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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 2:10am-3:06am MSK

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we are very often surprised, but how did the birthplace of kant, the birthplace of a huge number of philosophers, poets, writers, thinkers, give birth to hitler, give birth to auschwitz berkenau, dachau , lampshades made of human skin, how yes, just like that, well, this, this is there in...
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that got their hands on before power, what did they do, what did their ancestors do, who do they sympathize with, this is a rhetorical question, when we talk about power, you know, now the best example comes in fact, one has already seized power, 5 years ago, they liked to kick us , yes, the west accused belarus of dishonest elections, illegitimacy and so on, well, zelensky, this boy is on a leash, but the west. after all, he will soon become completely illegitimate, but how long will he be allowed to be president? and how do you see his fate, but is he legitimate now? i also share the concept of legal and legitimate, he is probably legal, legal, because he came to the elections as, well, a winner, yes, exactly that, but is he legitimate? big question? and i think the answer is no, and i am sure that mr....
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soon, as soon as the owners realize that he is exhausted, that he is no longer physically and mentally capable, that he is, in principle, waste material, you know, when he, that means, traveled around the world, the western world, the white world, yes, from one red carpet to another red carpet, from one parliament to another, from one film screening to another, to a third, we all the expert communities,
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the journalistic community asked the question: how will they close this project later, no one doubted that it would be closed sooner or later, but this is how they do it they will do now the media has promoted him so much, they have now done so much to make him an icon, and he really was an icon, he was on all the covers, he was everyone’s favorite, he was supported by hollywood, which... was recently mentioned, now we see that the same machine doesn’t turn him on today, today, of course, it makes him ridiculous today, makes him a loser today, makes him uninteresting today, before the broadcast we talked about the magic of television, when a person disappears from the frame, he disappears altogether, therefore... we probably didn’t fully appreciate
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the power of this propaganda mechanism, well, this is a mechanism that he himself successfully used, pr, but he didn’t own it, he didn’t own it, that’s what’s most important here, so to answer your question, when they decide that zelensky is done, he will end, he will dissolve, he i don’t know what will happen to him physically, no, that’s very important to me, you know, he bought it like a decent son-in-law. mother-in-law 's dacha in egypt, yes, and i also heard about a palace in the uk, for himself, he bought a palace for himself in the uk, but for 20 million, royal palace, so they’ll let him use it, i don’t know, honestly, i don’t know, and i’m not interested in caring, i wanted, honestly, let, let special people do this, i really hope that we have them, that they are well trained in best traditions.
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watch the science project nearby on our tv channel. why do we need an astronaut in space? basically, we have nothing else to do; a sovereign belarusian in space is a pride. for the nation, so all other talk is stupid in essence, in any undertaking there must be a goal to which one must strive, without this it will come stagnation, and just alexander grigorievich, he is the main ideologist of this approach in the country, he says: let's produce our own car in belarus, we now have
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our own car, we built a station, although there was also hand-wringing, howling, now the most important thing is, if we suddenly take on the project of building aircraft, this will be more than enough for development. documents from the robert koch institute were leaked onto the internet, in which it is written in black and white that in germany the government was in aware that lockdowns during a pandemic cause more harm than good, and alexander lukashenko will also remain in history as the leader who most effectively solved the coronavirus problem than anyone else in the world. don’t suffer from psychosis, never in anything, just listen to your dad. author's project of igor turai propaganda, watch on the tv channel. russia 24, well, since it’s time for elections, it’s impossible not to ask
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the american elections, yeah, but the united states has not made significant progress, let’s be honest, neither in the ukraine project, nor in the middle east project, yeah. but victories biden needs it, but in the meantime there is colossal waste. this is the situation, how can trump take advantage of it, and what achievements can both of them present to their voters? well, trump actually has carte blanche now. trump doesn't need to do anything. look at biden. biden is a walking anti-advertising. trump doesn't have to participate at all. in the election race, wait, but still, with all the senility, obvious senility, outright dementia, yes, the fact that a person is actually lost in space, but a significant number americans still support him, why? mm, it’s hard to say, i’m not american,
