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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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today, almost everything on the stage is ready; only rough edges are being removed so that the sound is clear and the picture is clear. the set design for the all-belarusian people's assembly consists of almost 400 km of led screens, over three hundred lighting fixtures, more than 20 km of cables that run behind the stage and six twenty-ton trucks of equipment. a good phrase now: space is ours, believe me, the technical part is also ours now, a very... large number of personnel who work today on the stage of a large hall are specialists who essentially do world shows. more than 140 people were involved in editing the scene alone; the assembly took four days. in general , preparations for such a large-scale event began several months before, in the last week, of course, the amount of equipment has increased significantly in other halls, in order to ensure broadcasting , the bel tv and radio company installed more than two dozen video cameras, by the way, not outside the lens. the voting process will also become. tomorrow
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at least the same number will be added, judging by the number of accredited journalists. the press center is ready to receive about three hundred. all national tv channels have already set up their on-site studios at beltelerokpaniya, there are two of them. the beltv and radio company plans to broadcast the entire event, and in addition, we are also organizing two points for on-site studios here, here, specifically, where we are now, i think that... that delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly will come here, well, our second on-site studio is located near the officers’ house, right above the entrance to metro station, there we are making a beautiful pavilion, experts and delegates will be invited there, a 10 by 10 m pavilion overlooking the palace of the republic, it took 2 days to assemble the frame and technical content, interior elements will also appear here, broadcast live, so that everyone who will follow the agenda of the supreme national assembly was in...
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not just an important political one, but taking into account the new status and historical event. yulia alferova and andrey novgorodtsev, television news agency. all-belarusian people's assembly, we will show everything, informative, understandable and interesting. in direct broadcast: the main political event of the year. opinion about the events in our field studios, let's discuss important things. 2 days in a row for
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belarus alone, we start on wednesday at 14:00, you will see everything first. during the supreme national assembly, two most important documents will be approved, the military doctrine and the concept of national security. time dictates its own rules. many countries are behaving aggressively, there is a real arms race, and the principle of indivisibility and security has been lost.
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to influence our government bodies, economic the sanctions that have been imposed on us today from all sides, in fact, bypassing the decision of the security council of the united nations, in addition to economic impact, informational pressure is being carried out, this is unprecedented pressure on our society, and so the concept of national security, as the most important document, it determines our public policy in area of ​​national security.
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national security concept and military doctrine. what is behind these documents and why is it important to adopt them now? details watch today immediately after the panorama in the author's program. this is different. a guarantee of security and preservation of peace in the country, a strong army in belarus has begun sending conscripts to the troops, and this is not forced, like militant neighbors, to be ready to defend your home, your family, the duty of every citizen, and the recruits understand this. replenishment is accepted by the connection and the warrior. units of the armed forces, border service and state security agencies and internal troops of the ministry of internal affairs, a total of about 10,000 are planned to be sent to staff in april may conscripts. the recruits will serve as part of the special operation forces of the second guards joint training center for the training of warrant officers and junior specialists
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of the minsk military commandant’s office. i’m going to the fifth, well, marinagorka, the fifth separate special forces brigade, with a positive attitude, some experience, to test myself. what i’m capable of, well, new acquaintances, new friends, i’m going to serve in the vitebsk airborne forces, in the elite troops, i dreamed of getting there from my youth, so i was lucky, this army is important for people, i need to defend my homeland, my mothers, all my loved ones, high spirits, because i'm glad that i'm going to get where i want, and i'm actually very interested in what it's like to serve as a kind of honorary corul. i wanted to go there, and i got this chance, so i’m glad. you have already seen the mood, everything is fighting, everyone is ready to stand up for the defense of their homeland, fulfill their duties as part of the units in which they will be sent, and properly study military
