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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 9:45pm-10:40pm MSK

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form you will say: that’s it, when there is a person standing next to you who will not give in, who will go to the barricades without fear, who will not take anything into account, even his own life, so now they have allocated a lot of money, millions of dollars to individual fugitives for this, to launch an attack against us in the media. the strongest, of course, it is concentrated on the president, i didn’t want to say this, but i will say, remember, all sorts of talk about me or my children using something, benefits from the state, for the state budget, or am i crooking someone and helping someone, are they giving me something somewhere or are they ready to give me something, or is my money somewhere , either in arab countries or something else? this
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is complete nonsense, today it is impossible to hide it, so i always talk about, you know where my billions are hidden, take it if you want, i will give a receipt, don’t trust anyone, i have never been a varyuga and i will never allow myself and my children to do this, don’t trust anyone, this is the usual escalation of the situation in order to turn you against me, i am not betraying you. and i will never give, no matter what i didn't have any problems. each of us, dear friends, faces difficult tasks that, in the conditions of the modern world , acquire fateful significance, including belarus. but time has chosen us,
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today the whole world is literally looking at us under a microscope, there is a political campaign and presidential elections ahead, we are assessing all the risks, threats, events have taught us, of course, the unity of the people and all structures is more important than ever, all this for the sake of our common future, and how we see it, we decide only together,
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you cover those events that concern our system, and we see how the head of state worries, what instructions he gives, how he asks us, and of course, this is another additional component of responsibility that we must strive to carry out those instructions, because they are justified today should lead to even better medical care for our country, our people, and of course, to the quality of their health, this is the second meeting in which i am taking part, we remember the difficult times of the sixth, we remember and went through unprecedented sanction pressure, attempts to rock society from within, attempts to influence economically, physically, but despite this, we ensured economic growth and we are discussing the prospects for further development in absolutely calm conditions as a united society, and you know, this...
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for the first time, within the framework of the constitution, it is meeting at a new level, as a historical event, as a new historical milestone, the president very sincerely and meaningfully outlined the system of allied relations with russia, as a condition for the development of an independent, sovereign
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belarus, within the framework of the union, which presents to the world a new quality of integration, a new quality of cooperation, the delegates of the supreme national assembly are an alloy. experience and youth, it is possible not only to preserve what has been accumulated, but to introduce something new into the strengthening of the country, because our future depends on this decision taken at the seventh all-belarus people's assembly. well, as we see, the vns represents the entire cross-section of society, our doctors, teachers, people in uniform and grain farmers, as well as enterprise managers, famous athletes, youth, the all-belarusian people's assembly united opinion leaders from all regions, making important decisions from economic strategy and social policy to national...
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gnh is super, it’s true, this is history, the time that chose us, our future is our life. we will continue to update the infoline and share the most striking publications. the delegates have a second day of productive work ahead, which means new content and an important socio-political agenda. throughout the day, the guests of the television news agency’s visiting studios were representatives of different regions and completely different fields. activities. new speakers - a lot of opinions, but everyone agrees on one thing: this is our country, we are doing a great job when we build a further concept for its development. here are just a few examples: the president said today that this is a time of people who are strong in spirit, strong in a non -aggressive way, strong in their experience, their professional qualities, in where they
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live in that country, yes, so these people know what they have to lose, we are a young country, we just recently built it, remember, already in ninety-six, today we also talked about it speech, they also tested us to the breaking point. in some crisis periods of our state, the president today more than once emphasized precisely this authority of the all-belarusian people's assembly to become such a restraining body, called it a buffer, called it a buffer, that is, the president has high hopes for
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the all-belarusian people's assembly. we have come a very eventful path, an evolutionary path, as the head of our state emphasized today, speaking to the delegates of the all-belarusian congress. hear the assessment of what ours has done industry, well, over the last 30 years, indeed, this path, it was so difficult, thorny, many different problems had to be solved, but it is very important that the economy grew, that is, the goals that were set second, third, fourth, fifth
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meeting, they were achieved, the teams became more powerful, new products were produced and developed, and today we see the results of that, i will say, intense but fruitful work. may be an example for other states, now in an era of such serious