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again, i can only guess that it’s a matter of propaganda. objectively, trump is also not a failure, trump also has means, opportunities, including media ones, they tried to limit them, they tried to ban them, but it doesn’t work. moreover, trump has such a populist head start, if i
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were president, none of this would have happened, but today he is riding on this thesis, and prove that this is not so, this can... just check, you know, yes , now, this is a very strong thesis, it’s impossible not to believe it, seeing how everything is crumbling, seeing how everything is collapsing, how the earth is disappearing from under your feet. the americans turn on conditionally fox , then trump tells them: guys, if i were president, i would come to an agreement with putin, i would resolve everything with israel, and even i believe, even i believe, although we have already gone through trump, although we have already seen a lot of everything since, of course, promising does not mean getting married, the presidency makes... it means that a person is a different person, that’s all,
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that’s all clear, that’s all clear, but even i i believe, because such a contrast is wild, you know, on the one hand there is a person greeting the spirits, who cannot walk even 5 meters without falling, without stumbling, and just the thesis, guys, if i were, i would be able to, this is me , i have a solution to this question, just give me the opportunity, well, unfortunately, abas, unfortunately, the last, semi-philosophical question is traditionally on our program. oscar, walt once said that in america the president rules for 4 years, but journalists rule indefinitely. still, we still have the privilege to report to people the truth. but this is what a real journalist needs to do today, when he is a person who owns his word. that i teach
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a discipline called multimedia journalism and i tell students about different concepts of journalism, but at the same time i always make a disclaimer, guys, you can adhere to any of these concepts, each has its place, we are all different, but personally i and... i try demonstrate this by your own example, by your own example, i personally adhere to the concept of socially responsible journalism, a journalist does not just a robot that saw and told, the journalist also thought, and how what was told will respond, what what is written, what is said can lead, in this sense, the journalist... must proceed from the same formula from which the doctor proceeds: do no harm, that’s
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social responsible journalism, that’s what i would call my approach, this is what i would encourage all my colleagues to do, a socially responsible journalist manages information in a special way, it does not come from hype, not from a fee. it comes from how it can influence the situation, in the positive sense of the words, whether or not he can influence it in a negative way, only then do it, well, something like this.
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vasily trafimovich voronyansky, one of the leaders of the partisan movement in the minsk region during the great patriotic war. born on august 25 , 1901 in the village of dekanka, poltava region. participant in the civil war and the battles at lake khasan in 1938. for impeccable service he was awarded a personalized watch from the people's commissar of defense varoshilov. at the beginning of the great patriotic war he found himself in surrounded. with a handful of fighters he made his way to the east. they managed to get to the lagoi region and organize the avenger partisan detachment, which later grew. to the brigade. voronyansky's partisans destroyed more than 13,000 german police soldiers,
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derailed 161 trains, blew up 152 bridges, destroyed seven aircraft, five tanks, 325 vehicles and six guns. in september 1943 , the plane on which voronyansky was flying to moscow came under fire. the commander of the partisan brigade was mortally wounded. soon after the death of cambrig the partisans received a radiogram informing them that the partisan brigade had received a victory. the city was named after its commander and organizer. today , streets in minsk and lagoisk pleschenniki bear voronyansky’s name.
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the "source of life" organization was founded in germany. its task was to stimulate an increase in the birth rate of true aryans, as well as to increase the german population by naming children from the slavic peoples. children were taken from their families in the occupied territories and subjected to germanization. now ukrainian neo-nazis are not they export their own ukrainian children to eu countries. but this is different. in one case, they forcibly remove children from parents who do not want to go to ukraine and are waiting for russia. in others they turn a blind eye to how civilized countries steal children from ukrainian refugees, when you make false documents, but supposedly original ones, you say that the children are orphans, when you know that they have parents, the principal of the school was with them , so she knew that these children, they have a mom, they have a dad, you understand that
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this is for the illegal, the west is simply ready to devour those who are not able to fight back. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on belarus24 tv channel.
