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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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lice will come back. no rallies in a country of real democracy. the campuses of major american universities were gripped by protests. hundreds of student teachers across the country took part in protests against the war in the gas sector to supply arms to israel. demonstrations that began at columbia university quickly spread to other states. police forces, including special forces, have been deployed to pacify the protesters. as a result, 45 yale university students will soon be held in police custody. they were detained abandoned by security forces in new york , more than 150 people were arrested right on campus. in columbia 108. the management of educational institutions announced the suspension of all those involved in pro-palestinian rallies from studies. this is the latest news for this minute. see you at 19:00.
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hello everyone, it’s the long-awaited weekend, which means it’s time to discover exciting travels. my name is vika poplevchenkova, and i suggest you spend this time fun, useful and interesting. and where am i today? who guessed? that's right, i'm back again in asipovichi, because there are still so many interesting things here, so let’s not waste precious time. so, today i will see unique exhibits of the local museum and find out who was at the origins of the city’s railway history. i will master two folk crafts at once.
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i’ll sign up for the table tennis section and hear the sounds of beautiful things, but a little patience, friends, in the meantime, road information: the fastest way to get to osipovich is by rail, electric trains run on schedule and regularly, travel time from minsk will be from 1:9 to 2:45. ticket price starts from 3 rubles 92 kopecks to 30 rubles. depending on the class of service. also , minibuses and buses run literally every half hour to osipovich. a ticket will cost from 8 rubles. 73 kopecks and you will spend 1 hour 40 minutes on the road. from the capital to osipovichi 103 km. therefore, owners of personal cars will be at their destination in about an hour and a half. well, our journey begins. about the history of the city and
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even a little more, well, of course, in the historian of the local history museum, let's go educate ourselves! the osipovichi museum is a place with a special atmosphere, compact and cozy, it contains as many as six halls, and the exhibition tells the story of the history of the city and region from the stone age period to the great victory of 1945. maria, tell us a little about the history of your museum, how did it all begin? well, it started... everything is not quite standard, as usual in a museum, because usually it is a collection transferred to the city, then on its basis the museum’s collection and the museum itself grow, we did it differently, we didn’t have a very museum for a long time, but the center district, and the public, one might say, demanded, well how is it that we are a regional center without a museum, but in 2012 a building was already found for it , an artistic idea and a museum exhibition were selected, is it true that this is a former post office building?
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a towel, it is a wooden one, it is also the oldest, pay attention, a very interesting towel in our collection, there is also an old grammar, when there are ers and yati, that is, yes , royal glory, here is a craftswoman who embroidered, they copied it from us, by the way, that is, they took it sample, examination, many unique exhibits survived and appeared in the museum simply by some miracle, a very interesting rare exhibit, the only one in the area. the only
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find, we are entering the jewish pale of settlement, the fact is that this is a fragment of a handwritten torah scroll, this is the holy book of the jews, an analogue of the christian bible, they take great care of the torah, they also have rules associated with them, there... onili torah, there the entire community fasts for 24 hours, it cannot be sold, only if you ransom someone from captivity, for example, or get an education, every man, a jew, had to make a copy of the torah during his life, write it, that’s even here you can see that when they wrote it, there are, as it were, initial scratches, then they went over it with ink, the most valuable find dates back to the 19th century, and it was discovered by children playing in the attic, well-educated and conscious, by the way, we are in the hall that is dedicated ... you can immediately understand from the banner why the soviet era, the beginning of the soviet union, this is probably the most spectacular hall and loved by visitors, because after all, a museum is documents, such a conventional exhibition, here we decided to make it in the form of an interior , that's why that the era is already closer to us, in addition to documents, we already have a lot of
