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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 7:00pm-7:21pm MSK

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and the dancing will be no less recognizable than sushi, kimano and everything else. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on belarus24 tv channel. good evening, panorama live broadcast, in the studio ekaterina tikhomirova and about the main events of this friday, a new format of the political system and mechanisms for protecting the country in two strategists. documents, we will summarize
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the results of the seventh snc in a panorama, immediately after the television version of the people's forum will be broadcast. the restless dead of the ignalina nuclear power plant or little lithuania are being turned into a big nuclear threat. why is the country's turn to peace dangerous? atom? and the main events of this week are in the focus of attention of the experts of the club of editors, our compelling interest in national security and the irresponsible steps of the west, the third. world. my colleagues have more details. the new status of the people's council is important documents that concern everyone. we asked the view of the youth, and what they would say to their escaped fellow countrymen. about national security and the economic vector of the country's development. delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly returned to their work collectives. we will tell you in the story about the tasks and decisions made. almost 40 years of overcoming,
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reviving and developing the territories affected by chernobyl. about unique research, scientific successes, economic activities and clean products, today in a panorama from the polesie radiation reserve. the extra league season 23-24 is coming to its logical conclusion. the fourth closing ceremony is taking place in minsk. let's name the best and nominees in the panorama release. the all-belarusian people's assembly in a new constitutional status and a new page in the history of sovereign belarus the people's council at different periods proved its worth and literally saved the country. collective decisions, where the president and representatives of our society participate in the conversation. and today this format is relevant for belarus. not much was said about the economy at the updated supreme national assembly; just the day before ... the president held a number of thematic
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meetings, all issues were discussed in detail in the agro-industrial complex, industry and financial sphere. central to the agenda of the seventh meeting were two documents, they relate to ensuring our security, the concept and military doctrine and documents are absolutely transparent. the details on behalf of the head of state went to the people long before the supreme national assembly, they were discussed by the whole country locally, in work collectives, in the concept and doctrine “ possible threats are formulated, ways of repelling them are our allied obligations. we, as always, emphasizes the head of state, do not we are going to become a direct threat to someone or fight, but we must always be ready to protect our people and country, if something happens, to strike the enemy immediately. which were heard during two days of the people's meeting, ilona krasudskaya collected comments from the delegates. 24 04:24 a beautiful
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date for a historical event and a new slogan: time has chosen us. at first it was unusual, during the strong, prosperous five-year period there was a rumor in the design of the palace of the republic, but it was also symbolic, everything had its time, without reform, shocks, after consulting with people, we came to a new format of the political system. the message of the head of state is very correct and true, and it unites, especially in our current time, when needed. already the constitutional assembly makes the most important decisions for the country, they are binding, the vote of each delegate is decisive, and the top officials, the village workers, are very young guys who have someone to learn from. all the youth who were present with... knew that indeed
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we participate not only in decision-making, but also bear incredible personal responsibility for these decisions, of course we are ready to make every effort to do everything in our power for our future. countries, not only people in uniform, not only people of the relevant government agencies ensure our security, each of us must work in our places, and even taking into account education at school, we must form the consciousness of the younger generation, we must show young people what directions they should choose in order to develop and make our country more beautiful. now the supreme national assembly approves the main documents, everything related to economic development, the security of the country, the meeting has received: exclusive authority - block the decision of any body or official, thereby becoming a defense against any processes that run counter to the interests of the state. the spc delegates will elect judges of the constitutional and supreme courts, members of the central election commission, and if suddenly, a state of emergency or martial law is introduced, these
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decisions are also for the spc, including recognition of the legitimacy of the elections. you must always keep your word, you don't owe anyone. those who just spoke, or i before, are wrong about something, you should talk about it, if you feel and understand that this is the essence of the people’s veche, this is the essence of everything for which we have gathered, only you remember, you must be real, you must act in such a way that no one will see you anywhere...
