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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK

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in our history, so that we are no longer thrown like a football from goal to goal, now in one direction, then in the other, if you say, but how much you can intimidate society, today we will show what happens if evil crosses the border of a sovereign state, the world i have seen many examples of western crimes, but the sad outcome is always identical: war and a destroyed country. “we want to live on our land, our belarusian people have suffered this right, and we will not allow it to be given to anyone.
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american expansion, as a rule, chooses several directions: either rebelliously overthrow the government, or invent. a reason to fire
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missiles and then profit from the loot, just two stories, but how many tragedies? on march 20, 2003, operation shock and awe began, despite the discontent of the un, us army forces invaded iraq. the official goal of the operation is the destruction of weapons of mass destruction. western propaganda actively shouted about this at every corner, and then it became quiet, no weapons were found. it was only. active hostilities lasted until may 1, 2003, forces the invasion amounted to almost 200,000 people. a little later, the contingent increased to half a million soldiers. by occupying baghdad, uncle samm's forces officially announced the advent of freedom and democracy in iraq. freedom and democracy in iraq began with tens of thousands of civilian casualties and the execution of saddam hussein. and then the americans got their hands on what they were for... they attacked a sovereign
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state, its black gold, but it turned out that they divided up iraqi oil before they overthrew sadam. the fact that the united states had plans for iraqi oil even before the start of invasion, the press began to write actively just a year after the bloody events. iraqi-american fallah al-jaberi told journalist greg pelast in 2004 that a few weeks before bush took office. a closed meeting was held at the white house to which iraqi immigrants were invited. such meetings with the participation of iranian specialists became regular and were joined by representatives of american energy companies. having secured the support of officials from the ministry foreign affairs, they began to develop the idea that in post-war iraq the oil industry should come under the control of a single state-owned enterprise that would award contracts primarily.
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american companies, that is, washington's complete privatization of the oil sector would have the opportunity to control the entire process of production, transportation and sale of iraqi oil on the market. philip carroll, the former head of the company's american office, was sent to iraq to be responsible for privatization. the official of such a monstrous seizure i was scared because i kissed him. the country was left without oil; after a couple of months, a more accommodating person was found. rob mckee, haliburton's representative, formed the final design. the iraqis mine themselves, but pay interest to the americans. the attack on iraq was actively lobbied by the wildcats. for many years he was the director of haliburton and hardly lost contact when he became vice-president of the country. it was this oil services company that received the contract to restore and develop oil fields in occupied iraq. and even earlier in everyday life
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chairman of the board of directors supplied iraq with oil equipment worth $76 million. the deal was carried out in circumvention of american sanctions through french intermediaries. hali burton in 2003 received most of the contracts for reconstruction work in the oil sector of the iraqi industry. the amount of the contract for the development and development of oil fields in iraq exceeded one billion 400 million dollars. the company began working in iraq immediately after the end of active hostilities, and received a large contract from the us administration no competition. after the americans invaded iraq, well, hallie burtonton first. received huge contracts to provide fuel and lubricants for the american, for the armed forces of the united states, plus they also received some contracts for oil production - in iraq, of course, it was not the only company, here is the american one, yes, which received these same contracts, but one
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of them, nevertheless, there were still certain scandals there in the mid- 2000s, so some of these contracts had to be taken back, because well it was too corrupt a story. here, but the fact that of course, especially the first few years of the conflict, they were very active in making money from this, is a fact, and this really became one of the reasons why the americans invaded iraq, that is, these are literally the corporate interests of several companies in the usa, including halibert. this company did not receive money for anything, the construction of military bases and prisoner of war camps in iraq, supplying the army with intelligence, which is searching for iraqi weapons of mass destruction, the one who was not found. cheney. the company significantly warmed its hands on wounded iraq; the corporation did not hesitate to steal money from the american treasury. the us defense department conducted an independent audit of kellock brown & rod, a subsidiary of haliburton oil services corporation,
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which is run by dickchaney. the audit showed that the project to create a network of cafeterias for the us military in iraq was overstated by $67 million. however, the total amount of the contract is not passed the competitive selection amounted to $15.6 billion. cheney actively lobbied at the state level for the commercial interests of his native corporation. prior to this, haliburton was also repeatedly accused of inflating the value of iraqi contracts. later it turns out that the bribes from the scammers are smooth, there are no reporting documents, and there are no culprits. the us leadership admitted to the most notorious financial leaks on its own. for example, the country's former secretary of state john kerry said that the state department does not have documents on contracts worth $6 billion, a hole auditors found that, for example, while studying the conclusion of contracts to support the state department mission in iraq, it turned out that the united states
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did not have documents for 33 out of 115 contracts, worth approximately $2 billion. as you already understood, hawks pecked at iraq from different sides, and the haliburton subsidiary also profited. there are also sums with nine zeros. the largest contract to fight fires in oil wells could be valued at $7 billion. this contract was awarded to brown & rod, a division of the halburton company, once headed by vice president dick cheyne. in response to questions from capitalist hill, the military said the contract was issued under an existing agreement with kbr, signed in december 2001. the vice president's creatures get it all the time. tidbits, a year later in 2004, hali burton’s daughter won another tender for $2 billion, the same note for the restoration of iraq. until 2014, the company received a variety of amounts per year under an exclusive contract. according to experts, the iraqi