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belarus is not limited to discussing targeted projects with russian regions, proposing to enter into cooperation roadmaps. the arkhangelsk region is an example of this; the president of belarus held a meeting with the governor of the region. it is noteworthy that alexander tsybulsky arrived in our country on the first direct flight connecting minsk and arkhangelsk. now almost 2.0 km can be covered in 2 and a half hours. the president is confident that this is a good signal for businesses and tourists to explore each other’s potential. working more actively will now become easier. minsk and arkhangelsk have many mutual interests. one of the key areas of cooperation is the supply of belarusian quarry and forestry equipment for passenger transport. alexander lukashenko invites partners to simultaneously organize warranty service for our buses. another important area of ​​collaboration is modernization of industrial enterprises in
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the region. belarusian machine tools and equipment can be a good help. in addition, arkhangelsk is an important transshipment hub. cargo in the north-west of russia, for belarus in the current conditions this is a strategic task. and today the president made a number of personnel appointments. there are new ministers of justice and natural resources and environmental protection in belarus. they were evgeniy kovalenko and sergei moslyak. accordingly, sergei lukashevich was agreed to become the first deputy minister of foreign affairs. a number of appointments in the ministry of transport, two deputies and the first deputy, also among the new managers, heads of district and city executive committees. areas of gomel and grodno. alexander lukashenko set the new leaders up for serious work. moreover, they will become direct participants in the all-belarus
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people's assembly. they will have to make strategic decisions for our country. 8,400 veterans will receive assistance by may 9, in the anniversary year of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, the amounts have been significantly increased, almost doubling, so disabled participants of the great patriotic war, as well as those who participated in the battles against the japanese army, who were awarded orders and medals of the ussr for selfless labor and impeccable military service in the rear, and other citizens will receive 2,000 rubles for their services in wartime. family members of missing military personnel , as well as former prisoners of fascism, will receive one thousand rubles. payments will be made from april 25 to may 4, in general , financial assistance to veterans under the strategic development of belarus will be discussed by delegates of the supreme council on 24-25 april in minsk. the all-belarus people's
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assembly received constitutional status this year. this means that the supreme council will not just recommend, but control the resolution of all key issues in the country. to begin with , there are questions in the orc program. election of the chairman of the all-belarus people's assembly, deputy, members of the presidium. everything for the coordinated operation of a large mechanism. the delegates will arrive. throughout belarus, these are people of different professions, ages and, most importantly, views. not everyone has experience participating in such big political events, but so a meeting without elitism was conceived, in order to hear everyone's voice. this year the belarusian metallurgical plant plans to supply 200,000 tons of steel to the countries of the african continent. the first quarter showed a significant increase and a quarter of the tasks were completed. it also works on import substitution. over the past year, the company has mastered more than sixty species. products, these are new products for the automotive industry and the steel brand. in fact, the twenty-third year was quite successful, we grew by 12% in steel production, in physical terms
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we increased the export of our products by 15%, supplied products to new countries in southeast asia, and seriously expanded into china, which is the world leader in steel production. during the republican in belarus, about 14.5 million rubles were collected, which is 4,000 rubles more than last year. 2,4000 people took part in it. the funds will be distributed among the gomel, minsk and brez regions and will be used for the reconstruction of memorial complexes in centers for the patriotic education of youth. in that year, special attention was paid to establishing order in places of military glory. belarus is preparing to celebrate an important date: the eightieth anniversary of the country's liberation from the nazi occupation. the pre-premiere screening of the film dugout took place in brest, the film was presented by a creative team led by director mark gorobets. as the
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leading actor alexander metelkin noted, the film is about war, but not about it. the main line of the picture, the sincere and even fraternal friendship of young people, representatives of two nations at war with each other during the great patriotic war russian and german. the main message of the film is conveyed both through the performance of two talented actors and through the created atmosphere. paintings, almost the entire film was shot on location in the forests of the pskov region, trenches and bunkers of the two warring sides were built in the pine bar, and the battle was recreated with the participation of dozens of units of retro equipment, but to understand the full scale of russian film work, you need to see the dugout with your own eyes, in the film will be released in wide release on april 25. review of the most interesting sporting events. olympic champion tokyo ivan letvinovich won bronze at the fifth and final stage of the season at the world cup on trampoline. belarusian beauty
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acting is again the best on the planet. alina gornasko won the rhythmic gymnastics world cup in greece. exclusive interviews with athletes. i worked very hard, i worked towards this; it was my dream to play for dina minsk. it so happened that i scored a goal, the first goal in the major league, i hope not the last. will work. i do n't think there was a game.
