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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 16, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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georgian government, however, it may not be too late, we have heard from madam president that she plans to veto the law, and this gives the government an opportunity to exit, the responsibility will be directly assigned to abandon this objectionable piece of legislation together, this law violates human and civil rights freedom is everything that the eu stands for, this law.
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floods, heavy rain plunged the province of vineta into the underwater world, the local river retrona overflowed its banks, about 150 mm of precipitation fell here in less than 48 hours and it has become dangerous to move around the streets even by transport. in the lombardy region, two rivers overflowed their banks, with milan and the province of monza ebrianza particularly affected by the flood, local emergency services reported. over the past 24 hours , more than 500 rescue operations have been carried out in these settlements. these are the main events for this minute, see you at 19:00, you can do a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time and for fun. exciting projects
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that will surprise and lift your spirits, a series of films from the pearls of the belarusian cinematography, and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24 on 7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. conditionally, in poland there is capital that wants to make a profit, we have our need for jobs, our land, we negotiate everything well, then something clicked for the polish authorities, it is not clear where, but not a fact, that in their heads they have revised their attitude towards us to openly hostile, we cannot leave european markets, the polish government is of course our enemies, but there are very different levels of hostility, they can be so different that in fact two... warring countries
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can quite do business with each other, that is, they may not be absolute enemies. lukashenko is the keeper of the balance. balance is the best thing a leader can give for a country and its people. balance is the golden mean, at opposite ends, whatever they are, this is radicalism. but this is exactly the worst thing that can be given to the country and its citizens. author's project of igor tur, propaganda. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the person who is engaged in the search must first of all have an analytical mind, because when working with the remains, you cannot lose not only the remains themselves, but you also cannot lose personal belongings, from which it will later be possible to establish a name. carrying out field search work, the battalion personnel pay tribute to the memory and respect of the heroic heroic deed of the defender. fatherland, as well as the memory
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of innocent civilians killed during the great patriotic war. i, major kremenevsky alexander nikolaevich, deputy commander of the 52nd separate specialized search battalion, perpetuating the memory of those who died defending the fatherland, preserving the memory of the victims of wars is not only my official duty, but also the goal of my life. in 1994, in order to improve the work of perpetuating the memory of those who died defending the fatherland, the head of our state decided to create specialized search military formation. in 1995, in accordance with
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the directive of the chief of the main staff of the armed forces of the republic of belarus , the 502nd separate specialized search battalion was formed. for the first time in the post-soviet space. work in the field of perpetuating the memory of those killed while defending the fatherland was introduced at the state level. the battalion is designed to carry out tasks of searching for investment graves of military personnel with a view to their further perpetuation. from 1995 to 2023, personnel field search work was carried out on more than 3,500 search objects. as a result , the remains of more than 48 thousand dead were discovered, of which about 3,000 were red army soldiers, as well as more than 1,400 civilians. search operations are carried out both at battle sites where the remains were left unburied, also at places where the dead
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were buried as civilians, and also at cemeteries that were formed during the work of hospitals and medical battalions. based on the results of field search work, information about more than 3,700 those who died during the great patriotic war, as well as during the first world war. battalion personnel training is carried out for 4 months at permanent deployment points. military personnel study both general-arms and special-purpose subjects for personnel . you need a narrow knowledge of the procedure for conducting search work, extracting bone remains, working with them, you also need to have knowledge about the structure of the human skeleton, soils, grounds, how to work with technical search tools, as well as
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working with archival documents. we serve both conscripts and contract military personnel. particular attention is paid to ability. when selecting for military service under a contract, as a rule, preference is given to conscripts who have a history education; the training of military unit personnel is carried out in several stages: at the first stage, military personnel study demolition, forced engineering barriers, as well as the procedure for working with engineering weapons , the next stage personnel... next we move on to studying the work with bone remains,
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a person cannot be without a hip if there is a tibia, that's right, on the contrary , there may be amputation or a leg torn off, a bucket broken... it may be that this will not be enough , but without this it cannot be done, the hip will always be there, it also touches the pelvic bones, the sacrum can rot, as a rule, it rots the fastest, this is the sacrum, military personnel learn how to properly clean, remove and place the discovered bone remains, in addition to this it is also possible to carry out work at this facility. with the help of metal detectors, the area of ​​the pockets is checked, after the entire trunk column is healed, the chest area is checked,
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after that the ribs are only removed, cleaned of soil, and special attention is also paid to the presence of medals or documents. theory and practice of carrying out language-specific work, they are interconnected, theory is working with documents, working with maps. with coordinates, with photographs of those times, but practice is direct implementation on the ground, however, without theory there cannot be in practice, without discovering the supposed coordinates of burials on the ground, we may not find anything; a search center has been created in the military unit. which presents findings related to the search work. the uniqueness of our military unit
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is that we are the only one that has a full-time archaeologist on staff who directly studies documents at existing work sites, and also directly participates in training and management of search work on the ground. when working in the azernitsa region under elephant. employees who, when leaving the encirclement near the village of azernitsa, died in hand-to-hand
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combat. well, this means that by any means, by any weapon, by any means , they resisted the enemy and went to their units without surrendering. the archaeologist helps to give the correct dating of military burials, the belonging of items of ammunition and equipment. one or another historical period, as well as make preliminary conclusions about the period of burial. representatives of the military unit constantly meet with schoolchildren, conduct exhibition.
