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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 27, 2024 10:35am-11:31am MSK

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and like dust 5.00 times finer than a hair. the far arc is undoubtedly an important vector for our country. huge markets and prospects. the assembly plant, which cooperates with mtz, has already received more than 8,000 applications from local farmers. of course, you could guarantee our food security. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. since your departure, i have been living with a heavy burden in my soul, unbearable. saulitta brigita from kaliningrad? you never told me that you were in kaliningrad? what is this handsome guy nearby? this is your grandfather, a courageous submariner who died tragically in the arctic long before i was born. ivan, let me take a photo of you. i allow it, just not me, us. all on the water. how could he leave you with the child. he didn't know about the child. should we abandon this idea? i’m flying to kaliningrad
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, i’ll find my grandfather, my grandmother is far away, she was friends with brigita, you know something, if something happens to her, i’m risking my party card, albracht’s bible has disappeared, and how did you want to smuggle the bible abroad, i wasn’t going to she's nowhere forward, she was offended by you, why? so you refused it, i traveled so many kilometers, spent so much time and you don’t even want to listen to me, watch the series two silhouettes at sunset with... on the belarus 24 tv channel . alexey, good evening, good evening, i am a delegate of the vns. you were an invitee
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in the hall, and millions of viewers watched this most important event for the country in a live broadcast, so if there really is at least some difference between you and me, did you feel it? there's really no difference it was, yes, you and i participated together, we saw this enthusiasm of all the participants and delegates and invitees, we saw this direct communication and behind... behind the scenes in the halls of the palace of the republic, and you know what was felt, felt, you rightly noted, this awareness of this historical event, the importance of the historical event, at the same time there was a shared responsibility for the future, the future of both the belarusian people and the belarusian state, look, the first national assembly took place back in 1996, then important... strategic decisions were made,
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which for many years determined not only the political course of the country, but also the status of our leader, the president got the opportunity to implement his ideas and not only take the country away from the abyss, but ensure those security measures, yes, well, that ensured our normal life for 30 years, today we are talking about evolution, and tradition...
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he did not change his principles, he was faithful to his people, focused on their development, formation and welfare. remember, these eyes of the president, yes, when he conducted the vns, already on the second day, it was clear how worried he was, he was worried not just about today’s event, he was worried about the future and worried about how the belarusian people would live tomorrow, this is the experience, it’s just...
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this is ours, not the west’s , where there are no such institutions, or is it an even more democratic democracy, well, yes, probably, to our viewers. people, a simple citizen, no one will take you into account, but ours will take you into account, and if you are a simple democracy, we will call it, it is precisely
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focused on each citizen, on his interests, here is the president at the supreme council, here at the seventh council, in fact, through everything. for 2 days i carried this idea: the main thing is the interests of our ordinary citizen, under no circumstances should any official rise above our belarusians, and ordinary people should feel like something like some kind of supernatural force, as soon as we feel it, we will immediately be enslaved by those who find it.
