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tv   247  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 7:20pm-7:41pm MSK

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to develop strategic documents, we have brought up for general discussion the military doctrine and the concept of national security, so that all people and delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly, and invited guests and citizens of our country, and we are already seeing this in the large viewing ratings of the live broadcast conducted by tv channels belarus 1 and belarus24, carefully. listened to and actually participated in the discussion of these conceptual and extremely important documents at this time. moreover, the discussion of the concept and doctrine took place on dialogue platforms, more than 80 meetings took place in various regions of the country, and the concept and doctrine were published in every regional newspaper, so every person in our country could touch this document. the vnc was held for the seventh time, but for the first time in a new status, how...
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to repair the roof, resolve some issue regarding the central district hospital, many other questions, now people living in our country, our citizens, delegates , guests of the all-belarusian people's assembly, there was a completely clear understanding of the roles and the place of the supreme national assembly in the political system of our country, the delegates’ understanding of their role and their responsibility for the decisions made,
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by the people who live in our country, before our citizens and before future generations, because we are laying brick by brick the future development of our country, the future of belarus being built is being laid already at this seventh all-belarusian people's assembly. results, assessments, meanings and conclusions, how... the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly divided the country's political life into before and after. on on the site of the editors' club, experts and guests figure out what emphasis we should all pay special attention to, what is the strength of our national security, and what markers can be used to determine the onset of the third world war? the third world war, it is clearly defined, is a direct clash of major powers or their coalition with the use of nuclear weapons. this is what we should be talking about. another thing is that we are in
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a situation where there is such anxiety, preparation for a conflict, this reminds you of the 39th, the fortieth, not only, here are two periods we we accurately record the beginning of the world wars, this is the beginning of the twentieth century, when one crisis gave way to another, they were quite bloody, the russian-japanese war, the bosnian crisis, there were two moroccan crises, then the famous assassination of franz ferdinand happened, with which the war began, but ... ukraine, yes, not only, but also the anniversary of the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant, as before, opponents of the belarusian government used the tragedy, why today do we have questions about the ignalina canned food? watch the new episode of the club editors immediately after the television version of the all-belarusian people's assembly. our
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country has everything to live, work and earn money; today young people are trusted with the construction of iconic historical objects. their voice is heard, vladimir babchichev made this statement at the vns, noting that he is a simple guy from a small village in the dubrovensky district in the vitebsk region. so, a guest of the panorama. vladimir all-belarus people's assembly and you were not just. what do you want to say, or has it already happened, having heard the opinion of your colleagues and comrades-in-arms, then express your point of view, your position, how you chose your words, did you know from the beginning, did you draw the line? you know, when you were introduced as a delegate, you were the person who could be nominated for the chairmanship of the all-belarusian people's assembly in the person of our respected president, without a doubt, the words came to mind immediately, because they came from the heart honestly. remember those moments,
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remember those first elections, when i went to the polling station with my father on his shoulders, he carried me, so this is the whole thesis experience, it resonated in me and i really wanted to get up and remind once again, especially the younger generation, who are also delegates to the all-berussian people's assembly, that today in our country, for us, for the youth , absolutely everything has been done, the thesis that i cited is that the success of the young a person’s life depends on his patriotism, love for his homeland, and hard work. and knowledge will really help you go through a certain series of stages in order to achieve success, everyone will have their own absolutely, someone will be a strong manager, someone will be promising a scientist, someone will demonstrate their skills in the field of education, culture, sports and so on, and
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there are bases, bases for this, here is your biography - this is such an example of the work of social elevators, you also talked about them, delegate , and a deputy, it all started with the belarusian republican union. analyze, don’t go out onto the streets, that is , security worked and the information component worked for absolutely everyone who really always loved the country, always loved their homeland, always followed the course of development republic of belarus, he stayed here, and today continues to live in a developing independent state,
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someone who always thought only about himself, this is exactly what worked, to find a better life only for himself personally, we must say, probably, that ... these people were probably never involved in the management component, they were never involved in diplomacy, they never worried about the fate of other people, but worried only about themselves, and even their possible trips abroad and earlier, which they carried out, they were the same there they were just having a good time, they liked this whole interesting corporate story, they were convinced that most likely it would always be like this there, naive fools who were shown a beautiful picture and were not told the essence of why they were needed there, as for the all-belarusian...
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and this suggests that now 1,200 people are involved in the fate of our country at the state level, not only in some public affairs, no, they have representation, they now have weight in teams, in the audience, they are inclined to make decisions, they are inclined today to broadcast the agenda that needs to be conveyed to people today and take feedback and bring everyone into the pezidium in order to improve our country, improve the development program.
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and by a collective decision, a popular decision , another mechanism was adopted that will protect all of us, not just one person, but the whole state. belarus today
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remembers the tragedy at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. 38 years ago the largest man-made disaster occurred catastrophe. commemorative events are being held throughout the country today. in the capital's park: friendship of peoples, delegations from the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of internal affairs, parliamentarians, representatives of public organizations, and veterans came to honor minutes of silence to lay sacred words to the victims of the accident and the feat of the liquidators.
