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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 9:45pm-11:16pm MSK

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on the russian federation, therefore today we are fully determined to resist any aggressor and inflict unacceptable damage on him. therefore, before creating coalitions, advance armed forces to our border, provoke us so that we withdraw our battalion-tactical groups and stand head-on. “well, we have so many people and we don’t have the strength yet, i’m not going to mobilize, they must understand that their capital is very close to our border, so the legitimate target, as they say, will be those who make this decision, this is with everyone is close, i want to emphasize again, we don’t want war, please. as agreed,
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we are discussing two problems: chairman of the kgb, general tertel, please, dear comrade president, delegates of the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly, in the concept of national security and military doctrine of the republic of belarus submitted for your approval, an objective assessment is given of the emerging domestic and international, including including the military-political situation, structured... key threats to the foundations of belarusian statehood. according to our it is estimated that further aggravation of the extremely tense situation in the world, including directly in the european region, is fraught with unpredictable consequences, up to the outbreak of a conflict on a global scale. in these conditions, the republic of belarus, with its strategic geopolitical position on the east-west axis of confrontation, is peace-loving. good neighborly and
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truly independent foreign policy is the object of the destructive aspirations of the collective west. documentary materials received by foreign intelligence clearly indicate that the main goal in relation to the republic of belarus is to establish complete control over its territory, economic potential and resources belonging to the belarusian people. in vilnius. in warsaw, kiev, and other capitals and regions of western countries, following the example of hitler’s germany, puppet structures are being formed that are involved in projects to overthrow the current government. if the plans are successfully implemented, they are expected to be used as an occupation administration for management of the territory by the population of our country. they are financed by american, german, polish and some other funds, in total there are more than sixty of them.
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centers, as a key tool for destabilizing the situation in belarus and achieving the ultimate goal acting as plots of foreign intelligence services, over 60 million us dollars are allocated this year alone. functionaries of anti-white foreign seizure of power are considering committing terrorist attacks, sabotage, extremist actions, and armed invasion. in the territory.
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belarus caches of weapons, explosives, and other means of destruction. the state security committee, in cooperation with colleagues from other law enforcement agencies, has recently carried out a number of acute security measures, which made it possible to prevent attacks by combat drones from the territory of lithuania on targets in minsk and its suburbs. the caches set up by the ukrainian special services were identified and liquidated. dragichensky,
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pinsk, maloritsky, kobrinsky, ivanovo, elsky, loevsky, lelchetsky, khonniksky areas in polesie, in the derzhinsky and chervensky districts of the minsk region. the stations of the ukrainian special services were eliminated from among the residents of drogichensky, loevsky and other areas with a total number of about 20 people. more than thirty people were detained, including red-handed, for assisting the ukrainian intelligence services, espionage and terrorist activities. in the fight against terrorism, we act according to the laws of war, decisively and without hesitation. among the terrorists, their accomplices are killed and wounded, but... for belarus, cyberterrorism organization from the territory of the usa, poland, germany, ukraine, lithuania and other countries of attacks on critical infrastructure, ministries, departments, hospitals, housing and communal services systems and other objects. the perpetrators are the cyberguerrilla terrorist organization,
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financed and run by us citizens at the expense of the american taxpayer. participants in the formation develop real plans for the organization. technological disasters in particularly dangerous industries, train crashes, attacks on nuclear power plants and other facilities. a direct quote from one of the fugitive extremists in poland: we have only two options: war and a hunger riot. to survive this truly fateful confrontation for our country, the consolidation of the entire society and the mobilization of everything available will be required. potential, the selfless work of each of those present in the hall for the sake of the prosperity of the belarusian state of the people. dear comrade president, meeting delegates,
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we have drawn conclusions from the 2020 event, as well as the situation in ukraine, lessons have been learned, systemic response measures have been taken, we will not allow such events to happen again, we are ready for any scenario , including the most radical. comrade president, the report is finished. thank you, ivan stanislavich. based on what was said by the chairman of the kgb, i would like to ask you to draw the following conclusion: you too. here you can help us a lot, delegates, everyone, wherever he is, in the city, in the village, in a large, small town, i will say in popular terms, look around you,
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inform us on any occasion, without people, we cannot cope with this, many operations we carried out thanks to... the support of people, they helped us, they saw someone somewhere, suggested it, and we quickly found these bastards, but they themselves don’t want to fight, to make an intervention, they will push forward the democratic forces that will be in our to liberate belarus from dictatorship, but there is nothing left of this... there is nothing left, these are traitors and bandits, the second rank will be nato troops, we also understand this perfectly well, that’s why the belarusian volunteer corps is being created, this is different from
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the kolenovites, these harugvi are being created there, second, pay attention to cyber attacks, a lot of things work out for them because we...
