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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 3:10pm-3:26pm MSK

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this gradation of danger by stages of growth forms in our legislation the legal basis for response, without waiting for the moment when an attack on the republic of belarus is already inevitable and it is too late to act. an important innovation of the document is the inclusion in the list of military dangers of the possibility of opponents using military force against the republic of belarus even in peacetime . this is what we face today. incidents from our neighbors are not a military conflict, but they can become a catalyst for its outbreak, therefore and it is necessary to respond to them, first of all, with forceful measures of strategic deterrence. official minsk has repeatedly initiated global negotiations to establish transparent rules of mutual coexistence.
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is pushing aggressive narratives against the belarusian and russian states, increasing the degree of hostility of the nato bloc in our direction. we understand that the situation around belarus has been around since 2019, i’m not even talking about the attempted coup in 2020, but i’m talking about the so-called pandemic coronavirus, which everyone has pretty much forgotten about, but which has had a huge impact on the international security situation, the situation is extremely unfavorable.
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mechanisms, a lot of important things were said over these 2 days, determining the search for the right path for the further development and life of our country, the election of the chairman of the presidium, as well as the approval of the concept of national security and military doctrine of the republic of belarus, the most important and interesting things of the belarusian people's assembly we will collect for you bright . quotes from delegates' impressions and
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much more in the tv version of vns, watch belarus alone tomorrow at 19:45, the main event of the country on screens that cannot be missed. and we continue the dialogue with speakers in our on-site studio near the officers’ house. i give the floor to my colleagues victoria senkevich pavel lazovik. thank you, we accept the baton, a lot of important things have been said, and it’s interesting to discuss everything in detail with the guests, participant.
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time left its mark on it, the time is not easy, the time is very difficult from the point of view of the geopolitical situation, so yesterday in in the speech of president alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, geopolitics was in the spotlight, and today he once again laid out the details, brought up some details, which were then also supplemented by relevant ministers, heads of law enforcement agencies, in general, the concept of national security, which means our new defensive one. ..
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and in general that kind of general strategic vision of the situation, which was set out by the president, which was supplemented, in particular, by ivan, the leader. b in great detail, they say that we have enemies permanent ones, those who are in the camp of this classical west, which has always worked against us, will work, will work, and at the same time there are their fellow travelers, these are our very fugitives, supposedly oppositionists, although in fact the oppositionists also think about the fate of their homeland, but in their own way, and these people call for destruction, in fact, belarus acts as a fifth column of collaborators, whatever you want, but this...
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this is just aggression from within, this is the nurturing of certain individuals who work for foreign money, foreign grants, this is pumping up a certain ideology, which says that everything in your country is bad, everything is wrong, then on this mass the organization of unrest, the overthrow of the legitimate government, and then the plunder and destruction of the country, and the indoctrination of the youth, yes the youth, of course the president is here today , by the way , i said about this that, first of all, at the peak of everything there will be youth and...
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education and we are trying to keep up with the times, well, let's say, one of such good and significant moments that in general in the country is the naming of educational institutions , names of heroes, yes, for example, in the city of minsk, more than forty schools are named after heroes
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of the great patriotic war, but our school is so unique, because in our school, according to such a collegial decision of students and parents, and the teacher.
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he also promised that he would, last year we planted a whole alley with his participation, this year we will continue, this year all the children are on the eve, on may 9th we are waiting for a veteran in...
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information security, this is certainly the work of journalists - this is the most important work because it first starts with information onslaught, from an information war, an attempt to sow some kind of uncertainty in the minds of citizens, doubt, an attempt, an attempt to denigrate the head of state, significant persons, we are already seeing something, that is, we saw on the eve of the national assembly a very large number of publications with all sorts of defamatory information. relationships between famous people who have no basis in fact for these publications, so of course a modern
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journalist, so we are trying at the faculty of journalism, too, today to devote a lot of time and attention to education, we are trying to give journalists not only professional skills, how to write, how to film, how to edit, first of all, issues of understanding ideology, ideological processes, we organize meetings with various for... victoria, my colleagues work in the atn on-site studio near the officers' house. 489 journalists
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were accredited at the seventh all-belarus people's assembly. the media floor covering events from the palace of the republic is represented not only by allied and partner countries, but also by media from nato states. in addition, there is widespread use domestic and regional media such as information dissemination platforms such as the internet and social networks, which significantly increases the audience. on the first day, for example, talking with colleagues from the chinese media, i was told that belarus is a strategic partner for the prc in
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the region, we are connected by an iron brotherhood, and the chinese audience is interested in what is happening in our country, the personality of our president is interesting, they listen very carefully to what he says is also interesting in the implementation of such a form of people’s power as the vns. by the way, other foreign media, including russian ones, are paying close attention to this experience, which...


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