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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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the main thing that is very important for me personally in the new edition of this document is that for the first time it talks about such concepts as sustainable development, i believe that this category, it comprehensively covers all areas, because this is what everyone is aimed at the types of security that are currently included in this document, a common thread is that it is not only people in uniform, not only people, respectively.
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being a delegate of the supreme national assembly means, first of all , being responsible for the fate of the country; we will be a true national front. we'll show you the main thing. the situation with the deportation of ukrainian conscripts from europe to their homeland is gaining some certainty. the polish and lithuanian authorities are ready to catch draft dodgers and send them home to the trenches. at least that’s what the editors of the financial times think. at the same time, for example, germany is ready to provide refugees with asylum, even if ukraine revokes the documents of its citizens, but this is where the united states comes into play. according to a state department representative, the situation is complex, washington does not know what to do here, whether to return ukrainians to their homeland or not. this means that this topic is being discussed in the united states. vonderleen is still going to trial. the trial is already on may 17th. cases of concealment of documents,
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corruption and illegal receipt of benefits will be dealt with in the belgian liege. we are talking about the supply of the fizer covid vaccine to the eu. as a result of private negotiations between the head of the european commission and the head of the fizer corporation, contracts worth 35 billion euros were concluded. the terms of these agreements are completely opaque, and the eu continues to pay for vaccinations even now, when the need for them completely disappeared. in addition, a dose of the vaccine costs the european budget absolutely. an absurd 20 euros each. the investigation into corruption has been ongoing for the second year, it seemed that the eu bureaucrats would successfully bury this case, but strangely enough, it still came to court. however, the unsinkable fonderline intends to retain her post as head of the european commission. belarus today remembers the tragedy at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. 38 years ago, the largest man-made disaster occurred, which divided the lives of millions of people into...
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all rescuers will hold a funeral meeting on this day, pay tribute to the memory at the ignatenko memorial in minsk. it is our duty to take care of living witnesses of the terrible events in the great patriotic war. until may 4, all veterans of belarus will receive financial assistance, that’s 8,400
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people. the issuance of funds has already started throughout the country, some receive it on a card by mail, others with home delivery. this year, the hero will receive financial assistance.
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patriotic war, the largest payments are due, this year 4,000 rubles. 2.000 each holders of orders and medals of the ussr will receive for selfless labor and impeccable military service in the rear. financial support in the same amount is provided for blockade fighters and those who built military facilities. a thousand will be paid to the families of military personnel, partisans, underground fighters, as well as former prisoners of fascism. courage, valor, husband.
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economics, we are on the air at 9:00, see you, the ministry of economics continues its dialogue with business on issues of entrepreneurial activity, in belarus they plan to start producing according to the court... cars and the number of electric vehicles on the roads continues to grow, we will not only tell you about this in the next few minutes, you are watching economic news in the studio alina loppot, good morning! there is an active dialogue between the authorities and the business community on issues of doing business in belarus. the ministry of economy provides detailed
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explanations to entrepreneurs on innovations, and work continues on preparing documents for the development of the law. let me remind you that by july the government will determine a list of activities that individual entrepreneurs can carry out. for areas that are not included in this list, a transitional period is established period until january 2026. this is the time when they can continue to work in the usual format, and also move to the yurli category. the state will more actively support manufacturing businesses with an attractive package of benefits and preferences under the idea of ​​small enterprises. the belarusian manufacturer of refrigerators will produce land washing machines, said the general director of the company, dmitry kharitonchik. noting that the first half of the year is going well, exports are growing, foreign consumers are increasing purchases of belarusian products at availability in the markets of turkish and chinese analogues of household appliances. this allows you to plan. the release of new types of products, including a chest freezer, a business plan has already been developed,
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it is planned to bring it to the market next year, also among the new products is a combined washing and drying machine. the platform of the universal commodity exchange has attracted the interest of manufacturers of machinery and equipment from china. the belarusian site took part in the specialized fair in gonjou. according to the butb representative , not only export to belarus is being considered, but concluding transit transactions with companies from third countries. during the first quarter of this year, the amount of transactions of chinese companies on the belarusian stock exchange increased by 7 and a half times, while the middle kingdom became the second largest market for domestic goods after russia through the exchange platform, providing about 20% of the total volume of export supplies. now, following the results of currency trading, the dollar and the chinese yon have fallen in price, the russian ruble has risen in price. so, the following rates have been established: a dollar costs 3 rubles 24 kopecks. euro exchange rate national bank 3.47. in belarus,
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the number of electric passenger cars doubled over the past year, belstat has calculated. moreover, more than 80% of the total number are cars that are personally owned by citizens. the charging infrastructure is developing dynamically; there are already more than a thousand stations. as for the global market, experts from the international energy agency note that sales of electric vehicles and hybrids may increase this year. grow by more than 20%, to 17 million units; by 2035, the green car market will account for 2/3 of global sales cars and finally, the countries participating in the construction of the international north-south transport corridor are assessing the benefits of connecting the route with africa by sea. this initiative was put forward by the russian side, noting the interest of exporters in this market. now they are sent from russian ports to iran along the transport corridor. but, products, lumber and cement. a multimodal route with a length of more than 7.00 km is being built
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as an alternative to the sea route connecting europe, the gulf countries and indian ocean through the suede canal. freight turnover along the north-south itc last year increased by almost 20%. at the same time, in maritime transport it doubled. this was the economic news, have a good day and be productive in your business. see you. tried to save their money, declared it in a special account, as a result minus 12 thousand rubles, four minsk residents fell into the scammers’ trap at once, the scheme is not new, an unknown person called the victims’ phone. and introduced himself to the bank security staff, people were informed that money was being made from their accounts.
