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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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it’s difficult, it’s difficult after yesterday, in connection with my speech, to still somehow strain to listen to my introduction to all these three questions. i believe that it would be wrong if the president did not express his opinion and did not provide you with complete information on the issues under consideration.
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national security, today we will have to hear reports from, as i already said, the secretary of state, the minister of defense and the chairman of the state security committee, before we are informed about how work was carried out on the documents, what fundamentally new provisions have been introduced, i, as promised the day before, will focus on the military-political situation in the eastern european region. we have prepared
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materials that are usually heard and discussed exclusively at the security council level in silence. at meetings with the president, closed meetings with the security bloc. but today we have to consider and adopt documents that define the strategy for countering risks and threats for the next decade, therefore, without unnecessary lyrics and emotions. acts on the table. listen, do conclusions, think, make decisions. you have heard more than once that the military-political situation in the region, and in the world as a whole, is assessed by politicians and experts as a crisis with preconditions for transition into a phase of global conflict. today we’ll talk about what forces and means are used to intensify threats to our national security. the main real
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risk is created by the hot spot in the region, of course, ukraine. washington is doing everything to drag our country into the conflict. launch the mechanism for involving other states, then there is a weakening of the western-eastern european regions. as for ukraine, you know a lot about it; i have addressed this issue more than once. however, two words about the situation today.
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as the bandits say, all these are plans, which are not plans, but the actions of the ukrainians, which indicate that the war is escalating, at the same time , the army of the russian federation is equipped with new weapons, there are reserves in each brigade. in the last negotiations in the kremlin, when we conducted them with vladimirovich putin, he invited the leadership of the general staff and law enforcement agencies, and the two of us simply listened to information about what was happening at the front. and i was very much surprised, in part , by the information that was reported by the chief of the russian general staff that they had created decent reserves in manpower and equipment. today, at the front, every brigade, there are many of them,
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russian, has reserves, at least in the form of a regiment, that is, if a brigade is at the front, in its rear... a regiment is deployed, armed with the most modern weapons, as for the front itself, they are marching very serious fights, like i said, russia is slow, 500 m, a kilometer, two or three in different areas in different ways, but every day, every day it moves forward. you know information about the liberation of some populated areas by russian troops.
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the most serious, more than ever during this war , a convenient, so to speak, situation for the world to conclude a peace treaty. while in moscow, i expressed my position to journalists when they asked me how to proceed, but to start interrupted negotiations, they always need to start somewhere, we could start with istanbul agreements. which president putin often talks about, he handed them over to me after they were worked out in istanbul, i looked at them again, a completely normal agreement, this does not mean that as a result of the negotiations they will be
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accepted or even form the basis of a peace treaty, these agreements initialed by the parties, no, but we can start with them. and move forward, of course, it will not be a peace treaty, these are not copies of these agreements, the peace treaty will be different, but we can start with this, this has been agreed upon for a long time we worked out three rounds in istanbul, a round of negotiations, what we came to, as i said yesterday, all the military...
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well, it seems patriotic and so on, but it is unrealistic, it is unrealistic today, the russians today will not leave either crimea or eastern regions, as they call novorossiya, they will not leave, you know why, so if proposals are put forward that are unacceptable before negotiations, this means that the country that puts forward them is not ready. go to negotiations, i know the mood of the military, ukrainian, they are already tired of this war, but they they cannot take independent actions, because behind president zelensky, who wants to fight until the last ukrainian, there is a whole, entire
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nato troops and the entire western european bloc and the united states of america. the situation is very serious, but if now, in my opinion , we do not negotiate, ukraine will, over time, lose its statehood and may.
