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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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on explosive weapons regularly travel to combat training centers located in the city of kosiv, ivano-frankivsk region, in the settlements of vorzel, kiev region, berezhenka, kirovograd region of ukraine. similar events are practiced in poland, in particular from january 12 to 14 of this year on the territory of an abandoned children's camp in the suburbs of warsaw. in the village of pogazel, mozovetsky voivodeship, a so -called winter road took place, during which up to a hundred militants led by instructors, who gained combat experience in ukraine, improved interaction when carrying out acts of terror and sabotage on the territory of belarus. in lithuania and poland , radicals are producing combat drones to strike critical targets on the territory of the republic of belarus.
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at closed meetings, under the auspices of the polish authorities, the creation of the so-called belarusian liberation army, a umbrella structure for all extremist and terrorist organizations that have found refuge in this state, is seriously discussed. neighboring lithuania became a base in vilnius harugva, where, under the leadership of the radicals emelyanovich, shylygin and anatsky, they were in direct contact with the lithuanians. belarus caches of weapons, explosives, and other means of destruction. the state security committee, in collaboration with colleagues and from other law enforcement agencies, has recently carried out a number of acute security operations.
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and sabotage, the deployment of sabotage groups, agents of the ukrainian special services with the aim of committing terrorist attacks in belarus and russia became everyday life for employees of border service, internal affairs and state security agencies. in 2023 and the past period of this year alone , more than 40 channels for the transfer of weapons, explosives and other means of destruction from ukraine to belarus were stopped. cache equipped by the ukrainian special services. in derzhinsky and
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chervensky districts of the minsk region. residents of the ukrainian special services from among the residents of drogichensky, loevskaya, loevsky and other areas with a total number of about 20 people were eliminated. for assistance ukrainian intelligence services, espionage and terrorist activities.
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of particular concern is the policy of the ukrainian authorities, who have warmed up extreme radicals on their territory, from which the so-called belarusian volunteer corps, the kalinovsky regiment, the volod, terror, litvin and others battalions were formed. the militants of these formations, which , i emphasize, is reliably known to the intelligence services of the neighboring state, harbor intentions of an armed invasion of the territory of belarus with seizure. one of
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the border settlements and by moving there the occupation administration prepared abroad. according to the committee, only a few took place on the territory of ukraine. almost each of the radicals, as a result of the theft of weapons transferred to them by the ukrainian authorities, has two or three caches of weapons, and from time to time they make attempts to transfer them to the republic of belarus. all these persons, their plans are known to the committee, in the fight against terrorism, action across...
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sectors of the economy, to completely block passenger and cargo flows across the border. direct quote from one of the fugitive extremists in poland. we have only two options, war and hunger riot. in order to stand up in this truly fateful confrontation for our country, it will require the consolidation of the entire society, the mobilization of all available potential, the selfless work of each of those present in the hall for the sake of the prosperity
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of the belarusian state of the people. dear comrade president, delegates of the meeting. conclusions from the events of 2020, as well as the situation in ukraine. we have done, lessons have been learned, systemic response measures have been taken, we will not allow a repetition of such events in our country, we are ready for any...
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but believe me, colossal resources are being diverted, those police, security officers, partly the military, whom we sometimes, especially the police, begin to reserve, they have long been in full combat readiness, they are working , we are diverting enormous resources to contain, especially sabotage.