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especially in the most the difficult moments of our history with him are reliably not to be attributed, starting from fakes about health, unprecedented assets abroad, and so on. ahead of the presidential elections, of course, they will pump up in every possible way, information weapons, as in the twentieth year , will come to the fore. we won’t be able to stand then , the nato hawks were already near smolensk, the ukrainian theme would have become our reality, but we turned out to be stronger. united, remember, i warned them that we love our small, compact country very much, we love it very, very much, but they don’t give up what we love, we warned them, but we didn’t give it up,
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believe me, we won’t give it up, no matter how hard they try undertook. the president, as much as possible, always shares information with the public regarding possible or prevented threats, no, not to intimidate, but so that people are aware of the real situation, once our citizens today from ranks of fugitives openly declare that they are not averse to repeating the crocus in belarus or seizing part of the country’s territory. i don’t know why they chose the kobrin district, they talk a lot about it there, to capture the kobrin district, but it’s not the best. there are borders, closer to the border, no, kobrin district, we’ll seize, declare power, turn to nato, send in troops, of course, it’s strange, no one will allow this, but they
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themselves don’t want to fight, to make an intervention, they ’ll push the democratic ones forward forces, like... will liberate our belarus from dictatorship, and there is nothing left of this democracy, these are traitors and bandits, the second rank will be nato troops, we also understand this very well, we carried out many operations thanks to the support of people, they helped us, they saw someone somewhere, suggested it, and we these freezing creatures were quickly found, so pay attention to this. the fact that they are forming these groups today, we have been observing the development of this situation outside for a long time, the growing role of china, hot spots on the planet, a future without a future for ukraine, if we don’t start negotiations right now, the geopolitical alignment was announced from the president,
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of course, the image of the enemies of minsk and moscow is still in trend, the west views the eastern european region as a theater of military operations, hence all the activity of the north atlantic alliance, constant training exercises. in vilnius, warsaw, kiev, and other capitals and regions of western states, following the example of hitler’s germany, puppet structures are being formed that are involved in projects to overthrow the current government. upon successful implementation plans envisage their use as an occupation administration to manage the territory by the population of our country. over 60 million us dollars are being allocated for their financing by american, german, polish and some other funds, in total there are more than 65 of them, acting as ploys for foreign intelligence services. the funds are used for maintenance. subversive centers, planning and implementation of information and psychological operations
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against the leadership of the population of the republic belarus, organizing cyber attacks on critical infrastructure, ministries and departments, recruiting and organizing the work of extremist and terrorist groups within our country and illegal armed groups operating in our neighboring poland, lithuania and ukraine. the twenty- fifth year is ahead, will lukashenko go to the next presidential elections, journalists have repeatedly addressed this question to the first, such persistence because a specific answer has not been received, but in the context of the added powers and status of the supreme national assembly, it seems the essence is clear. you said 2 months ago, i’ll go, i’ll go, i said that if they decide that i should go, i’ll go, and today, of course, if they say: listen, president. that’s enough, here ’s a person, a man, a woman, i think it’s a man, because here is
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the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, so, well, this is still a man’s position, a difficult one, there will be a man, and if people decide that there will be another, it’s not trivial, it’s i sincerely say, i will agree, listen, what do i already need, i’ve been working as president so much, so if i’m not elected, well, i’ll be be content with the fact that i was the first president and... lukashenko at the supreme council will be alexander kosenets, already an ex-assistant to the president, also an experienced person, a doctor, at one time he was deputy prime minister, headed the presidential administration, the composition of the presidium has been formed, many acquaintances persons, this is also for the better, trust has been developed, these are people who have proven themselves in various positions. you see that the president was practically unanimously approved and elected to the position of chairman. all-belarusian people's assembly, this indicates a high trust in the president of our country and, most
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importantly, the policies that are being pursued in our country. you know, then, when the voting took place, there was a break, i saw the mood of the people, inspired, wonderful, aimed at solving the problems that face us in these difficult conditions that are developing in the world as a whole, so, of course, this is the message that we must be united, we must tell the truth to each other about the issues that arise...
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thank you to everyone who brought out
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the country out of crisis, taking it away from the abyss. work for results, maximum output from everyone at their workplace, faith in yourself and your country, its future, now more than ever we need unity, we know that any mistake can be costly, we must, without looking at anything... to be higher personal ambitions and a couple of pressing circumstances, our task is to protect the sovereignty and independence of our homeland, we must preserve the country, ensure its happy future, no one else will do this for us, because time has chosen us, ilona krasutskaya, natalya breus, anastasia
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benedesyuk, ivan martynovich and alexander grodboev, television news agency. so, the adopted documents have become the national security program for at least the next 10 years; what was said at the two-day forum is difficult to fit into the reporting format. we present to your attention the television version of the all-belarusian people's assembly. look right after us. the main event where the patriotism and fortitude of the belarusian nation is concentrated. historical moment. first meeting of the seventh all-belarusian the people's assembly is declared open. you are not just a general assembly, you are the national conscience, you are the voice of the people. i, an ordinary guy from a peasant family, today keep my word here, on this authoritative platform.
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the time is coming strongly. only together. being a delegate of the supreme council means , first of all, being responsible for the fate of the country. we will be a true national front. let's show you the main thing. participants of the all-belarus people's assembly continue
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to share their opinions on the decisions made by the highest bodies of power of the people. on geopolitical map of the world tectonic. for the first time about what threats we face, so there is no doubt why belarusians unanimously accepted the concept of national security and military doctrine, how safe and secure can belarusians feel? seeing, observing what is happening along the perimeter of our country, which, by the way, the president spoke about yesterday, takes an active part personally, and
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we, for our part, always ask and the head of state turned to conscious citizens, but he is suppressing them.
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the concept of national security, so that all people and delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly, and guests, invitees and citizens of our country, and we are already seeing this from high ratings, watching the live broadcast conducted by the belarus 1 and belarus24 tv channels, listened carefully and actually participated in the discussion these conceptual and extremely important in this period.


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