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affairs, subsequent ceremonial farewells in the capital were held in the museum and park complex victory. about 1,500 minsk residents will put on military uniforms, some of the conscripts are sent to serve... already having a military specialty, the young fighter course awaits the guys, and on may 25, formations and military units of the armed forces will host a military oath-taking ceremony. in modern conditions, the tasks of the military are more global, to respond to all threat challenges in a timely manner. our strategy is to use proven tactics and equipment, about the features of the defense system in belarus in the disposition project. on air disposition, this is gagarin, let's go! the new military leaders of poland finally came to their senses and became predictable, but as soon as the minister of defense changed in warsaw, we heard shocking news about the state of the army,
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we learned that the republic’s troops did not even have enough helmets, but that’s it, the neighbors have already come to their senses , they are pursuing the correct predictable policy , they have regained their belligerence, and you know they are purchasing heavy armored vehicles. the truth is that with armored vehicles, they really are, except that they are heavy. the last loudly received 100 abrams turned out to be beushny, which in the west was talked about with slight embarrassment and quietly. germany completely averted its eyes, because what berlin feared is happening, it is in europe that the german tank fleet is being replaced by an american one, and the money is flowing overseas. jealous of vida abrams, the bosses shelled out $6 billion. war is war, as he says. minsk, of course, has no sarcastic illusions about all these financially armored maneuvers, but it is not going to be drawn into a senseless arms race, with action calculated asymmetry. not the most friendly neighbors have more tanks, we have new helicopters with
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the appropriate antidote. in the spring, the rotorcraft formation was strengthened by the next mi-35m armed with anti-tank missiles. they are actively acquiring means of combating...
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taking into account the experience of a special operation. but we are not ready everywhere and will only take retaliatory, compensatory measures. this is what we're talking about: lately in the west , terrorist threats have been rapidly becoming actualized, politicized, and even approved. already no one, for example, is embarrassed by kiev’s targeted attacks on russia’s civilian infrastructure. the president of belarus outlined the format of the response to what has already been proposed for the implementation of the idea of ​​terror. from kiev,
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including the mozar oil refinery, which, fortunately , today works without interruptions, has been modernized, and you refuel from the mozor oil refinery, our fugitives, yours , ours, they keep shouting at the poles and others, let’s hit the mozar oil refinery, they the aggressor... the aggressor himself will be able to remain unpunished, the already existing potential will allow him to inflict
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it’s not just unacceptable, but unbearable damage; unfortunately, this is the only factor that remains clearly limiting now. nato continues its aggressive war rhetoric and the clanging of its tracks, as evidenced by constant exercises near our borders. the truth is not. losses. this time, during the maneuvers , a spanish soldier was killed by a saber strike in poland. let me note that in march alone, five polish soldiers died in the country. warsaw then suspended all military exercises using explosives and military equipment, with the exception of training for the sake of participation in missions and operations outside poland, as well as training of ukrainian soldiers. meanwhile, a large batch of american bradley infantry fighting vehicles was spotted in rzeszow, poland. the video is spreading. on social networks with the tag “technology for ukraine”. western experts write that in recent years the site in
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the city of rzeszow has become the main hub for the supply of weapons for the ukrainian armed forces. nato plans to build a large-scale repair base for military equipment there. alliance for aggression and war. a german member of the left party faction in the bundestag reveals the nature of nato in his new book. the author emphasizes that the alliance positions itself as a defender of democracy. people, but in fact, it was this bloc that triggered conflicts in many regional and international hot spots. this year is the 75th anniversary of the founding of nato and i perceive the situation as extremely dangerous, although nato appears to be at the peak of its power, it is simultaneously plunging into the most serious crisis since its creation. this book aims to debunk these myths, which are just fiction. facts show that nato has always been alliance for aggression, now.
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national defense and security policy at the amazon site. earlier, the politician warned about the threat of nuclear war due to supplies of trud became a real bestseller in the category of military equipment to ukraine. suspicion of treason for victory. the prosecutor general's office of moldova accuses participants of the victory movement after the congress in moscow. upon returning from russia , people were shown.