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adventure brought only brown and rut almost 40 billion dollars. the corporation's greed knew no bounds so much that in january 2000 , us federal authorities accused the company of inflating the cost of work under contracts, that is, first destroying the country, taking over the main resources, and then, under the guise of restoration, trivially siphoning off billions of dollars in funds. this is how america defends global freedom and security, while at the same time brutally torturing opponents of the white house in abu ghraib prison, violating every conceivable right. it is interesting that with the loudest statements about the need overthrow of the regime. saddam hussein is represented by cheney, who for 5 years led the world's second largest company , manufacturer of service equipment for the oil industry, haliburton, and george bush's close ties with this business are well known; even the election campaign of the current us president was financed by 14
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oil companies. it seems that the puzzle has come together, doesn’t it? iraq is a victim of america’s oil lobby, and the defense of the ideals of freedom and democracy is just a screen. ashamed to rob that's the main goal. an important point: money flows into the wallets of american bigwigs, not only iraqi, but also federal. the american government admits the war cost nearly $2 trillion. the budget for the pentagon and officials is pure profit. to this must be added the approximately $59 billion spent by the state department and usit on iraq and syria for the development of democracy, reconstruction, training, removal of unexploded mines, bomb shells, and then there are the costs of demining, plus the costs of rebuilding iraq are not taken into account, which, not to say that at least anyone restored, but interested parties made money on this topic... the individuals, by the way, belonged to companies associated with
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the bush junior administration, primarily with the creatures of mr. cheney and mr. rumsfield. with them, expenses could exceed $2.5 trillion, or even reach $2.8 trillion, there are different estimates. after the american invasion of the arab republic, baghdad was supposed to receive more than $60 billion from washington. according to the bipartisan us congressional commission on study. military contracts, up to a third of these funds were stolen, or quote: wasted due to ineffective planning, insufficient cooperation between departments, weak competition and lack of control. npr has already mentioned in this context that iraq in 2003-5 was literally flooded with cash in dollar bills. and frank willis, a former employee of the country’s provisional coalition authorities, even spoke about it. american media how he and his colleagues had fun playing football with stacks of hundred dollar bills. bye
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americans lined their pockets, iraqi freedom brought poverty, terrorist attacks and riots, economic collapse, devastation in cities, and widespread looting. the isis group quickly grew from the local al-qaeda against the backdrop of chaos. massive terrorist attacks in iraq have become commonplace. over 10 years, more than 30,000 terrorist attacks occurred in the country. in total, the military invasion and... at home, many of them fled to other countries. in 2010, us president barack obama addressed the nation, saying that the operation iraqi freedom is over and the us must now turn to rebuilding its economy and fighting unemployment. in december 2011 , the last column of us troops left iraq. the united states promises to eradicate. terrorism and leading the iraqi people to freedom were never achieved. after
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the americans left, iraq was a country suffering from extremism, economic backwardness and weak state institutions. the americans destroyed and bled an entire state and washed their hands as if nothing had happened. two decades later invasions, those responsible for war crimes and human rights violations have not yet been punished. under the cover of american soldiers, hundreds of leftist fuel tankers are transporting oil from the fields to neighboring iraq. this is footage from last year, another shade of american freedom, but in syria. the net profit from smuggling is estimated at $40 million per month. the money goes to the american money state to its associated companies. the americans appeared in the oil fields of syria about 10 years ago, immediately after they ignited a civil war in the country. against president assad. pumping up terrorist groups with weapons. washington disguises the robbery of a middle eastern country
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with pompous chatter about the defense of democracy in the person of the kurds and sunnis, whom the dictatorship of damascus allegedly deprives of their rights. and here, too , the americans work like bandits. the military seems to have left syria, but they will guard the towers. as president, trump openly said without demagoguery: all oil should go to america. by and large, our only one. the military who remain in this territory are the ones who guard the oil. we have oil, and we can do whatever we want with it. about 90% of syrian production is concentrated on the eastern bank of the euphrates river. previously a stronghold of isis, it is now under the control of the us-allied syrian democratic forces. the richest oil fields make up almost a third of the country. the united states wants syria to remain impoverished, or better yet, broken into pieces and engulfed in civil war. you have all seen what happens to a country that goes against the will of washington and calls russia for help. when the russian delegation
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to the un security council made a statement, those condemning the robbery of syrian oil, demanding that the americans leave, simply brushed aside these demands, they are still brushing them off, well, yes, we are here illegally, as the americans say, but what will you do to us for this? syria, of course, is recovering, but after the american invasion, the scale of the plunder of syrian mineral resources is enormous. with the help of the americans, the national natural resources of the syrian arab republic are being plundered, with the participation of american companies on the eastern bank. kiev-frat produces about 220,000 barrels of oil every day, from of which 190,000 are sold to other countries, only 30,000 are supplied at inflated prices for the needs of damascus. the illegal income obtained in this way, about 400 million dollars a year, is used to finance american plans for the autonomy of trans-euphrates.