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who follow these poor fellows, as they often say, i quote, we were given a one-way ticket, we know what they are talking about at the front, we have a serious problem there position, no one wants to fight today, so we need to move towards peace, but the americans managed to form an image of the enemy in the person of moscow and minsk. washington is steadily pushing aggressive narratives towards the belarusian and russian states,
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increasing the degree of hostility of the nato bloc in our direction. by expanding the north atlantic alliance to include finland and sweden, washington and brussels continue to form a belt of unfriendly states around the russian federation. next in line to join the alliance is other european countries. the goal is known, according to the plan, everything on this line should be in flames. once again i ask you to pay attention to my thesis expressed yesterday. people always ask, what do these western americans want? i repeat once again, they simply want to drown russia in war, to tear it away from the emerging alliance with china, this alliance does not exist. but it is planned, circumstances have developed in such a way that both russia and china need to be
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together, the americans understood this, they need to drive a wedge, but this is right, like drowning in ukraine, so 60 billion dollars is for them it’s not money, fight, kill each other, but i want, i didn’t say yesterday, to keep one more thing in mind,
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to weaken it, and then in the pacific, as i said, to deal one-on- one with china, bringing india into the fray, first and foremost. well, england there, australia, god forbid ukraine and south korea, against china. but we need to understand that the situation requires the strictest control in all areas, from information to military. any careless word from the movement could start
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an open armed confrontation, even before the use of nuclear weapons. i say that here is the delivery.
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transform nato's mission to protect the baltic airspace into a military operation, and reorganize the brigade-level battle groups deployed to poland and the baltic states. remember, they always reproached us for placing nuclear weapons on the territory of belarus, which means we will be subjected to the first strike if... a clash occurs, and poland and the baltic states themselves generally gave up their territories in order to completely militarize them create strongholds there for an attack in the east. in this context, it is worth noting the beginning of the practical implementation
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of the german-lithot agreement, which provides for the strengthening of the german military presence. in lithuania, such data has already appeared in the media. on april 8 , a task force of the german armed forces arrived in vilnius, its task is to study the terrain, deploy troops, and resolve issues of preparation for the formation of a brigade headquarters, which are planned to be completed by end of the year, reconnaissance, leadership and... let me remind you that the formation of a brigade level of the armed forces of the federal republic of germany will be deployed on the territory of lithuania until the twenty-eighth year. as i said, the germans apparently did not understand anything, nor did they understand the forces of the joint nato armed forces currently stationed on lithuanian territory, the village
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of rukla. as part of the united operation. europe, what are they doing here? what kind of america are they defending here? up to 20 thousand of them are concentrated in poland, close? ours borders and in the baltic countries, these troop groups are equipped with modern strike weapons and are capable of delivering
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high-precision strikes against targets on the territory of belarus and the western regions. currently , relevant tasks are being tested: strategic bomber aircraft of the us air force are being used, which on a regular basis... for example, four american b-1b strategic bombers are deployed in spain with training in the technique of bombing nuclear charges, including on our territory country is training to use nuclear weapons. this is a response to those who howl abroad with us, especially the fluent ones, criticizing us for. the fact that we have deployed our nuclear weapons here, they are training, moreover, washington
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has intensified a significant measure to verify the readiness to use components of the united states nuclear triad, deployed on the territory of nato member states, tactical nuclear weapons, which he spoke about yesterday, is being modernized at an accelerated pace. more than 200 rounds of ammunition are stationed at european air bases, missiles and bombs, at the klein brogel airbase, belgium - 20 ammunition, büchel - 20, avian italy 60, gedi italy 30, inzherlik turkey - 50, wolter - netherlands - 20 units, we counted them to one, last year aviation. the nuclear bombs contained at walker air base in the netherlands have been replaced by modern, more powerful munitions.