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were not concerned about nazism, the country's state security service warns about the growing trend of risks of right-wing extremism in society, especially among young people, there there is an increased interest in cultural law. nazis were even detained, they are suspected of like-minded people around the world, somewhat not publicly glorifying the genocide of nazi germany, their war crimes, as well as committing actions aimed at inciting racial hatred. according to the investigation, they were influenced by
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radical views and used physical violence against non-europeans. and we continue the live broadcast. the tv news agency conducted a daily audit of the all-belarusian people's assembly will meet a hospitable breakfast, what is included in the menu in which hotels, everything is according to the gost, will the delegates feel at home, soon will be the extra-work details of the people’s meeting. medical equipment, medicines, as well as smart platform systems. the twenty-ninth international medical center opened in the capital. belarus health forum 2024 picturesque lake region, which its inhabitants are so proud of, what else besides tourism is lepel attractive, what infrastructure is being created for people, why the taste of childhood is associated with this belarusian district center, we will find all the answers in the panorama project, a place to live.
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the international medical exhibition of healthcare in belarus opened in minsk today. the forum presents domestic developments of medical equipment, medical products, dental equipment, and medicines in the field of artificial intelligence. report from the exhibition from svetlana chernova. duplication of the image from the 3d glasses is now displayed on the screen. this is what a smart diagnostic complex looks like, which was presented at the twenty-ninth medical forum of healthcare in belarus 2024 was presented by a belarusian it company. involves the use of 3d glasses, which , based on the results of the patient’s medical examinations, generate and display a realistic image of the internal organs. simply having a ct or mri study, the surgeon can look at the location of the internal organs, plan the operation, plan the puncture point there, let’s say an endoscope. in total, there are more than
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160 exhibitors from eight countries on the football arena site: hungary, india, iran, china, russia, egypt, south korea and belarus. for example, our know-how of a high-tech, realistic robot, the only one of its kind in the country, was presented by the republican scientific and practical center for mental health, this is a simulator for practicing the communication skills of doctors. the doctor trains within a short time of an outpatient appointment, makes a diagnosis, by collecting an anamnesis, to which our patient responds, establishes a diagnosis, looks at the examination that is embedded in this robot, and prescribes treatment.
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then the doctor, instead of deciding to look at the image for a long time, gives him a computer will say: pay attention to these pictures, most likely there will be a disease here, and the rest, the rest are simply not a disease, we save your time, we are currently working to combine all those existing developments into a single platform,
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today this is must take place within two years, the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth years. we hope that by combining them, they will give their results at the beginning of the twenty-fifth year, because the first stage should end at the end of the twenty-fourth, this will make it possible to get away from unnecessary paperwork, this will enable our employees to quickly receive all the necessary information about the patient, which today requires a certain amount of time to obtain. the medical exhibition, by the way, was dedicated to the 105th anniversary of belarusian healthcare, will run until april 26. about thirty scientific and practical conferences and seminars are planned for this period. svetlana chernova and anatoly dolotovsky, tv news agency. our medical achievements are the subject.
