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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 27, 2024 3:10am-3:40am MSK

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in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering, i have no doubt that we will achieve our goals, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel only for our viewers, we choose the best routes, we also decided not to look at the transmur countries and came to the belarusian city, in which alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay. for a long time and set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago, the lower castle and posad were located here, and then the town hall rose, where housed the city magistrate. so the kobrin princes and their squads stopped and feasted, definitely here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is , a plastic decoy fish, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long. to show.
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how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house-ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. see the city program belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. we talk about the most fascinating science in the world. i remember when a person describes the use of apple cider vinegar for the treatment of cancer for ten pages , it can simply have catastrophic consequences, it’s clear why, we share interesting facts, however , there were many errors in the assumptions of ancient thinkers, for example, galen even believed that the center of the heart vascular system liver, ancient people liked sour wine, they began to add it to food, use it in medicine. we ask the most exciting questions and look for
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answers to them. and today our cardiologists have the opportunity to extend the life of the most important organ of the human body. we have long established clinics where we mainly use our own mechanical prostheses, this is absolutely our prosthesis, which is absolutely no different in hemodynamic parameters from western models. watch in the science nearby project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. for me, creativity is self-expression, it is identification of me as a person, it is a reflection of my inner world, a reflection my emotions, a reflection of me. greetings to everyone, my name is elena pakernitskaya, i am a belarusian designer, we are located in the national center of artistic creativity for children and youth. republican
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competition fashion mill, of which i have been a participant for several years now, and i invite you, friends, to immerse yourself in the wonderful world of fashion, my world of fashion, the girls are ready, the arms are on the waist, we are working with the sideburns, we are showing the skirt, let's go. i work with the theme of the belarusian baroque, from the 15th to the 18th century during the reign of the princes radivilov, this has become my main topic, why such a topic was chosen, because yes, i love my roots, i love my family, i am interested in these topics, and these are very important topics, they affect both me personally and the history of my country, that’s why it was chosen. .. what you can draw, draw
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and draw inspiration from there. there are currently five collections: the first collection is historical rangers, it was a graduation collection from the design school where i studied, graduated in the eighteenth year, respectively, this collection was shown in the eighteenth year, then there was the after history collection, this is probably the most conscious, the most multi-faceted collection, containing a lot of concepts, a lot of meanings, probably... the most favorite and later was the baroque school collection, which was shown in the twenty-third year, this year i’m going to the fashion mill competition, i got to the final with two collections rabsodia fields and old look, all collections are dedicated to the radevilov period, the theme of the belarusian boroka with additional themes superimposed,
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i realized that it doesn’t work deeply in this theme no one, no one works closely with our historical and cultural heritage, but a designer for... applied art from folk art, this is embroidery, this is knitting, this is... embroidery, this is printing designs, this is weaving, so i try in every reflect exactly one such moment.
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recently, in the fashion world , such a trend has become established as conscious fashion, or a conscious attitude towards the production of clothing, i try not to deviate from this rule , and... in particular, my collection rabsodia of the fields, a clear example of this, i use here natural jute thread, this is a 100% natural thread, which can then be processed, knitted into rugs, used as fertilizer for trees, that is, an absolutely natural material, we also use natural dyes diluted in oil, all this was applied with hot planks, that’s why no no chemicals, no machines, nothing was used here. i also use natural fabrics, this is cambric, this is cotton, and eco-leather. the rhabsody of the fields collection, it is probably the most environmentally friendly, this collection will be shown in 1924, also my new collection called dreguan, where i recycle absolutely everything from the old
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collection, which turned out to be, well, let’s say, unclaimed, i recycle it and create a collection called dreguan. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for an adult. hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come out to us and answer all our questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be a pediatrician. and my children love. the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. what should a person do to achieve success? he thinks that artists are such an easy job, and it’s easy to become one, but this, this is very difficult. i really didn't want my
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kids to go down that path. the main task is to honestly answer all original, and sometimes awkward questions. you see illness every day. not death, what helps you believe in the best? the eyes of my patients are an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine. look in the project 100 questions for an adult on the belarus 24 tv channel. traveling is not only about getting to know history and sights. the volkovysk river, which flows through volkovysk .
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look at the project, the route was built on the belarus24 tv channel.