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nitratyl, plastid, to resist this, frankly, is almost 100% impossible. imagine, these are hundreds of explosives, even without people, we cannot cope with this, we carried out many operations thanks to. support people, they helped us, they saw someone somewhere, suggested it, and we
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quickly found these bastards, so pay attention to this, the fact that they are forming these groups today, we have been observing the development of this situation outside for a long time, we ran there, oh, we’ll live richly, well, live, listen, who will hire them? those who fled were mostly not poor, here they were used to working at a good job, and there, well, you want, wash the dishes, or something else, not everyone got a job, but what to do, the secret services quickly told them with american and other countries’ money, german, french, english, they all work there, they collected money. showed: take a gun, train, go into belarus,
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russia, blow it up, we’ll give money for it and they control it very tightly, plus for information and psychological operations, as i told you yesterday, kill the president, children, families, whoever is closest, security forces, everything by... blow, money will be allocated for this, but the main thing is armed struggle, they are trained, weapons, a goal, at least to capture some, i don’t know why they chose the kobrin district, a lot they are talking about this there, to seize the kobrin region, but it is not on the border itself, there is one closer to the border, no, the kobrin region, we will seize it, we will declare power, we will turn to nato, we will send in troops.
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what remains are traitors and bandits, the second ranks will be nato troops, we also understand this very well, that’s why belarusians are being created. volunteer corps, this is different from the kolenovites, these harugvi are being created there, look what happened on the belgorod border, i know this in detail, about 300 people, now they are telling the russians that these are not ukrainians there they attacked populated
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areas in the belgorod region, this is not a ukrainian unit, this is a russian volunteer corps. and next to him were warriors from the belarusian volunteer corps, but the fact that there were thousands of super-trained soldiers, they had gurs, the most trained saboteurs and stormtroopers, they don’t talk about this, yes, there were representatives of the so-called russian volunteer corps, but there were. belarusian volunteers, chechens, georgians and many others, mercenaries, but the vast majority are trained military ukraine, but they say, we are not us, it is not us, it is yours who went there to liberate russia from
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putin, reading belarus from lukashenko.
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criminal liability, someone will bear, you cannot work in these networks and computers, you already have to bear the computer and so on for this, take paper and write so that the carriers are ordinary paper, as it was once before, if you cannot work in networks. i want to consult with you, we still have 45 minutes of work. will we take a break? no, we are working. okay, let's continue discussing our questions, concepts of national security and military doctrine. who else would like to perform? please, vadim, please.
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sovereign soviet belarus, the opelsutsy sent bulakhites, savenkovtsy, green oak to us, created the same subversive centers, 80 years ago they liberated belarus, carried out the bogration operation, the dalwitz battalion under the leadership of the ss, again subversive centers, they are all now with these kolenists and kharugei in they act as heroes, nothing, our ancestors won then, they are won now. let me consider the concept of national security, here’s another aspect, before us is not only fundamental. a military-political, even socio-economic document, but an ideological one. in this sense, the concept develops the meanings that were embedded in
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the text of the constitution, which we adopted in a referendum on february 27, 2022. first of all, this is an affirmation of the value basis of our society. these same strategic national interests are the postulates that should form the basis of the belarusian ideology.
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ideological nature of the concept is also highlighted by the clear definition of the formation of unfavorable factors in the sphere of ideological and political confrontation as threats to national security. among them, i will quote, this is important: the adherence of individual states to the neo-nazi ideological path, the radicalization of the political regimes of a number of states in conjunction with their enshrinement in their national legislation...
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the minister of defense spoke about this today in relation to the military doctrine, and this, by the way, , distinguishes our concept and military doctrine from what is accepted in nato countries. they directly identify their opponents, first of all, china and the russian federation, but they are already adopting political documents, you know, with what unfriendly assessments regarding our country. and, by the way, they rattle not only in documents, here is lithuania nearby, well, a small country, they command the army. already a four-star general, as in wartime conditions, in fact. belarus has been and remains a donor of international regional security, and achieving this state
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is possible only if there is internal cohesion, strengthening of popular consent for the protection of our traditional values. we talked about public discussion here today, i will say this as the head of the belarusian knowledge society. we participated. in organizing this process he was really interested, not formally, not for show; our citizens paid attention primarily to the ideological component of the concept of national security and those proposals that were introduced were taken into account, and we are grateful in this regard to the state secretariat, they were filled with this ideological content. dear delegates, the concept is aimed at protecting each of us, that which is dear to you and me, at strengthening the security of our native and beloved belarus.