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let me look at the concept of national security, from another angle. before us is not only a fundamental military-political, even socio-economic document, but an ideological one. protection of traditional values, upholding historical truth, affirmation of the commonality of the belarusian people, patriotic education, continuity of generations, this is all that directly constitutes the concept of ideology as... systems of ideas and views. at the same time, the document provides guarantees for the development of the personal potential
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of citizens for the prosperous life of everyone. that is, the authors managed to combine the principles of collectivism with the rights of the individual as a full participant in the process of state building. dear delegates, the concept is aimed at protecting each of us, that which is dear to you and me to strengthen the security of our native and beloved belarus, i ask you to support the edition of the national security concept, which is being submitted to the all-belarusian people's assembly today, and i cannot help but take advantage of this platform. yesterday , the president of the republic of belarus signed decree number 174 on the results of the competition for 2023 and the inclusion of enterprises and regions on the republican honor board. in the cultural sphere, the winners were the gomel
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regional museum of military glory, the palace of the republic and the national library of belarus. dear alexander grigorievich, in the year of quality, in the days of the all-belarusian people's assembly, this is a huge trust, we will not let you down. mother, mother of a son who dreams of a military profession in the future. today i want to speak
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on behalf of women, especially women-mothers. we, mothers, trust the army with the most precious thing we have, our children. we feel the support of the state, we know that our experiences will be heard, and even most importantly, taken into account. this is evidenced by the most important component.
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belarus, thank you for your attention, we are going according to plan, we need to accept or reject the concept nationally. it turns out that there are more serious questions here, this should also be in your field of vision, your field
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vision, but you will have to deal with strategic issues that are important for our country, the situation can change at any moment, god forbid, god forbid, then this relaxation should not exist, it will disappear, i promise you that. already as president, so don’t relax. so, let's move on to voting, first of all the concept, who is it? in order to adopt the concept of national security of the republic of belarus, i ask you to vote, i ask those who are against, no, abstain, if someone
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abstained, you better rise up and so that we seen, or someone is against it. no, not for us to see, but for us to record. this is what i told you about, there is no need to be afraid and against, refrain, you and the owners, you have your own opinion. as i understand it, igor is unanimous, congratulations.
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there are none, as i understand it, no, it was adopted unanimously. the work of the first meeting of the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly has been completed and formed under a new constitutional status. a new page has been written in the chronicle of state construction.
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adopted strategic documents planning, the concept of national security and the military doctrine of our state. these documents contain our aspirations of hope, the belarusian path in a modern, very dangerous and turbulent world.
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delegated on all issues that were considered at the all-belarusian people's assembly, to convey to everyone how important it is today to be strong, united and united in defending the interests of our native country, you have been delegated, which means they trust you, they listen to us, use this trust for
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the benefit of the prosperity of our native land, strengthen: which is attended by everyone from an ordinary simple villager in a working setting to the head of state, where we must. discuss the main strategic issues to orient our society, which path to take and develop.
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we must not allow the vns to turn into a bureaucratic apparatus. people need to be conveyed that the competence of the national assembly is exclusively on global issues, strategy, how we will live further, how we will develop, on what values?
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very important decisions have been made for the country, now we need to comprehend this and, of course, convey it
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to our people. we say that we don't want anyone to give us advice. the belarusian people are very wise, we will figure it out ourselves, the work of the special services, which protect our borders today, which protects today the world order within the country, is noted in all respects, it is not visible, and this means that... the duty and responsibility that we must justify this is trust. as a woman, as a mother, as a citizen of the republic of belarus, it is very important for me that
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there is peace in my family, in my home in my country. the helm of our state is in strong hands. i now i know for sure that my child will be safe, he will grow up in a beautiful, wonderful, prosperous country. everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, zaslavl. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given to ragneda and yasyaslav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she took the time. helped
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spiritually and financially, she especially raised the younger generation in the love of god, devotion to the homeland. what unique shrines are belarusian churches famous for? in the cathedral of the exaltation of the cross of the monastery there is a copy of the same cross that was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia. another important shrine of the monastery is its power. we will show it in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus24 tv channel.
