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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:06pm MSK

5:00 pm
you are watching the news now, tatyana korol is with you, hello, the strategic nature of relations was confirmed in minsk and baku, our president is in azerbaijan these days on a state visit. 3 years have passed since the last meeting in baku, the leaders are determined to review relations, especially since there are no obstacles to this, our countries are connected by strong ties of friendship, warm personal relations between the presidents.
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the negotiations were preceded by a ceremony with the participation of an honor guard company, another obligatory tradition - photography leaders. only after that did the heads of state begin negotiations. the meeting was held in a limited format behind closed doors. the leaders talked for about an hour and a half. then they were joined by members of the delegation. it is easy to conduct a dialogue with our countries. minsk and baku have always managed to build relations on the principles of mutual respect. this is a strong foundation for
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economic cooperation. in recent years, much of what our countries have planned has been accomplished. mutual trade reached $400 million. there has been a noticeable increase in the supply of our products, but the parties intend to intensify contacts, one of the directions for expanding industrial cooperation. at home. we discussed all the issues; there were no closed topics. this is not only equipment and mtz, a joint production of maz. joint production equipment, fire fighting equipment, joint production for the production of elevator equipment, especially old elevators, even in soviet apartment houses, they need to be replaced, we have retained this production, we are ready here together with our azerbaijani friends to produce this equipment, the president asked us to pay attention to the production of mobile railway equipment. platforms and tanks,
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we have good competencies, we have companies, factories that produce them, we are ready here together to develop the production of this equipment in agriculture, large programs, starting from the supply of elite cattle here, primarily in order to fully satisfy you need milk, cattle meat , we...
5:04 pm
belarus is ready to lend a shoulder, since no one else will do this. according to the results during the negotiations, a package of bilateral documents was signed, after which the presidents visited the azerbaijani international agricultural exhibition caspian agro. we got acquainted with the expositions of our countries and the implementation of joint projects in the agricultural sector. and this is western policy under the guise of democracy or nothing more than double standards. in these images you can see how the protests in georgia were led by the foreign ministers of lithuania, latvia and estonia. this is nothing more than interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state. the western european landing force made a direct calling on the georgian people to go against their government, and the government itself is openly blackmailing with threats of sanctions. passing the law will stop georgia's further progress along the way.
5:05 pm
there is outright blackmail and russophobic threats. the european union will definitely react to the decision in the most negative way, western diplomats emphasized. in northern italy, heavy rains caused devastating floods.


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