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rescuers honored the memory of those killed during the liquidation of the consequences of the accident. according to tradition, the meeting took place at the memorial plaque of the hero-liquidator vasily ignatenko. the rally participants honored the memory of the chernobyl heroes with a minute of silence and laid flowers. time will pass on unsuitable lands for life in the gomel region there will be a polesian radiation ecological reserve. it has become a unique scientific base. entry is strictly limited, here. scientists have direct access to an area of ​​more than 200,000 hectares. it is there that belarusian biologists conduct
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unique radioacological research to overcome the consequences of the chernobyl accident. natalya ignatenko will continue. a universal research site that arouses the interest of scientists from the most advanced countries. before the accident , 20 thousand people lived on the territory of the reserve. they were resettled on the site of villages now the protected area with specialists is accumulating unique experience on the influence of radionucleids on flora and fauna, living organisms, the results of scientific research are used by the whole world. in the laboratory of spectrometry and radiochemistry, scientists examine samples of water and plant soil, then decide what scientific task the samples will be used for. over the 38 chernobyl years , belarusian specialists have stepped far forward, if they could have determined it at the beginning of the journey. accumulation doses of cesium 137, then with expansion laboratory and instrument base, strengthening
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human resources, learned to thoroughly study the full spectrum of radionucleides, as well as their effect on the body. the unique experience of belarusians is accepted by the best minds of the world community. a very big aspect we had was scientific research with the northern scandinavian countries. of course, with colleagues from our neighboring countries, and from russia, from ukraine and... from kazakhstan, there were many scientists, they had their own experience there at the semipalatinsk test site, but you know, they probably also had their own in russia incidents that were also studied for many years, after the fukushima accident, japanese scientists, they were most interested in our experience, what can be grown in these territories there and after how long, an area of ​​2000 hectares, more than a thousand plant species, hundreds of animal species, birds and... fish, this is the belarusian part of the chernobyl exclusion zone, babchen. the territory has not been abandoned,
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every hectare is being worked on, and experimental horses at the vorotets farm are used to raise pedigree heavy draft horses, a herd of more than 300 horses. the experiment was precisely that it was possible whether to obtain pure products in connection with the dietary factor in a given territory. today we can say, yes, you really can get it. live dosemetry of horses is carried out, if it passes all the level standards, then... it can be implemented, and here they process wood, experimentally grow ornamental and fruit trees, breed bee colonies and study the effect of radiation on their genetics. this is a table for printing, a honey extractor, now we are preparing it for the season, some of the frames are already on display, and some of the frames are waiting the main honey collection, so we’ll immediately set it warmer. belarus has one of the strictest radiological standards for food products, but... the aromatic honey from these apiaries sells out quickly. last season we sold 11 tons
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of sweet nectar, perfectly pure. on the territory of the reserve there are 500 bee colonies in ten apiaries, we plant phacels, we plant donnik, we hand over the honey and sell it to the population, it is absolutely pure honey. if there is a deviation, then it cannot pass in any way. first we hand it over to the laboratory, then only we can give it away it for implementation. the museum tells about the history of these lands. for the twentieth anniversary of the disaster, it was updated, in four halls there is everything about life before the accident and after, instruments that were used in the first years after the explosion, photographs of babchin residents before... the emergency tragedy, samples of certificate passes from different years, the right of entry into the zone evacuation. each exhibit preserves the history of the tragedy, and also gives an understanding of the colossal work that belarusian scientists did. natalya ignatenko, alexander murashkin, television news agency. and once upon a time it seemed that
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there was no talk of any kind of life, much less development of the affected areas. but from the first years of his presidency , chief.
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the belarusian experience in eliminating the consequences and accident at the chernobyl ips is in demand in the world, but unfortunately, some countries are politicizing issues of cooperation in such an important area. our lithuanian neighbors refuse to cooperate on the safety of the ignalina nuclear power plant. at the same time
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, unfortunately, there is no complete confidence that all work on the conservation of the station is being carried out properly, our ministry of foreign affairs is concerned countries. our neighborhood challenges us. gives an interest in bilateral communication with lithuanian colleagues on nuclear power plant safety issues, both at the political level and at the level of technical experts. the station stopped operating at the request of the european union, which considered it unsafe. before this, no country had engaged in the planned decommissioning of plants of this type. there is no
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absolute certainty that all liquidation measures have been carried out at this nuclear power plant. from national security to successful economic development of the country, such topics are now discussed in their teams by the delegates of the all-belarus people's assembly. the task is to convey to everyone the main messages that were voiced at the people's meeting. yuri kornilovich will continue. morning plank at the enterprise. without exaggeration, the whole team was waiting for the tree. representatives of workshops, departments, and managers gathered to hear first-hand about the most important tasks for the country, voiced at the national assembly. the head of the enterprise , sergei ososov, was one of the delegates at representative forum. such an important document on military doctrine was submitted for public consideration and analysis, and it was said that
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our country is peace-loving, we are for peace, we are for it. dialogue for myself, i understand that economic security also depends on the work of our enterprise so that wages increase and there is peace on earth. recently, enterprises in the industry have undergone large-scale modernization; today they use the latest technologies, produce exclusive products that compete with european manufacturers, after the introduction the factories did not stop due to sanctions, they reoriented themselves to... eastern markets, dreva - azerbaijan, turkey and china. markets are now the main partners, for example, of large-scale bridges, so production is only increasing. after modernization, the enterprise processes one and a half.


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