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hello, the club of editors on the belarus 1 tv channel on the belarus 24 tv channel will discuss important topics of the outgoing week,
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i introduce the guests who gathered today.
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station, we remember the tragedy that happened on the territory of ukraine, and today , on the anniversary of the chernobyl nuclear accident , i read reproaches from ukrainian officials about the fact that this could hardly have happened, not only in the totalitarian mardor of the soviet union, although i remember, for example, the accident in fukushima, not at all soviet. no, it was in ukraine, and we suffered the most from this, it just happened to me, i was already getting ready for the program, comments from the deputy head of the presidential administration of belarus vladimir borisovich pertsov, a member of the editors’ club, a person who comes here often, and he reminded me of a topic that we had discussed for a long time, we knew this topic, about the ignalina nuclear power plant, which is located on the other side of the republic of belarus, which...
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poses a real huge threat to our countries. let's listen to these words. we would like to remind you that our ostrovets nuclear power plant was built according to the most modern canons and safety standards, here is the ignalinskaya nuclear power plant, which is located on the territory of the republic of lithuania, it is an exact copy of the chernobyl nuclear power plant and due to sufficient subsidized savings. in lithuania, we have no absolute confidence that at this nuclear power plant, which has stopped operating, all liquidation measures have been carried out and all safety measures have been observed. vladimirich, by virtue of his position, probably spoke softly on this matter, the information that we have says, well, about such sadder things,
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ignalinskaya is in a decadent state, i hardly said anything. came to us from there, but here we see yes video footage yagnalinskaya power station is absolutely abandoned, well, i don’t think that lithuania is in a normal, sorry for the pathology, able to support this abandoned facility on its own, and but against the backdrop of reproaches about the ostrovets nuclear power plant, i once again want to tell myself to take a look at all, what's going on, do you know what's most important here?
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since god put it on my soul, right, good, i don’t think so. today vladimir borisovich also mentioned this, we really know that the money for the liquidation of those sources that can spread radioactive contamination are not issued to the european union in lithuania, although they were promised. these are also facts. there is also, you know, such a section as social networks. as much as they can.
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a pointer from washington, there is a real question, when one state has doubts about another, there are international organizations, we are open to any inspections, for any checks, but another very important issue is the belarusian-lithuanian border, we see
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that lithuanian authorities are of great concern about the belarusian the mood of those residents of lithuania who are directly near our border, these are precisely those who enter us according to our visa-free entry rules, so they create... the border is nearby 5, 10, 15, 20 km, lukashenko has brought order to many, this people, here are relatives living, they come to our stores and say, they also watch belarusian television, they watch it, it’s 100%, there was this, by the way, i’ll tell you an interesting episode, andrei evgenievich krivasheev, our friend, the head of the union of journalists, will confirm several years ago. we arrived in ladgaliya, this the eastern territory of latvia, yes, the former vitebsk province, by the way, the reizik city is rezhitsa, rezhitsa was a district in the vitebsk province and children are running around, they are asked, they say, children, they say who is your president,
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they say lukashenko, they look our television, the television of a sane person, is the future, children are the future, what they do, they allocate money, attention to counter-propaganda to change the mood. nuclear energy is the destiny and result of the activities of intellectually developed countries, i think that here we can also see a very serious problem, and there is simply no one to service it, even if there was money,
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resources were allocated, who will do it, where are the qualified engineers, where are the competencies, everything has long been lost, educated, qualified people have long left for europe to the west from...
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yes, in the club of high-tech powers, and i would like to note the following that at the stage of planning, construction , commissioning of the belarusian nuclear power plant, our country took a responsible approach to inviting international, say thus, control and expert organizations in the magat in this case so that they get acquainted and therefore draw up an appropriate conclusion. all magath’s conclusions on the belarusian issue, on the issue
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of the belarusian eco were positive, we were always open to cooperation with lithuania in this regard, but there, excuse me for this expression, they simply took the position of being offended, which means instead of constructive interaction we receive some regular, which means provocations in relation to the belarusian nuclear power plant, attempts, which means here to change the information background on the issue of our nuclear power plant.