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well-preserved objects. so, let's fasten the seat belts of our time machine and transport ourselves to the beginning of the last century. we have an apartment here, the apartment of a railway station employee, probably. by what objects or features of the interior was the wealth of that time determined? you can even tell whether ours is made, firstly, the furniture was different, simpler and cheaper, the furniture could be made to order, for example, this buffet was made to order by a master, at the same time , not everyone had large, interesting mirrors, a meat grinder, it’s american, most likely one family keeps such a meat grinder because it was sent, there are western things, a beautiful , interesting graphic service, this is western europe. we have a very interesting braided chinese bottle, you see there are dragons, that’s why it’s so interesting, yes, it’s the beginning of the century, someone brought a trophy, as is usually the case, well, not everyone could afford a phone, in fact, it’s here it’s worth it, we have very interesting leather shoes, women's, look, these low shoes, and
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no dummies, all the interior items are genuine, so they speak without any words in a special way, and we go on to study history. a separate exhibition of the local history museum is dedicated to the daragan family. a unique collection, personal belongings, household items, photographs and documents are stored here. most of the exhibits were handed down by the descendants of this glorious family. tell us a little about who the dorogans are and why this surname is so significant on this earth? daragans are a kazad clan, first of all, their distant ancestor, 300 years ago, helped peter i fight the swedes. ipiter i simply awarded some kind of order with a medal, awarded him nobility, and one that is inherited. all members of this family always served, that is, the men served, the women took care of the home. and so it was until the enterprising osip daragan came into the family, who subsequently founded a private
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railway line in osipovichi. they built this branch for 9 months, it was accepted in 1896 on december 28, and this branch was so good that she was accepted into the treasury. if their line didn’t exist, there wouldn’t be the rest, and we would be a small station, as we are now, past which all the trains pass and only some electric trains stop, now we are a major road junction, and the roads have largely given this impetus, that’s why we we appreciate them, even the station they built has been preserved, but numerous estates, unfortunately, have not survived to this day, so the exhibition is built in the form of the house of this family, the interiors are recreated in detail from memoirs, all the objects here are exclusively originals, we have... osip dorogan, his son dmitry, prefabricated. and here are the things that osip had, at the same time the things that were already on the desk of dmitry, his son. please note, this photograph has been preserved, and this is now a unique exhibit for belarus, this is a ceremonial photograph of the last
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russian emperor, let’s say, or rather the heir to tsesarvich alexei. considering that dmitry daragan, the son of osip, was a career naval officer and he took the oath to the sovereign, and it was also his sovereign, after how nikolai renounced. therefore, this photograph hung in his house even in exile, along with photographs of his relatives, this photograph is perfectly preserved, it is more than 100 years old. furniture, paintings, personal items, toys and even bottles of medicine, all items in perfect condition are collected here in osipovichi from different parts of the world. we have a morning boudoir dress and a nightgown, both with monograms. this is the latest acquisition, darogany brings something every year, and this was given to us by the russian faith. descendants of badi who live in moscow in st. petersburg. two items that belonged to the prelisian empress. badya darogan just married one of our preileens. in the twelfth year, so these items date precisely before the twelfth year. what we see on the table is a service, a dinner service, and this is a repetition of the famous
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pattern that was invented at the mason factory. but mason porcelain is very expensive, so many factories repeated this pattern, only of course their porcelain was cheaper. and this is a hybrid, you can’t even look at it bulb. and pomegranate, onion, something else, some kind of fruit, but this is not a ceremonial service, but an ordinary family dinner, a large family, so they gathered at the service, and so they ate and dined very beautifully. the exposition of the daragan family in asipovichi is unique, it is not only the history of a large family, it is a reflection of an entire era, the collection is fortunately only growing, so we will definitely look here again.