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suspicious transactions, in order to avoid criminal liability, you need to declare your savings, open a bank account and transfer all the money to it. also , to protect your data, you should install a remote access application on your mobile phone. minsk residents followed all the instructions of the callers, as a result of which a total of more than 12 thousand rubles were written off from their accounts. excited. a couple from minsk lost more than 170 thousand rubles. scammers also helped in this story. according to the investigation, in january a fifty-two-year-old minsk resident found an interesting offer on the internet. tempting advertising promised passive income from trading cryptocurrency on exchange platforms. after registering on a specialized website, the menchan woman was contacted by a man who introduced himself as a part-time broker to financial analysts. specialist. offered the woman his services to assist her in the system and spoke in detail about further actions. from january to march
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, the woman, following instructions, actively bought virtual currency. over the course of several months, she topped up her electronic balance. accounts, while the personal consultant noted that things are going uphill, now is the time to invest as much money as possible for a significant increase in profits. after displaying a decent amount on the balance sheet, the victim wanted to withdraw the earned capital. due to a technical issue. error , the operation became impossible, and to fix the problem, the site administrators offered to contribute another $5,000 in the usa. after discussing the situation, the couple came to the conclusion that they had been deceived by cyber fraudsters. in a few months, trusting spouses from minsk transferred the scammers received more than 170 thousand belarusian rubles. it is worth noting that in order to develop investment activities, in addition to loans and installments, the couple mortgaged an apartment. the investigative committee opened a case of fraud committed on an especially large scale. in the iliya region, a drunken lawless man was stopped with gunfire. the incident occurred on wednesday;
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the day before, footage of the incident was published in guy. so the police received a message that in the veleisky district... a drunk man was driving a toyota, when the inspectors noticed the car, they gave a signal to stop, however, the driver only increased speed, damaging the service vehicle in the process. a chase began, the offender swerved from side to side while driving, creating a danger for other road users. guy's employees had to use weapons and shoot out the tires; the driver was detained; he turned out to be a thirty-seven-year-old local resident. the examination showed almost two ppm of alcohol. it also turned out that the man had never received a license and had already been charged with drunk driving. nine protocols were drawn up against him. more than 6.00 rub. was appropriated by a seller in the mogilev region. a major shortage was discovered during an inventory of the rural trading floor. ab employees determined that an employee had a hand in the theft. it turned out that the thirty-one-year-old controller cashier had been using
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the store’s goods, mainly groceries, for six months, taking money from the cash register for personal needs. criminal case. several mining farms were immediately identified by russian police in the novosibirsk region. the equipment was illegally connected to local power grids, criminals after analyzing information about abnormal load on electrical networks in the city of novosibirsk and the region. it was established that cryptocurrency mining farms were located there. a thirty-five-year-old resident of novosibirsk, who was one of the owners of several mining complexes, was detained. in order not to pay for electricity, he applied. to an employee of one of the specialized institutions, for a monetary reward he took advantage of his official position and organized a connection to high-voltage power lines; in total, about 5,000 units of various equipment. at the place of work of the official who contributed to the illegal activity, investigators seized documentation, communications equipment and other items of
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evidentiary value. according to preliminary estimates, the damage was caused by illegal activities. the damage amounted to more than 190 million rubles. investigative authorities have opened criminal cases and taken preventive measures in the form of detention in relation to one of the defendants. in relation to another, in the form of a subscription not to leave. currently all efforts to identify accomplices in illegal activities are ongoing. in st. petersburg, a car sharing driver tried to drive across a raised bridge, but only crashed the car, and then... escaped, the incident with kaen was caught on camera, the driver rushed through a red traffic light in the oncoming lane and rammed the descending wings of the bridge. as a result, the wheels of the car's bumper were chewed by a comb, after which the driver and passengers fled from the scene of the accident.