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there are now plans to modernize tactical nuclear weapons in other countries. in the future, it is possible that tactical nuclear weapons will be placed on british territory. in the second half they plan to move the white house to the front line. lightenhit airbase in the uk, multi-role f-35 fighters capable of carrying tactical nuclear weapons, but if they don’t want escalation and are not against the use of nuclear weapons, why is all this being done? now a few words about how washington continues to increase the us strike and offensive capabilities in europe. december. usa, the ability to use tamahok cruise missiles deployed on it,
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capable of hitting targets throughout the entire depth of the territory of belarus and the european part up to we regard the urals, the russian federation, as a real threat to us, since it is a real threat, we need to resist it. we are recording. the continuous introduction of aerial space reconnaissance in the eastern direction by western states, almost the entire available arsenal of nato countries is used, from strategic reconnaissance aircraft to unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as the corresponding capabilities of partner countries. you should know that the intensity has increased significantly since last year. reconnaissance aircraft of the joint armed forces of nato. on average, this is 40-50 sorties per week. we record them in
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real mode. since 1919 , australian air force aircraft have been used for radar control of the airspace of belarus and the western regions of the russian federation. what do they need here? all this is happening against the backdrop of high military activity. the number of operational combat training events on the territory of poland and the baltic states increases from year to year. at the same time, in most of these exercises also involve military formations of the armed forces of states and other western countries. conducted in the european region. at the moment, a series of exercises between the joint armed forces of nato and the us armed forces, defender 2024, has become
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unprecedented in... considering our region as a potential theater of military operations. the enemy has been identified, russia and belarus. we see how, on the other side of our western border, airfields, naval bases, training grounds, forward bases are being created for the advance placement and storage of equipment, weapons and materiel.
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we are this. we fix it not only thanks to space reconnaissance, but on the ground. to date, in poland and the baltic countries, the modernization of five airfields, two naval bases, as well as six largest training grounds has been completed. in poland , a complex of technical support has been put into operation, that is, conditions have been created for equipping with weapons and materiel .
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poor poland already has no one to work, problems are beyond the roof, civil, and what kind of battles are they dreaming of, who will support them, because war requires a powerful economy, they are sitting on subsidies from the european union, aid from the united states of america, why do they need this at all? i once again warned and said that we are not going to to fight them,
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from the territory of belarus they... should not expect any active, aggressive actions against the polish state of the people. we don't need this. the structure of the ground forces is forming an army corps, the operational readiness of which will be achieved by september of this year. for non-military people, let me explain what operational readiness means.
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next, new mechanized formations, i will not list them, we will inform you in the media, are receiving modern models of military equipment. poland is completing the process of forming territorial defense troops. the command of this type of armed forces reports on achieving full operational readiness. by now they have been created. 15 out of 18 brigades, training center for territorial defense forces, an event for the formation of the remaining three formations, is planned to be completed this year. when re-equipping its armed forces, poland is focusing on purchasing modern combat aircraft around the world, the most advanced ones, mainly from the usa and korea, we also heard, unmanned aerial vehicles,
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and armored vehicles. the total amount of funding for the technical modernization programs of the polish army until the thirty-fifth year is provided at $133 billion. do poles know that
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up to 4 thousand dollars will be deducted from each family member, including infants? baltic countries to strengthen military potential, main efforts are directed towards improvement. all baltic states will consist of american rszzo, hymers. the decision of the lithuanian leadership deserves special attention. to create divisional-level formations of the armed forces, its basis will be all ground brigades, and will also include tank brigades with the supply of german leopard tanks, artillery in service will consist of
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those purchased from the usa, rszzo hymers and a support unit. these activities are expected to be completed by the thirtieth year. obviously. that the territory of poland and the baltic countries is purposefully turning into a military springboard for its possible use by the nato bloc, that is, almost everything has been done to prepare the leadership of the alliance for the decision to use military force, including extreme military force. based on the level of military danger in the region, the armed conflict in the territory deserves special attention. ukraine, as i just said. the coalition of western states is purposefully delaying it. why did i also express my point of view to you? transformed and ukraine itself has become a drug addict, kept on
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a short leash by promises and new doses of additional weapons, including long-range weapons and financial injections. at the beginning of april, during the brussels meeting of foreign ministers , this is the deal that i spoke about yesterday, in other words, this is a payment for the ability to continue the confrontation with the russian federation, for active sabotage and terrorist activities, both in the regions of russia bordering ukraine,
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and in deep into russian territory. it's clear, that a very tense situation is forming on our southern borders.
