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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 3:10pm-3:26pm MSK

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of course, we would like to fight, we would like to study in the camps, but the ukrainians are not fools either, you want to get experience at the front, if you don’t go to the front, we won’t feed you, so they are fighting, now they received information on the last morning, they are busy with what you thought, elections to the coordination the council, and even the parliament, like the parliament there is a fugitive in exile, something needs to be done and... we even got to these kolenovites, there has already been a break there, they can no longer agree there, especially in matters of politics, they don’t know who to nominate, one is nominated this evening, tomorrow morning, removed from positions, expel the so-called regiment, choose a new one, well, of course, you have a lot of them, practically all of them... from whom, so
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these training in ukraine, of course, are not ideological fighters, mercenaries and traitors, bandits, there will be no conversation with them long, peace is the absolute value of our society, the updated concept of national security and military doctrine of the republic of belarus is regulated.
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that god forbid, war, you, me, and the youth, we will be the first there, on the line of fire, dirty, dirty, possibly lousy, unwashed, hungry, half-starved to sit in these trenches, our life is good, comfortable, they live no worse in europe in america, why are we fighting, why is this necessary, we need peace.
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the concept of national security and military doctrine, and it’s probably right that our head of state, our country discusses and consults even on such seemingly serious, secret, in many ways issues, consults with the people, with representatives of the people, this is worth a lot , these are documents not about war, these are documents about peace, how to maintain peace on our beautiful earth. all delegates voted
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unanimously, we have yet to realize the significance of the all-belarusian people's assembly, but today it is clear that the veche talaq will... embody the ideals of the future of our country , determine the vectors of development of the entire belarusian society, now in the power
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of the youth, who not only followed the live broadcast , but was also among the delegates of the supreme council, their voice and progressive view contributed to the formation of a strong state. yesterday two main... documents, fundamental documents were adopted - this is a concept our national security and military doctrine, of course, in the conditions of the current geopolitical situation, this is very important for us, as for belarusians, and of course, i would like to note that these documents are important for us, both for customs officers, both for civil servants, and for citizens of the country, when i hear the president, when i see what he is doing, the emotions are always incredible, because a person is very...
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at 19:45 on the screens are the main events of the country that cannot be missed. historical moment. first meeting of the seventh
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the all-belarus people's assembly is declared open. you are not just a general assembly, you are the national conscience, you...
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so, at 19:45, look at belarus 1 television version of the all-belarusian people's assembly. in this regard, the panorama will be aired at 19:00, immediately after the television version on our editors club channel. belarusians do not need invitations or permission to pay tribute to the heroism of millions of soviet soldiers to honor the memory of those tortured in nazi concentration camps. so. commented to the ministry of foreign affairs of our country on the refusal of the austrian committee mauthausen for the participation of the delegation of belarus and russia in traditional events on the occasion of the seventy-nineth anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camp. as stated on the department’s website, belarusian diplomats themselves and their other russian colleagues will hold
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commemorative events and lay wreaths at the monuments of that terrible war and the great victory of our ancestors, as was done in previous years. the foreign ministry emphasized: for us this is a theme of justice and morality. morality, which is obviously lacking in western politicians who are trying to build intrigues and dirty tricks. and our answer concerns not only austria, but all other places where innocent people died at the hands of the nazis. belarus remembers how... india, iran, china, kyrgyzstan, pakistan, russia, tajikistan and uzbekistan. executive committee of the regional anti-terrorist structure of the organization. defense of belarus. on the agenda are a number of issues related to military cooperation and the parties will exchange views on
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challenges to regional and international security and measures to neutralize them. and making a presentation at the beginning of the event, viktor khrenin expressed confidence that belarus and the sco countries will become a support in the creation of new security systems in eurasia and the world. once neutral sweden is planning to send troops to latvia to strengthen nato ground forces. as the head of the swedish government stated, the armed forces will prepare a limited mechanized battalion. its strength will be about 600 military personnel. armored vehicles, tanks, leopard-2 and infantry fighting vehicles will be used. the battalion plans to deploy on the territory of latvia in early next year. paris has lost another symbol on the eve of the olympics. the blades of the legendary cabaret moulin-rush fell off. this happened for the first time in the building's 135-year history. the emergency happened at night for an unknown reason; the falling wings tore off the first three letters from the club sign. fortunately,
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no one was harmed, except for the image of the cabaret itself; there may not be enough time and money for repairs, given the number of problems in the capital for the olympics. laps and mice, there was another outbreak of dengi fever. fake ones were installed on the car numbers in order to introduce them into the territory of our country under the guise of being registered in belarus. brez customs officers. uncovered a fraudulent scheme for the import and further sale of european cars. the group was managed by a forty-four-year-old belarusian with experience in scams; he had previously been repeatedly convicted of theft, car theft, and falsifying identification numbers. together with the counterfeiters, in six months they were able to transfer about ten cars from poland through the brest checkpoint, and later the cars were sold through a well-known market. criminal a scheme that damaged the state budget. bresse customs officers established an amount of more than 165,000 belarusian rubles. during
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operational-search and verification searches, two peugeot cars, one volvo car, as well as 18 sets of registration plates and 14 registration certificates of vehicles that were planned to be used for criminal activities were seized. based on materials from brez customs, a case was initiated. about space travel and preparation for it, i am very interested because i am very
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i love looking at our strong women, she told me, well, it really surprised me that she flew into space, and i was really looking forward to this meeting, and i’m very proud of her, i wonder what it’s like to feel the freedom of flight, what it’s like to be so far from home, are all the skills that have been acquired...
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this is a dream, because i had a lot of experience going into this, a lot of knowledge was gained during the preparation period, i want to apply it all and in the end fly to do something good. an important discovery for our country. guests have a meeting there was also the opportunity to take a photo with our cosmonauts and get an autograph. the finalists of the republican military-patriotic tournament challenge went on an excursion to the bel tv and radio company , schoolchildren from the brest, vitebsk, grodno and gomel regions for the first time in the country's largest media holding.


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