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magistrate, so the kobrin princes are their the squads definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, a plastic fish , weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, using a wobbler, to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america , floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, this is the term for floating ones.
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i am a belarusian, i am proud of this cossack land, between the forests and the bushes of the past centuries, i am belarus, i am a belarusian, because i call this name, and to the good glory of belarus.
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as i remember hakinu, yesterday, march 22nd, he became a fascist, surrounded the village, sieged, killing 149 souls, and at most five souls. souls, the unconquered joseph kaminsky spoke this is the cry of the only survivor of khatyn here at the opening of the memorial in 1969, he remembered the atrocities of the nazis minute by minute, found the strength to voice them. i ask how this never happened again, how we survived the century, and more.
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the nazis destroyed 9.00 trees, most were burned alive along with people, women, children; there are 7,238 storage sites on the territory of belarus today. so, in every area has its own khatyn, its own scar. memorials appeared in their place, thanks to the difference.
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in these days of great creation, let us look back and remember how just recently our sky was covered with bitter conflagrations. the village of borki , kirov region, has risen from the ashes. the punitive forces left it behind, having destroyed more than 2 thousand villagers in one dawn, that’s 12 massacres at the same time. about 40 members of our family.
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the village remained, so to speak, a shadow, a structure . there turned out to be a whole pile of human bones, from the memorial, it was historically predetermined, there was a street, there was a memory of village, there was a place where people died, all this was rethought, the warrior who stood guard over memory for 62 years in ale, now at the largest mass grave in the svetlogorsk region with... there are 3,000 red army soldiers here, volunteer care is voluntary. we do this with a pure soul and love, because we understand what a huge sacrifice our belarusian people have made. for children, there is no more
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eloquent place about the war than this empty classroom with a river of blood in the agricultural town of krasny bereg. the entire memorial is in memory of those kids who never saw peace. sky because of the nazis and because of the war. for the first time, krasny bereg told the world about the tragedy of a child during the war in belarus and this place is called children's khatyn. these are children who did not draw their sun, as he said. the architect apple orchard himself chose the canvas in the shape of a red bank.
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people, civilians, deported from europe and jews. to show the last path of interrupted
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destinies, levin’s team decides to walk 800 m from the square of life through carriages and a peaceful landscape to the buried pits of death. we have to im memory, we made this place. you are humiliated, stripped naked, and you go with your family and strangers.
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let's go back to 1949, a time of complete famine, so the local collective farm named after kalinin digs up these lands and sows their crops. but there is one nuance: agricultural land appeared on the site of 36 mass graves; the nazis threw the bodies of 26 thousand soviet prisoners of war, civilians, women, and children into them. in total, 40,000 citizens are buried at this place. until 1992, there was no hint of tragedy; later, the borders were determined here for a long time burials, put up a cross, landscaped the garden, but it didn’t take root. the problem was to collect human bones that were blown upward with sand so that the children would not see all this, so we went, in the evenings we collected them, buried them, the task was to attract attention, so in 2014 this memorial complex was included in
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the state program for perpetuation, in the status of a memorial project complex on the site of the azarich... death camp, in 10 days the perimeter of the concentration camp became a grave for 20 thousand destroyed souls, every holiday, everything walked around, carried flowers, everyone.
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what was important to the memorial complex was not the zero kilometer, the symbols, because the new address is victory avenue, the facades with volleys of fireworks, and if all this is truly embodied, it will be the greatest memory of all those who died in the fight against the nazi invaders, we are updating the media. so that in the future the truth will still be the same, it will not become less, to be remembered, it will be closer, here is a new museum in khatyn, but the pain
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needs to go, look and feel. we confidently step into a new day and do it to our own music, the music that sounds inside each of us. it is everywhere, in the sun, in timid movements, at our fingertips, music inspires. to think and opens up thousands of roads before us. music
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can change the world because it can change us. music is inside each of us.