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working details of the vns are in the following material. those who a priori have quality rest work well, so the capital welcomes the delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly with the most comfortable living conditions. so, six hotels that are located along the central avenues, six months ago, booked 200 rooms each, and our film crew made a raid. hotels are... and you don’t need white gloves to see here all year round, even economy, akin to a comfortable luxury, this is the victoria olympus hotel, tomorrow 192 delegates from the first region will arrive, the residents of brest
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will live no worse than the guests of honor, the actors kharatyana and olezhka, the group boni mm or empress allegrova, this is a really good level of our city hotels in two hotels, two delegations, two regions will live in ours, so of course we were preparing . and quite in advance, six months in advance we have already started doing some cosmetic repairs, buying new bedding, so we are really looking forward to our delegates and will be happy to participate in this in every possible way event. despite the number of people, they promise to check in in less than 10 minutes, representatives of the vns are accepted from the first people's meeting, as is the belarus hotel. one of the first skyscrapers in the capital is not stuck in the late eighties, but is constantly updating the costumes of its rooms. here. a delegation from the vitebsk region will stay in such single and double rooms, with the bonus of minsk in the palm of your hand, breakfast included, almost on the observation deck. in general, we are always ready to invite and
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meet our guests, we feel here of course, we also have a special responsibility, because we understand that people need to have a good rest, that they need to gain strength, have breakfast, go, work well, so that there are positive results for all of us, well, this one is wonderful... immediately recharge with good energy , i hope, with energy, our capital from a bird's eye view, they will be able to have a snack and go to work, but the view will be waiting for them the next day, i can assure you 100% that all hotels under the authority of the executive committee are already fully prepared to receive delegates, to the very cordially welcome. we will provide truly comfortable accommodation, interesting pastime, and, of course, a fairly high level of cuisine. by the way, in each of the six hotels in
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the morning they will treat you to a single continental complex, which consists exclusively of belarusian products, based on potato groten and poultry steak. we cannot yet evaluate the entire list of treats; each item on the menu is agreed upon by the organizing committee, which means that, like a hotel room, it will also be according to the state regulations. lidiyaskaya, alexey sosnovsky, agency tv news. the culmination of the first day of the national assembly will be a concert at the sports palace. at these moments the dress rehearsal of the program is underway. the main spectators, participants in the meeting of the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly. accompanied by the presidential orchestra , the best artists of the country will sing, hits, viaviras, hits of the group aura, where
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the homeland begins, young laureates of republican competitions will sing, even doubles of the singers will appear on stage, there will be premieres. you haven't seen this format before, you haven't we saw three factor buy winners on stage, and we will sing such a very tender song. this is a very important topic, the topic of parents, the home of our fathers, the topic of our mothers, so i am sure that our performance of the song will touch the hearts of the audience, i feel how important this event is, because you know, people talk about it, and in principle, the entire information agenda is saturated with this, and indeed here, as far as i know, such important strategic decisions are made, and how great it is that i can be involved in this with cultural point of view. that the songs i perform do not unite our peoples, and that i am part of such a large family, russian-belarusian, i am sure that these cultural traditions of ours will continue
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to continue.
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that is why much attention is paid to the development of medical, sports and other infrastructure in the regions, for example, in lepel , the construction of a modern center with a swimming pool is being completed, the construction of a kindergarten is underway, and the renovation of the center for children and youth, which brings together talents, continues. residents lepel say our city is a real place to live. watch the panorama project right now. listen, only here birds can sing so beautifully. i was lucky enough to be born and
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live in the most picturesque corner of the vitebsk region, lepeshchina. the best memories are associated with lepel. and already at a conscious age, i can say with confidence that there is no more beautiful place to live. just look at how wonderful the lake here is, that’s what lepelskoye is called,
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my profession is connected with’. since 2011 i have been working in the berezensky biosphere reserve, which i can proudly call one of the pearls of our country. in a picturesque place, on the shores of beautiful lakes, the lepel military sanatorium and a children's rehabilitation and health center are located. it is in these conditions that children of our country from different regions, as well as russia, undergo recovery. recently a new building was put into operation here, where there is everything for recovery, creativity and a great mood. our lepel is a very comfortable city to live in.
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there's been a lot going on lately. done, the streets and courtyards are being transformed, and just recently the clinic was renovated, and the medical team was replenished with new promising specialists. the decoration of the lepel will be a modern kindergarten, the construction of which is actively underway. for more than half a century , lepel has been producing high-quality dairy products. this is the pride of our sculpting community. the assortment pleases with abundance, residents. will say that this is a taste from childhood; enterprises with a history are constantly improving in order to compete to ensure the food security of our country. modernity is closely intertwined with history, it is possible experience it in our regional local history museum. the exhibition displays development from
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ancient times to the present day, a special page is devoted to the great patriotic war. we bow to the courage of our ancestors. interesting.