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geopolitical transformations, when unfortunately we see terrible geopolitical storms taking place around the borders of belarus, the experience of cooperation, the experience of unity, it is for the benefit of everyone, and belarus and the russians set an example of interaction for many other states of nations. as the head of state correctly noted, there is no one else in our homeland except us. only we know how it should develop, here is a wide representation of youth circles, the trade union movement, youth organizations, labor collectives, representatives of government bodies, at this all-belarusian people's meeting gives us all the opportunity to speak out, to make our contribution to the development of our homeland, to strengthen its political and economic potential, to do everything for the benefit of building our belarusian statehood, the president addressed
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decisions for the country, but also about the possibility of dialogue between participants, exchange of views , some plans for upcoming projects, finally, all conditions have been created for this, the delegates appreciated the preparation and clarity in all movements, before and after the official part. how the delegates got there, with what mood and questions, and what was in everyone’s special suitcases in the hall; katerina krutalevich worked behind the scenes. 1166 people, the final figures of the delegates of the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly, like this... it looks like the real number of people, they left the regions early
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in the morning, you know, what’s surprising is that it didn’t affect the appearance, the delegates and guests were preparing, such an event should always be , if we talk about the aesthetics of the vns, it exists and is evolving, as the meaning of meetings can be appreciated by those who participate not for the first time, here this is a special occasion, this is a special meeting, a special responsibility, a special excitement. especially for people who are for the country at heart, but on such a political scale, are participating
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for the first time, first of all, i am proud that i am a delegate of the all-belarusian people's assembly, from the very beginning i wanted to come here, i am interested, i studied all the information with pleasure i am very worried about this event, being here, because the function of delegates is a great responsibility. irina igorevna from bobruisk, deputy delegate. just beautiful belarusian in everyday life is a rather strict teacher in the good sense of the word, a careerist. in addition to regular work, he constantly participates in projects, from organizing a barrier-free environment in babruisk to helping large families. all this requires time and money is not paid for it. to be honest, here is a typical portrait of a delegate of the supreme council: not professionals, but people with a lack of civic position do not get here. and very polite people live in bobruisk. to be honest, i’ll interrupt you veronika alexandrovna, for example, for me it was a dream, of course.
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who will certainly do everything possible and impossible to implement these very important ambitious things, and registration was also a mandatory part of the protocol; just in case, the delegates were even explained where to call if they got lost in minsk, briefly about the scale of the event. everything is organized, no, no one got lost, not a single one, everyone came, but since no one got lost, then a joint photo on the vns, everyone wants to capture the moment, the heroes of belarus are taking pictures there, so we also stood in line, but we are still standing. there is still hope, there is still hope to take photos. this opportunity is a personal space for the delegates, just like everything that happened to them today. the composition, of course, includes experienced politicians, senior officials, recognizable athletes, artists, public figures, their presence is as important as a teacher from molodechin, a doctor from borisov, a farmer from kopys, this is a people’s council, essentially in terms of the content of the vns fully justified this
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definition, since who else but these people can determine how to develop further in the country. catherine. the delegates began their today's historical day with a deeply symbolic ceremony, memory of patriotic education, these categories of the will of the people also acquired constitutional status. fifty delegates from all regions of the country laid lights at the eternal flame of the victory monument as a sign of respect to those who, at the cost of their own lives, provided us with today’s peaceful sky and, accordingly , the opportunity to decide so calmly. your future destiny. during the great patriotic war, belarusians were able to resist fascism through unity and common purpose. so it is today. only together can we overcome all obstacles, the delegates have no doubt. wreaths and a moment of silence as a sign of gratitude for the peaceful sky above.
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thanks to the live broadcast, today it was possible to follow the work of the entire belarusian people's assembly in all regions of belarus and, of course, in the capital, and to make this possible, journalists from the television news agency were in the thick of events and discussions all day, going live almost every hour from the most recent information. in the palace itself, on the site near the officers' house, our on-site studios were set up, and what a response everything seen through the prism of the blue screen received from the residents of the country.
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we talked about everything about the path traveled, achievements and upcoming work, and there will be a lot of it, we have achieved certain results in all areas, but what is important is further, bigger and better, everyone understands this. things should be good in belarus, what the president always focuses on, improvement of living conditions, labor, quality of medical services, accessibility everywhere not only in the capital, but in a small village, in district hospitals they are updating equipment and improving working methods, and are actively introducing digital technologies. the president emphasized that medicine.
