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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 12:45pm-1:01pm MSK

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the congress set goals for the new five-year plan; they are ambitious. the republic was entering a period of large-scale changes, unique projects not only in industry and agriculture. the solution of many social problems was already coming to the fore: schools, educational institutions, culture, and science was given a special role.
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medical institutions like this appeared like mushrooms in many places, at the guardhouse, i remember on grushevskaya. incredibly, already on july 12 , 1944, seven medical and sanitary institutions were operating in minsk, and the seventh the session of the supreme council of the bssr in july 1945 reported: in the bssr there are over 400
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hospitals, 810 outpatient clinics, 175 regional sanitary-epidemiological stations, doctors carried out mass sanitary treatment, 3 million people were examined, in the first half of 1945 about 2 million were cured of scabies people, it was felt that life was gradually getting better, they finally appeared in minsk...
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in the bssr there were 1,800 doctors and 8,657 mid-level health workers. over the five-year period , the number of doctors has increased by one and a half times. key medical institutions began their work. the belarusian blood transfusion center resumed work from the first days of the liberation of the republic; only in 1945 it prepared twice as much blood as in the 9 years of its work before the war; in 1946 , the penicillin plant, now bel-medicine, came into operation. since 1949, the first specialized inpatient departments have been opened in minsk: neurosurgical, pediatric surgery, psychoneurological and others. great work begins to vaccinate the population against dangerous diseases.
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the base created in the first post-war years became the basis for the emergence of an entire school of combating epidemics. an ancient asian proverb. he agrees, he who is wise is strong. export - this phrase is directly related, because one wins not by force, but by mind. not only muscles, but also the brain need constant training. this asian city was the first in the world to host both the summer and winter olympic games. vladislav. beijing, beijing, that's right. according to the rules of the game, participants must go through four periods, answering questions the easiest questions. paris, london,
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new york, name the last city , provided that we are talking about tennis. sydney. you were very close, let's do it again. club of editors of any nation needs bonds, this flight is a bond, a bond of our society, for 3 weeks we lived with this topic, we followed, we worried, but most importantly, we were proud, this is truly national,
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mobilizing the whole country, the achievement of its flight rejoiced so many people, all with tears in their eyes, greeted her, let them explode from their bile, in no other country. i want to live in this country, don’t miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. plans for the coming decade. gladly , its development has gone through many moments of formation, initially this was a carriage, a simple carriage, then it was, it was in the revolutionary era, and then after the end of the people's gas park it became tortured not at home, and the hets would be gladly paid for the red chatyrs. in which dyktars, karespandents and many people work, who ensure the success of all the channels of the belarusian radio, broadcasting, which also took place in difficult conditions, played an invaluable role in
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the mobilization of people to restore the republic. to such people, our council played a significant, significant role in the country. the people's gaspadarka has been inspired by the spirit of the people for the first time, and once again with all the belarusian peoples, gladly such people have become active members of the advent of the people's gaspadarka of our belarus. by the end of the first post-war five-year period, the belarusian radio took its rightful place in the european media space. at the beginning of the 50s ours is disgusting became happy. we are known to europe, we have become members of the european textile structure, and we are happy for such muggle people to tell the story of life and history
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of belarus x ulada, pra zhytstse i dzeinasts of the belarusian people. to such people, belarus is happy to gain international status. authentic recording of your memory. and these creative teams, which were already by this hour, had their own... salists, had their own literary and dramatic group, well, it’s crazy that it was sluggish here, so to speak, expanded for our technicians, for our engineering department, minsk city. good
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morning, comrades, we pass on the information to you. not looking at the drained courtyard, the ilnavoda of the byarezinsk region was harvesting flax, and in the former gas parks they were soaking their frogs. every day the number of shock workers at the babruysk autotractor plant is growing. in the first post-war years, the talent and heroic work of the residents of the republic created the basis for the further growth of the belarusian economy for the years to come. subsequently the fifties, the sixties will be called the golden age of belarusian industry. the post-war period
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was dramatic for the republic, its residents won a convincing, and perhaps the most important victory, a victory over hunger, deprivation, devastation, labor, but with the unhealed wounds of a terrible war, and the memory of the destruction it brings to the people. from 1951 to the sixties , 307 large industrial enterprises will be built in belarus. two republics in the soviet union, the rsfsr and the bssr, were not
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we recognize you from architectural memories belarus from different eras and styles. the temple at mosary - geta dastatkova laconic, navat prasyakny spirits of the italian renaissance, pas dobe, pa kanfiguratsii. let's look at their history and basic facts. the era that it is now was a turning point, this... just as the 790th bastards knew rech paspalitay, and with this we
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say, there was a significant end to the style of baroka, and all historical wings it's such a dead end to take us away from the people here , because later on the document the architects would be the myastsov admyslovian architect chakhovich. who he is is unknown. glyadzitsa is a prime example of the architecture of belarus. if there were more european trots at the time, then just at the 18th century we gained a higher level, we gained enough strength to produce something new and arygina. on our tv channel. you are watching the news now in olga kalairova's studio. hello. belarus today remembers the tragedy at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. 38 years ago, a major man-made
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disaster occurred, which divided the lives of millions of people into before and after. across the country today there is a commemoration. event, one of the first to commemorate those killed during the liquidation rescuers paid tribute to the aftermath of the accident. according to tradition, the rally today took place at the memorial plaque of the hero-liquidator vasily ignatenko. it was attended by management and employees of the ministry of emergency situations, rescuers, liquidators, cadets of the university of civil protection, representatives of the belarusian orthodox church, as well as


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