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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:11pm MSK

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live broadcast of the main news at noon, in the studio olga kalairova, hello and briefly about the topics of the issue. belarus remembers the tragedy at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. the largest man-made disaster happened 38 years ago. commemorative events are held throughout the country. the people's exceptional trust in the authorities of the authorities in the people. the entire belarusian people's assembly is a unique institution of democratic representation. we will show the most important and interesting things from vns in the tv version. to strengthen nato forces, sweden is going to send its troops to latvia. polish dreams of nuclear warheads, the duda regime is considering the possibility of warsaw joining the nato nuclear weapons sharing program. to preserve the memory of the victims and the heroism of those who survived in belarus, they are creating a single internet portal about concentration camp prisoners. belarus today
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remembers the tragedy at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. 38 years ago, a major man-made disaster occurred, which divided the lives of millions of people into before and after. the radioactive cloud affected over twenty countries, but belarus suffered the most, almost a fourth of the entire territory. more than half a million people took part in eliminating the consequences of the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. the first to encounter the invisible, but deadly. and much more. one of the first rescuers who arrived at the scene of the tragedy was a native of the gomel region, twenty-five-year-old vasily ignatenko. the commander of the pripyat paramilitary fire department received lethal doses of radiation. rescuers were among the first to honor the memory of those killed during the liquidation of the consequences of the accident. according to tradition, the rally today.
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the mourning event will continue today, rescuers will also meet with veterans, liquidators of the consequences of the terrible man-made disaster. a two-day marathon of opinions, decisions, initiatives. the main political event of the spring is already history, but the country continues to talk about the gnc, the first platform in the country where they openly talked about the real geopolitical situation. around
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belarus with examples given by the kgb, the security council and the ministry of defense. it was not the easiest discussion, but in the end the delegates accepted both documents. all-belarusian people's assembly - it's one. front for strategic planning of the future of our country, new powers and broad opportunities, which is why the delegates of the supreme council are responsible to the entire society, and therefore must convey the results of the congress to every belarusian. the president placed special emphasis on this. moreover, we can only cope with modern challenges by acting together. alexander lukashenko called for vigilance and assistance to belarusian law enforcement officers. the whole thing is growing.
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we got to these kolenovites, and they’re already there a break has occurred, they can no longer agree there, especially in matters of politics, they don’t know who to nominate, they nominate one this evening, tomorrow morning, remove him from office,
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expel the so-called regiment, choose a new one, well, of course, a lot of you practically know them all .
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to clarify the position of our military policy in a new way. undoubtedly, the new military doctrine was not born out of nowhere. the ministry of defense has developed a foundation in this regard. an in-depth scientific study of the document was also carried out. it should be said that the document developed is not only the view of the military. almost all government bodies participated in the work on the doctrine. moreover, new approaches to the implementation of the military policy of the republic.
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there is a hill there, such a hill, i look at our land and think, what else do people need, what do they need to be like in ukraine? sit in this mud, unwashed, dirty, our youth must understand that god forbid there is a war, you, me, and the youth, we will be the first there, on the line of fire, dirty, bedraggled, possibly lousy, unwashed, hungry, half-starved, sitting in these trenches, our life is good, comfortable, living in europe is no worse. in america, why are we fighting, why is this necessary?


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