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the most difficult tasks are those that you have only set for yourself and that have yet to be completed. well, in fact, there are always difficulties, and the tasks change, depending on how you pursue your goal. eh, i can say one thing that it’s very difficult for me, like, i don’t know, the correct classical one. designer work with a private client, that is, i’m probably a freelance artist, so it’s very difficult for me to delve into psychology, into demand, therefore - i really love the stage, i had experience working with dancers, this is a colossal experience, i don’t know where else this can be achieved when really very serious tasks were set about transformers, transformable clothes, so that they could, well, transform into different sizes, about quickly taking them off, quickly putting them on, so that it would be very spectacular from the stage. and that was probably the most complex, therefore, probably, this experience influenced my further, the fact that i still love
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the stage, the show more than, say, i’ll probably repeat, the love for the stage led to my interest in competitions, republican, international, i took part for the first time in the mill of fashion in...
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again, everything is from the theme of radewilovskaya, this is a colossal experience, and this is my pride. the fashion mill, in addition to what it promotes, opens doors for young designers to other platforms where we represent the country, we represent ourselves, in our country this is very large-scale an event where people from the regions come, that is, indeed for young designers this is the only, perhaps even... way to show, declare, shout about their creativity, so that you will be noticed,
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first of all, since i work with historical themes -cultural of my country, accordingly, it is very important for me to be known in my country, to show my work here first of all, to interpret it in a new way, because since i have to show it the way i see my history. we must not imitate a european designer, and we must popularize our historical and cultural potential, historical and cultural heritage, but through our vision, as dolciagabana does, well, about italy, as viven westuv does about england, that is, we can do it too, here there is a rich layer that needs to be revealed, revealed and broadcast. in our country abroad, well , i think this is my
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kind of mission, because i have taken this particular period as my main theme, i always think about collections, even when i go to a store, it’s probably already like - such a world of its own as a way of life, that is, i can’t call my creativity work, because i live in it, well, that is, i have it everywhere around me and at home and everywhere, i talk about it often, i... read a lot of things, i notice some moments, so i would say that thoughts, well, they are always there, they are always in creativity, no matter what the mood would be, when i leave into creativity, that is, it’s like my outlet, i don’t know, it heals souls, i was born in the city cherven, minsk region, from the age of 5 i lived in
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the krupsky district, the village of kamenko, my childhood was spent in nature, i... was the eldest child of five, so my childhood was active, cheerful, eventful, probably the imprint on my work is everything -it was put aside by the fact that i basically grew up in the countryside, so naturally i love nature, fields, meadows, haystacks, flax, what my current collection of fields is dedicated to, this is all firsthand, i know how they take flax, how they put it, dry flax, how it is collected, that is, i did all this, therefore... this is probably such a tribute to my small homeland, that is, my, well, such love for, say, the place where i may not have been born, but lived, and my mother was the head of a rural club, and naturally, all the events , all some shows, everything that could happen there on the cultural side, it all concerned me directly, too, because i helped in my early
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childhood, writing posters there, performing, dancing, reading poetry, and so on, i finished. .. institute majoring in geography and biology, since since childhood i dreamed of being as a biologist, i dreamed of traveling, collecting animals, like gerald daryl, but yes, i entered the faculty of biology, well , really, pedagogy, that is, a teacher of geography and biology, i graduated, even tried to work, well, a little bit, of course, fear of the audience, even if it’s a school class, in general, i retrained, i still studied... medical, i tried my hand at cosmetology, i even worked for quite a number of years, somewhere in 2014 a wave of stylistics hit me, so i graduated from several images schools, i went to moscow, konstantin bogomolov, i attended alexander vasiliev’s lectures on fashion, in general, well, everything possible
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that related to fashion in general, i tried to grasp it all, to be present. feel when i tried myself as a stylist, i was faced with such a problem that i needed additional education in terms of cutting, patterns, fits, and so on, and i decided to take the next step towards fashion, that is, to study everything how from the inside, so i graduated from several design schools in this area and from i was the last one to come out with my first collection. which was already dedicated to the radevilovsky theme, when design entered my life, of course my life changed, it naturally changed in a more rich direction, and because not only am i realizing my ambitions, my dreams, i came up with a mission for myself, yes, that is , in promoting our historical and cultural
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heritage, a very global thought arose in my soul that i want after myself... to leave something to the world, that is, well, maybe it sounds pretentious or funny, but this is true, i really want this, and i decided that i will do this through my collections, i have already left a small mark on myself in my small homeland, i am included in the book of poets of the krupshchina as well, as a writer, as a poet , that is , the memory of me is kept in the local history museum, which of course warms my soul very nicely, so now i am for... i like to set high goals, because i have repeatedly heard why you need this, i’m not the same age anymore, it's too late to start something, that is, i want to lead by example to prove absolutely the opposite, so i can say that my life has changed in general just abruptly by 180°, which i am very happy about,
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any person, no matter how strong, successful, or confident he is, he always needs support, well, support loved ones, not even so much, say, some kind of worship, fans, but inside my family, inside my world, my environment, so of course, without the support of my family it would be very difficult for me, and i am very grateful to my husband for that he just allows me to create, create, move, do, dream, try, taste, well, whatever i want, and he gives me every possible support in this, he, i see how much he really likes to go to competitions with me, to present there with me there is a country there, so mm, it’s like... well, it’s worth a lot, as for children, i think that my girls undoubtedly like to hang around in this world of fashion, where models, shows, and
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older ones try their hand at modeling, try myself in photography, the youngest has been drawing since she was 2 years old, so she says i’ll be like my mother fashion designer good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya, this is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people. hello, what a delight it is that there are enough girls and boys, it’s such a great value. secrets of a good mood. what is this?
