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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 7:05am-7:11am MSK

7:05 am
traitors, bandits, the conversation with them will not be long, peace is the absolute value of our society, the updated concept of national security and the military doctrine of the republic of belarus regulates the preservation of stability and guarantees the progressive development of the state. the path to creating the document was chosen to be evolutionary rather than revolutionary. he maintained continuity with the current concept. all the best. which has proven itself positively, including in practice, has been preserved. structure, the basis, theoretical, methodological basis also remained without fundamental changes. the concept is a document that defines the main messages that are clearly and unambiguously perceived by our citizens. the document received a positive opinion from scientists and experts representing educational and scientific schools of the republic. its main provisions, especially new ones, have been tested.
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especially considering the severe sanctions pressure from our opponents. in general, the above conditions required to clarify the provisions of our military policy in a new way. undoubtedly, the new military doctrine was not born out of nowhere; the groundwork for this relationship in the ministry of defense was developed, and a deep scientific study of the document was carried out. it should be said that
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the document developed is not only the view of the military. almost all government bodies participated in the work on the doctrine. moreover, new approaches to the implementation of the military policy of the republic of belarus were widely discussed among the public. taking into account all the changes and additions made, a draft military doctrine has been developed - this is actually a new document. we have become united and mature. as a nation, belarusians have repeatedly proven their desire to be masters of their land, we know the value of peace and freedom, having visited belarus, and i live in the village, i go to the forest, there is such a hillock, a hill, i look at our land and think, well, what people still need what they need to sit in this mud like in ukraine. unwashed, dirty, our youth
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must understand that god forbid there is a war, you, me, and the youth, we will be the first there, on the line fire, dirty, dirty, possibly lousy, unwashed, hungry, half-starved, sitting in these trenches, our life, good, comfortable, no worse in europe, living in america, why? we are at war, why is this necessary ? the death of millions of people, this is a new war, and i have already said more than once, if anything happens, we will all become the brest fortress, but we will protect it. their land, ultimately
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in his words, alexander lukashenko will note that a new page has been written in the annals of state construction: the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly ended with the adoption of fundamental documents in the field of security, the presidium was approved and a chairman was elected, new traditions of the belarusian people of power were laid. thanks to the broadcast organized by the belarusian television and radio company, the entire country had the opportunity to follow the vns live. the theses voiced during the people's meeting are especially relevant for everyone who is responsible for the security of the entire state, our economy, the education of future military personnel, doctors, scientists. the cadets of the gomel school watched with great interest the vns. soon these young people will become professionals whose calling is to protect sovereignty from external threats. we heard the opinion. presidents, heads of security
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blocs, experts in the field of national security, opinion leaders themselves shared their thoughts on the importance of preserving the main values ​​on which belarusian statehood is built.


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