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i ask you to support the drafting of the concept of national security, which is being submitted to the all-belarusian people's assembly today. and i can’t help but use this platform. yesterday the president of the republic of belarus signed decree number 174 on everyday life. competition for 2023 for the inclusion of regional enterprises on the republican board of honor. in the field of culture, the winners were the gomel regional museum of military glory, the palace of the republic and the national library of belarus. dear alexander grigorievich, in the year of quality, in the days of the all-belarusian people's assembly, this is a huge trust. we won't let you down. i have elena bronislager signed up, will she perform?
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yes, please.
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this is the well-being of the family, the future of the children and grandchildren. unfortunately, maintaining peace is impossible without readiness for war. everyone knows the expression: if you want peace, prepare for war. that is why in the republic of belarus close attention is paid to fulfilling the sacred duty, defending the homeland, people, land with arms in hand. it is impossible to overestimate the role of people in uniform in... the daily military work of the military allows , in the event of a threat to belarus, to repel the enemy, to preserve the most valuable thing, peace on our land, to expel him from our territory. i am a mother, the mother of a son who dreams of a military profession in the future. today i want to speak out on behalf of women, especially women-mothers. we,
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mothers. of course, we understand that serving in the army involves a risk to life, but this is inevitable, at the same time we are calm, we feel the support of the state, we know that our experiences will be heard, even the most important thing, taken into account. this is evidenced by the most important component of the continuity of military doctrine, the peace-loving military policy of our country, and the main merit in this, of course, belongs to the head of our state. dear alexander grigorievich, thanks to your competent, well-considered policy, today we live in a peaceful, calm, peace-loving, friendly country,
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all of us. military efforts are aimed only at maintaining peace in the world. we have not claimed and will not claim foreign territories, which means that our children will not fight on foreign lands, they will serve here on our land in the name of a peaceful and prosperous republic of belarus. and if necessary, i’m sure they will come to her defense. this was confirmed by the corresponding.
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buzin nikolay evgenievich, deputy of the chamber, representatives of the national assembly of the republic of belarus, dear comrade president, dear participants of today's forum, the planet has currently entered a hot stage of world reorganization. we are witnessing the formation of new centers of the power of loss. western political influence. all this leads to an increase in the number and intensity of armed conflicts, the transformation of interstate confrontation and the increasing importance of military power. today the emphasis is on unmanned
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weapons on new physical principles. artificial intelligence space systems. mental and cyber weapons. tactical nuclear weapons. there is no doubt. that the level of military danger will not decrease in the near future. belarus will be forced to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and we, dear friends, will have to do this. it is for this purpose that the military doctrine of the republic of belarus is being revised. it should be emphasized that the document does not imply fundamental changes in the provisions of the state’s military policy. retains peace-loving rhetoric and a defensive orientation, this has already been said, it clarifies the panetian apparatus and the essence of the military doctrine. it is considered as a system of views on
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maintaining international peace and security, ensuring the military security of the state. during the assessment of the military-political situation , the sources of threats to belarus were clearly identified. these are... the usa, nato, poland and the baltic countries. it is noted that the aggressive nature of the military policy of western countries is no longer masked by language about exclusively defensive orientation of their military doctrines. in national and collection documents, the emphasis is on global and regional dominance. western politicians include the republic of belarus.