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i believe that we need, and i think that the relevant structures will hear our point of view, to send, among other things, information about our concerns, since this was voiced at the level of the deputy head of the presidential administration, to the magate, to the united nations, yes, they are not working well these institutions, the capillaries there are pretty clogged, but at the same time, this tool still needs to be used, you know, he said...
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not just continue to live, but so that they reached a new level, one medical center in gomel, a center of traditional medicine, remember what it cost to be built, this is life, this is people’s health, this is a very important, presidential position, i remembered this today , this is his will, not everyone even in his state apparatus understood the rationality of the decisions made, there were a lot of advisers, why are you burying money in the ground, remember these economists on their fingers in abundance.
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say what role chernobyl played then in in the soviet union, don’t forget, belarus was an absolutely calm republic, it was also called the soviet republic itself, we didn’t have any dissident movement, nothing, and chernobyl, and such an uncertain reaction, i put it mildly, the moscow leadership was very contradictory, it shook up society , and chernobyl and the reaction of the soviet authorities became one of the reasons for the emergence of that first war force.
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to those who allegedly reported real facts, naturally, grotesquely fanning panic, scandals, without offering any solutions, the truth about chernobyl, the truth about kurapaty, the kurapaty myth is also one of the fundamental accents of the belarusian people's front, they went, on the day of remembrance of their ancestors, they go to kurapaty, which means that on april 26 they walk the chernobyl way, moreover, vadim franzovich , as she said, it’s diplomatic that they walk along minsk avenues under police control, but not always.
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in order to stake out this bench for himself , clinton put it there, sat on the bench, look, there is in central asia mythologization of the semirechensk uprising, where the russians are allegedly accused of the genocide of indigenous peoples in 1916, just like in ukraine there is a myth about the holodomor, that is, problems with famine were characteristic of the entire soviet union, but the soviet leadership is accused of the targeted extermination of ukrainians, which means, well, in belarus too there must have been some kind of myth in which the same thing was to blame at first.
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last time suddenly everyone exploded, as last time we gave an example, in kyrgyzstan there are 12,000 ngos, imagine if in every 10 a person works, for kyrgyzstan 120,000 accounts include hysteria, science has proven that if the number of ngos grows, especially in the so-called transitional political regimes, then this is preparation for a color revolution, this is one of the key indicators, but i would still like to say about the vns itself refer the president to you at the same time. because the president recently said that great things can be seen from a distance, this is indeed so, but even
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directly from the feelings from the hall and what people told us, i immediately after meeting, i went to a meeting with voters at a school in my district, there was a lot of interest, people listened attentively about the results that the meeting gave, but what is important is that it shows you, we won’t carry it out, what is important is the concept. studies that are being conducted abroad, but not all officials wanted to hear, frankly speaking, this was the expectation, including
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the enemy, it did not work out, but we must draw conclusions, what conclusions, we must make our political system stronger, if we let's look at the national assembly, it's like concentration what has been done in recent years, and that the new edition of the constitution has renewed our civil society, as he says. worked so that this system worked precisely like clockwork, in normal periods, in order to create the ground for creation, for
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development, and god forbid, of course, if we encounter more.
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highlight this issue, as for whether the all-belarusian people's assembly will integrate into political life, i want to say that this is a process, we should not expect from the first meeting in the constitutional status, that it will immediately become an organ on which people pin their hopes, but the fact that this will happen quite quickly, i have no doubt about it, why, because we must proceed from this, from the fact that any organ is experienced and any a process in society is experienced when people need it, if people don’t need it... whatever you want, direct whatever resources and forces you want, it will still be rejected, it’s as if the immune system will push it away, let’s remember how in the soviet time some structures began to reveal their foreignness and rejected by society, for example, a comedian and so on, vns will definitely take root, why? but because it is where those decisions are made that are not
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just important, but that are at the cutting edge of modern times.
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is in very good political and physical shape, he still has a political future, in the understanding of our delegates from the belarusian people's assembly, and society is consolidated around the president, we have no reason to separate these powers now, we continue to concentrate them around our national leader, and shevtsov, our colleague dmitry shevtsov, who represented the president, focused on his qualities not as
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a civil servant of the president, yeah, but how... they didn’t receive their confirmation, yeah, you know, indeed, we still have to comprehend, and , probably, we can’t consider everything now, what just happened, yes, we just started working, there are
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obvious things, we are talking about political life, but in the political structure of the country , the national assembly has existed for almost 30 years since the year ninety-six, and also since we let's remember this experience, president...