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these are the main events of this day, and with this i say goodbye, there is a sports review and weather forecast ahead, right now the broadcast will continue with the program for the blue swan. this is different, stay with us, it will be very interesting. while nato is conducting exercises near the western borders of belarus, increasing its military contingent, weapons, rebuilding military infrastructure, on our southern border, intelligence services continually catch ukrainian saboteurs who are trying to smuggle dangerous explosives and
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weapons into our country, trying to implement their dirty plans to destabilize the situation inside our republic. at the same time, i would like to emphasize that, according to the draft new concept of national security, belarus... not a single people is its enemy, despite the actions of their government, but we are not going to act as a victim either. today in our country we are creating all the conditions to successfully repel any aggression, but our western neighbors did not really like the appearance of nuclear weapons in belarus, while their placement on the territory of nato countries suits everyone, but this is probably different. and i’m ksenia lebedeva with you, hello! already this week , the all-belarusian people's assembly will have to approve two most important documents after the constitution: the military doctrine and the concept
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of national security. in conditions of constant militarization near our borders , the number of states wishing to become the owners of nuclear weapons or place them on their territory. first of all, in europe, the risks of a nuclear conflict are increasing, the threat of developing the production and uncontrolled use of biological weapons is increasing , and the principle of indivisible security is being ignored. the key directions for the transformation of modern risks and threats in the sphere of national security are set out in some detail in the concept and military doctrine. and many of the estimates and forecasts contained there are already coming true. look, what's happening in the middle east. this is a terrible humanitarian disaster. please note that threats to use nuclear
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weapons were made almost immediately after the escalation of the conflict. and as it usually happens, there were no sanctions from the civilized west.
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us that, by and large , a redistribution of spheres of influence is taking place in the world, and besides, of course, the departure of a unipolar world to a polycentric world.
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this is how we should repel
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possible aggression, but one second document, they are important to us from which side, first of all, in order to ensure peace on our territory, what’s new in the military doctrine of the republic of belarus, first of all , it must be said that the military-political situation and the trend of its development are already being considered for the long term, secondly, we have changed, first of all, our views on the conduct. .. the allies will decide to deploy nuclear weapons as part of a nuclear exchange, also on our
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territory to strengthen the security of nato’s eastern flank, we are ready for this. poland is an ally in the north atlantic alliance, we also have an obligation in this plan, that is, we are simply implementing a general policy. their general policy is clear, but if we talk about the deployment of nuclear weapons on the territory of the eu, nato, because quite a lot have been deployed, while they constantly accuse us of allegedly being here... you know, most likely she has very big
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difficulties with the country’s own defense. in all likelihood, the concept that they chose does not satisfy the military-political leadership of this country today; they clearly realize that the world can very change strongly and clearly. and the issue related to nuclear weapons - it is no coincidence that this question is being raised. well, first of all, why? let's be honest, today we are the most affected party in everything that is happening today in our region. this is poland, which has lost its imperial ambitions, namely regarding the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, trimoria and so on. and in this situation, the poles are trying to win for themselves, to get that carte blanche that will ensure the security of their country, but they must understand that the presence of nuclear weapons there would immediately cause an armed conflict using such weapons. what is currently spelled out in the national security concept of belarus, regarding nuclear weapons? well, look, in general, the nuclear-free status itself,
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we abandoned the nuclear-free status and the neutral status in our constitution. the constitution is the fundamental document for creating the concept of national security and military doctrine. so, the military doctrine of the republic of belarus clearly defines what we are already deploying on our territory there are tactical nuclear weapons, but they are the main factor of deterrence, that is, issues are not defined there. which they can be used, these tactical weapons are precisely the deterrent factor as the main factor ensuring peace on our land, but there is one very interesting point, that is, in addition to...
