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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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i know the mood of the ukrainian military, they are already tired of this war, but they cannot take independent action, because behind president zelensky, who wants to fight to the last ukrainian, there are entire nato troops and the entire western european bloc and the united states of america, the situation is very serious, but if now in my opinion.
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go to negotiations, ukraine will lose its statehood over time and may cease to exist. in ukraine today we need peace, evidence of this is the flight of more or less healthy people, healthy ukrainians from the country, so as not to end up at the front. nobody wants to fight today. therefore, we must move towards peace. given the current realities, the country's national security system cannot remain unchanged. the concept of national security and the military doctrine of the republic of belarus are key documents that will help maintain peace on our land. nobody wants to fight today, so today everyone needs peace. experts from...
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members of the republican party of labor and justice. hello. hello. good afternoon, fateful decisions have been made, both the military doctrine and the concept of national security are unanimous. lyudmila eduardovna, let's start with you. how do you assess whether the supreme national assembly has succeeded in becoming this link in the system of checks and balances? yes, of course, the all-belarusian people's assembly acquired new functions, and the delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly.
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our borders, therefore it is necessary to act, and the public demand is precisely for evolutionary development, which is what the chapter was about yesterday state spoke, it also concerns the concept of national security, all those constitutional innovations that were enshrined in the 2022 referendum, they have found their development in the concept of national security, first of all , this is that the strategic national interests of the republic of belarus, to the strategic national interests ...
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added that the belarusian people are the object of protection as a unique historical entity, and the only source of state power is... the key moment, then such innovations as electoral sovereignty, the essence of which is that all attempts from the outside to influence the electoral processes in the post-election, that is, the assessment, in principle, our elections were held normally, but no one recognized the results, and after that it was attempts to break society, because this is an excuse, yes, it’s just an excuse, it’s just an excuse and proven mechanisms that worked in other countries, but it didn’t work in belarus. yesterday the head of state said very clearly that in order to resist, we need to be strong, that is, to create such a security system so that we can
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fight back with the very essence of national security, together with political measures, this will of course be sobering, plus we see that elements of nuclear containment and deployment.
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they simply take the form of either risks, or challenges, or have already directly formed as threats, potential or independence must be preserved in every possible way, preferably without war, addressed to each of us. lyudmila eduardovna, when communicating with people in the field of medicine, again, do everyone today understand the importance in every place of their role in protecting common peace on earth, in their native land. i think that by now everyone has already understood this.
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those biological laboratories that are actively developing along the entire spectrum of our border, including in the post-soviet space, they pose a serious threat, a serious danger to people, so this needs to be done. protection mechanisms, and this can be done not only by specialized institutions, organizations, but at the state level, system level, when the protection mechanism, it is not for nothing that the concept enshrines the fact that every citizen participates in ensuring national security, including military deterrence measures, that is, what is enshrined in the military doctrine, it also contributes to the protection provided.
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those actions that take place outside the republic of belarus, that without a working economy no issues can be resolved, neither military, nor social, nor medical, nor biological, so this is very important, therefore, we are expanding the range, yes, we, depending on the sanctions that apply to us, we had to rebuild logistics, we had to modernize our production, another line of products somewhere.
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for many years, belarus was generally among the top global arms exporters, this trend continues now, despite all the so-called sanctions and restrictions, but of course, now it has become the most important priority for us - this is equipping our own armed forces, other formations, and here we feel quite confident, although
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serious government resources are allocated for this, we view this as... they use completely peaceful civilian areas, such as control systems, for example, metering electricity flows, and a number
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of others, so the same drones that now they have predominantly. military purpose, military orientation, i am sure that we will already see their large-scale use in civilian life for the delivery of goods to remote areas, postal items and so on, and i believe that this in fact, this militarization, of course, diverts funds and resources from some other areas, but at the same time it is a forced step, we are forced to maintain parity.
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military doctrine, they will be fully provided with the necessary weapons, but naturally, as we have repeatedly emphasized today, we very much hope that we will never have to use them in practice, but will use, as i already said, the peaceful effect of these developments, but just in case we will always be fully armed, a new direction has appeared in the concept of national security - this is biosafety, biothreats, you head the biosafety council, after all, as needed...