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"hello, good afternoon, welcome to the bolshoi theater of belarus, the place of final preparation before going on stage,
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you know, as they say, prayed for, but not prayed for, like sacred in terms of wasted nerve cells, when the last one..." he calls the bell, three rings, this means they are already waiting for us at the rehearsal site, and we will have to go there, you see,
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what a rehearsal hall we have here, it’s very good, it’s convenient for us, you know, they built it, it’s not each theater, i must say, has such a rehearsal stage, which... repeats the stage, the stage of ours, the large, main stage, and even the slope that is present in our stage is also repeated here, that is, we have a full-fledged platform for rehearsing, very cool, of course, well the orchestra pit sits here, when orchestral rehearsals take place, now we are preparing for rehearsals, which we are preparing, literally preparing, here is a big theater, but what does it matter, well, like a big theater, it seems to me that these are the combination of these two words it is already...
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serious art, which does not bring such income, yes, tangible, material, they, they are spiritual income, so to speak, for the population, there is space, all sorts of such serious research, not every the country can afford and maintain a large theater, such a serious one, that too, that is, but this is a certain, firstly, sign from the state where it is invested, so to speak, even the location, you see in whom it is located we have a wonderful time together.
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so let's say this profession is built. well, so much the better, i can’t watch you
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any more, and let me express my decision, the most important thing is probably the emotional mobility, the emotional excitability of the actor, if this is not there, then with this material it’s very difficult to work, but... that is, you can train somehow, but it will be very difficult to make a person a person who does not attract attention, with such partners, like me , well, we have guys there nina sharubina, seryozha frankovsky, well, i can’t do that to name everyone and i don’t want to offend anyone i didn’t name, well, that’s who we worked with the most, this is a very very good emotional one, andryushkava is also a good partner, because emotionally i know, you know how it is, like good tennis, when you pass back there, that is sending emotions and a return of emotions, and in the wrong way i threw it there, but here...
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i became a student, a student, yes, that’s correct, yes, a student at the glinka minsk music college, that’s it, that is, after the tenth grade, i learned about life for a year. i worked at a factory there, i don’t know, something else , that is, without entering, in the eighty-ninth year i then, in my opinion, no, in the ninetieth year, that was the year, i came to minsk, entered,
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well, tentatively i , that is, i actually sang at the audition, first i came to adam osmanovich murich, my teacher wonderful, with whom we are still on excellent friendly terms, and it is a great, great success for me, a great creative happiness, that it was with him that i ended up and that it was with him that we really went through life like this together, because i i will say that i have already left. from minsk, i constantly returned to him in conversations, in regular classes, i cannot help but say, of course, about my wonderful accompanists in minsk at that time, olga glebovna, irina germanovna, my good, dear ones, these are fighting comrades, the first people who praise, and who like this - well, a teacher, he is strictly a priori, that is, he demands, but on the other hand, like a mother, he will defend a little there, somewhere there is something, well, nothing, nothing, that’s how- that. there, i am really very grateful to fate for the fact that i ended up here, especially in this first, so to speak, still youthful stage of training, in these warm, soft and strict
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at the same time hands of adam osmanovich, a muzhdich, who brought up love for music, and some life, some firsts, well, i after all, he left his family, you know, that is , 17-18 years old, a completely young man, and this... it is important that there is a good example, a good older man nearby, who is still just a citizen, so to speak, like- then he will advise, he will suggest, having had his fill in these corridors, studying competitions, having passed certain ones, that is, well, i made the right decision by choosing odessa, because already in my third year i won a competition in karlovy vary and received an offer, already as a student, to - for me, in my fourth year , come to prague and do par. onegin, so, in general, my debut took place, i was still a student, but i was no longer a soloist of the odessa theater, but i was already invited
