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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 9:00am-9:11am MSK

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the role of mary poppins gave me the impetus to wonder if i was too old.
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news on belarus alone in the studio olga kalairova, good morning, watch this issue. a united front for the future of our country. the all-belarusian people's assembly is a unique institution of democratic representation. we will show the most important and interesting things from the vns in the tv version for belarus 1. farmers are protesting again in poland. farmers who blocked the red highway demand strict control of ukrainian transit exports. protection from students in the american in the state of tante, teachers are now allowed to bring firearms to work. a man-made disaster that divided people's lives into before and after. belarus remembers the tragedy at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. preserve the memory of the victims and the heroism of those who survived. a single internet portal about concentration camp workers is being created in belarus.
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so, a new page has been written in the chronicle of state building in belarus. the all-belarusian people's assembly has become truly historic, having received a new status as the highest representative body power of the people. the time has come for a fateful confrontation and consolidation of the entire society in the name of the prosperity of our homeland. national security comes to the fore. our new military doctrine puts everything in its place both for you and me and for our opponents.
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new powers and broad opportunities, which is why the delegates of the supreme council are responsible to the entire society, and therefore must convey the results of the congress to every belarusian. the president placed special emphasis on this. moreover, to cope with modern challenges can only be met by acting together. alexander lukashenko called for vigilance in providing assistance to belarusian law enforcement officers. it's all about the growing hybrid threat. ongoing.
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they’re also not fools, you want to get experience at the front, if you don’t go to the front, we won’t feed you, so they’re fighting, now they received information on the last morning, they’re busy, as you’d think, with elections to the coordinating council, and even, well , the parliament, like the parliament there a fugitive in exile, something needs to be done, and they even reached these kalinovtsy, there’s already... a break has occurred, they can no longer agree there, especially in matters of politics, they don’t know who to nominate, they nominate one this evening, tomorrow morning, remove him from office, expel the so-called regiment, choose a new one, well, of course, you practically know a lot of them all , grizzly and fighting, they tell us... they want to organize
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a national liberation movement here, from whom? so these people training in ukraine, of course, are not ideological fighters, mercenaries. peace is the absolute value of our society, an updated concept of national security and military doctrine of the republic of belarus regulates the preservation of stability and guarantees the progressive development of the state. the path to creating the document was chosen to be evolutionary rather than revolutionary. he maintained continuity with the current concept. all the best.
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born out of nowhere, the groundwork in this
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undoubtedly, a new military doctrine of non -relations in the ministry of defense was developed, and a deep scientific study of the document was carried out. it should be said that the developed document is not only a view military. almost all government bodies participated in the work on the doctrine. moreover, new approaches to the implementation of the military policy of the republic of belarus were widely discussed among the public. taking into account all the changes and additions made, the developed draft military doctrine is actually a new document. we have become a united and mature nation.
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dirty, our youth must understand that god forbid, war, you, me, and the youth, we will be the first there, on the line of fire, dirty, bedraggled, perhaps lousy, unwashed, hungry, half-starved, sitting in these trenches, our life is good, comfortable, they live no worse in europe in america, why are we fighting? why is this necessary, we need to live peacefully, develop, especially with a neighbor like belarus, we don’t want to fight with anyone, i ’m sure we won’t fight, they understand that we can seriously respond, this is death,
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the simultaneous death of millions of people, this is a new war, and i have said more than once, if anything happens, we will all become a brest fortress, but we will defend our land. in his final speech , alexander lukashenko will note: in the chronicle a new page has been written in state building. the seventh all-berussian people's assembly ended with the adoption of fundamental documents in the field of security. the presidium was approved and the chairman was elected. new traditions of the belarusian people of power have been laid. each of us today is responsible for maintaining peace in our land. belarusians have experienced a lot, gone through a lot. tests, therefore, as the president emphasized, it is more important than ever for us to be strong and not be afraid to face all challenges; such important documents have been adopted as the concept of national security and military doctrine, it is probably correct that our head
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of state, our country, discusses and consults even on such seemingly serious, secret, in many ways... issues, consults with the people, with representatives of the people, this is worth a lot , these are not documents about war, these are documents about peace, how to maintain peace on our beautiful land. cases of still prepared draft decisions.


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