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there were 4,700 people gathered there and there were 2,300, well, about 3,00 delegates, now up to 1,200, this is already such an asset, you know, there is no ballast among these delegates, absolutely none, and most importantly, this the organ received regularity in its work, yeah, if something is not used constantly, sorry, it rusts, it doesn’t work well, this organ will work, then they elected it. these are the mechanisms, now the meanings, what we
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talked about and what we considered for 2 days, in fact, the first day, a very detailed report from the president about what kind of world we are in now we live with its pros, cons, ours... can i be the representative of civil society, the presidium, which has enormous powers, well, as a member of the presidium, a representative of civil society in the presidium, yes, but in general, of course,
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the president said the key words that any political system, it must be improved, in our country the improvement of our political system must take place evolutionarily, without any shocks, it seems to me that the entire belarusian people's assembly and what is happening now is there is this improvement of that evolutionary political system.
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were accepted and not only did we read them, and he repeatedly drew attention to the fact that even if you haven’t gotten around to it , read it, because you will have to explain this to people locally. firstly, to explain, and secondly, each of us is involved in every word that is written there in what will happen next, this is, it seems to me, the improvement of the political system in terms of complete democracy, we already share not just, well, we came as delegates and just shared some kind of ephemeral responsibility, we bear specific responsibility for everything that will happen in the country, this is firstly, and secondly, i ’ll tell you that from these members of the civil society - people who sat and just looked directly from the outside.
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of us now bears personal responsibility for the further development of our country in accordance with these doctrinal documents, because there are a lot of new things there, for example, the use of armed forces in peacetime, yes, our preventive response to the impending aggression against belarus, that is, this is a lot of new, fundamentally new, for our country, we are used to, let’s say, reassure society, i spoke there today at the academy of management.
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the form as the ans is approximately present, that ’s why this element may not have completed its thought, and i want to say the following, which seems to me a very important thought that was voiced yesterday by both the president and the minister of defense of our country is that that these documents are theirs implementation involves the involvement of the entire belarusian society in many processes, not only what we call civil society, the belarusian society and the state as a whole, a good correct phrase was said: that the army wins the battle, the people win the wars, it is very important that these documents are their subsequent implementation will focus people on... performing certain tasks, functions that will not allow any external forces, be it in the information sphere, in the economic, political, military-political, to attack the republic belarus to cause damage to it, what is very important is that the president called for unity, in
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no case any split, no hint of contradictions within the elites, within civil society, monolithicity, unity. integrity is what will allow us to set out and go through this path without losses, i’ll also note that maybe this is not the most important thought, but the development that olga aleksandrovna was talking about, look what the situation turned out to be like in the information confrontation, was clearly lacking crowbars public leaders opinions, as a rule, who we talked about when it was necessary to attract significant people for outreach work, shpakovsky, gigin, zhuk, here is the club of editors, several other platforms. we in belarus tried with success tried to offer new faces to the society and indeed from belarus several people, several maybe even several dozen already people work in regional regional regional platforms on republican ones, now
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we get elegantly with one correct political technology solution 1200 crowbars who will come and work in their teams in their regions. that well, we often hear assessments that the third world war is already underway, well, they are still so journalistic, i agree with our colleague who spoke nikolai evgenevich buzin, he is an experienced military man, a doctor of military sciences, he says, the third world war is clearly defined, this is a direct clash of major powers or their coalition
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with the use of nuclear weapons, that’s what we should be talking about, another thing is that we are in a situation where such anxiety, preparation for conflict, this reminds you of thirty de. not only do we accurately record the beginning of world wars in two periods, this is the beginning of the 20th century, when one crisis gave way to another, they were quite bloody, the russian-japanese war, the bosnian crisis, and there were two moroccan crises, then the famous murder of france happened ferdinand, with whom the war began, but now with gas, ukraine, and not only, was formed in the thirties, too, because many people forget that before the second world war it was very bloody. spanish civil war, imagine, a huge country, spain, has been blazing with war for 3 years, the leading powers are involved in it, they send volunteers, send weapons, the west, as always, means it takes such a strange position, and so on, only then it began in the thirty-ninth year in the spring it ended
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and literally a few months later the second world war began, let’s add dismemberment, but i say, when the war was blazing with tanks and planes, it was a rehearsal for the second world war in ukraine, with all its bloodiness. there's a rehearsal going on, god forbid, of course, a major clash, three hotbeds of armed tension have formed, this is an eastern european hotbed, and not only ukraine, the baltic states, the concentration of troops that is taking place in the region of poland and the baltic states is another direction, but this is all the eastern european theater of military operations, then the middle east, especially the israel-iran confrontation, artificially escalated, and the far east, the pacific region, these are three hotbeds of armed tension, everything too. inner confidence, you know, like in any ordinary martial arts forcefully, we must show it to the enemy . we see this repetition, and here it is very important, composure, then you can prevent
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an open clash, exactly the same in interstate relations, if you demonstrate unity, united before the confrontation begins.