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this is the desire to find harmonious coexistence in a multipolar world and not depend on the pressure and hegemony of some
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centers of power, therefore belarus quite naturally wants to integrate into these processes , it is doing this successfully, the fact that we quite quickly completed the procedures for membership in the sco suggests that we are welcome there, they are ready to see us, and these countries and the leaders of these blocs share ours...
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in the work of those institutions that have already been created, but the process of creating brix has not yet been completed, more and more countries are talking about their participation in it, we are watching this, we share the values ​​of brix, perhaps in some then we will become participants in this association, but for now we are concentrating on our work within the framework of the shanghai cooperation organization, in the concept of national security, also of course especially... we are already talking about shipbuilding, maybe there
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are some other ambitious plans? in fact there are many areas where mutual efforts are being made, these are joint developments in the field of microelectronics, machine tool building, and engine building. we have identified, together with russia, lists of critical technologies that we need to master in order to replace those that we used previously, so in each of these areas well, specific projects, commercial agreements are being developed, i think that we...
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right now, at this very moment today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the most active work will continue to develop joint projects, we, as i already said, have achieved enormous success in the field of transport, because what belarus has done together with russia in less than a year and a half there, the transfer of such huge volumes of cargo flows, is worth a lot, and this probably equates to... such a big military operation, what we were able to do, now just recently there was information in the media that belarusian business entities have laid down and signed an agreement on the creation of a new port terminal already in the murmansk region with access to the northern sea route, this is all about is called diversification, because having gained access to the northern sea route, to
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the northern... events will develop around the baltic sea and so on, that is, belarusian shippers will have free access no matter what happens there to the pacific ocean through the northern sea route in the atlantic ocean, so these kinds of examples of our constructive, fruitful cooperation with russia, i am sure will continue to multiply and we will also...
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will weaken, decrease, we firmly understand, and our russian colleagues share us our point of view that we have learned our lesson, so now we will rely exclusively on our own strengths, therefore, everything that we , well, let’s say, somehow, being in some kind of prosperity, perhaps, postponed for the future, believed that the whole world is available to us, everyone is happy to make us happy.
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yes, thank you roman aleksandrovich and svetlana for the meaningful conversation. it is important for the state to ensure our safety. new military doctrine and concept of national security of belarus. in syria, iraq, palestine. like this peace today. and therefore, it means that we must somehow respond to a new combination of challenges, because in principle there were challenges before, but due to the fact that today there is no single regulatory structure that could stop them there, appeal some kind of military force, yes,
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that is, today we don’t have all this, and we are forced, as it were, to solve each of these problems not in combination, but separately. therefore , in the military doctrine, it means that we are laying down another option, like, say, the use of nuclear weapons, we previously had such weapons there wasn't, it was necessary. a little bit of modernity, but again, yes, we do not use them ourselves, these are russian nuclear weapons, the question is how to use them competently, that is , it is clear that we are not using them preventively, not the first, in response to something , then the question is what, that is, is this some kind of joint russian-belarusian threat, a threat to kaliningrad, a threat to belarus, a threat to our western territories, that is, it is clear that our allied group will use these weapons, well, how? well again we're talking about hypothetical application, and not just application, this is a new factor that is being introduced into our military doctrine, of course, the military explains that look, there is such an action, we will act like this, again, what they show us, for example , the modern conflict on the territory of ukraine, that is, today these offensive forces are being eroded, there are no longer large offensive groups, as there were in 1941, tank wedges, blitz krieg, no, today it is the task at the expense of
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drones, to somehow ungroup the forces as much as possible, to blur them so that they are not visible, and the question is how to use nuclear weapons in such new conditions, and how to make this an effective deterrent factor, these are all not easy things, it is clear that in in the military doctrine, such frameworks are written... let's say, the conditions for the use of the same weapons there, but the military, of course, they study practice, so in order to consolidate, say, a strategy for the future there for five years, you need to take a very, very good look at the current local conflicts , look, the conflicts there date back to 401 or 1818, or even angola, afghanistan, these are completely different types of conflicts, so today we are also on the threshold of some kind of change in the technological structure of the military conflict, all this must also be fixed military doctrine, and of course -