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the doctrine emphasizes that the republic of belarus is ready to build relations with all countries of the world without exception on the basis of mutual trust and peaceful coexistence. priorities have been identified within the framework of the union
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state, the csto, the cis, and other interstate organizations. emphasis is placed on ensuring military security and defense it is defense that we always do. we are talking about this precisely from the pages of the doctrine, the country declares that it does not accept the expansion of nato and the militarization of the state, this is a conceptual position. enshrined and enshrined by us in law. the document contains a number of innovations, including strategic deterrence and defense preparation. features of the use of military force and the implementation of non-military measures. operating in the information space and mental sphere. clarification of the structure of the system for ensuring military security and providing defense in the country of a national character. and this is our achievement. in general, the new military doctrine
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is deeply developed, a document that meets the situation, reflecting the national system of views on maintaining international peace, ensuring military security and armed defense of the state, it fully complies with modern and future requirements, takes into account the achievements of the theory and practice of military science, remaining a document preserving peace, and not... belarus declares that it does not accept forceful dictatorship, but is always open to equal rights dialogue, has no complaints against anyone, but is ready to defend its own sovereignty and the path of development chosen by the people. this is precisely the essence of the updated military doctrine, which is presented for discussion at the high assembly. i ask you to support the document in the proposed form. thank you, nikolai
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evgenievich, well, i wrote down who signed up with me, they performed, are there anyone else who wants to speak, no, there are no people who want to speak, so we are going according to plan. "we need to accept or reject the concept of national security and the military doctrine of the belarusian state, we will vote separately on these issues before we start voting, i remember in the media, especially on television, speeches by individual delegates. who were talking about, well, let’s come,
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we’ll play sports, fight for sports, we’ll repair fences and roofs, it turns out that there are more serious issues here, this should also be a field of vision, your field of vision, but you will have to deal with strategic issues that are the most important for our countries, we accept this calmly, there is some concern. wariness in connection with the ukrainian events, the fact that saboteurs are being dropped there and so on, while we are resisting, well, we are more or less relaxed, we are freely discussing these issues, but the situation can change at any moment, god forbid, god forbid, then this there should be no relaxation, it will disappear, i promise you that. already as president, so don’t relax,
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the most important thing is for us not to relax, he’s belarus, it’s been twenty years, someone is training someone, the devil knows, it’s far away, dear friends, not far, everything is quite nearby, so it’s better to know and prepare in advance, this is the main thing, also... i’m appealing to you, carefully look through and read those documents that someone may have glanced at, contact them, maybe you’ll find something like this, not so or to add, you can always inform the delegates, especially through the secretariat, it will soon be formed in full, not large, but you can always apply, you can apply,
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please, who is against? no, they abstained, if someone abstained, it was better. hug and we saw, or someone is against, no, not so that we can see, but so that we can record, this is what i told you about, there is no need to be afraid, and against, refrain, you and the owners, you have your opinion, as i understand it,
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igor, everyone, unanimously, congratulate you. now the issues of doctrine, the military doctrine of the belarusian state, we also, whoever wanted, spoke, read, discussed and before that i put it to a vote, who is in favor of approving the military doctrine of the belarusian state, i ask you to vote, who is against? abstained, there are none, as i understand it, no, it was adopted unanimously, one more small
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question, i think we will be informed very quickly, democracy must be complete democracy, so as not to expose us later not...
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each of us. for the first time in history, today the life of the supreme national assembly depends on the decision-making and approval of the concept of national security and military doctrine. the most important event is being actively discussed by experts and political scientists. today the world is unstable and we are breaking up back into small regional blocks, where each block caught up in some kind of local conflict. this is the reality of the war in ukraine today, the reality of the war in syria.
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this will be a little modern, but again, yes, we do not use them ourselves, these are russian nuclear weapons, the question is how to use them competently, that is, it is clear that we are not using them preventively, not the first, in response to something , then the question is what, that is , is this some kind of joint russian-belarusian threat, a threat to kaleningrad, a threat to belarus, a threat to our western territories, that is, it is clear that our allied group will use this weapon, well, here’s how, but again, we are talking about a hypothetical use, and not just use, this is a new factor that is introduced into our military doctrine, of course,
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always by whom, well, not exactly who it turned out to be, but let us consider that we have not yet reached the pinnacle of our work, i promise that we will, the work is completed.
