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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 10:00am-11:01am MSK

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in these territories in general, because when i arrived, we were only going to these children who were vacationing with us, yes, so i had a very limited number of gifts for these children there, yes, when you come to a family and they see you in the clothes of the red cross or somewhere else they say: oh, the red cross, yes, then i asked, what don’t you have, no, this is the first time we’ve seen, imagine, there’s been a conflict for 10 years, this is the first time they’ve seen a representative of the red cross, when this...
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well, the office can be anywhere, but work where? how will we help people? we were told: you know, we cannot enter those zones where life is dangerous, well, this is again a reproach, because i was in lisichansk, it was literally there 5, 3.5 km from the contact line, we had to it’s natural to blend into the terrain in order not to be attacked by one of the opponents, but so... i explained to them that i couldn’t be in a red t-shirt, because this is a very good target for a sniper and that’s what they told me about it directly, they said: we shouldn’t go into that territory where life is dangerous, excuse me, but what about those children who live there, and why did we decide that it was dangerous for the life of the red cross employee, and not those who live there, we are not talking about we have to go into the trenches, and in order to see the living conditions of the soldiers, there is also humanitarian aid there. wear, we go to peaceful people,
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they live here permanently, and you know, i always say, i was honestly ashamed when i arrived there - in clothes, in a bulletproof vest, in a helmet, and the children were walking in front of the boarding school - they were running football, you see, i came here all like this, and they have been living an ordinary life for more than two years, for as long as the conflict began, when it happened...
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international federation of the red cross, international committee of the red cross national society, we are partners, therefore equal partners, absolutely equal partners, with an ordinary voice, with ordinary ones, can i do it, do i want to do it or not, but within the framework of the charter, of course, when the international federation of the red cross, after all, is the first wrote a letter that the secretary general should immediately resign from his post or... at least for the time of the investigation, yes, then only seven days later, perhaps, in my opinion, yes, the investigation began, i again asked the question, how come it may be that you first demand my resignation, and then just start an investigation, yes, you understand, these inconsistencies, inconsistencies, you know, like a good proverb, the further into the forest, the thicker the partisan, the more we moved, the more masks were taken off. the requirements were created more stringently, yes - not
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they listened to the arguments absolutely, because we told them that, dear colleagues, all the recommendations of the committee that conducted the investigation were implemented 100%, even the issue of considering the resignation of the secretary general, because an unscheduled congress was created, which considered being in office as one of the issues general secretary. i spoke, i explained the situation, what caused what, how and where, but the congress, sorry, did not satisfy the demands of the international federation, and it is not obliged to do this, but it considered the recommendation that the federation sent us, they were not completely satisfied with this, they then wrote the following, they sent a letter, you know, in russian, come to your senses before it’s too late, because if you... you know, in the literal sense, yes,
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signed by the president, for signature of other officials of the federation, but that, nevertheless, we believe that you have considered it incorrectly. the presence of the presence of the red cross in gaza now is the norm, this is the norm, and the absence of the red cross in donbass is also the norm, well, okay. i think it's already here there is no point in commenting further, you understand this, these are the usual double standards, then in fact, it turns out to be the suspension of membership for today, and the belarusian red cross in the international system, this is a loss of funding, i understand correctly, well, in some part, yes, oh what amounts are
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we talking about, what are these amounts usually for, the amounts vary from year to year, but what were they allocated for, firstly, and secondly, aren’t these too loud phrases about financing belarus? about financing belarus, i immediately i will say, this is an absolutely loud phrase, because not a single project, not a single project implemented by the belarusian red cross, aimed at supporting socially vulnerable categories of citizens among belarusians, the belarusians themselves, has not been allocated a penny by any structural unit of the international nurse.