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belarus is not building an offensive strategy , but concentrates exclusively on the defense of the country. this was stated by the secretary of state of the security council while talking to reporters. alexander volfovich noted, the documents are open and public, and this is an example to the world. clear analysis. situation in the world , the concept of national security, precisely sets out those challenges, threats in the sphere of national security, which today threaten not only belarus, but also the world as a whole, determines strategic national interests, what it is necessary to live and
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exist for, the main national interests, in one of the chapters reveals the measures that need to be taken, as we see, to neutralize these challenges, without these challenges developing into threats national security, so as not to cross these red lines, what... are you talking about. alexander volfovich also added that active work is currently underway on the doctrine of the union state. the document has been completed and discussions are currently underway. later they will appear on the table of the leaders of belarus and russia. the secretary of state of the security council also spoke about the escalation of the situation in our region. not only germany is transferring, but poland is declaring on its territory that let’s deploy nuclear weapons on our territory. why are there nuclear weapons today? territories. europe, in general, eastern europe, there are only american ones, more than 150 warheads, which they are improving today, why even more, remember, look at the lessons of kheroshima and nagasaki, bombs, which are several times smaller in volume than the wasted
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equivalent, have claimed so many lives that it will , if we apply this today on the territory of neighboring states, there will be no one left, america is far away, and europe will be wiped off the face of the earth, both appetite and activity. and mortars, 235 airplanes and helicopters. only in poland and there are up to 20 thousand nato soldiers in the baltic states. in total , more than 60.5 us military personnel and over 30 thousand nato soldiers are permanently based in western europe. at the end of january, the alliance launched its largest exercise in recent decades in the baltic countries, poland and germany. about 90 thousand military personnel will take part in the maneuvers, about 50.
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and, as always, at the top all over the world, so that we are respected, appreciated, and feared. the approval of conceptual documents in the field of defense and security at the all-belarusian people's assembly is an important stage in development our political system. and only through joint efforts in the current difficult conditions of the international situation can moscow and minsk analyze threats. the editor-in-chief of national defense magazine shared this opinion with our channel.
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the united states, plus american military bases, lithuania is doing the same, inciting and warming up.
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what is really happening, to provide alternative information to those thousands of media that, let's be honest, have not been democratic for a long time, work for the collective the west, this... first, second - to convey our position abroad, which is what we are basically doing, today’s modern war is impossible without an information war, we see that when they want to invade a country, information preparation begins, it can to carry on for months, years, plus a fifth column, plus an attempt to split it from the inside,
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because no one wants to attack so easily, you must first split it from the inside, and then do it, so these documents are the most important. much important was said during these 2 days that determine the search for the right path for the future life and development of the country, the election of the chairman of the presidium, as well as the approval of the concept of national security and military doctrine of the republic of belarus. we will collect the most important and interesting things from the all-belarus national assembly for you. bright quotes, impressions of delegates and much more in the tv version.
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and the slogan of the national belarusian assembly sounds exactly like this, that is, we will not let you down, our generation will stand in defense of our country. thanks to the live broadcast the work of the supreme national assembly was followed throughout the country;
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cadets of the military academy should also be aware of political guidelines, especially when it comes to security issues, because today, from the platform of the people’s assembly , the main approaches of the state to ensuring its own security in various areas were heard, taking into account. how the situation in the world is changing, what response measures need to be taken, over many years the military organization of our country has been formed and constantly improved, its basis is the belarusian army, and today we have everything constituent components in order to carry out tasks in both peacetime and wartime . across the country, work collectives also followed the progress of the all-belarusian people's assembly at the grodno milk processing plant. this is the largest producer of dairy products in belarus, the high quality of the product
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is confirmed by international certificates; in addition to the domestic market, more than half of the products are exported to more than 20 countries around the world. we are proud that our leader, general director marina evgenevna nikeeva, represents our team of two thousand at this forum, this is not only an honor, of course, it is a great responsibility, because a huge amount of work lies ahead, the decision of this forum is already a legislative act in the republic of belarus. the dairy industry is a key sector in the industrial security of our country. our enterprise is a modern enterprise that is increasing its capacity, creating new jobs, we are all one team, each of us working at our own workplace. be it production, departments contribute. the company has big plans to expand its product range and develop new markets.