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plinsusniks, which we still have, for sure, and or doubters, they are really blind for many years old, i was lucky, i saw our president on independence square on august 16 , 1920, when i was convinced, yes, we can handle it, i saw him on august 23 with a machine gun, when he was ready to sacrifice his life in order to preserve sovereign belarus, and i saw his sincerity yesterday, everyone saw it... his love for the country and faith in us, but these are emotions, these are my emotions, so let’s probably now try to briefly recall the brightest of this most important event, which took place over the course of two days. let's see
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first fragment: in our homeland, there is no one but us, only we know what the future of belarus should be, what it should be... our country, how to make it stronger, only we know this, and no one else, yes, it was difficult, but it will not be easier, but it will be interesting, because we have chosen a strong, sovereign, independent, peaceful belarus, in this difficult, contradictory time, we must withstand, we must... do this, time has chosen us. alexey, look, the president urged us not to confuse the peacefulness of belarusians with pacifism, and he clearly defined that this
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time has chosen us. comment on this fragment, and are we worthy enough of this time? you know, probably, here... we need to take the classics, remember how in war and peace, who, who determines the course of history? history - chooses a person or a person determines history, yes, a person, but in reality, there is no answer as such, yes, we can say unequivocally, the people choose, yes, the people choose those leaders, yes, in our case, here are the delegates of the supreme council, yes , those who,
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a historical moment, but refuse responsibility, history says, and responsibility means it is necessary to carry this cross, let’s call it that, through
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this difficult period, remember, this is the second day of the snc, the president spoke openly, for a long time with the delegates and with those invited to the snc and said, you have a key responsibility, in this difficult period, our task is to preserve sovereignty, preserve freedom, preserve those. the development, the level of development that we now have, belarusians, and prevent the collapse of our state, because the collective west has modern technologies in the swing society, to destroy the economy, to destroy political systems, to engage various personalities due to knowledge of some of their psychological characteristics, and thus, you can lose the state and betray your people, this is for us, yes, this is for and
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of those present and delegates, there was a very strong understanding that under no circumstances could you betray your belarusian people during this historical period. well, it should be noted that the speech was also given by the chairmen of the state security committee, where he very clearly laid out what efforts the west is now making to really make belarus bloody. essentially, yes, and what tools they use for this, and what challenges will be thrown at us, including this year, next year, especially during the presidential election campaign, but one more thing, yes, our homeland has no one but us no, this is also a strong statement by the president, yes, here is the reinforcement of these theses, the military doctrine and the concept of national security, two strategic documents, right?
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war, but the situation in eastern europe is such that the algorithms for action in case of peace in case it turns out that ours, well... let’s not call them with such a politically correct word opponents, let’s just call them our enemies, they don’t want us to develop peacefully, freely, yes , they want enslavement, destruction, turning us back into belarusian peasants, yes, who do not have their own word, so the concept and military doctrine are the documents that allow us, only in case of...
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security, i just participated in writing the previous one, in 2010 itself, then there were eight spheres and national security, and today we have adopted. a concept taking into account the emergence of a new sphere, biological, yes, but why in your opinion did this become relevant? why did it end up in the concept of national security? you know, i’ll answer this a little from the outside, but you ’ll understand why: we have a group that is trying to find, preserve and rehabilitate
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some books that are already literally thrown into the landfill for destruction, just two weeks ago... indicating all the diseases that can be used by nato’s opponents, in the form of which, yes, shells, spread, balls, then further, further, yes, the incubation period and - fatal, so, you need to understand that nato has not destroyed her
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laboratories, she just activated them, remember, our southern borders are in ukraine. how many scandals are there now because of these american laboratories, yes, on their territory they cannot be there according to one or another principle, but they are located in the post-soviet space, there in other regions, what does this mean, that in modern conditions, in conditions of confrontation between centers of power, biological weapons are becoming extremely relevant, they have not lost their power, there is a political and military determination of the alliance, the leadership of the alliance, to use these weapons, let’s not talk about covid, look for some kind of conspiracy theory, i think we can say, yes, it didn’t appear by chance, and its varieties will not appear by chance, let’s say that it is atypical for nature, absolutely, atypical for nature and
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human body, so we understand perfectly well that... the leadership of the collective west, which forms the ideology of, yes, europe, the usa, great britain, they do not love us, yes, and did not love us, from time immemorial, yes, and their most important task - this is the cleansing of our territory from us, through genocide, through destruction, and no matter how, this genocide will be in the form of khatyn, burning of villages, in the form of... gas chambers, concentration camps or through biological weapons, so this is the block that included in our, our fundamental documents on biological weapons, they are extremely relevant now, and most importantly they are developing mechanisms, order, how we should act in the event that