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about those events of that terrible time, but also we give them the opportunity to touch the history that exists without any beauty.
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analyzing the opponent, working on mistakes and choosing the right strategy for the match. athletes have to work very hard to become a champion. they know exactly what success is on sports grounds. but still, somehow become a champion. emotions subside, and some realization already sets in that we have actually achieved this. significant goals for both the club and the fans, but what the result will be in a real battle of intellect, as the gymnastic apparatus is called, where two parallel bars are installed at the same height, vlad bars, bars, absolutely correct, as the abbreviation bfvs stands for, you need to press, i don’t know, then that’s all until alexey, belarusian federation, maybe sun, sun?
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this is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people, you are a historian, but i have one technical education, the other in history, but we decided not to teach, but to immediately make a museum so that the whole class could be filled. well the secrets of good mood, i don’t know whether it’s necessary to put on a second beauty for beauty, let’s be so afraid, you know, it will be very beautiful, imagine, girls, boys, he makes me a pro-roman patrician, and i sew him so beautifully and so a needle, so god , this is simply a work of art, and there are also many interesting educational stories about whether
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the day is healthy, thank god for everything, in addition to playing well, it also works as a weapon.
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then i opened such a creative space in the city of lida, i also had a fashion show there. every hero its own unique history and its own view of belarus. i love the series subconsciously, and belarus consciously, because belarus gave me everything. that there is beautiful nature here, i feel exactly at home, i want not only my roots to be here. stayed, but my children also felt right at home here, at home they stayed here, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. on the ground, when this survey was superimposed on german aerial photography, the coordinates of the supposed burial sites were established, as a result of which additional orders were discovered
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16 pit graves. the initial survey of the area is carried out using a metal probe. we use it to check the subsidence of how deep it goes into the ground. if the depth is half a meter or more, then in this place it is necessary to lay a control well or a shur, now it falls deep, a control well will be laid with the help of. borax, we will examine the bedding, study the structure of the soil, which will allow us to determine whether they dug here
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or not, the control section so far shows that the soil was mixed, so must be continued, unfortunately at this point. already 50 cm have not been dug, the soil is being homogeneously layered, we will continue the search further. work at search sites continues until the entire area has been completely surveyed. regardless of whether a military burial is discovered or not, this is always a result for us, because we can make sure that no burial was carried out in a given area of ​​the area. in this area, the suspected
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burial is detectable using control pits, now you will determine the depth of the machine tools, after that we will begin to determine the perimeter of this burial, length, width, and we will prepare for the initial clearing of the remains. the size of the pit in our country ranges from 100 m more, imagine, here is a 100 m trench, and there are five-7 layers, so, in uruch there are 30-70, the length of the pits is 30-70 m, there are 7-8 layers, there are pits, in which executions took place on the spot, yes, that is, they were placed in a pit or at the edge of the pit and then dumped, and there are pits where the already killed were brought, most likely in gas chambers, they were laid one next to another in stacks, very, very dense.
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the executions can be assumed to have been carried out directly at this place, because the remains were not laid out, but scattered chaotically. to date , 16 pits and graves have been discovered in this area of ​​the area; about 200 remains have been recovered over the past 3 years, that’s all. it’s hard to guess where the pits are located here, work continues to search for them, we hope that later we will find all the burial places. forever
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etched in my memory, the first time i had to work in mass destruction of civilians. it was the city of sludsk. when opening the burials, the remains of adult women were discovered, and next to them the remains of their children. and when he arrived at the site. the formator, the son who was kept at this place, and said that my mother was buried in the fourth row, i remember, as now, the scale that took place was a burned village, a place of detention, a place of destruction, throughout the territory of belarus, in every region, dozens, or even hundreds of such places, extraction.
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head, special attention is paid to the area pelvis, as well as the chest, so as not to miss a personal cognitive token, or documents by which the identity of the deceased can be established. the general prosecutor's office of the republic of belarus is currently conducting an inspection of the area, which is a depression in the ground in which they were found.
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the recovered remains are placed in a box, associated finds found are placed in the box, then the box will be moved upstairs, where the remains are laid out on a banner and examined in more detail. at during the initial examination of the cured remains , it is possible to establish tentatively. the presence of bullet wounds, damage, bone remains, as well as the estimated age of the deceased, for this , the main bones of the skeleton, as well as the jaw, are completely traced, there are special methods for determining the age and height of the deceased, during processing it is laid out
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on... the remains banner looks at the presence of integrity of the extracted remains , we also put on the banner everything that was discovered here, in this case, this is a fragment of a shoe, after this, recording is carried out, a protocol for extracting the remains is filled out, and the remains are placed in a bag for further transfer for examination. i hope that after serving in our battalion... young people will give a correct assessment of historical events, because during their service they had to see the real scale, true historical facts at the sites of search work. in 2001, he was called up for compulsory military service in the 52nd division of the special search battalion. got a hobby
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military history. the decision to perform military service under a contract, for more than 14 years i served in positions directly related to the practical conduct of field search work on the ground and it doesn’t really matter to me whether there is only one person or there are thousands, for me everyone is important, do i honestly think, that everyone was a hero who died, and it is important for me to find and solemnly rebury?


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