out 62 inspections related to the payment of wages in envelopes, and also identified 103 crimes , additional amount the submitted income tax and insurance premiums amounted to more than 24 million belarusian rubles. here are just a few striking examples: in mozyr, the director of a company selling things came up with his own scheme on how to pay employees, but at the same time not make contributions to the fund with... the real tax base was understated.
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as a result of such actions , the director was an enterprise that in turn, led to non-payment of tax to the budget in the amount of over 1.3 million rubles, including over 450. he was sentenced to deprivation freedom for a period of 1 year and 6 months. according to a similar scheme, some vitebsk businessmen paid salaries to their employees. they also registered the workers as ipeshnikov and entered into a service agreement with them for the purpose of replacing workers.
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also in vitebsk, large-scale criminal activities of managers of owners of a chain of restaurants and sushi cafes were stopped. the criminal group included eight people. the business was fictitiously fragmented and re-registered with a dozen controlled organizations and epshniks. moreover, in more more than forty sushi bars had a stable system for hiding the cash received. office salary.
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all of them were illegally paid wages, all payments, almost all payments did not go through the accounting accounts, accordingly , income tax was not calculated from them and contributions to the social protection fund were not calculated, based on these facts, criminal cases were also initiated, the organizers of the criminal scheme were charged , as a result of illegal use of simplified regime benefits. taxation, as well as concealment of trading proceeds, business owners saved 4 million rubles on taxes. needless to say that the lion's share of this money went to the same salaries in envelopes? and in minsk, two companies
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providing taxi services through online services paid their employees in envelopes. in the first case , the director of the company hid what was actually received. the proceeds, which were subsequently used to pay gray salaries to drivers, caused damage to the state in the amount of 630,000 rubles. in another case, which in general, it amazes with its, well, scope, it would probably be correct to say, for example, the head of a business entity, using taxi services, this is yandex, uber, registered about 10 entities. management under his control, using the details of which this activity was carried out, illegal in the form of, again, receiving money and not reflecting it in the accounting records of the enterprise. in total
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, criminal cases were initiated based on these materials, and the income of the republic of belarus has already received about 300,000 rubles in taxes. in the minsk region alone, more than 5,500 were installed last year.
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direction to work, to stop such things, but it is apparently necessary to introduce responsibility for those who take this
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money in an envelope, then they will stop taking it, and they will stop taking it and the desire to pay less will be, so it is necessary to put everyone on equal terms, this is quite normal , in any country this is an intolerable thing, this is the most severe punishment in economic terms, you cannot do this, otherwise you will lose your property. here you can’t get by with fines, you need to make them seriously responsible, okay, you got there for the first time, paid a good fine, but then you’ll lose your property, we don’t need such businessmen who don’t pay taxes, already in june of the same twenty-first, a law was introduced in belarus criminal liability for salaries in envelopes, unpaid taxes, evasion of insurance premiums, the most severe punishment prescribed by the amendment to the criminal code became up to...
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the employer became one of the effective as a result, tougher liability for mechanisms to protect the interests of both workers and the state. the state control committee initiated the introduction of appropriate changes to legislation providing for the introduction of criminal liability. for evasion of income tax in particular and insurance contributions to the social protection fund. this initiative was supported by both the upper and lower houses of parliament and the head of state in may 21, a corresponding law was signed, and providing for, among other things, the introduction of relevant articles. since june of the twenty-first year , we have two new articles in the criminal code, these are 243. with icon one and 243 with icon 3, which provide for criminal liability for evasion of
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duties for calculating and transferring taxes to the budget, that is, for evasion of transfer income tax budget evasion of mandatory insurance contributions. another mandatory condition for bringing to criminal liability for evasion of payment of insurance premiums is the proven fact of their intent. costs for business increase, then we must be very clear about
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whether the system will push business into a gray zone, but the coin always has two sides, and what about the businessmen themselves and those who chose not to play by the rules, everything is clear, they they risk paying the bills sooner or later, but there are times when an entrepreneur finds himself hostage to the situation, for example, there is not enough money due to partners’ accounts receivable. accounts to pay employees salaries or pay taxes, the director of the business union, zhanna tarasevich, which includes more than a hundred organizations, can name a lot of such stories.