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nato troops use such weapons against us, i think that they will be disappointed in any case from their hopes. there is a main line for the anglo-saxons to maintain global dominance, the only way to maintain global dominance is a war in europe, indeed preparations are underway, the poles for the most part do not really want to fight, but one. it’s a matter of the population, another matter of the elite, so that the gun lines up, it first you need to charge it, hang it on the wall, and in order to start a war, you first need to accumulate weapons, accumulate armed forces on the border, and then some trigger can lead to the start of hostilities. it’s not for nothing that our president says that yes, we are preparing, including for military actions, we are not going to start them at the summit, but this is the only thing
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they understand if we, within the framework of a union state, demonstrate an unattractive model for external partners. it will be weak, it will disintegrate, it is necessary to prepare some kind of soil in advance for normal friendly relations, to show that we can work well, here is the economy, we cooperate, we do not deceive, we do not cheat, the only correct approach, which we have been voicing in belarus for 30 years, is a union of two sovereign states, two strong, economically, politically, states, which complement each other and make our union stronger. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. this vns can be further parsed into quotes, into quotes that will remain in history, into
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quotes that will take their place on merch, and this is also important for our young people, yes, well, it seems that the president has given up the answer to the iconic question, what is the strength of marriage, let’s look at a fragment: this year we celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus. from the nazi invaders, the generation of winners showed that the strength of a nation is not in capital, not in military power, not in ambitions, it is in true values, in the pursuit of justice and believe in yourself. when the enemy entered the land, the soviet country had not yet recovered from the devastation of the civil war. people did not live in luxury, but they won. we defeated all of europe, the rich, who came under the banner of nazism, we cleared our country of fascists, and those who just yesterday
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looked down on the soviet people, we then also made them healthy, we won, because we fought for our native land, it gave strength, gave strength to the battlefield, the strength to survive grief, the strength to restore what was destroyed and the strength not... this is the depth that sits very strongly within us, despite the vicissitudes
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that the belarusian people experienced during the great patriotic war, during the period of collapse soviet union, we were able to preserve our culture, religious foundations, we preserved. family status, yes, including providing the opportunity for the development of our art, culture, science, these are the so-called higher forms of social consciousness, but they allow us these higher forms of social consciousness to accurately identify who is the enemy for us, because if we let's replace it, and the collective west of their...
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communal system, even if, well, it sounds like that, yes, let us be criticized, but this is a communal system, yes, when the community gets together and says that it is valuable for us, it is valuable like this, which means that this is how we will educate our next generation and in no other way, and no one else, yes, we will not give newcomers the opportunity to educate our next generation, then we will preserve our values, and if we preserve our values, it means... we will know exactly what we will fight for, yes, what we will defend, which means this is our inner confidence, this is the basis of our strength, i know, i
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noticed , that several times during his speeches, the president emphasized that we do not we have the right to be silent, that everywhere we must always defend our opinion and be guided only by one principle, the interests of our native... country, that you should be like wolfhounds, this is a direct quote, yes, let's see it, you should not be silent , if you are like that, then i was mistaken, you should be like wolfhounds, you should not allow anyone anything that could disrupt our unity, and those that violate the strategic directions of development that you will accept, for which... you will vote, tomorrow we will consider two fundamental issues, we discussed, proposed, agreed, someone may, may
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have their own... opinion, someone wants to say something, put their efforts into something, i want to see such an all-belarusian people's assembly , excuse my indiscretion, i think no one will do this except me, because it went through me, starting with the first national assembly, which saved the country, it was necessary to divert the people from missing out, this was on the last night before the publication of my programs, i wrote this slogan, at night, tomorrow we had to hand over the seal,
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we had no friends, no one was rooting for us to do well, as well as between people, there is enough jealousy at the top and between states, but simple, ordinary people who saw our policy wanted , so that we survive, and you and i survive, that’s why you think such an emphasis was repeatedly emphasized. you know, in my opinion, the key message was made here, that this symbolism of wolfhounds is the symbolism, first of all, of the fearless, those who can go to the wolf, that is, to enemy, capture him and destroy him, that's what the west does, he says: we have the best weapons, yes, we have the best.