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the social orientation of the state for belarus is already a kind of brand; housing, medicine, education have always been a priority in all regions of the country. this strategy was chosen, among other things, by the national social service; in order for the social sphere to develop, the economy must work successfully. numerous. projects and new production facilities made it possible to produce competitive products and enter promising markets. for example, in in the grodno region, the growth rate of industrial production over 5 years amounted to 126%. what we have managed to do over the years, report by yuri kornilovich. hot galvanizing of metal products is a complex, knowledge-intensive process. with the support of the national academy of sciences, it was mastered at this lithuanian enterprise. export production. more than half of orders come from abroad. innovative developments of domestic scientists and constant modernization allow us to compete with
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leading european enterprises. to keep surplus markets find new customers, we have expanded the range of services. this applies to hot-dip galvanizing with subsequent passivation, thermal diffusion galvanizing, this is the finishing of galvanized products, packaging according to customer requirements, as well as delivery of the finished product. to the customer. private business is also actively developing, with multimillion-dollar investments in production, the creation of competitive products and access to new markets. for the whey processing plant in shchuchin, today this is the result of serious work. among the buyers are partners from southeast asia, south america and africa. we want to double our production capacity and literally in 2-2 years deliver another almost identical one. a plant on the territory of our enterprise, everything for this component exists in our country , it is clear that
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logistics have become very expensive, but in any case we are finding an economy in order to be competitive and sell goods somewhere of even better quality than the europeans , investments in the economy gave a new impetus to the development of the grodno region, within fulfilling the instructions of the head of state, one district, one project, 18 business ideas are being implemented at once. over the past 5 years, a number of significant projects have been implemented.
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we can offer the use of a sports ground, the music school of the city of grodno, and our creativity centers also organize leisure activities for children here. the medical field is also a priority. a regional oncology center is being built in grodno, and at the university clinic artificial intelligence is helping to make accurate diagnoses, and regional ones are not lagging behind. the surgical theater at the litskaya hospital has been completely restored. building, mri and ct machines are purchased, thanks to which the diagnosis of diseases reaches a new level. level, and, of course, specialists. lida doctors have performed a number of unique operations over the past year. in recent years, we were the first in the region to perform
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laparoscopic surgery on the bile ducts. we are now the leader in hip replacement. focus on walking distance to medical care. mobile dispensaries are operating in rural areas; they have been put into operation in the alshanka microdistrict of the regional center modern clinic for services. almost 17,000 people, an adult department, this is a general practice department, this is a surgical department, a rehabilitation department, a physiotherapy department, an antenatal clinic, that is, in this way we can provide a full range of services for the working population, an excellent clinic, wonderful people serve, the doctors are very attentive, everything young, all professionals in their field, very convenient pediatrics nearby on site.
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questions about the deployment of nuclear weapons are being discussed in poland, dictator duda believes that warsaw has the right to apply for participation in the nuklering program. which involves the joint use of such weapons, while the idea looks completely over-the-top, dudu shch felt it necessary to correct the example of tusk. according to him, careful preparation should be made before such initiatives are announced. secretary general nato stultenberg also rejected the possibility of deploying nuclear missiles in poland. duda, however, continues to persist. he understands perfectly well that the transfer of missiles changes the geopolitical
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balance in europe. yes, poland’s role is definitely will grow, but also. the danger of nuclear war will become much greater. the polish authorities, however, are ready to take the risk; the chances of turning into nuclear ash are great, but before that it will be possible to seal the fate of the planet for some time. according to duda, it's worth it. a couple of weeks ago , 100 ms attack missiles were secretly transferred to the ukrainian side, writes the new york times. moreover, they have reportedly already been used. allegedly, this was precisely the weapon .
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a lot, but less than last year and the year before. no saving traditional values, one cannot talk about demographic security; this is an integral part of the documents adopted at the supreme national assembly. today, the state and statehood are formed not only by legislative bodies, but by every citizen of the country, from worker to manager. time is so intense that, for example, the concept.
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this is a question for everyone, without exception, members of our society, everyone must do their job on the ground, everyone must do everything to ensure that our country is peaceful and prosperous. poland and the baltic countries they are purposefully turning it into a nato springboard, and we are not talking about defense, about repelling some kind of aggression. the emphasis is on building up the strike and offensive potential of the alliance and expanding the military presence on the eastern flank of the bloc. chairman of the supreme council alexander lukashenko. today i spoke in detail about the military-political situation in the region. the head of state drew attention to the fact that there will be no aggressive actions from the territory of belarus against the polish state of the people. we don't need this. the tense situation remains in the southern borders of belarus. the border on the ukrainian side is completely mined. there is 24/7 intelligence activity against our country. there is a high probability of provocations.


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