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then the payment for the certificate of incapacity for work will be a pittance, the same system of accrual and vacation pay, another guarantee of the official salary is the so-called golden parachute, if a person is fired at the initiative of the employer, he has the right to receive three average monthly salaries, in this case it happens, oh, what a shame , if the official accruals in the statements were minimal, but perhaps the main case is the future of a person, then what kind of pension he will receive, it is clear that its value... again depends on the level of salary. thus, the insurance period is counted only for those periods when the employer pays contributions for its employee to the budget of the social protection fund . suppose a citizen agrees to an employment relationship without formalizing it . thus, we understand that
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a person is not an insured person in the state social insurance system. he does not have the right to a labor pension. modern challenges require advanced solutions. today there is a special internet platform created on the initiative of the social protection fund. by registering on it, you can receive information about how many deductions and salaries the employer pays to the federal social security fund, and whether your real income is being hidden. follow the it path in 2021. or state control employees, then the “say no to salary in an envelope” platform appeared on the department’s website. with its help, people can report violations anonymously. all information received on the online dashboard is analyzed systematizes the use of the dfr when planning inspections. in 2023 , the online panel received 269 reports of
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wages being paid in envelopes. the majority certainly concerned economic entities. minsk and the minsk region, some of this information was confirmed ; business entities paid a certain amount of money to the budget. as law enforcement officers themselves say, another key to success is increasing the level of interaction between security forces and regulatory authorities for the prompt detection of illegal facts. for example, in march 2022 , an agreement was signed on the procedure for interaction between state control, security forces, the ministry of labor and social security, and... the salary in envelopes itself is already a result, and in order to achieve this result, you need to understand how the law was violated, where this money came from and where is it possible to pay it, this is the comprehensive work of the tax authorities to identify and suppress such sources, well, one of the most common violations is the concealment of cash proceeds,
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all of us, as ordinary consumers , visit various stores, use various...
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and i want you to report to me on how things are going with taxes, especially salaries in envelopes, we have introduced very strict norms into the law, we support pensioners , someday someone will support us, that’s why they are not so rich here, you can’t offend them. thanks to the work that is being done in our country to combat salaries in envelopes, hundreds of thousands of rubles are coming into the budget, including from this money the formation of pensions, payments. care for children and disabled people, sick pay. it is difficult to overestimate the importance of this financial case, because for some it is the only source of income. belarus is a socially oriented
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state; every person with his or her problems and difficulties is important. therefore , it will be fair if in response people do not think about how to save on taxes by paying salaries in envelopes, but begin to conduct their business honestly and transparently. white and red is now our flag, we will form a link hand to hand, the link is a priori an element attacks, of course the phrase “vsepkustanem” is a call under the warhead flag, excitement.
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to conduct a dialogue, i demand the withdrawal of russian troops from belarus, on the poster in my hands i support ukraine, why didn’t it previously support the inhabitants of the brotherly donbass, who were bombed by ukraine at the age of 8, why now, being in georgia and moving around the european union, does not go out into the streets in support of palestine. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on belarus tv channel. 24. belarusian doilitstva, like a pile jumper, it is important at this time to practice knowledge and mastery. colons, geta not columns,
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geta pelasters like this, yana ўіліліў scenes, but also appear dastatkova actyўna, eyes geta abavyazkova zachepіtstsa. the history of the creation of significant cultural objects in the region. paselishcha that which has become sweat...
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there is a valuable one, we will probably hang an exhibition here, now as it is fashionable to say, the reception will be here, how it all happens, 13 children, we will just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you very much, see the project i'm from a village on a tv channel belarus 24, for a moment i want to stop running to see how it is raining, the leaves are moving, the sun is shining, and how our life is built from all these little things, we want to look at this world differently, every day to discover something new for ourselves, we it's so interesting because we do it with love, with love from belarus. as a little girl, i
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played school all the time, sat in a row of dolls and began to teach them, of course, i had a special attitude towards the belarusian language, i loved the belarusian language very much, to this day i love very beautiful handwriting, large letters, neat, even, so that they could read any text that was written by hand, participation in school, naturally, there were different hobbies, and skiing, everything, but preference was given.