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in europe, where the death penalty is used, it
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must be abolished. for the sake of a change of power in belarus, they are really ready to do anything. now they are adjusting the main directions of the power scenario of the corresponding actions, improving the so-called “peromog 2.0” plan. the emphasis in it is on the organization of the national liberation movement. army, the basis of which should be the so
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-called kalinovsky regiment and other volunteer formations: russian volunteer corps and belarusian volunteer corps, hate russia, enemies, muscovites and so on, and the corps formed strongly interact, for example, the attack on belgorod, the recent attack, remember the basics... there was a russian volunteer corps and a belarusian volunteer corps, after the attack artillery and missile strikes on these forces, according to some sources there were more than 300 of them in a detachment, ours got it and the russian volunteer corps killed a lot of people, we know everything for sure... ours, so so-called citizens, volunteers, are buried
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in ukraine, the recruitment of radical belarusian citizens continues, the corresponding units, as well as their training in poland, the baltic countries, other european countries, we know the location of the location down to the millimeter, and the number of acquired skills they practice, among other things through participation in...
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and they even got to these kolenovites, there has already been a break in general, they can no longer agree there, especially on political issues, they don’t know who to nominate, just nominate one.
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remain unchanged, it will introduce a new topic: nuclear deterrence. those who pushed us towards it should know this and look soberly at the clear consequences of their, but to put it mildly, careless decisions. we have learned the lessons not only of ukraine nearby, we
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have well learned and mastered the lessons of the great patriotic war, especially the initial stage. concept of national security and military doctrine of belarus. they reflect key changes in the global military-political situation, national views on maintaining international peace and stability, ensuring the military security of our country and its armed
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defense. provisions on public harmony, the inviolability of the foundations of democracy and the rule of law are enshrined.
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take into account the information that i presented to you and the more specific information that the heads of the three law enforcement agencies will present here, solve the complex tasks set out in the concept and doctrine for us, because as we said, time has chosen us. thank you
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and now let’s move on to the specifics of these questions, regarding the first question about the concept national security, alexander grigorievich volfovich will report, please, i want you to understand, i’m just not intimidating you, as... dear delegates of the all-belarusian people’s assembly, dear guests, in accordance with the decision of the sixth
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all-belarusian people’s assembly , an interdepartmental working group has developed a draft of a new national security concepts. based on the analysis of the geopolitical situation, this document objectively required adjustment and adaptation to modern realities. this is caused by those processes and trends in the system of international and regional security. as part of the transformation of our society, which have been formed over the past 14 years since the adoption of the current concepts. they were presented fully and in detail in the report of the chairman of the all-belarus people's assembly, so let me not dwell on them. the preparation of the draft concept was carried out on a systematic basis, so based on the results of comprehensive analytical studies in key areas of ensuring national security, defined.
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approaches, firstly, the document must develop the basic provisions that are enshrined in our constitution, contain a direction for their protection, while their implementation was carried out not technically, but substantively, in the essence of each new provision. secondly, the path to creating the document was chosen to be evolutionary, not revolutionary; it retained continuity in relation to the current concept, all the best. what has proven itself positively, including in practice, has been preserved. structure, basis, theoretical and methodological
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the basis also remained without fundamental changes. we are talking about the following model: what we protect national interests from, what we protect from threats from their sources, how we protect them through the directions of their neutralization, and who protects the national security system. russian universities, belarusian institute of strategic studies, research institutions.
