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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 1:05am-1:36am MSK

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and don’t tell anyone, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. and say, you woke up today and said, let’s go to the village, amazing. their life in polesian villages and agricultural towns, contrary to all stereotypes, is bright and rich. my family is here, my children, my grandchildren and my friends are all here.
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pinsk is a large center of several religious denominations, it is even called the second jerusalem; here, like in an israeli city of three religions, churches, churches and synagogues coexist. basilica minor, the honorary title of minor basilica, was given to the church of the ascension the blessed virgin mary pope. the appearance
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of the temple combines the medieval power of gothic and the baroque layout of the temple of il gezzi in rome. the unity of the internal space is emphasized by a solid complex of monumental and decorative carvings made at the beginning of the 16th century. to the left of the entrance to the church is the altar of the ostroabramskaya mother of god. this chapel is associated with such two personalities, very legendary, one might say, for us, this is, first of all, a servant of god. his mother was sick, so she asked for health for us, he told us, he had two requests, there was his mother, the second was such that she recognized her calling, her mother lived to be about 100 years old, then she chose that path, became a priest, then a bishop... and a cardinal,
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yes, that is, this is the only cardinal in the post-soviet space when soviet power was established in the capital of polesie, kazimir swiatok, together with parishioners , hid the coffin with the relics of the bishop. they hollowed out this wall, yes, there is such a niche there, and they hid this coffin there, they walled it up, no one knew that it was here, in the nineties there was freedom, then they already opened it like that, there they made a window like this so that you could also pray. casimir himself. więtek, who considered zygmund lazinski his heavenly patron, rests under a white marble tombstone in the crypt of the church. thousands of believers are waiting for the courageous witness of the faith to be counted as a saint, but so far the vatican lacks miracles associated with his name. not every tourist will be able to get into the oldest part of the church, the sacrestium, and our creative group. lucky, antique furniture,
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copper washbasin, more further, in the cross gallery of the theological seminary, miraculously preserved frescoes of the 18th century, a real exclusive, here is a special source of pride for all residents of pinsk: the church organ, one of the oldest in belarus, here is the famous pinsk madonna of alfred romer, whose clouds look like thick thin fogs, its prototype was a real-life pinsk woman. by the way, the four-tiered belfry next to the church was built a hundred years earlier than the pisantine tower, but a similar architectural mistake was made. this bell tower also deviated from its axis. in the meantime, the whole world in photographs does not allow pisa to fall. towers,
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i will support pinskaya in every sense. another reason why pinsk is called the polesian jerusalem is the city’s close connection with the history of the israeli people. before world war ii, 70% of the population were jews. the first israeli president, chaim weizmann, was born near pinsk. the future fifth prime minister of israel, golda meyer, spent seven of her childhood years with her grandmother here, and this is also where the parents of billionaire and ex- microsoft ceo steve ballmer lived. you can also find out about your historical status from the inscription in polish. about this building, the men's state gymnasium, the oldest in polesie. today the city department of education is located here.
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i also recommend including this temple on sovetskaya street in your personal itinerary. the first prayers were heard here in 1700. overcoming depression and sadness, and varvara also patronizes travelers and is considered the intercessor of pinsk. a memorial plaque in memory of the wedding of one of the titans of belarusian literature, yakub kolos, and his betrothed
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appeared on the belfry 3 years ago. i'll tell you a big secret. in fact, the sacrament of weddings, as the old-timers say, did not take place here. in a wooden church, which was once part of the varvara monastery. this temple, alas, has not survived. life in pinsk is an important milestone in the life of yakub kolos; here he met his future wife, got married and named his first heir, and 100 years ago, in this not at all pompous wooden house.
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that’s what the sponsor of its construction, the merchant’s son david boyarsky, wanted to call the first city cinema, but then, as usual, he changed his mind, it happens, if you believe wikipedia, the first stone,
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the foundation of this architectural monument was laid by the last polish king stanislav august ponitovsky, but it turns out not. by that time , the monarch was no longer in the city. the polish writer, jozef kraszewski, once joked that this building stands like a dandy in the village. today you can often hear another definition of a building. this palace is called the pearl of polesie. the building was built by a city judge, financier, politician and grandfather of the famous artist, musician and composer napoleon. hordes, this is the first secular residential stone building from the late 14th century. butrimovich palace. synthesis of baroque classicism - the author's decision of the vilnius architect schildgaus. three glorious families,
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the butrimovichs, the hordes, and the skirmunts, took turns in ownership of this majestic structure. old-timers still remember pinsky mur as... biskop. during soviet times, the palace was a children's cinema and a home of pioneers. today the stories of new families begin here. interesting point. for 9 years now , elena has been the hostess of the wedding palace. the first head of the zaksa was elena pavlovna voron. in 2012, elena evgenievna amelyanyuk took over the reins. and i’m wondering why i feel so comfortable here.
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how many wall mosaics and paintings are there in pinsk? it seems that original drawings and scenes are everywhere here, and the light palette of the buildings themselves is very diverse. when you find yourself on kirov street, be sure to take a look at this iconic building. the church of charles baromeusz is the main shrine of the communist monks. they belong to a revolutionary political party, of course. they had no domination, they lived in a commune, hence the name order, because of the purple vestments
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of the monks, the communists were called violets. note that the barameusha monastery was the only one of its kind not only in polesie, but in the entire grand duchy of lithuania. a twisted brick staircase, old steps, an impressive thickness of the wall, this is... much that remains of the interior decoration of the ancient temple. today creative evenings and concerts are held here. and again we return to the shores of pinna. the 2.5 km embankment is still a favorite place for pinchans and penchuks. for the first time this the coast was improved in 1948, a. later, fragments of the embankment were completed and reconstructed. now we have a single
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frame framing the mirror river. an excellent place for walking and thinking, for example, about plans for the future, but in order to definitely return here, it’s worth, perhaps, according to the good old tradition, to throw a coin into the local waters, or better yet several, just to be sure, because in the bibliographic book of the glorious one. there are still plenty of pages to flip through with pleasure.