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i successfully graduated from it, having received an education, a choir director, but i still know how to lead a choir and sing, one word, two words, there will be a song, it’s fun to walk through the open spaces, communication with children is a great learning experience, we learn everything from children, i even tell my son, for example, that i learn a lot from him, communication is equal,
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communication based on trust. i’m just your girlfriend or friend now and i advise all of my parents to be on par with their children, you need to be able to praise your child, he is good in everything, in everything, even if he has shortcomings somewhere, but you need to see this in everything in him good and learn lessons with him, again,
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well done, go to his events and take him aside, it’s not easy to be a leader now, firstly, in my subordination there are 81 institutions - that’s 81 leaders, plus the administration, plus teachers, parents, children, this is all a component, no question can be asked alone never possible, that’s why we have a team, this is a team of managers, deputies, this component unit produces its results, today i can’t say that i’m alone, no, i always have, i say, we, we can, we will do , to help us, parents and children, any event, first we discuss with all the leaders, i do not make unilateral decisions, no, this is not the case, we work together, he reports, we even have such a simple motto, we are all sailing in the same boat and we row in one direction, in difficult situations it does not makes decisions herself, she assembles a team of narrow specialists, listens to everyone’s opinion,
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then... makes a decision, a leader should be assessed not by words, but by results, so every year our district differs from many districts in the results of olympiads, both at the regional and at regional at the republican levels, annually there are... results at the international level. the moser education system is very lucky that its flagship is larisa alekseevna popkova. he sees problems so precisely and knows how to solve them so clearly and competently, as for the education system, that in principle we don’t see another person in this place at the moment, and in general, let’s say, just a beautiful woman always knows... how to work, how a person should rest and a person should look like a person should in general, how should a person live? the secret is simple: human relations with everyone,
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no matter what, just human relations, good relations, yes, there are problematic issues, without them it cannot be, today the education system is very large, we have 16,708 schoolchildren alone, forward, to see prospects, this is the most important thing today. i was born in the vitebsk region, initsky district in the village, flame, my mother remained, i am from a large large
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family, we each had, of course , homework, to bend the cow there in the field, to pick grass for the rabbit, to prepare dinner, that is, we were from early childhood i was accustomed to work, i am not afraid of anything today, i like everything... therefore, i am grateful to my parents for the fact that they brought me a lot, this is hard work, sympathy, and empathy, not everything was smooth in a large family, yes we have somewhere something was missing, they cut black bread, dipped it in sugar and ran out into the street, it was the best snickers, but it was such a golden childhood, i am grateful to my parents, i wanted to be a teacher, i became one , they helped me with this, they said, yes, it’s clear, you want it, go for it. so this study, the desire not to let me down all the time, this foundation laid, i still have it, i have a mother, she is 95
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years old today, she always told me only one thing: children, i want you to always live in peace , because our grandfather fought, my mother’s father fought, my father also fought on my father’s side, we have family members who went through the war, and my mother kept saying: kids, how we starved during the war, there wasn’t enough , there was no food, they collected frozen potatoes in the field, my mother often remembers, now i remember when she says, we hid and says in the barn when there was nothing to eat, but it was scary, and we talk all the time about the war at home, we remember everyone, that’s why this is the most sacred thing, it should not be forgotten, the great patriotic war, it the eyewitness leaves. very little, so we are trying to convey, we must tell that the world is very fragile, we must take care of it, remember that the homeland, there is only one, it is necessary to protect it, today a student is also a defender of the homeland, this is our future, so
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we need to educate children , on love for the homeland, for one’s fatherland. i’ve been living in garbage since 2013, this is a good homeland, so warm, kind, gentle, it’s good here. detached people, and you know, efficient, you can work here, there are ideas here, they are inspired, probably what you give is what you get result, you put your whole soul into it, regardless of time, so there are results when there is a team, when there is support, you want to do it, do it well, with a sign of quality, you want it to be, firstly, the city is looking at us, our parents, we can’t do anything bad. we follow the sporting life of our country.
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belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. in the final of the president's cup - the most unexpected couple - zhlobin metallurg and bresk. the history of the championship has been rewritten again, never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series, we are reviewing the most interesting event. british runner roskuk is famous on the internet. as the strongest eccentric set his sights on a record a year ago, he wanted to run across all of africa from south to north. two-time world champion in steeplechase anouk guernier set a new world record for climbing kanati. a thirty-four-year-old french woman, with the help of hands rose to the second floor of the eiffel tower. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. i have observed a trend over the last few olympic cycles, we see that in modern swimming.
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the obus was made by the ancient greek scientist eratosthenes. it seemed to me that eratosthenes came up with the first map. oh, great machine, she remembers these rules. so what's wrong with the globe, who invented it? with another. any adult will envy their erudition. is it true that a computer mouse pointer can change shape depending on what object it is on? it is installed. the cursor has so -called context sensitivity. and he can really change his.
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show, i know, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, its history, its nature, its culture, its faith, its people, and its generosity, once... you will feel it and never forget it again,
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everything here is real, informational analytical project current microphone on air on the belarusian radio tv channel belarus24, with you the presenter andrei sych, as well as our guest.