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environment, we want to maintain this development strategy and the course we have taken. we all want our republic to prosper and become even more successful, then every belarusian will feel
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good and comfortable, we can achieve all the benefits only with our honest work. the belovizhskiye farm is already completing spring planting, less than a third remains to be planted future corn harvest. each of these people ensures our food security. from the team among the delegates, honored rural worker.
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everyone should mind their own business at their workplace, then everything will work out, the economy will work, the national and cultural heritage of the country will increase, and most importantly, peace on earth will be preserved. one of the most important issues is the national security of our country. as the head of state noted, we have a peace-loving policy, but we are ready for war, if anything happens, we do not give in in response to provocation, we simply do our own thing. work and do everything to ensure that our country develops. we have gone through many crises and trials in order to truly be an independent, sovereign state that
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independently chooses its course of development, and the national national assembly is also our choice, truly a people's choice. daria rachko, anna buikevich, marina romanovskaya and natalya ignatenko, tv news agency. a new status, which from this year will be given to the all-belarusian people's assembly. raises its significance, despite the wave of criticism from the west towards belarus, it succeeds remain a sovereign country, this is the opinion shared by timur shafir, secretary of the union of journalists of russia. according to him, a dialogue of this format between the authorities and the people is one of the signs of a mature democracy. besides the fact that this is really important for the activity of the state, besides the fact that popular representation, like no other, can convey to the supreme power help it make appropriate decisions regarding the most, how to say, remote, various
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points and our lives in our countries, and this is still very important for the following reason: one of key points that western countries use in relation to russia and belarus, this is an accusation of the absence of democratic institutions, and the funniest thing is when... these accusations are poured in from the side and a country in which a monarchical system reigns does not have a constitution as such, for example, great britain , countries, countries of the european union, which are governed by officials, collectively, all these joseppe borely, urszula fonderna, jean micheli, whom no people's representatives have ever elected, those same bureaucrats who bear no responsibility responsibility to his own people. and that european parliament also has nothing to do with the life, activities, problems and aspirations of specific citizens of specific countries, so it is very important that
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the work of the people's assembly, including... belarus, distinguishes nine spheres: political, economic, scientific and technological, social, demographic, informational, military, environmental, as well as new
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biological, that is, in addition to... what is happening on the ground, our activities help to identify this, identify problematic questions, identify problem areas in order to, most importantly, improve the level and quality of life of our people. in the modern world, one of the most effective weapons can be culture, because its functions are communication, information, cognitive and others, they are also carriers of certain values, guidelines by which a person identifies for himself what is good and what is bad, and therefore how
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should behave in one case or another. in the matter of historical memory, attitude towards modernity, if being in the same country, he absorbed the ideas and values ​​of a completely different culture, of course, other people’s ideals and symbols will be closer to him, they also need to be protected from attacks, protection of national culture, patriotism, another priority concept: the role of culture or the cultural factor, as a factor in the security of our country, it is no less important, perhaps, than a military threat or an economic threat. real culture forms, first of all , attention to one’s own values, to one’s own origins, to lose this culture, you know, or to dissolve it in in the globalizing world, as they say today that we must be a person of peace, the processes of globalization have taken over our country, too, a general, general trend exists, but culture needs to be protected, culture unites, it is called to do this,
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scientific and technological progress , the latest achievements on... the danger that represents the state of protection of our national interests from external internal challenges and threats, by innovative security we of course mean sustainable development, stability, so to speak, of the state of the economy, a stable state of the scientific and technological sphere, a stable state of the social, political life of society, innovation - this is when we introduce the achievement of scientific and technological progress in life, that is, the question
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of this implementation is very important.
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concert, we actually have a unique opportunity now to record interviews with delegates, one second, now we will find out how the concert is, hello, you are live.
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stars behind the scenes, i will remind you that we have there were guests from russia, these are nadezhda kadysheva, oleg gazmanov, you should have seen what he did when he performed his songs, here we really understood that our society is united and, what is very important, the sports palace, it was here that the first all-belarusian people's meeting took place in ninety sixth year, then they certainly solved the problems of our society, but today the songs that unite us are heard here, what we have come to and...