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who are located, come to us from the middle east, who are trying to get into the calf purely for ukrainian refugees, for ukrainian refugees, and there are un organizations, our partners, who have just singled out funds for other categories of migrants, but these were not such amounts, but nevertheless we also helped them, but in this case, when i’m talking about the international federation of the red cross, funding was allocated to help migrants from ukraine and... today they it was this assistance that was closed for our organization, and for belarus, but dmitrievich, you didn’t stop helping, as i understand it, no, absolutely, there was a monetary, voucher policy, the development of my initiatives, there are other directions, good sensible projects, issues no for that
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to support, help socialize, somehow help self-employment, the development of migrants from ukraine who came to us, and we... at the very beginning, as soon as after december 1, the main order came out that the membership of the belarusian red cross in the international federation suspended, we gave information, now we are also informing that financial support, some projects there, initiatives, this has been suspended, but at the same time, everyone who needs our help, migrants from ukraine, from the middle east, from other countries anyway, we provide humanitarian assistance, that is, we are ready to provide linen, we are ready to provide clothing, hygiene products, food, that is, medicine, if there is a need to help, to help with employment,
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to help with paperwork, yes, that is, we are, of course , involved in all these things together with our partners from the ministry of internal affairs, the healthcare system, and others. we provide all these questions as before. medvenovich, you see, i was a little interested in this topic, it’s like a remark small, i am sure that this was also used as a reason, because back in the twenty-third year, in the month of june, in my opinion, the red cross, the international red cross, announced that they had a lack of funding for the twenty -fourth year by more than half a billion dollars, so they are forced to lay off 1,800 employees worldwide. to close 26 representative offices, well , at least this is an official statement made by the head of the international red cross, oh well, according to in essence, we are now talking about what i will tell you more, excuse me for interrupting you, i will tell you more, not only the lack of financial resources for the existence of this
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large structure, but well-known information, because we communicate not only officially, but also unofficially with our colleagues and acquaintances, they said that the main sponsors, the main sponsors, well , who are they, these are large tycoons, large corporations, companies, as a rule, these are...
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you have to say these things, depending on the position, behavior some people who call themselves politicians. well, look, dmitry evgenevich, the documents when stopping the work of our red cross were drawn up in english, russian, belarusian and ukrainian, well, this is official information, yes, and despite the fact that the official languages ​​of the organization are different. yes, english , french, spanish and arabic, even russian is a technical language, then aren’t
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the customer’s ears sticking out too much, well, you know, it was yes, it was so clearly understandable, but they apparently had to report, report, so right now well, not a single document for the entire existence of the 165-year-old red cross movement was in... ukrainian in the belarusian languages, why, excuse me, are you afraid of printing? printed in official languages, then the russian red cross, god bless him, helps in translating these documents into russian and distribution by another national society, this is not only belarus, but other national societies of the post-soviet space, as a rule, these are countries that also use widely russian language, yes, but documents are coming out in four official languages, so the question is asked: what is it, guys, well, evgenovich, do you want me to answer this question for you, it’s
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obvious, they specifically wrote it in ukrainian so that refugees, ukrainians in belarus clearly knew who this decision was coming from, to deprive them of help, well , that’s a good answer, perhaps, well, look, in the comments on social networks, at least under the information about the suspension of membership, they write that on the sidelines of the organization... meaning those who are trying to express a lie and show the truth, but shut everyone’s mouths,
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they naturally wanted to show that guys, well, the goal is not that i went in camouflage clothes, the goal is not that something else happened, the goal is that i went to a place where it is a priori impossible to go, we after all, we don’t recognize these republics, well, i mean europe. america, the movement, yes, it turns out, we don’t recognize them as an independent republic, there are no people there, well, of course, they haven’t seen war for 8 years, yes, there, there are no people there, which means, you know, some kind of red cross has come here.
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what is familiar life for belarusians for others? may seem truly exotic. now, lewis, i told you that this is the cultural capital of belarus. now you can play.