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for georgia, its development and, in general , its preservation in history is reintegration into post-soviet space with countries that are friendly to georgia in historical, civilizational and economic terms, and here i would like to recall the history of why georgia came into existence in the first place, it took place because it was accepted at one time. the decision at the beginning of the 19th century to become part
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of the russian empire, and this was well reflected in poetic form by lermontov, in his poem ciri, such and such a king in such and such a year entrusted his people to russia, and god's grace descended on georgia, since then she bloomed in the shade of her gardens, without fear of enemies beyond friendly bayonets, and this saved georgia then, two centuries ago, from being massacred by neighboring islamic powers; the genocide of the orthodox georgian population would have been inevitable, but it was precisely as part of the russian empire that it was preserved. if we take the soviet experience, i remember the figures of soviet statistics very well. they would have been widely available, at one time i was interested in these issues, even more substantively studied them, and georgia contributed about one and a half percent to the all-union budget, and received about 5% from the union budget. that is, the contribution in georgia was more than three times less
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than the opportunities it received as part of the soviet union. of course, here... this imbalance was eliminated due to the shortfall in russia, the bssr and the ukrainian ussr, they were donors to the soviet union. and i remembered these historical facts in order to show that the well-being of georgia has always been determined by its friendly relations with the countries of the post-soviet space, well then the soviet union, the russian empire, the soviet union, now countries post-soviet space. i think exactly that.
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this is not even the evolution of such a political process in georgia, but an open revolution, because we have repeatedly said that indeed in this country the integration of non-profit public associations, which are supervised by all sorts of western intelligence services and other analytical, let’s say, structures, is
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simply colossal, a lot of representatives of the state apparatus are really integrated into these structures, so today, when the law... has already been adopted, you understand how difficult it was to form this majority, for example, in parliament, which would adopt this law, to generally unite around this idea that for georgia this is an important and necessary process, but this is, to put it mildly, a truly revolutionary process, especially when you remember that , for example, the president of this country is a citizen of france, most of the deputies also have various passports of other countries, in your opinion, what is this connected with? what preconditions occurred, that is, some nationally oriented part is the georgian political establishment still thinking about the future of this country? andrey, i really support you in the fact that this is a deep and, well, the word radical, i don’t know how appropriate, but a really deep, qualitative change in the path of political
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development of georgia, and the word revolution can really be used here, but i would probably, you know , even used the concept of counter-revolution, if we assume that the revolution was... separation, yes, the revolution grew and georgia’s separation from its historical past, from their roots, from national, religious identity, the severance of the ties that were historically formed between georgia and russia, now this counter-revolution, that is, an attempt to return not to the roots, we are not talking about this, it is still an attempt to get out on that path , in which it is possible... finding a future, i have already used this concept several times today, there is really a conversation going on about whether the country will or will not have a future, whether it will be preserved in history, whether the people, the georgian people, will remain as subject? political cultural development, as for the reasons for this process, i think they are multidimensional, of course, as always happens, and
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there are also tactical reasons that lie not so much on the surface, but are located in such - in the sphere of such prose, let’s say, life , i think that many of those who are starting this process, the process of adopting a law on foreign agents, are the process of some kind of liberation. countries from the dominance of ngos, also has economic reasons related to the need to interact with the same russia, other countries in the post-soviet space, there are other reasons, but the fact that, along with other things, there is a sense of national pride, a sense of the future, this is the understanding that this future can and should be defended. to fight for it, i think that this also exists, so now in this first approximation, this is far
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from exhausting all the complexity of that struggle, but in a first approximation we can interpret this clash between supporters and opponents of the law on foreign agents as nationally oriented people who see his future countries trying to protect this prospect, on the one hand. on the other hand, these are non-national, anti-national forces that do not care about georgia, do not care about its future, and which, as you correctly noted, even in their personal destiny do not connect their lives, the lives of their children with georgia, with its present and future, having, well , for example, foreign passports. oleg alexandrovich, i’m interested in your opinion, regarding those formulations that are heard on the streets of georgia, regarding the fact that...
