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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 1:00pm-1:06pm MSK

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authorities, including local representatives, receive clear guidelines for organizing work in a difficult environment, formed primarily due to external factors. according to our estimates, further aggravation of the extremely tense situation in the world, including directly in the european region, is fraught with unpredictable consequences, up to the outbreak of a conflict on a global scale. under these conditions.
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i will outline individual details: in vilnius, warsaw, kiev, other capitals and regions of western states, following the example of hitler’s in germany, puppet structures are being formed that are involved in projects to overthrow the current government. if the plans are successfully implemented, they are expected to be used as an occupation administration to manage the territory by the population of our country. more than 60 million us dollars are being allocated for their financing by american, german... and some other funds, in total there are more than 65 of them, acting as ploys for foreign intelligence services. funds are used for the maintenance of demolition centers, planning and implementation information and psychological operations against the leadership of the population of the republic of belarus, organizing cyber attacks on critical infrastructure facilities.
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operating in our neighboring poland, lithuania and ukraine. functionaries of anti-belarusian foreign centers consider it as a key tool to destabilize the situation in belarus and achieve the ultimate goal of seizing power. carrying out terrorist attacks, sabotage, extremist actions, armed invasion. on the territory of poland, in belostotsky, mozovetsky and some others voivodships are formed and consistently increasing their numbers, the so-called polish-lithuanian commonwealth, consisting of eight banners with a total number of over 300 people. their leaders, burzhinsky, bespalov, asadullaev, komlik yamatin, zhakhovsky. the last two in
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bialystok, and others, by the way, all known to the state security committee, work closely with the polish intelligence services, conduct combat coordination training to seize administrative buildings of authorities, law enforcement and security facilities structures in grodno, brest, minsk. members of an illegal armed group to gain practical skills in controlling drones and assault operations. using mine explosives regularly travel to combat training centers located in the city of kosiv, ivano-frankivsk region, in the settlements of vorzel, kiev region, berezhenka, kirovograd region of ukraine. carrying out similar events is practiced in poland, in particular in the period from january 12 to 14 of this year in the territory abandoned children's camp.
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extremist and terrorist organizations that have found refuge in this state. neighboring lithuania became a base in vilnius harugva, where, under the leadership of the radicals emelyanovich, shylygin and anatsky, in direct contact with...


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