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the country was more beautiful, better, art serves to soften morals, so if we make people a little kinder, a little bit more truthful, a little more responsive, it seems to me that the world will be completely different, behind 110 minutes of unifying, warm songs, of course, which the whole country knows, yes, indeed, the stands of the sports palace have already emptied, the spectators are entering the battle. channel belarus 1. especially for you, the white radio company prepared a broadcast of the concert goal, time chose us, chose these songs, i highly recommend that you do not leave the tv screens immediately after the panorama, stay
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listening, listen and of course sing along, only you will be able to see what was happening in the stands , when our guests from russia sang, when our beloved belarusians sang, stay on the screens, well, stay behind the tvs, and in the morning i’ll tell you: what an atmosphere reigned behind the scenes in our report. elena, you have the floor. thank you. lydia zablotskaya summed up the cultural results of the first day of the vns. what if not a song helps us build and live. we can do anything, a musical premiere under this title was presented specifically for the landmark event. its authors were evgenia oleynik and yulia bykova. patriotic hit sounds with voices young performers, star participants in the show factor bai and meters. belarusian pop music: we cannot be broken if we are together, continuity
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of generations, love for our small homeland and professional dedication, the lyrics and melodic lines have already hooked many, the clip is gaining views and becoming an internet trend. according to the delegates, the unity of belarusians is the envy of many outside our country. precisely incredible unity. with anxiety, with some uncertainty about what
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will happen, we all returned from the first belarusian meeting with confidence in tomorrow, today's speech by the president gave me absolute optimism for the future and confidence that we will develop steadily, constantly move, move with growth. i have been a participant many times. our country could have already stood at the precipice, that ’s when it was very difficult, when our president really took such decisive steps, responsible steps, wise, that we have now been living in peace for 30 years, we can calmly have traditional families, god bless.
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will be passed on to younger people generation, so this will help form a promising reserve of our country. no matter how democratic, in quotes, european countries cross out belarusian channels from their broadcast schedule, our neighbors find the opportunity to follow what is happening in belarus and do not hide their emotions. to confirm the reasoning, bloggers from latvia. it’s a pity that the power of the people is prohibited in the eu, seto.
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they introduce their gay lessons there, propagate their ideology, and i would have turned to the latvian authorities at a national latvian meeting and said: “well, i apologize for expressing how much is left in the country, minus half the population, half was 2.6 million, 2.6 million, 1.3 million left, and that’s unlikely, children are born three times.”
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there the people, in principle, do not participate, by the way, there is nothing to ask from the belarusians, from their leadership, personally, if i were a belarusian, i would convene a meeting just to say thank you, thank you for a wonderful country, for a wonderful, let’s say, people , for excellent living conditions to you, dear, executive, legislative authorities and the president, by the way, the news about the historical event in belarus was not missed by most russian information resources, widely quoted: the chinese media spread, and
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the popular egyptian newspaper egyptian today, for example, published a voluminous article with a detailed story about the origin and content of the belarusian invention called vns. tomorrow will be even more interesting. it was precisely about the preservation of national identity, cooperation in the field of combating illegal migration and protecting the population in military conflicts that was discussed speech today in st. petersburg. the twelfth international is taking place here. meeting of representatives responsible for security issues. this year , representatives of more than 100 foreign countries, as well as a number of international and regional organizations, are taking part in it. the belarusian delegation is headed by first deputy secretary of state of the security council pavel muraveika. the plenary session of the forum included current issues on the international agenda, as well as problems of ensuring
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information security in the conditions formation of a polycentric world order. this forum is also very important for our country. as well as those risks, challenges and threats that we assess as negative potential that can affect the favorable development of the situation in our country around it. tomorrow , a more in-depth discussion of regional and international security issues is planned with partners in the csto, cis and other
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integration associations. and it will be discussed that, for example, the fact that a massive meat grinder cannot be avoided in ukraine, joe biden signed.