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good morning belarus, good morning country, let's continue to wake up, annaloria, mariana
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murenkov friday and april 26, what does this mean? i don’t know, if it’s friday, it means that in the third hour our favorite nutritionist, svetlana koshitskaya, will definitely come to us , i hear a column from a nutritionist, to your attention, good morning, sveta, the floor to you, good morning, and i want to talk today. about the benefits or harms of soups. nowadays, when purchasing, you can choose any meat, lean or with bones, beef or ribs, and you’ll get an excellent broth. what's in it? here's what's on your plate in the form of healthy liquid: extractives substances and fats, both solid and saturated and unsaturated in hot form, go directly to the liver, creating a certain load. the fatter, the greater the load. changes in animal tissue, decay begin to occur immediately after the slaughter of the animal, the speed depends on the temperature, but even refrigerated storage modes cannot stop this process,
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only slow it down, and where is the guarantee that this wonderful piece of meat, fish, poultry was not frozen, defrosted earlier, on meat, my dears, birds, fish are always present pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms, during storage... in any food of animal origin, under the influence of its own enzymes or microflora enzymes , a gradual accumulation of toxins occurs, so if you are not sure of the freshness of the product, pour out the broth, and if the meat has been stored for more than two weeks, do not cook it on the grill, in a steamer or over an open fire, all the toxins will come to your table. chicken broth is considered by many to be a cure for convalescents, but today poultry... is given antibiotics so as not to growth stimulants were also used to make them grow faster. all these components go into the broth, so it often happens that parents feed
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their children chicken broth soups, and then, when the child gets sick and is prescribed antibiotics, they do not help, because the child had already received them along with healthy soups and prescribed drug, he will no longer have the desired reaction. sveta, you've just made chicken broths into a nightmare. my dears, if there are toxins in the meat, then they of course go into the broth, it’s another matter if the chicken grew up in under natural conditions from my grandmother, it is of course harsh, but certainly not toxic, we often hear from our parents, by the way, you should eat it hot, all our enzymes that break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates act optimally at temperature. in the body, and enzymes are protein compounds, and at higher temperatures they denature and lose their activity, like all proteins, so it’s enough to eat a bowl of hot soup or wash down your meal
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with hot tea, and digestion will slow down or slow down altogether. okay, svetlana, convinced, but then what do you choose better, a classic soup like broth or cream soup? i’ll tell you right away, of course, i choose any soups that are cooked. not with meat, that is, we cook borscht with chii from sauerkraut, for example, but or vegetable soup, boil chicken or meat separately, and then add it to the soup, voila, it’s clear, but summer is coming, the time of cold weather, how do you feel about this kind of soup, i have a great attitude towards these soups, firstly, i love them very much, this is all, you know, okroshechka, light on kefir or not kefir, on kefir on water and... on kvass, on whatever you want, put as many vegetables as possible, and it will be a mega healthy soup, conclusion, svetlana, you were wonderful,
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soups, now we are no longer sure what they’re already so wonderful, you have to think before you cook, but while you’re thinking, commercial break, is it really necessary to use physiotherapeutic drugs at home in the broad sense of the word? more likely no than yes, from the entire range of physiotherapeutic drugs that can now be purchased in our pharmacies and medical stores equipment, for home use i would leave only two: the first is an inhaler, well, there’s no arguing about it, it’s needed for respiratory diseases, and for children and adults, an inhaler allows you to give up many medications and very quickly solve a lot of issues. the second is magnetic therapy devices for home use. a magnetic therapy device can reduce swelling in many situations. other. from
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my point of view, they are not so needed at home, and even i would say, they are not needed at all, because electrotherapy drugs you must, firstly, be able to use it, and secondly, know when to use it, if the device is at home, then parents do with it at their own discretion, they often don’t even read the instructions, so look. there are two points of view - this is an inhaler and a magnetic therapy drug, when it is necessary and possible to use an inhaler. if the cough is associated with an upper respiratory tract disease, the doctor will tell you about this, for example, what is associated with it, then you can use an inhaler, ultrasonic inhalers, nebulizers, adding either saline solution or
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mineral water without gas. alkaline, but the safest option is saline solution, you can buy it at any pharmacy. what does this give? this allows you to moisturize the respiratory tract, dilute the macrota that is located there, and promote its elimination. but the child needs to be inhaled for a strictly defined time, the doctor will tell you this. the frequency of inhalation cannot be exceeded, because so -called swamping occurs, that is, huge. the amount of macrota is formed in response to an irritating factor, instead of benefit you get harm, and it is not recommended to do so inhalation immediately before bedtime, because again the macrota liquefies, we get a large amount of liquid macrota in the respiratory tract, and the child goes to bed, instead of coughing up, this macrota stagnates, and harm can occur. under no circumstances should you add it to inhalers
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just for the sake of it, we make inhalers. with herbs, adds some antiseptics, understand that when inhaled, a fine ultrasonic suspension gets deep into the respiratory tract, we can get irritation, chemical burns, chemical damage to the alveoli and small bronchi, this cannot be done, so -called bronchodilators can also be used, these are drugs that dilate the bronchi, but strictly according to indications and for those diagnoses where it is... again , you need to observe the dose, observe the frequency, all this only after consultations with a doctor, but in my opinion every family really needs an inhaler, good morning, beloved country, mariana murenkova and anna kviloriya continue to meet you this morning, we remind you that today is friday, april 26, and literally yesterday an event ended that has already gone down in the history of sovereign belarus,
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took place...