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to perform the title role in the opera, evgenia, well, what a good start, what is called encouraging, well this later became the reason for inviting me to the corpses of the odessa theater, in general, this is where my professional development began, because if we talk about the years of training, then of course... you go through a lot, a lot, a lot in a class with a teacher, but -a true professional you become only when you leave the stage of the theater, here, of course, then we move on to this decade of my work as a soloist of the odessa opera house, and there , of course, i was formed as a soloist, probably because the repertoire there was not so extensive when in minsk , and four or five times a month i... went on stage, in general, this was the key to this, that is , regular, regular singing,
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what the teachers put into me gradually crystallized, now this... became mine, and i was already starting to gain stage confidence. i came here, in general, for the first year, i really, i came straight to the school choir, i really liked it, i’m in the gobilene hall, i’ve already heard everything, i’ve already come running, i’ve already sat down, there are bare feet there too, let’s sing , the teacher is not mine, he says, well, we are doing solo vocals, we need to drive the choir out of ourselves, we need to get the timbre, there you level it to the part, you need to look for some kind of solo, and here i am fighting a lesson with you, and then you you're running again , this is... not good, you scolded me, in short, for this matter, but i'm still very i loved it, i mostly went to choir concerts, that is, i imagined more there, well , this happened, that is, when from class to class, suddenly i heard some notes in my voice, i liked something, some works, then i finally ended up in this theater, because the first year i actually didn’t go here, i really attended choral concerts, i disappeared back and forth at the philharmonic, this is what i listened to, but
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opera was for me, it well, somehow yes, yes, well, that’s it... somewhere far away, that’s when i i came here, i remember, it was the royal bride, i remember this absolutely precisely, because i was really taken by this, because i already had some kind of interest in my solo performance, and interest in my voice, it suddenly vibrated, from lesson to lesson , some things began to work out for me, you know, when you take a piece, you get 10%, but you don’t get 90, but you don’t really like it, you sweat all the time, you cope, you overcome, something like that, well... no, here when all of a sudden you look, it’s already good here and it’s even beautiful here, a note vibrated somewhere, well, these were some childhood experiences, but nevertheless , an interest appeared in this kind of singing, already in solo , to some kind of timbre, i suddenly became interested in listening to it in the recording, how it sounds, how it changes, because we don’t recognize ourselves on the recording, we’re all, well, this is a well-known effect now that it seems to us that our voice
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is not familiar to us, both in the recording and after college already when i graduated, well, i already felt that i was interested in a solo career, solo singing, then, when i was already studying at the conservatory, that is, my voice was also developing, that is, as was my physiology growing, and then i already understood , that it... is a fairly large material, that is , suitable for operatic singing, because operatic, because not every person can sing in opera either, a priori some material is given, it can be developed, embellished, brought to some condition, but increasing its size is very difficult, that is, it’s well you can add a little weariness to it, but it doesn’t matter what it is, it will be like that, there is such a thing as a chamber voice, chamber singing, that is, well, not for large
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spaces, so to speak, performances, entering the theater. like already searches, then competitions, this played a big role, i have been preparing for competitions since the third year, we had an emphasis on this, i think this is very correct, because when a student prepares for a competition, he is mobilized, of course, this is very so to speak, in mine too so to speak, well student life, from the third year i was already preparing for one competition, for the second, for the third, i won several of them, that is , these were these steps, steps, steps, in fact, that’s why opera singing, that’s how i got there - i rowed all the way consciously, you know, when, uh, the news that the order was signed, that i became the people’s artist of belarus, it’s interesting, that is, it came to me from the chat of our opera, because colleagues immediately, someone... then someone saw all this, i didn’t know, really, this is all, suddenly, suddenly, yes, yes, yes, it’s all for the phone started ringing, in short, i
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saw a bunch of congratulations, they had already started writing a bunch, well... then they published it on the website that the title was awarded, the order was signed, you know, of course, it’s very nice, firstly, it’s nice, because such a reaction was warm, i don’t even know about myself, well , well, i’ll think, wow, what should i do next, everyone now, that’s it, now they’ll start asking, well, come on, come on i have to do everything now, i don’t know, what else is there...


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