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law on may 18, then services will be resumed, but according to different rules, while unexpected observations were made in the states in ukraine, disappearances, torture, restrictions on internet freedom have become the norm. the us state department published a report on human rights violations in nazalyzhnaya. the document contains quite a lot of points, including inhuman or degrading treatment of punishment, a serious problem with the independence of the judiciary , among a number of violations. freedom of expression . representatives also face this media, including violence or threats of violence against journalists and, of course, corruption. but at the same time, all the revealed facts of lawlessness did not prevent american legislators from agreeing on new assistance to kiev for the war until the last ukrainian. ukrainian
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legislators, meanwhile, without any embarrassment, are actively working on further cleansing of the domestic information field. a regulatory bill is being prepared in kyiv. disinformation and propaganda in the media and social networks, including youtube and tiktok. it will allow quote: to make decisions faster blocking enemy resources, as the ukrainian national security and defense council emphasizes, we are talking about increasing responsibility for the spread of russian propaganda in the media. in ukraine , 200 youtube channels and 24 tiktok accounts have already been blocked, including the channel of journalist diana panchenko. by the way, telegram has also been declared a threat. for ukrainian security, just today pavel durov announced the disabling of telegram channels for ukrainian users at the request of apple. freedom of opinion, speech, action in ukraine long dead. and we continue to make forecasts
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and remember with what historical events we approached the people's forum. behind one of them, as today, there is freezing. whole country. this year, the first citizen of sovereign belarus flew into space. 12 days and seven scientific experiments. this is the result of the work of the hero of belarus marina vasilevskaya on the iss. she also participated today in the work of the all-belarusian people's assembly. why space is also about national security: which astronauts are represented? on vns? anastasia benedesyuk in the section plan b. so, why space is not only about prestige, you really can see better from above. marina vasilevskaya, when she returned, said that our land is not so small, but without protection. it is in our hands. the pictures taken by the qms and satellites, including earth sensing, allow you to see belarus at
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a glance, brought closer and you can see, for example, an incorrectly parked car, what is more important, a fire or a flood, even more globally, we see what is happening on the outside contour, taking into account potential threats from neighbors, there is no need to explain further; having your own constellations of satellites in space is definitely pro-national. security, communications, navigation, in belarus this has always been understood, for example, at the third all-belarusian people's assembly, alexander lukashenko emphasized that our country will strengthen its position in the space field based on the integration of the rocket and space industries of russia and belarus, new facilities will be created for the needs agriculture, ecology, it was important to preserve the school of scientists, which we have at the highest global level, space is on a par with nano and... and biotechnologies, it. the fifth snc took place on the eve of alexander lukashenko’s meeting with the chinese leader. and our president logically
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spoke about the launch of a belarusian satellite from the chinese sechan cosmodrome, which brought technological cooperation between belarus and china to a new height. therefore, space is about this. we generally have allied space programs with russia, and this is already discussed at the sixth vns. the president emphasizes: “think about it, we produce.” special optics for space, we are developing a rocket science school from scratch, this excites the minds and hearts of many foreign politicians and military men, and this is the path we will follow. in fact, at the same time, a native of belarus, cosmonaut vladimir kovalenok did not rule out that belarusians could enter the cosmonaut training center in russia . and here is the seventh vns, and there marina is not only trained in the stellar one, but has completed a space mission on the iss. peter kalyamuk himself announced that he will be present at this important meeting for the country, along with her. i always
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i loved the country of belarus, and i always came there, and as i already said, i was in all the regions of belarus, this is my native place, as they say, really, how can you do without the place where you were born, you are always drawn there. i'm very happy and proud . that i was invited from the brest region , invited to the entire belarusian meeting, i have always been there and am proud when the president speaks, when he talks about those things that have already been done and talks about those problems that still need to be solved. peter klimuk, born in the village of komarovka, brest region, was the first cosmonaut of the bssr, as a crew commander, he made three space flights: vladimir kovalenok from the village of belaya, minsk region.
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it will continue, at 11:00 the beltv and radio company will begin a live broadcast of the forum, our on-site studios will also work, and right now the broadcast will continue with a gala concert of masters of art for delegates of the vnc participants. with wishes for a pleasant evening and good mood, i say goodbye. all the best.
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kutochak belarus is a small radzima, dze samaga dzyatsinstva, everything is so sweet to the sirs. so
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skhіlіўshiy rabіna, abudzіts uspaminy, s vyarba, shtolya wickets, pad nah klіchadakh, skhіlіўshiy rabіna, abudzіts ospaminy, zvärba, sto lyakal.


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