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represented the interests of all layers of our society, and the delegates to the supreme council were literally all representatives of all social groups, starting from the village gunmen, ending with the head... you know, everything is very simple, everything is very simple, people understand that what is happening and tell me how it is expressed, how is this possible? in the world, if we put it on the plane of our country, nothing good will do for our country,
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we lived by our politics, our world, our goals and our own views, and only together, only in a single impulse, can we build our state, it’s like in a family, that is... when we are friendly together, then the family develops, therefore, having comprehended and seen what is happening outside our borders states, having seen the goals set by overseas curators of foreign policy decisions, do people understand that this is happiness, happiness in their native land, peace, tranquility, stability, a wonderful future, most importantly, the opportunity to determine for themselves what this future will be?
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they were advisory in nature, then from this year our decision is mandatory, we have enormous rights, firstly, the right to resolve important personnel issues, to elect judges of the constitutional court, to elect judges of the supreme court, and, if necessary, to declare martial law, that is, the people decide how to govern the state.
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the meeting time chose us, everyone certainly puts their own meanings into this phrase, how do you see it? you know, time chose us is really such a broad concept, but to me it seems that just at the stages of life everyone has their own stage, and now we have
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just the time when we must confirm whether we are strong, are we strong, are we ready to preserve our memory, our history, our existence national, and indeed time... has chosen us, we have a historical opportunity to confirm to show the whole world that belarusians are a people with their history, with their culture, with their strength, and most importantly, with their president, yes, and to be united , most importantly, friends, yes, thank you for this is a wonderful conversation, very interesting, based on the results of an already historical event, we talked with a delegate of the supreme council, the chairman of the minsk city branch of the belarusian party white russia, andrei bugrov, well, our broadcast. continues,
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we are dealing with expeditions in the depths of our country, with the growing emotions and positive emotions. everything is there, just ahead - folklore expedition with paradoxical numbers 590. let's go! and again and again the vitebsk region was lost in advance. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. let's jump for the great glory of the holy trinity. the temple was founded in 1999 on the basis of the former royal parish school, so let's go to pragalinka, let's go up, let's go to the spring, let's walk in the winter, come, come, spring, yidzi, vydzi red, rye rye kalasok, wheaten sacks, and old traditions, new life, sunny days, summer calls, and green ones. they were born in different
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parts of the world, i came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty, my husband sergei came first here for work, he really liked it here, i was born in selenograd, that is, so to speak, there is a little history there, first there was telinograd, then akmala. everyone found something for themselves here, here is our favorite stage, our home, i can’t even say that this is work, this is our home, where we give our soul, our creativity, i came and declared, that is, what i want, that i want to have my own team, i want to develop ballroom dancing in our city, in the city of lida. each hero has his own unique story and his own view of... belarus in minsk has very good conditions
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for living with a family, especially with small children, i love belarus and i proudly declare that it was here that i acquired my great happiness, watch on the tv channel belarus 24.
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good morning belarus. good ranitsa belarus. friday. this saturday svetlana borovskaya will go to
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the minsk region. believe it or not, it was. and only the cat shouts: thank god, that’s it. and then he immediately understands that cossacks live here. how does a historian attract young people to study the past? what are the cossacks singing about in the new courtyard? and homeland what kind of artists is the city of smilovichi? find out in the new episode of the program this saturday. turn it on.
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traveling is not only about experiencing history and sights. the volkovysk river, which flows through volkovysk , is one of the key pillars of this city. actually, wolfish in the slavic translation. in 1946, travel is an opportunity to try something new, string, motherwort, but this is the first time i’ve seen lafant, but this too, this is a heart plant, here we have a cardiovascular plant. so, dear ones friends, for your attention, a dish of belarusian
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cuisine in a low-calorie author’s reading. and, of course, to experience something unique. look at the project, the route was built on the belarus24 tv channel.
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we will introduce you to people who have found their calling, in russia there was a master of veterinary sciences, evseenko, who said,
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medicine treats humans, and veterinary medicine treats humanity, we are also training a pharmacist. this is our only university that trains specialists in this profile. we invite you to spend one day with specialists to find out everything about the intricacies of their work. and our uniqueness is that we present more democratic, more understandable genres. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. we were still pioneers.
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