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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 7:40pm-8:01pm MSK

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analysis, it was said that our country is peace-loving, we are for peace, we are for dialogue, for myself i understand that economic security also depends on the work of our enterprise, in order for wages to increase, for there to be peace on earth, recently enterprises in the industry have undergone large-scale modernization, today they use the latest technologies, produce...
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so that we live in a peaceful country, calmly go out onto our streets, and work for the benefit and prosperity of the republic of belarus. not only a delegate of the gnc, but also a person of the year 2023, winner of the brest regional executive committee award, as well as a special fund of the president of belarus, and also a mother of two sons and a grandmother. irina gorbatsevich has been working as a computer science teacher for 30 years. today i started my lesson with an informational five-minute session. as a teacher, she is especially concerned about questions.
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special mission: an educational institution is the future of the country, because the future generation is being raised within our walls, we really want us to continue to be independent, so that we continue to be sovereign and so that we continue to live worthy. now there is a lot of work ahead to implement the decisions of the tasks adopted at the all-belarusian people's assembly, the main goal of which is the successful development of the country. yuri kornilovich, marina romanovskaya and anna buikevich. tv news agency. at these
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moments in the capital, the most striking event of the year in the extra league, the closing ceremony, is in full swing. the hockey oscars are being held for the fourth time. 25 awards will find their owners. of course, the closing ceremony is a good tradition, when everyone involved in our hockey can get together in an informal let the situation down. competitive year. the season turned out, as you already said, interesting, unpredictable, and, one might say, unique, because not a single season is like the other. a year ago we were thinking about how we could make the previous season better, and today we see that a lot has been done in hockey, a lot has been done in the regulations, a lot of work has been done in the media component.
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immediately after, the main political events of this week will be discussed at the editors’ club, all the best, don’t switch, it will be very interesting. for the first time in the history of the sovereign republic of belarus, an all-belarusian people's assembly was formed as a constitutional body. the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly represents
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the entire cross-section of belarusian society, including various social strata and population groups. the all-belarusian people's assembly was formed consisting of: 1166 delegates, 1,159 arrived and are present at the meeting. our meeting is legal. dear delegates and invitees, the first meeting of the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly is declared open.
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the all-belarusian people's assembly of the seventh convocation begins its work. for the first time, the presidential message, with which, according to our constitution, the head of state must address the people and parliament once a year, will be announced during a national forum, which will become an annual tradition. i leave it on purpose. in our report, we left out the development of the real sector of the economy; we discussed all the topics in detail at recent meetings, which were widely covered. i am sure that each
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of you is familiar with them. relevant instructions are given, they are subject to execution. today's event actually divides the history of political life. the historicity of the moment is determined not only by the new status, new functions, new powers of you, the delegates, what is important is not what, but how we do it, how we improve the model of the political system, without breaking the ways, without abandoning traditions in an evolutionary way, in belarus to
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the structure, in our own culture, into our worldview, if they do not contradict our principles and value, the role of the mechanism for merging the original. traditions and global management experience is being carried out by the all-belarusian people's assembly, look, today in this hall there have gathered representatives of all layers of society, all professions and statuses, our chairman of the central election commission just spoke about this. leaders, people in uniform, village friends, employees of service sector enterprises, entrepreneurs , teachers, doctors, scientists and artists, athletes, true representatives of the people,
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i am sure, a patriot, the slavic veche in its modern appearance, in simple terms, a people’s gathering, which now stands above all branches of power, whose opinion must be taken into account and the head of state, which is important, is among the delegates of the meeting... deputies of local councils, representatives of civil society, parliamentarians, we have not abandoned soviet democratic traditions, supplementing them with modern ones, corresponding to the spirit of our period and its history, this is our strength, the strength that forms a nation, strengthens national statehood, this is where i would like to start,