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evaluate these statements by a retired general and in general we have some mechanisms in order to again influence such actions if, god forbid, they happen? we know where they will be act, we know how they will act, even the head of the state has already determined where these main directions that cause the greatest
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danger for us, this applies to malorita, this also applies to kobrin, this generally applies to all of stolin, all of ours, all of our southern borders, but a reliable system has been created there. security and defense, and even today, when we are preparing to hold the entire belarusian people’s assembly from the 24th to the 25th, we have already preliminarily deployed the necessary units from the forces immediate response, the duty forces of air defense and reconnaissance systems have been strengthened, the rapid deployment forces and the main defensive forces are also in constant readiness, i want to say that in general the military organization of the state. ready to hold this event with dignity, which we have been waiting for throughout the country, and i want to say, for many years, again, in continuation, probably, of these sabotage stories, i propose to listen to the statements of vasily malyuk, the head of the sbu, where he talks about how they blew up the plane in machulishche. surrounding this there is much more, besides
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this there are many other directions, including sabotage directions. we can tell you a lot here, for example. i don’t want to say that ukraine is a state of terrorists and so on, let this be assessed by politicians at the appropriate level, who should evaluate it, i assess it as a military man, i want to say that today the sbu and the gur of ukraine in general are starting to remind me more and more of isis, why are they ready for any absolutely terrorist
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act on the territory of belarus and the russian federation to take responsibility, the only question is how their masters will react, what we saw with... this is the same terrorist attack committed probably by similar persons who today happily talk about all the terrorist acts that they they were successful, this terrorist act failed, the world community did not support them, so you know that of course you need to keep your ears to the ground. the republic of belarus is an independent, sovereign and peace-loving state, which in its foreign policy is based on the principles of equality of states, non-use of force or... threat of force, inviolability of borders, peaceful settlement of disputes, non-interference in the internal affairs of other states and other generally recognized principles and norms of international law are being strengthened worldwide. a system of collective security, and all this while opponents behave unfriendly, to put it mildly, but this is probably different for them. and
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yaksenia lebezeva was with you, see you in the next program.
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telelenova agency presents in open we have no access to secrets from our people. we baked a loaf of bread, what a beautiful one, bread has never been and will never be easy for those who raise it, bread gained from hot sweat and cold mud, torn from the enemy.
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280 tons of bread per day are feeding our city, less and less, not looking at the growth of the population, because the growing of other high-calorie products, which are important because pork is small, is dying experience for fish and bird, and salt - 9 tons for the day.
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artifacts with a centuries-old history are a real puzzle for us, as travelers to time, this is a name or outline, in the place where we found it in this, in this area, it is called a tserpanok, this is
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the headdress of a married woman, the most valuable exhibit, in my opinion... already placed with rubles, i thought that everything the good that was in the old house will definitely go to the new house, travel with the belarus 24 tv channel
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. sports day is on the air, andrei kozlov is with you. hello. let's start with news from belgrade . the european boxing championship continues in the capital of serbia. yulia panasovich in the category up to 52 kg failed to make it to the semi-finals of the continental forum. the gomel woman lost to the owner dragana jovanovic. also , arina danilchik met with the representative of serbia anastasia lukajic in the 70 category and here the rival was stronger. tomorrow the quarterfinal matches will be held by artur tuniev and alexel ferov. the european championship will last until april 29. the capital's open boxing cup minsk open in memory of the honored coach vladimir batvinnik will help the coaching staff decide on the composition of the team for the old world championship among juniors the boys and girls have already shown their skills at the republic championship, but now the athletes will gain international
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experience, which should help them at the european forum at the end of june in battle with. russia, kazakhstan, azerbaijan and kyrgyzstan. the age of the athletes is 15-16 years. in total, over four days of competition , 102 boxers and 12 boxers will enter the ring. they will improve, without a doubt, they will increase. 13-14 years old, it’s already visible.


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