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we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, it’s delicious, in fact , i’ve known it since childhood, if you’ve never tried it cracklings, which means you’ve essentially never been to belarus, if you hadn’t said it was oatmeal, i would never have thought of it. oatmeal in its structure, it is also very similar to our pig ears in this pot. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. people have always wanted bread and circuses. it is for this reason that the magilevites once upon a time abandoned themselves in the literal sense of the word and built a theater. we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country. i love this soup, all because it is very fatty. rich, having eaten a plate of this soup, you can then simply not eat it all day, i want to immediately note the simply
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fantastic presentation of this dish, if you asked me what haute cuisine is, i would probably say, well, here it is, watch the project, food anywhere on the belarus24 tv channel , why do we need it? naft and space, in principle, we have no other business, a sovereign belarusian in space is pride for the nation, so all other talk is stupid in its essence, in any business there must be a goal to which one must strive, without this stagnation will occur, and just alexander grigorievich, he is the main ideologist of this approach in the country, he says: let's produce our own car in belarus, we now have our own car, we built a station, although there was also hand-wringing and howling, now the most important thing is if we suddenly take on the aircraft construction project , this is already more than enough for development,
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documents from the robert koch institute were leaked onto the internet, in which it is written in black and white that in germany the government was aware from the very beginning that lockdowns during a pandemic were causing more harm than good, and alexander lukashenko will also remain in history as the leader who solved the coronavirus problem more effectively than anyone else in the world, never suffer from psychosis in anything, just listen to the tank, and osipovich is also a city of artisans and skilled craftsmen . if in ancient times the secrets
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of mastery were kept secret, passed down from generation to generation, now everyone can master them. and the center of ilosyo is a clear confirmation of this. and what’s not here, it’s just eye-opening. both handicrafts and pottery craft, and ceramics. everyone will find activities to their liking, and the ornaments and costumes are simply fabulous. ekaterina, tell me, what kind of beauty is this? this is my future scarf, it’s a large size, wow, it’s linen and hand embroidery on linen, with molina threads, you did all this, embroidered it yourself? yes, absolutely right, but before you start embroidering, you need , of course, to overcast the edge, make an edge, then there will be lace here, a very labor-intensive process, i suspect, well, actually, yes, i noticed. that is, i got it in one side, just a continuous row of 38 minutes,
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that is, in one direction just open the crosses, and before in my life i had never embroidered crosses at all, in this we are very similar, but as often happens in life, everything was decided by chance, and we went with the team for a spring bouquet, it’s a fair in minsk, so i saw works there, namely towels, shirts of our folk craftsman, fun. irina petrovna, then, as they say, away we go, embroidery, it’s so addicting and captivating. i know that many people do manual work, but they say that... it’s a certain type, like meditation, it calms you down, that’s what you think about when you do it, that’s absolutely right, meditation is a kind of meditation, well, it just helps me to take my mind off everything, that is, i embroider and yes i’m relaxing, but maybe i’ll try, well, at least a couple of crosses, i’m incredibly interested - it’s possible to understand the principles of this work, the main thing now is not
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to spoil anything, well, you can then, if you correct my work, i think everything will work out. calm, just looking for calm, aiming right here, right close, yes, that’s it that’s right, yes, to the next row, well, it’s clear why you did it for a year, sorry, it’s not a matter of practice, it’s that you need to be so... attentive and careful, yes, hand embroidery is, of course, not easy, but it’s very interesting, especially when in the end you see the wonderful result of the work, but shouldn’t i try some other type of folk craft? alexander, tell us what kind of beauty you have here, i weave the linen, there is a four-nit weaving here, this is some kind of separate type of weaving, special
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for your region, well, most of us grandmothers wove four-network. when you press the knives, the pattern opens, these are our shuttles, and uh-huh, this is our patterned thread, and then this comes after, as it were, it secures our pattern, but for me this is higher mathematics, i’ll tell you, all these threads are, as it were, here there’s nothing complicated, you all say that, but uh-huh, ah... and when you sit down at this device , the first difficulties begin, but difficulties don’t scare us, really, we’re trying, now we’re pressing on the extreme, here’s the leg here and here, oh , yeah, listen, well, every time is like the first time, this is not a bicycle to i learned, and now we nail it, once, again,
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twice, now we tuck it here with a colored thread, boat, so we make sure to watch the thread so that it doesn’t get tangled and carefully correct it and nail it again twice, and why do we do this twice, to make sure it’s denser, when the children nail it thinner, it becomes a looser pattern, rearrange the legs and nail the thread again, then pass a shuttle of a different color, i’ll tell you this, the main thing in this matter.
