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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 12:00pm-12:11pm MSK

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risks, challenges, threats. at the same time, the document explains how this response should be carried out. fourth block: as a result of a comprehensive study of biosafety issues, biological safety in the document formed an independent sphere, taking into account all the global changes that cause modern biological threats. it should be taken into account that the events surrounding the special military operation in ukraine have increased the intensity of the discussion on biological weapons. and risks of functioning of western biological laboratories in sub-soviet countries, therefore, complex issues of ensuring biological safety are included in the relevant sections of the draft concept. thus, there are now nine security areas in the new document. fifth block: the system of indicators used to assess the state of national security has been revised. in the text of the concept itself, only the most basic indicators are named. since in each area
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of ​​national security, in each area, their list is quite wide. upon approval and acceptance by you in this document, it is planned to adjust and specify some of the indicators in the order of their assessment. the list of national security forces of belarus has also been clarified. separately, i would like to highlight the main changes that were made as a result of the implementation. public discussion of the concept on discussion platforms, they are targeted, but they allowed us to set priorities in a very meaningful way. thus, the concept took into account proposals received from the leaders of the main faiths, primarily from the belarusian orthodox church, from the belarusian women's union, the white russia party, the belarusian republican youth union, on additional protection of the traditional family, as a union of a woman and a man by birth. i'm sure this will provide additional benefits. protect the institution
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of the belarusian family, increase the efficiency of ensuring demographic security. following a meeting with activists of the federation of trade unions in belarus, regional executive committees, and labor collectives in the regions, the concept was supplemented with provisions on increasing the social responsibility of business and preventing disproportions in regional development, and a number of other points. in addition, we clarified certain provisions of the document in order to make it more clearly understandable for... the enterprise , not only for experts and scientists, but also for all categories of citizens. dear chairman, all belarusian people's assembly, dear delegates. we believe that the draft concept as a whole contains our common national interests and strategic priorities for further safe development. answers to questions about where we should go next in our development in all areas of our life activities, what kind of country we should all build together, how to maintain peace.
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you introduce yourself immediately, delegate from the gomel region, chairman of the lelchesky district executive committee, dear comrade president, dear delegates of the all-belarus people's assembly, dear invitees, thank you for the opportunity to ask a question and i have a question from the borderland, we are really seeing the negative that... is happening among our southern neighbors,
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we see their manifestation of unfriendly actions towards our country, well, for example, filling the information space, unfriendly actions on the territory on the border, as an example, just recently a counter-terrorist operation, ukrainian saboteurs were detained in our region, this operation was covered in detail in our media, we see today at a simple everyday level there are also problems with communication with our neighbors, while at the same time all this happens in a closed environment, almost behind the scenes, so there is no such moment of broad discussion as it is taking place here today, in in this regard, i have a question:
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to the secretary of state of the security council. please tell me how justified you think such an open, broad discussion of our national concept is today.
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in the creation and formation of such a document , the question was raised specifically about the concept of national security, that is , to assess the state of national security, determine our national interests and , accordingly, develop ways to protect these national interests. the first concept was adopted in 19095, it already had an open character, which in my opinion is absolutely correct and objective, all subsequent...
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we have security and peace, tranquility, so such documents, i repeat once again, they are, must be carried , in my understanding, open character, this demonstrates, firstly, how belarus, how the state assesses the foreign policy situation, how they are ready to react to it, how to defend their country, and demonstrates accordingly. probably contributes to the openness of these documents in destabilization of the situation not only in the european region, where belarus is located, but in the world as a whole, shows an example of openness and goodwill, although some accuse us of the opposite, but we demonstrate this, so these are documents that are open in nature, i
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think that contribute to maintaining peace and security, not only around belarus, but in the world as a whole, that’s how i understand it, thank you, thank you for your answer. good afternoon, elizaveta gennadievna basala, first secretary of the kaminetsky district committee public association brsm, brest region. dear secretary of state of the security council, today you spoke about holding discussion platforms. i would like to note that we really took an active part in this work. here in breshchina, together with you, these events aroused keen interest, i can say this in our kamenets district. the document turned out really interesting, it makes us think about the future, about how we will live in the future, whether we can do everything together is the future safe or not? and in this regard, i have a question: when developing a new edition of the national security concept,
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how far do you think you managed to look beyond the horizon, for what period is it designed? thank you for your question, it’s very nice that there are really young people, including yours. years have passed since the publication of the current concept of national security, and this is a document of truly strategic planning; such documents should look far beyond the horizon ahead, determine priorities for the development of our countries, working on the document, and the president was given such a task, do not cross out everything that has been developed in the current concept and, according to scientific analysts... some of the many provisions of the current concept of national security still exist today.


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