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more than 300 articles have been published on this topic in domestic and foreign scientific publications. thus, we tried to take into account the main scientific developments and achievements in the project of this document. the draft concept was considered twice at meetings of the security council. specific comments received. carefully studied and taken into account in the text of the document. the final revised version was agreed upon and approved by all members of the security council. in general, during the work the document was updated by more than 70%. as part of the implementation of the security council resolution , a public discussion of the concept was organized on a planned basis on discussion platforms, similar to our constitution. in addition, to ensure the most. posted in the public domain on the national
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legal internet portal, where we have recorded significant interest in this document, both from our citizens and citizens abroad. in total, more than eighty discussion platforms were held in all regions of the country, government bodies and organizations, labor collectives, educational institutions, trade unions and public associations, with wide participation.
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with the regional executive committees and the city of minsk, we tried to reach almost every regional newspaper. so this way all social groups of our society were covered. it is very important that feedback is received following the discussion of the concept. this made it possible to clarify and supplement some individual provisions of the document. it should also be noted that the contents of the document did not raise any fundamental questions from citizens. as part of the discussions. all novellas were supported. now let's talk in more detail about what is fundamentally new in the draft national security concept. all innovations can be combined into five large ones blocks, each of which reflects adapted changes. the first block is improving the basic conceptual apparatus and eliminating existing gaps. thus, the basic concept of national security
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is supplemented with a target message in the form of sustainable development for action. belarus, suggesting the inadmissibility of any interference in the electoral process. the importance of these postulates is dictated by life itself. in principle, we could clearly see this in 1920. the concepts of source and threat have been adjusted national security, for the first time definitions of risk and challenge to national
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security are given, they are formulated through a complex category.
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in this rapidly changing world. for example, among the most significant we should highlight: the growth of threats of political violence of extremism, the instability of the world economy due to the redistribution of spheres of influence and the consequences of sanctions pressure, the use of smart power technologies to implement color revolutions, distortion of historical truth and falsification of history, hybrid impact against unwanted states and some others. the second aspect is an assessment of the current state of national security with specific achievements and existing problems in all areas. the general approach boils down to the need to further improve the national security system. this should lead to its adaptation to the realities of the situation to ensure sustainable functioning. in the military sphere, for example, special emphasis is placed on maintaining
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stability and ensuring strategic deterrence, including through... that is, as has always been the case in our history, the whole country, the whole world, has always stood up to defend its fatherland, the list of principles has been supplemented with such a provision as the inviolability of the foundations of the constitutional system, a new principle of unity of interests of socio-economic and socio-political development has been formulated. objects, goals and main tasks have been clarified, and
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the country’s foreign policy priorities are more clearly reflected. in particular within the framework of the upcoming membership in the shanghai cooperation organization. third block. new content received a number of basic provisions of the concept. we are talking about national interests. belarus, threats and main directions for neutralizing them. national interests have been updated and are divided, as before, into strategic and basic. in particular , the list of strategic national interests includes for the first time new provisions on the need for worldwide protection of the people of belarus as a unique historical community and the only source of state power. patriotic education of citizens, preservation of traditional family values. continuity of generations, protection of historical truth, new national interests are also highlighted, including issues of national identity, well-being and prosperity, the development of civil
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society subjects taking into account national traditions, public harmony, the inviolability of the foundations of democracy and the rule of law, ensuring military security in a country armed with defense in any military-political situation. sources formulated new threats to national security, and it was determined that they are of a complex interconnected nature, among the most significant are the destructive ideological influence on the population, outside interference in the organization of elections, violation of the cyber stability of state information systems, inability to provide at the level of defense sufficiency, and the needs of the state’s military organization are different. a list of main directions for neutralizing internal sources of threats to protection from external threats was resolved and specified, tasks for further improving the mechanisms of interaction between the state and society, the mutual
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responsibility of the individual, society and the state, the structure of the national security system has been supplemented, primarily by determining the place and role of the all-belarusian people's assembly, as well as the inclusion of the prosecutor's office and the state control committee in this system. the algorithm for the functioning of the national security system is specified. this is how all subjects of this system organize an anti-crisis response to risks and challenges. threats. at the same time, the document explains how this response should be carried out. fourth block: as a result of a comprehensive study of biosafety issues, biological safety became independent in the document.
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