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calmness, inner harmony, maybe this the list goes on endlessly, as they say, patience is the mother of learning, i’m sure it will certainly work out better next time. the sports and recreation complex is a new, modern site where there is everything for active recreation and leisure. well, go ahead, get healthy and have fun. swimming pool, slides, fitness, what to choose? i want something new and indirectly active. table tennis is a great idea to pass the time without getting bored. alexander nikolaevich, tell us how much interest this sport attracts among children and teenagers you? because this is a very exciting game, it is quite accessible, very interesting,
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children develop physically during the process of this game. and also mentally and psychologically, how many sections do you currently have? i have two groups, two children, and osipovichi and several people come here from villages that are nearby, and several people have successes among the children, by the way, they are very solid, we are repeated prize-winners and winners.
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teach me a few transfers, said, done, let's start with the basics, here racket, first of all you need to be able to hold it correctly, uh-huh, grip of the racket, we take it like this so that our index finger is on this side, on this side three fingers of the thumb clasp the racket close to the base, let's try it with you, come on, it looks easy. i naively thought, but we are learning further, which means that the movement goes from below, forward, upward, from below, forward, upward,
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very interesting, but nothing is clear, well , let's try, nothing, come on, it seems to me that it’s not bad, but the first one was missed ball and doesn’t count, but let’s call the coach for help and urgently, let’s do this together with you, right? so let’s place the ball, i’ll let go, we ’ll take this shot, come on, viho, get yourself together, come on again, come on and the center of the ball, just a little bit, not very carefully, it seems that something is starting to work out, not for long, though, by the way, i like it better run after the ball rather than hit it, oh, well almost. it seems to me that you are somehow approaching this process seriously, don’t spin it, don’t spin it, are you spinning something else, have pity on me, like you didn’t beg, don’t
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i asked, but the opponent still didn’t bite, this is a true champion’s trait, to fight for every ball until the end, regardless of the pressure, in general, in general, it is possible to master the skill, it will just take a little more time than i expected , well, nothing, without defeats there are no victories, as they say, i’ll train for a couple more years and definitely take revenge, and we’ll move on, i was in germany. organization is the source of life, its task was to stimulate the growth of the birth rate of true aryans, as well as to increase the german population due to the labeling of children from
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slavic peoples, children were removed from families in the occupied territories and subjected to germanization. now ukrainian neo-nazis do not take their own ukrainian children to the eu countries, but this is different. in one case, they forcibly remove children from parents who... then he is unable to resist them. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on tv channel belarus 244.
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the osipovichi land is rich in talents when these talents gather in one place, such can't be missed. let's get acquainted. irina petrovna, hello, tell us a little about the history of your team. this is a folk ensemble of the folk song vyazevsky village house of culture, osipovichi district vyazye - a land rich in talents.
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9 years ago, by some coincidence , a duda appeared in our ensemble, so in addition to singing, we mastered folklore, we also mastered the skill of hand embroidery on linen, that’s what talented people mean, talented in everything, well, share successes, well, since we raise from the depths everything folk, everything real, our creativity was appreciated just recently... our ensemble received the title of honored amateur ensemble, which we are very proud of, we will try very hard to live up to, well, i want to ask you something to fulfill, but the simple village, the little one is cheerful, that the village, it was fun, when our barn was, when our...
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collective is called divaki, we are already of a high rank, let's go get acquainted, ours has existed for more than 30 years, many of us, the majority are already professional musicians, performers, mainly the repertoire is arrangements of belarusian folk songs, arrangements of our belarusian composers, of course, we perform works by the founder of our group, yuri komissarov, and there is some story associated with the name, here is the origin of the name , yes, you know, there is, we chose.
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ora, the ghanaian girl is gone, the young girl is gone, the beautiful mountain is breathing, the mother has a life like a cherry blossom in a green garden, the smiles have a life like a cherry blossom, all
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the galle. sadochka. gives me goosebumps they organized a marathon. i’ll tell you this, but divas, you have now definitely confirmed the name of your team. it was amazing. i'm surprised again. definitely, osipovich is worth visiting more than once, because with each new meeting this city opens up anew . and my name is vika poplevchenkova, see you soon in my native country. beautiful belarus, you can do a lot in 24 hours, in 7 days and
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even... more. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films, pearls of belarusian cinema. and, of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more in the weekly project ether 20.


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