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i may be exaggerating a little, right? but i remember the information that the international committee of the red cross once admitted that after the war it issued documents to a number of high-ranking nazi criminals that allowed them to escape the justice of latin america and then even come to europe. at the same time, of course, it is difficult to deny the millions of good deeds of the organization. do you still have hope that justice will still prevail, and the situation will be restored, the status quo will return, in relation to the belarusian
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organization, you know, i am a pragmatist, i do not believe in these fairy tales, for the simple reason that we see that the republic of belarus is already 30 years in sanctions, yeah, we see what kind of sanctions, the russian federation to other countries that think differently, they don’t even have time for sanctions, they just start wars right away, countries are still trying to destroy everything in every possible way, when we have now switched to humanitarian lines, sanctioned humanitarian flights, this is not only the red cross, it has now joined, sport is primarily olympic international olympic, well, there are belarusians,
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strong national societies, this is actually so, this is shown by annual international audits, the projects that we do, yes , people come, of course, they admire the level
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of work of the belarusian red cross, but such a decision was made, this does not mean that we will become worse, we will continue to work and will be ready in case of some kind of change polarity, points of view, we will be ready to work, cooperate and communicate with our partners. international, but only on an equal basis, what i, of course, what i initially told them back in august, when they tried to prove that the national society is still vassals of the international federation of the red quest, i had to explain the truisms that the national society is a partner, please be so kind as to treat us as partners, look, a lot can be forgiven for these comrades, and the european ones underpoliticians.
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to europe, because there are documented facts, there are interviews, listen, and what is happening now with ukrainian families who are now
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in... in europe over this period , 255 children were taken away, yes, what is this, guys, germany, poland, italy and sweden, they are leading in this list, this is how children are taken away from their mothers, and they are taken away officially, yes, and then where these children are transferred, i agree, but this is not just something you need to react to ocularly, this this problem needs to be voiced publicly, these problems.
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whatever you want, they can be put there on the scales on one scale, on another, or simply thrown away, unfortunately, this is so, because over what period of time we have been observing, children are identically washed, children are removed from the family, they are transferred to the families of pedophiles , they are handed over to the families of homosexuals, it’s like, well, you can’t call a boy a girl anymore, yes, yes, that’s what i ’m saying, the gender is being erased, what’s that?
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here is a choir of poor children of 19 people, you know, again, the one who will go to territories from which are unfriendly to the european union, will be anathematized, publicly flogged, of course, that's just all of you, it was shown, look, this will happen to everyone, we don't even let children back, this will happen to everyone, that they spent 24 hours on a bus in...
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probably the dprk , here, and maybe the first most terrible place, well, yes, the second after, now in the mouth, when people come, they see what is happening here, what a flourishing region, but they actually have a split personality, they cannot understand , there is one thing, here is another, i came here, saw it with my own eyes, no, well, so that they would buy along here.
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recently released from prison, migrants, refugees, people without a fixed place of residence, everyone who found themselves in a difficult life situation, yes, i remember very well your overnight stays on the border with poland, yes, then, when you were in the most difficult conditions, yes, we worked there at the border, and even more so our friends from poland, they watered so beautifully, right, did someone from the outside notice your work with migrants then? yes, we noticed, in fact, the international federation of the red cross, the president at that time, francesco, came rock, who highly appreciated the work, then after some time, about 10-14 days, he already met with the president of russia and vladimir vladimirovich putin, where he also spoke about the efficient work of the belarusian red cross, for us it was very honorable because
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the simple reason that brothers. you noted correctly, they still haven’t stopped, and there are fifty confirmed cases in 2 years when they were killed and thrown to us over the fence. i know that for many volunteers, your volunteers, this confrontation has become so, well, deep
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internal, yes, and today you are monitoring this situation at the border, of course, of course, you know, in fact, yes, uh, i tried to make sure that... we have rapid response teams under the red cross in each region these are trained volunteers, guys and girls who come to various natural, man-made disasters and help, as a rule, the ministry of emergency situations or someone else, and a government agency, and here we were of course involved, naturally these teams worked, we worked closely with the ministry of emergency situations, with state border committee, other departments, and i made sure that each team... visited there several times, worked, firstly, we give before their previous one, secondly, i looked with my own eyes, i always, when we held a debriefing, but because, well, psycho-emotional burnout could i wish i could be very tough, yes, i always