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in a modern, very dangerous and turbulent world. during the days of the work of the supreme national assembly, we laid the legal foundation for our security. this is the key to fulfilling the wishes of millions of belarusians. i am confident that the decisions made will serve as a lasting the basis for preserving the belarusian people as a unique historical community and increasing the national heritage created.
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they listen to us, use this trust for the benefit of the prosperity of our native land,
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strengthen your authority with deeds, support people’s initiatives, help them unite for this, remember, our veche, the all-belarusian people’s assembly does not replace state bodies and does not interfere. in their activities, the all-belarusian people's assembly is, of course, a political institution, as many of you noted yesterday in your interviews in the media, this is the platform where everyone is present, from an ordinary simple villager, a worker, to the head of state, where we must discuss: the main strategic issues of orienting our society, which path to take and develop ,
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the vns must not be allowed to turn into a bureaucratic apparatus. people need to be conveyed that the competence of the supreme council is exclusively on global issues, strategy, how we will live further, how we will develop, on what values? we will raise children and build our social relations, everyday issues, building houses, repairing roads, roofs, fences have been and will remain within the competence of the entire vertical government, and we will not turn a blind eye to them, including you delegates, but in any matters, in big ones and small, we all need to be guided by national interests. solve problems in a state manner, not allow opportunistic approaches, we will be a true national front,
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there is a little of it... no one else will do this for us, because time has chosen us, i declare the first meeting of the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly closed.
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this is a consistent policy of sovereign belarus. the concept of national security and military doctrine of the republic of belarus. key documents were approved today on the second day of the all-belarus people's assembly. before making such a decision, the chairman of the supreme council, alexander lukashenko,
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dwelt in detail on the military-political situation in europe. training grounds, advanced bases are created for the advance placement and storage of equipment, weapons and materiel. we record this not only thanks to space reconnaissance, but on the ground. it is obvious that the territory of poland and the baltic countries is purposefully turning into a military springboard for its possible use
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by nato. that is, almost everything has been done to... prepare the leadership of the alliance for the decision to use military force, including extreme military force. based on the level of military danger in the region, the armed conflict on the territory of ukraine deserves special attention. taking into account current realities, we must understand that the support system national security in belarus objectively cannot remain unchanged. a new topic will appear in it.
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usa, the allocation of 60 billion dollars for the war by the united states of america is the most important factor in the escalation of the conflict in ukraine. long-range missiles were allocated. on the other hand, the president added: the russian army is equipped with new weapons and has large reserves in each brigade. in fact, military russia is moving forward, but very slowly.
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as our people say, a kind of tsuktswank was formed. not them, ukrainians, not russians. yes, there is movement, but not the movement we would like. a stalemate situation, which in this situation, as i understand it, i always propose, would need to be done, the most serious, more than ever during this war , a convenient situation, so to speak, for peace, for concluding a peace treaty, but for starting interrupted negotiations, always they have to start somewhere, it would be possible to start. with the istanbul agreements, this does not mean that as a result of the negotiations these initialed by the parties will be accepted or included even in the basis of the peace treaty
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agreements, no, but you can start with them and move forward, of course, this will not be a peace treaty, copies of these agreements, the peace treaty will be different, but you can start with this, this is what we agreed on before... we worked out three rounds of istanbul, round of negotiations, what they came to, i already said yesterday, all the military, heads of western intelligence services, politicians, heads of state are already publicly talking about how putin’s victory cannot be allowed, well, if you insist on this, that this is impossible, then this is the moment for negotiations like me...
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moreover, if proposals that are unacceptable before negotiations are put forward, this means that the country that puts forward them is not ready to negotiate. i know the mood of the ukrainian military, they are already tired of this war. but they cannot take independent action, because behind president zelensky, who wants to fight to the last ukrainian, are entire nato troops. and the entire western european bloc and the united states of america. the situation is very serious, but if now, in my opinion, it’s not...


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