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they will enslave us, yes, there will be separate oligarchic groups, political groups, they will be recruited, engaged, brought to some western conferences, given a couple of thousand dollars, that’s all, they will be already bought by the political elite, we saw all this in ukraine, in others countries of the post-soviet space, in the same europe, in poland, in the baltic countries, they bought them all, yes, they betrayed their people and...
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climbed onto our territory, that's it, remember what phrase was said: we are operating in wartime mode, any terrorists, remember, the chairman of the state security committee just meant this, any terrorists, groups that come here are either destroyed, or maimed, or get injured if they show any resistance to our employees, this is the whole principle, but there was also a message here regarding, as it were...
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the internal, yes, feeling of a person who defends the interests of the state, it’s not in vain cited the example of alexander nikolaevich kosenets, yes, when the elections were held, the deputy chairman of the supreme national assembly, that is, as i understand it, a person who has an opinion, and he cited kosenets as an example, he should be able to defend his opinion, he should not be afraid to tell the truth , especially when it concerns the interests of the state, and in any case this must be defended, well...
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and finally live without looking back, in your opinion, you know, probably, several such milestones need to be achieved here, if, if we take just the thesis in some of them could live better, and somehow a few years ago a study was carried out on what would have happened if there had not been a great patriotic war, how much the population was in belarus, about 50 million, imagine how...
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in a family it always only leads to disasters, yes, to ruin, and uh, we must now understand that the twentieth year , among other things, taught us to greatly value unity,
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cherish it, strengthen it, including through giving the constitutional status of the supreme national assembly, this is also a tool, this...
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it is important to understand, only your native land will support and develop you, and without it no no roots, but our land needs
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its people, its sons, its uh daughters, so it’s important here, probably now for us, including, yes, those who represent the experts. community to our belarusian media, probably more and more to convey this idea, the idea that the unity of the belarusian nation is being formed. not only geographically in belarus, but also formed over long distances, you can be in poland, in europe, but you must act purely in the interests of the belarusian people, and not join various terrorist groups, act in the interests of the west and think that you are supposedly liberating the belarusian people in this way, you are belarusians.
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27 years, and we could
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feel great without them and this standard of living would be completely different if we were not simply prevented from living the way we wanted. well, we must understand that sanctions are one of the tools of competition, unfair competition, our idiots, excuse me, help in competition against their native country, they’re fine, they run around and say, let’s, let’s crush it, yes. here, if we already touch on the main decisions that were made at the supreme council, here is our famous propagandist iger tur, he expressed the opinion that especially the first supreme council was super-strategic, the decisions of other meetings, in his opinion, yes, were more tactical in nature, but other times came and the constitutional status of the supreme national assembly secured this, what are they? you would call the decisions of the current supreme national assembly strategic and decisive, well
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, first of all, probably the most important yes such a strategic basis is that changes and additions were made to the constitution, the supreme national assembly received just constitutional status, what does this mean, yes, let’s explain to our viewers in simple language what constitutional status is. the vns, why didn’t it exist before, we must say that in modern conditions, here are the restructuring of world politics and the world economy, how the west learned to destroy the state through election cycles, prepare the ground, elections come, and he says: oh, let’s all come out on the street, it begins already...
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than the president we have now, yes, the chairman, the presidium, they have greater rights than the president, if the president commits certain actions that, the elected president commits actions that go against the interests of the people or if they change the values ​​that we talked about, then we can no longer trust the president. including through the vns,
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all this means what, that we have thus created a vaccine, well, in such simple language, from the velvet revolutions, from those models, technologies that are actively have been used for the last 30 years in the post-soviet space, we will not give them the opportunity to rock our society, and... and weaken it through various manipulations. you know, in fact, listening to what the president said, there were messages, in addition to what you say, in addition to the fact that - the concept of national security, the military doctrine, which we talked about above, were adopted, but there were also such things that are truly of the most important strategic nature, they are needed precisely for understanding, for preserving what we have been talking about for two days in this country, a sovereign country, a good, beautiful country, because it sounded interesting, but why did nuclear
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weapons appear in our country in the first place? it’s not just to cool the ardor, right?