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said, guys, look how fragile the world is, there are a sufficient number of very wealthy people, very wealthy people who are now dirty and dirty and are ready to thank everyone... just for a pack of hygiene, for just that, what they are provided with water, food and, uh, blood over their heads, even if this is a logistics center, but in any case, yesterday they were still absolutely wealthy people, going to germany at the call of angela merkel, well, yes, and what happened to them so that everyone could see , how ambivalent the policy of european states is in relation to those whom they even call to themselves, that’s all, and that’s how it happened, we now see this in the example of the belarusian red cross on other things, so this is a very important thing in terms of and
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psycho-emotional, in terms of ensuring that our young people saw it all with their own eyes, because of course the pictures presented are very rosy, and very... remained with the belarusian red cross, and what was missing from the international one? in your opinion? you know, we still have all the principles that were there, they haven’t gone anywhere, and i, well , it’s not me, but the international movement, i think
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that humanity is the basic fundamental principle, the most important principle in the movement, although they seem to be all equal , and you know, speaking... and generally understanding for myself, working in the system health care, also as a doctor, resuscitator, knowing how much a human life costs, working in the red cross, and you know, i don’t need to be convinced, the most important postulate of a normal person is helping to save the life of another person, or satisfying his basic needs, food, in blood, in protection, just yes, in what clothes? you will do this either without clothes at all or on your head, it doesn’t matter if you are saving a human life, so everyone else, they still fade into the background, although they
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everything must be fulfilled, as for the international movement, you know, if you interpret them correctly and do not make double standards, then of course they will also remain in the movement if... i actually liked your remark, it doesn’t even matter in any clothes at all no matter what flag you provide assistance under, and this certainly should not become a stumbling block.
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everything else, and we must understand that
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we now need a law on volunteers, which will spell out his rights, his responsibilities, his capabilities, yes, because sometimes we we are faced with the question that our volunteer, trained, competent, on whom we count, is ready to come forward to provide some kind of assistance, but he has questions with the main place.
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yes, including ambulance, yes, in
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the republic of belarus there is a law that protects the red cross emblem, and the law on the red cross, so of course i would gladly leave this emblem as it is, because well, it is internationally accepted, that is, they always see everything absolutely extreme in conflicts, and just civilians when they see the cross, they understand the red cross. this is protection, this is protection, in the same way when you provide assistance to migrants who, somewhere in the forest, write help, when they see a man in a red jacket with a red cross, they come out, they understand that this is protection, so of course this is the emblem must continue to exist, it must not undergo any changes, this is something that has existed for 165 years, or even more, but the canons must remain unchanged.
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cleanliness, when we need to hide some problem, or go away with this cleanliness someone who does not want to obey those principles and...
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has arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller can envy. you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here in your yard, how far is it, well, just meters away, so that it’s opposite the house. today we will walk through a real swamp, so through a swamp, which is near the house, which is again twenty meters away, an uninitiated person, seeing this building, will say that i don’t know, a castle, a manor, an estate, but in fact it is a mill. the presenter from the capital will have to to experience all the delights of rural life, guys, 40 minutes have already passed, let alone birds, it seems to me that not even a fly flew here, look, i don’t know who it is, what kind of bird it is, but it turned out, well, okay, it’s a burglar nut , blue, we do not see
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any external blades in this mill, yes, the uninitiated may have a question, how does this mill work in general, and what does it grind,
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belarus 24.
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kondratov august 22, 1940. what year at the age of 26, received high title of hero of the soviet union, marriage, courage and heroism shown in battles with the nazi invaders. the commander of the tank battalion, captain naumov, distinguished himself in the pabrui operation. over the course of several days in june 1944, in a battle for a railway station... with four tanks, he destroyed two anti-tank guns and knocked out one self-propelled gun. at the head of the group, he liberated a fortified point, set fire to an ammunition depot, knocked out a tank, captured the northwestern outskirts of babruisk and destroyed a column of enemy vehicles. despite the severe wounds
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received in this battle, he continued command the battle until the very end. on september 5, 1944, during fierce battles, the tank of captain naumov’s guard was hit. this time, the seriously wounded battalion combatant was evacuated to the hospital, but he could not be saved. in addition to the title of hero of the soviet union, kondrati naumov was awarded the order of lenin, the order of the patriotic war, second degree, and medals. posthumously.