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there is no distance between us, here we all have the same status: participants in the all-belarus people's assembly, delegates and invitees, this achievement of national democracy, i am most proud of, we are proud of the accumulated experience of strategic planning, for almost 30 years the assembly largely determined the state structure of belarus, let’s say, frankly, the first all-belarusian people’s assembly saved our country, it’s time to reach a new
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level, and we did this, with the acquisition of constitutional status, the role of the assembly, the competence of the delegates increased many times, now the all-belarusian people's assembly approves all the main program documents defining economic development, the security of our country, in a word... strategic issues, i emphasize, strategic issues, of course, delegates must understand what is written in these documents, be able to explain to people and not just explain, it is necessary to include society in the political debate, today without this it is impossible, we will not talk with our citizens, with the people about the global development goals of the state. others will do it for us. it is a common understanding
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of the national strategy that should further pay strengthen us. another important and new task of the supreme council is resolving personnel issues. now you, delegates of the all-belarus people's assembly, will elect judges of the constitutional and supreme courts, members of the central election commission. to you. given the right to quickly gather and decide to introduce a state of emergency or martial law. god grant that there is no reason, but the mission is more than responsible, and even recognition of the legitimacy of the elections is in your hands, all elections. all your decisions in the hierarchy of legal acts of the country will take the highest position. and will acquire a generally binding nature, they will have to be fulfilled by all citizens, all
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bodies and institutions of power. i will say more, the supreme council received the exclusive power to suspend the decision of any body or official. thus, the meeting will become a protective buffer against possible dangerous processes that run counter to the interests of society and the state. delegates are the voice of the people, their collective mind, you are not just a general assembly, you are the national conscience, you, i repeat. voice of the people, you have no right to make mistakes, you only have the right to loyalty and devotion to our country to our people. your mission is to serve for the future of belarus. it is very symbolic that the all-belarusian people's assembly begins its work with the discussion and adoption of the most important
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documents ensuring national security. belarus is a compact country. belarusians are a very peace-loving people by nature, possessing a reserve of powerful vital energy, a unique resource that at different periods of history helped the belarusian people to survive, while at the same time a manic desire to be the powers of this world are absolutely alien to us, but we know what it means to be strong in the name of peace, this is our memory. this is our historical experience, which cost us a lot. this year we celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. the generation of winners showed that the strength of a nation is not in capital, not in military power, not in ambitions, but in true values, in the desire for justice and
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self-confidence. when the enemy , the soviet country, entered the land, it did not yet... give strength on the battlefield, strength to survive grief, the strength to restore what was destroyed and the strength not to take revenge, who were made stronger by acts of intimidation, such as the bombing of dresdan, the atomic bombs dropped on jeroshima on gosaki, absolutely senseless and cruel, a shameful
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page in history, hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed at the end of the war. then everything was decided, for what purpose, in order to declare its dominance to the whole world and keep the planet in fear. it was not by chance that i delved into history; we saw echoes of the bombs dropped on germany and japan in korea, vietnam, angola, nicaragua, panama, yugoslavia, iraq, libya, afghanistan, syria. all these are new geopolitical ones. the goals behind which were the redistribution of the markets for oil, gas, rare metals and other minerals, people were killed for them. look what libya, once the richest country, has become. in 2010, before the aggression, libya's gross domestic product
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was estimated at more than $75 billion. now the country has gone downhill. in syria, over 10 years of civil war, unleashed with the aim of changing the political regime, more than 300,000 population. isis has re-emerged on afghan territory. it is known whose project this is. violence sows death, far beyond the borders of their camps. it is known, for whose money, with whose weapons, it is destabilizing. wars generate thousands of refugees, who benefits from this? those who direct overseas watch this decades-long bloody action film and watch it and count the profits. western, transnational businesses, mainly anglo-saxons, have become significantly richer in recent years. this is true. but tell me,
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have washington and london become stronger in terms of political. or driving us into debt, as we now see in the example of our fraternal ukraine, whose positions were strengthened by the massacre between israel and palestine. but in the middle east syria and lebanon are involved. and look how delicately and subtly everything is being done to push israel apart.


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