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europe, and since they are destroyed, who is right? the one who has more strength, well, since you, you think that you have more strength, well then we also have something alternative, the presence of tactical nuclear weapons, this is precisely the most important deterrent factor, which does not give the opportunity to these
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hotheads there in politics and the military sphere to start some kind of provocation or military aggression against our country. weapons and this will lead to the mass destruction of their troop groups, what does this mean in simple terms? so they are forming a military infrastructure, making airfields, access roads, warehouses, driving planes, but on us, well... how can we fight them, that we will go to fight with a group of three hundred thousand that is trying there, only in poland alone they are going to create such a group, well, in reality, a modern war can be, well, extremely short-term, if the war is yes,
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the use of nuclear weapons ends immediately, but the problem is that the use of tactical nuclear weapons can automatically lead to. ..
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thanks to the efforts of the head of state, we are in a state of calm and stable development, and a feeling is formed that this
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stability is everywhere, yes, well, it is everywhere forever, but in reality it is a form of the state of society, stability is a form state of society, but this form can be lost, it can be destroyed, like glass, instantly, moreover, the use. modern technologies, the swing of society, armed conflict, yes, it instantly turns society into a state, at the beginning of a state of a restless hive, they call it, which at the beginning, you know, on various information campaigns there begins to buzz, then you don’t like it, you don’t like it , i don’t like the state, yes, let’s change new leaders.
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go where your grandfathers and great-grandfathers lie, ask what conditions they lived
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in before the war, yes, until 1919, here ’s my grandmother, yes, here’s my grandmother in western belarus, she went to work for 7 years and never went to school, she just signed her name with a cross, you know, and that’s it.. . years old, she earned a calf by the age of 11, what does this mean, this is an alternative to development, you understand, and this alternative to development can be very quickly imposed on us in the event of any upheaval, this is the state of a collapsed, destroyed society, therefore. let everyone go to their origins, look at the conditions... who was there and how we have developed now, then there will be an understanding that this is valuable, extremely valuable, very easily can
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be lost, well, god grant us all reason. why do we need an astronaut in space? basically, we have nothing else to do. a sovereign belarusian in space is pride for the nation, so all other talk is stupid in essence. in any business there must be a goal to which you need to strive, without this stagnation will occur. and just alexander grigorievich, he is the main ideologist this approach in the country. he says: let 's produce our own car in belarus, we now have our own car. they built the station, although there was also some hand-wringing. and for the aircraft construction project, this is the most important thing now, if suddenly we take on more than enough for development.
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documents from the robert koch institute were leaked onto the internet, in which it is written in black and white... that in germany the government was aware from the very beginning that lockdowns during a pandemic cause more harm than benefits, and alexander lukashenko will remain in history, also as the leader who most effectively solved the coronavirus problem than anyone else in the world. don’t suffer from psychosis, never in anything, just listen to your dad. author's project by igor turay, propaganda, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. that's it. how modern belarus lives today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians,
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feature films for all ages, on boat travel around the country, territory of countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan , tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish azerspace satellite 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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there are things that happen about once a year, and in order to see them, it is important not to miss moment, i really hope that everything will work out today, because a lot depends on the weather, but what will happen is a secret for now, first let’s get to know our hero, hello, i have.
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yes, it’s been 3 years already, 3 years, and you’re studying and working? i am studying at the vicep state medical university, and i am studying to become a doctor, a doctor, and what kind of traumatologist, traumatologist, listen, this is a very necessary profession, that is, you will, as i understand it, treat wounds, fractures, yes, of course, we thought for a very long time about how to surprise you and how to please you, we finally made a decision, the ideal couple of the year is now. to try the sap from a tree, have you ever tried sap from a tree, never, we need to send you and me to the forests and change clothes, okay, i suggest, let’s go, well, i’m ready to go to the forest, yes, the uniform we’re wearing is what we need, all we have to do is sit down.


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