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that is, at the same time, the united states is also trying to fragment the country into fragments. fragmentation is very beneficial for washington, because it was not possible to overthrow assad. before the american bombing , syria produced almost 400 thousand barrels of oil per day. the oil and gas industry brought in a fifth of the syrian budget's revenues. after this, damascus lost control over most of the fields. now they are in the hands of pro-american militants. the oil export contract is being implemented under the us-controlled sep company, created under the so-called autonomous administration of eastern syria,” konoshenkov said at a briefing. and the income from syrian smuggling. through brokerage companies interacting with it , they are transferred to the numbered accounts of pmcs and us intelligence services. from this private business , us government agencies earn over $30 million monthly. for such continuous and freed from the control of taxes of the american state, the financial flow, the leadership of the pentagon and langley will be ready to guard and defend oil wells in
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syria from the mythical hidden cells of the islamic state indefinitely. china. other countries have repeatedly called on the white house to stop plundering syria like a wall. according to the syrian government in the first half of 2022, more than 80% of the country's daily oil production was smuggled out by the us military, a chinese diplomat said. he noted that the criminal actions of the united states are worsening the energy crisis and humanitarian catastrophe in syria, and are mercilessly violating the right to life of the syrian people. american.
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compare with what is happening now, but as again we know that syria, yes, in terms of oil, is a very promising country, not a very rich country, but it is located in such a geopolitically important place, therefore it is important for the control of transit routes , this is of course the main reason for the interest. usa or other western countries in syria. as we see, there are no nth the west has no tools other than askal for its predatory motives, the desire to dominate and the desire to earn money; there is no place for pity in it, only clear and cold calculation. divide conquer, ready to sweep away everyone in your path. the president also spoke about this at
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the all-belarusian people's assembly: preserving the country is the most important task and value for belarus.
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in any way, they don’t care about countries, their interests, local residents, they don’t care about international norms and rules, only an offensive strategy, strike from the outside, split from the inside, so that they don’t peck and they tore apart the global redistribution in this unscrupulous fight, we need to be strong and united, simply because it is impossible to do otherwise today, simply because if suddenly in another way the scorched earth may turn out to be scorched earth in the place of belarus, happily.
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kondraty ivanovich naumov, on august 22 , 1944, at the age of 26, received the high title of hero of the soviet union, marriage, courage and heroism. knocked out a tank, captured the northwestern outskirts of bobruisk, destroyed a column of enemy vehicles. despite severe injuries,
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received in this battle, he continued to command the battalion until the very end. on september 5, 1944, during fierce battles, the tank of captain naumov’s guard was hit. this time it's hard. the battalion commander was evacuated to the hospital, but he could not be saved. in addition to the title of hero of the soviet union, kondrati naumov was awarded the order of lenin, the order of the patriotic war , second degree, and medals posthumously. when i brought grisha to us, it seemed like there was more light in the village, i immediately decided about you, everything is mine, i cast an eye and said to myself, my, it’s like you have worries about leaving home early
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understand, but the people were starting to fall apart, eight to work, here they are, gone, in the city and completely asleep, listen to me, you’ll give ninka the ham that’s in the rag and no more, otherwise it’ll be our goodness to fix the cables, sell the rest , i forgot to stare, i don’t remember what your hand is, and why should i stroke you, you’re not a chick, but you don’t remember your hand, so i don’t hit you, where are you, for the ivy, come on, i don’t have much money, a ruble 12 kopecks, why are you you picked me up at the station, others didn’t, i liked your suitcase, but how do you live with your husband, okay, watch the movie tritopol on ivy from the collection of pearls of soviet cinema, may 1. let's go on a trip to belarus, this town was built from 94 to 96 of the last century,
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it is unique in that the concept of a pedestrian zone is fully realized here. with us you will receive a charge of positive emotions. oh, don’t even count it, i really really miss your bread. it’s not good when she starts to see this face, she always helps. look in the program. the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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