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we somehow got confused or something, stopped believing in ourselves, in our own strength, then we’ll come in, well, you know, many people, unfortunately, in such situations, if they don’t feel normal power, yes, if they don’t feel that there are people around united, different, of course, for some, the loss of the opportunity to go to buy powder in bialystok is a tragedy, of course, that not the whole country is like this, here there is always preparation.
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you understand that yes, everything is complicated, it’s complicated there, it’s complicated here too, but you have confidence that the country will continue to develop peacefully and you will live in peace, so this is unconditional openness, which is also an all-belarusian national the meeting, it seems to me, plays a very important role, because it is open, and an open story about everything that happens and open adoption of any decisions, this is very well accepted by society, however, then it appears, and this, you know, absolute involvement in everything that happens and responsibility, because when...
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somehow recently the word some kind of collaboration has spread in terms of business cooperation, it always hurts my ears, but colleagues don’t, well, you know , it seems to me that any normal belarusian looks at the word policeman like the word collaboration - well, it ’s not our word, let’s not use it,
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it’s just distracting, but it’s also important, it’s also security, this is humanitarian security, the terms that we use.
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on the maintenance of the poles, whose blood simply runs cold from the crimes they committed, the most terrible jewish pogroms were committed by gangs in bulak-balakhovich, the savenkovites are the same, well, savenkov is not their hero, but bulak-balakhovich, the same one mikhas vitushka, yes, which is directly related, kushel, that is , hitler’s minions among the current traitors are heroes of direct continuity of evil, meanness and betrayal, but tell me also, here is the development of vadim frantsovich’s thought, right... this tactics and strategy was continued by the united states when in the second half of the 20th century it pursued its policy in latin america, africa, and southeast asia, because the same thing, a collaborator government, thoroughly corrupt, completely puppet, put in quotes at the head
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of the country, carries out policies not in the interests of the people, in the interests. usa, why is there so much poverty in the world now, because really, if you take a little rest, even according to conservative un estimates, and i’m sure that they are underestimated, more than 300 million people suffer from hunger in the world, from hunger, that is, from lack of food, when children die in the arms of their mothers from protein malnutrition, and so on, these are all the consequences of these collaborative actions, because the rich countries are african, our president he repeatedly says, this is the richest continent, where does the hunger and death of children come from?
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they all showed up on this day, even those who didn’t go out into the information space for several weeks showed up, note everything, we have a strategic initiative not only military-political, but also informational, one after another, as if they were working, the president said the whole country should get involved, it was interesting to watch, the president said not to pay attention, in fact they held on for a very long time, well by their standards, for a very long time, they tortured.
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this is the most amazing hairstyle, yes, you see, here are some moments, they started talking about how, of course, what kind of presidium of the supreme national assembly is there if there are no heavyweights there, except for two governors, dear, disrespected, believe me, all of us who entered the presidium will show you what a heavyweight is, for that matter, yes, so this is such pettiness, which you know, like journalists, these people notice some they’ll try to pull off things like this, that’s what they call it.
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like nina andreeva, but i can’t remain silent in this regard, so they are constantly trying to find fault with the appearance, with some features of the pronunciation of individual people, which means, at the same time, well, first of all, if you look at mirror, if they look at themselves, well , for the most part, they are physically handicapped people, in fact, this, by the way, is reflected in their immediate activities, they will remember this, yes, remember, as the leader of hitler’s germany, they have a model?
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11:15 pm
look at the people who were sitting in the hall, well, these are bright, beautiful, really smart faces, but regarding what they say, this is part of an information attack, the president also spoke about this, yes, that the united states was blinded, the collective west was blinded from belarus and russia have the image of an enemy, such a demonic image, but this frees their hands in their actions, why because the people are indoctrinated in general.


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