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we have spent a short time in the new day and we are working on this music, music, what a thick inside of our skin we have. yana pausyul, at the sun, at the timid hands, at the tips of our fingers,
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the music is soothing, full of thoughts and opens thousands of gifts to us. music can change the light, little pieces can change us. music is inside our skin. belarus charmed them at first sight, the first in general, probably, when you get to
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the republic of belarus, you are impressed by the cleanliness, first of all, cleanliness, neatness, now having lived here for 7 years, i understand that this is generally the merit of the people, so hospitable well, you don’t always meet people who are ready, well, to give everything to you, soul. so generous, and of course, the beauty of nature, belarus i was also impressed by these european streets, it’s like you’re in prague somewhere, i really liked it. watch in the project glance at belarus on our tv channel. we continue information broadcasting on belarus-1 and belarus24. yulia pertsova is already with you. good morning. these days, the country
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is closely monitoring the work of the all-belarus people's assembly. this is a historical event. bel tv and radio company covers it in a large-scale and multifaceted way. and most importantly, we are broadcasting live from the palace of the republic. today is the second day of work of the supreme council, the adoption agenda the most important documents are the concept of national security. very important documents, in fact every state, every country has them, we have a new edition, yes, what can we talk about, we
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are entering some new stage, belarus, today we are at... we are at a turning point for our state, the demand for security among belarusians among our citizens is higher than ever, and it is not based on serious grounds, such as the events that are taking place in the world, the conflicts that occur near our border, make us once again appreciate the peace and security that we have in our country, probably... the main thing that worries people today is whether we will be able to maintain security, peace and development. this is precisely what the concept of national security and the new, updated military doctrine are aimed at. more than ever before, we have approached deeply the issue of considering theoretical positions, clarifying them, taking into account experience,
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the current experience of waging wars and armed conflicts. those events, analysis, comprehensive analysis of those events that are happening near our country, in other regions, that is, by and large , a huge amount of work has been done aimed at preserving peace in the country, and we, by adopting a new concept, by adopting a military doctrine, a new military doctrine of the republic of belarus, we are simply creating a security environment, which for the future...
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while they are provoking us, digging trenches, modernizing the military infrastructure, weapons, i have already said, we are building a peaceful life here on the other side of the border, we are not building walls, we are not digging trenches, but ours peacefulness is not pacifism, i ask you not to confuse it; as threats grow, we will take symmetrical measures to increase. and turning to them, i would like to ask: do not push us towards asymmetrical measures, we must be strong so that no one dares to bring us to our knees, as was often the case in our history, so that we are no longer thrown from goal to goal like a soccer ball , then in one direction, then in the other, we do not ask anyone for land, we
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do not demand anything from anyone, we want to live on our own land. our belarusian people have suffered this is a right, and we will not allow it to be given to anyone. in his speech, the president also drew attention to the international organizations controlled by the west. today the association exists formally, while threats to global security are increasing, the voice of the world is drowning in the chatter of such structures. in belarus they make it clear that we want to maintain peace in the region, but a wise remark from alexander lukashenko:
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dear delegates, i think we can begin the work of our second all-belarusian people's day. meeting, i know you yesterday we had a good rest, watched the concert and was only afraid that you wouldn’t follow this squadron into dancing, well, some had a
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good time, well, thank god, man does not live by bread alone, as they say, so today there are very serious, very important questions for the life of our state, i propose to structure our... work as follows: on the agenda, as we agreed, the secretary of state of our security council solfovich will speak on the first issue of the concept; on the second issue of the military doctrine, the minister of defense, general khrenin, will speak performance. ivan stanislavich tertel, chairman of the state security committee, will also address you, and here it is very important, i propose not to discuss all these issues separately, they are similar, one develops
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the other, so everyone who signed up and wanted to speak, i believe we will hear three speeches , and then, if anyone has questions, for... whoever wants to speak can use their right, but in the beginning i would like you, no matter how difficult it is, after yesterday, in connection with my speech, still, somehow strain yourself and listen to my introduction to all three of these questions, i believe that it would be wrong,


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