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was staged in ukraine, which is literally several years, well, over the decades they were able to form generations of people who sincerely believe in the game that pours out from
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screens, televisions, from ukrainian internet sources, people with a blue eye believe that the ancient ukrainians dug up the black sea, that christopher columbus was a ukrainian, who knows, and plato and his students were also ancient ukrainians and the like, it turns out that life shows these cruel experiments that are carried out in individual countries, that working with people’s consciousness is very fast, that consciousness is very plastic, and if the correctly selected methods, what the goal is, we are not talking now, then that the goal is monstrous - this is understandable, but if the methods are correctly selected to achieve this goal, then... it turns out that there is no need to wait centuries , while generations change and the like, even people of mature age who have formed a seemingly more or less adequate information
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environment can begin to instill the most complete heresy. and this will be perceived, i think that this method, it is implemented to a large extent least in georgia. speaking in particular, the following is obvious to any person, here is a little immersion into the question - the following shows us: in georgia there was an attempt to pass two laws: one law on the registration of foreign agents, another uh law or the first law on transparency of activities, something like that there the wording is to show your financial statements, the second law is precisely the law on registration of foreign agents, this second law, it was almost letter for letter copied from the corresponding us law, which has abbreviation fara, and which was adopted in
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america in... georgia and so on, but what worries us now is that here we see such a good example of double, triple standards, what we do here is one story, then, what we allow or do not allow others to do is a different story, so to say that this law is related to the russian one is simply ridiculous, there are serious differences between them, both conceptual and textual, that’s
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just it... in 2020, some of, at least my acquaintances, quite respected people in georgia, doctors of sciences gathered in front of the belarusian embassy for a rally of support for the belarusian people, who directly opposed this very hybrid form of attack, are there any thoughts to support in some way, maybe send some kind of letter with words of support to the georgian
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parliament, or here carry out some kind of action. directly supporting the georgian government and their initiatives, or it could, on the contrary, do harm. thank you andrey for the proposal, i’m probably not ready to definitely either support or reject right now this is a proposal, it needs to be worked out, because this is a serious, quite serious political action in the international arena, it should be worked out in order to really read not only the short-term, but the medium-term consequences of this action, so thank you for the proposal, to what extent... we can implement it, i'll think about it. at the moment, again, an interesting topic close to belarus is the polish border, where prime minister tusk came just the other day and announced that new ones will be highlighted resources directly for the expansion of fortifications on the border. what ’s interesting is that we discuss this quite often, and
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in my opinion, tusk has repeatedly stated that a huge amount of money was stolen. when that very wall of duda morowiecki was being built, now tusk seems to be entering into these same projects, well, it seems that for the same purpose, only now dudo morowiecki will accuse tusk of having now stolen money there, in your opinion, that this is some kind of media project, corruption interest, or some kind of political interests, what lies in this? well, you know, andrey, i think that here, as always happens in such complex processes. here there is a resonant amplification, a resonant interaction of different components, the fact that there is a corruption component here, i don’t doubt it for a single minute, it is clear that many involved in this hope to get their fat piece from the implementation of the construction of the wall, from the implementation of this project, and i would not underestimate this component, maybe even she is one of
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the leaders, because she is promoting this project, getting through. through all sorts of obstacles that still exist, and there are environmentalists there, we will talk about this below, they declare their protests, and a significant part of polish society is not very happy with all of this. and we remember the letter from businessmen of the polish voivodeships of eastern eastern poland, which was sent to the polish government, where they demanded to soften these bans that are now found at the borders, and on transit goods, this causes direct damage to the economic interests of polish business, which means the polish state, the polish budget, all these difficulties must be overcome, this is only a small part... i named why this is a purely corrupt project , i would not do it, i think that here we need to see more deeply, and deeper is that now europe must have more and more motives, but i think these motives are precisely personal interest, but it only comes down to that,
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and is more withdrawn into itself, withdrawn, separated from others, external reasons for this, well, or pretexts, i named them, yes we... but there are other reasons, they consist in the fact that europe is increasingly showing its racist russian essence, is actively militarizing, such a hostile attitude towards the outside world is becoming more and more and a more pronounced dominant.
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the soviet union, or the need to unite germany, that they built walls, built borders, there is the berlin, berlin wall, which was a symbol of a divided nation and a symbol of totalitarianism in general, such as soviet communist and so on, that’s the fall walls, they say - this is democracy, and we are following this path, along the path of democracy, the west declared, several decades have passed, it is they who are building walls, why, yes, because precisely... separation from the outside world, opposing themselves to the outside world, that’s
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now we see how it is being implemented, and the third thing that can and should be said is what our president said during his address, that poland is becoming more aggressive. more, it is militarized, more aggressive, more and more these aggressive plans, expansionist plans is incubating, and this is served by the formation of a strike group of troops on the borders with belarus, in general the formation of an army, which is of an offensive nature, well, the equipment of which, the training, which is of an offensive nature. and i think that the construction of this wall, in principle, is also part of this logic, the logic of militarization and the future, future aggression, future prospects.


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