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in fact, we have never been to belarus, if you had not said that this is oatmeal, i would never have thought. oatmeal in its structure, it is
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also very similar to our pig ears in this pot. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. people have always wanted bread and spectacle. it is for this reason that mogilev residents once upon a time abandoned themselves in the literal sense of the word and built a theater. we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country, i love this soup, all because it is very fatty, rich, after eating a bowl of this soup you can then simply not eat for the whole day, i would like to immediately note the simply fantastic presentation of this dish, if you were to ask me, what is haute cuisine, then i would probably say, well , here it is, watch the food project anywhere on the belarus24 tv channel.
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regarding professional qualities, there is a lot the question is controversial, that is, i graduated from several design schools in stylistics, i still don’t know how to draw sketches, i honestly admit that i work in a mock-up manner, that they put a little spoke in my wheels when i need to submit sketches for a competition, but i still haven’t learned , so i think that classically, as they teach, it’s not really such a taboo, that if you don’t know how to do it, you can’t do it. well, that is, no, the most important thing for me is to have human qualities that could ignite people, and even if you cannot do something, but the person will share
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with you your dream, and relationships, relationships with people, be it staff, models, seamstresses, that is, there must be a human relationship, only then, well, you will have a team, only then will you be able to do something even if you don’t know how to do something yourself, therefore, i believe that personal qualities come first... together, everything else is acquired. i am inspired by many things, this is nature, this is history, this is drama, i am generally a dramatic person by nature, that is, this is, in principle , reflected in the colors with which i work, this is mainly the predominance of black. i i’m inspired by books, especially autobiographies, i adore autobiographies, not only of designers and not only of fashion and art people, that is, business people, this is my hobby, i’ll say, i adore ballet, i adore music, all kinds, and music, i. .. i can’t say, from classics to r&b to dance-step with dancers, when we did projects, well, i try to look for inspiration in basically
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everything, if...
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fabrics, because now in the world there is also environmental friendliness and recycling about cycling, so it is necessary implement technologies for processing, for the production of new fabrics, today yes, the world of global changes, so of course we must react, first of all, if we concern fashion, then it is we, belarusian designers, who must focus primarily on our fashion, we must pick up some ideas
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to adapt for yourself. try, implement, it all depends on us, the prospects are no more, no less than in any other profession, that is , it is impossible, well, probably, it is possible, there are, of course, he showed the collection and became famous, yes, but one collection is still not enough, it ’s still a journey, so it’s like in any profession, the main thing is to do, you have to do what you love, what you can do, as you see, and this development, it takes years, this is experience, so everything comes, well... right away, there were difficulties, especially at the moment when i had an established philosophy inside me, that this is my mission - this is, well, really a mission, it’s not just that today i wanted to do this, i wanted to do this, but there were doubts
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that... how can one work there in the same the same topic, because well, it’s boring, it ’s like, well, you’ll get tired of it sooner or later, but there were such doubts, but when you delve into history, i began to study, well, not only the radivilovs, that is, what they did, yes, what a mark they left on our culture, this applies to book printing, this also applies to architecture, well, what is our nesvizh castle worth, which is now included in the unesco heritage list since 2005. as for this story of barbara and zygmunt in general, this love, and all these stories of misfortune, ghosts, and so on, that concerns book printing, that is, the first bible, if you know, it was the radivil bible, that is, the radivils there, that’s why rhabsody of the fields is not just about rural life, as a tribute to the small homeland, it is also radivils here, too, because they they were the first in europe to open pharmacies, they had
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pick-ups and drop-offs. medicinal herbs, that is , our zelki, that’s why the print on my fabric is our belarusian zelki, and i have faced criticism all my life, in fact, and i treat it with gratitude, with the greatest gratitude, because criticism is feedback, and it’s impossible to live without it, well, no matter how you look at it, you can’t please everyone, probably until i was 28, i experienced it all very painfully, endured it, well, there’s always criticism, whoever you are.


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