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the song of iradzim stops, maybe everything will change, ale yana are not fallen, do not appear in the smoke of spring, the rain is clear, only this life will not be hourly, life will be eternal, as it is, the bright folk word. monthly pumping on the grass, and the life is not great , the pain is great, there is joy, there is a song, there is a song, there is a story.
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on december 30, 1945, the minister of foreign affairs of the bssr kuzma venediktovich kiselyov initiated an extraordinary meeting of the central committee of the communist party of belarus. for the management, the request came as a surprise, since it concerned an already prepared resolutions on the participation of the delegation of the republic in the work of the first session of the un. it opened in
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january 1946 in london. the minister insisted on its revision. that’s right, i have a proposal, a proposal to make changes not to the text of the resolution itself, but to the composition of the delegation, i propose to include comrade uralova in the delegation. does anyone have any comments or suggestions? no, no, no, no, no, yutaki ilinichna did a lot to ensure that scientific and creative personnel appeared in our country, she worked with they were evacuated, brought here, worked with refugees, and this issue is on the agenda of the session. i think the proposal is justified,
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it is very correct if there is a woman in the delegation. the world must see the important role women play. in the life of a socialist society, this is true, only in our country can a woman take part in solving important state problems and she is entrusted with the most responsible areas of work, moreover, comrade uralova is an authoritative leader and member of the central committee of the party. december 30, 1945 by the central committee of the belarusian party. adopted a resolution that emphasized the special status of the republic in the international arena on the composition of the delegation of the belarusian ussr to the first session of the general assembly of the united nations. and in january 1946 in london, from the high rostrum of the general assembly, evdokia uralova already raised the problem of refugees and displaced persons during the war.
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she didn’t know what the loss of human resources meant for the republic from reports. in the late autumn of 1910 , a girl about eight years old began to come to the parochial school in the village of sokolyany almost every day and came when classes were already over. entering the small wooden building, she immediately found herself in the brightest room. it was here that classes with students took place. girls from her village, there was a completely different life here, in which i so wanted to stay longer, suddenly a teacher approached her, she had long noticed a child who often ran into school, but after standing a little by the stove he went back, what’s your name, darling, let’s go with me. do you like
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school? very. why don't you go to class then? the school accepts all children. do you see how many books there are? there’s no need to cry, any grief can be helped, tell me what happened, i’m an orphan, i’m at war.
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a student where she was transferred as a very diligent student. then there were two-year higher legal courses in moscow in 1931. she was sent there by the volost party committee, whose ranks uralova joined in 1926. but the path to big politics began with teaching in a rural school in the klimovichi district of the mogilev province. she really wanted the children of the new country. were literate, dreamed of something else, the women of this new country must build a completely different life with her.
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women's organizer evdaka uralov was always eagerly awaited by both village women and factory workers, in party cells, and in the district women's department. she could convince, explain clearly why you need to study, what opportunities it opens up for a woman, how the women’s department can help in this matter. secluded in the darkroom, elya berman hung out photographic portraits to dry with special trepidation, afraid of disturbing anything in the process of creating them. delegates first session of the supreme council. special attention to one. now. in front of him was a young, self-confident woman who, although she tried to look like a stern comrade at the time, was so yana, so pretty, uralova, representative of the district janitor, where should we
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stay, please, here, we have an important party assignment, now this smoothly combed hair gathered in a bun at the back of the head, the look of a man vested with power, everything said that this was a leader... in july 1938, after the first in the history of the bssr the first session
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of the belarusian parliament began its work after the national elections to the supreme council of the republic; representatives of all regions, cities and districts of belarus, of different ages and professions took part in its work. 61 women were elected as delegates, a phenomenon in itself unique in european practice; they participate in government on an equal basis with men, including evdakia ilyinishna uralova, an authoritative party leader. in 1938 she was appointed people's commissar of education of the bssr. in the entire history of belarus, this was the only case when a woman held such a high position in the public education system. with her characteristic energy, uralova set to work. everything is going according to plan, schools are preparing for the new school
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year, we need specifics, how many schools are there in the republic, why are there just over 5,000 children studying in them, and this despite the fact that the population of the republic is 6 million. in the shortest possible time, the country needs literate people, specialists . by the beginning of
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the 1939-1940 school year, the picture was already different: in the eastern regions of the bssr there were 7,195 schools, with 1,116,000 students students, there were 22 higher educational institutions, four in the western regions. this is despite the fact that before the revolution the republic did not have one. tatyana sergeevna, take the children out urgently. on june 24, 1941 , there was an unusual bustle at the school in the small town of chervi, minsk region. concerned teachers, children who were told to urgently pack their things and line up in the corridor. the excited voices of adults came from the director's office. the connection has been interrupted. one was especially
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persistent. i need the station chief urgently uralovokichna, we have everything ready for mogilev train, we will load here, i will warn the station chief, we have little time, the decision of the central committee to prepare places in deserted areas for the evacuation of children from minsk has been canceled, the capital is being bombed, evacuation has begun inland. in the conditions of the rapid advance of the fascists , 164 children's institutions were removed from the republic, in which there were almost 15,000 children, but almost 100 orphanages still remained in the occupied territory; children were rescued as best they could, taken out under fire to unoccupied areas of the country, taken to partisan detachments, but most of them
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suffered... a tragic fate. for uralova , work began in the soviet rear to resume the activities of educational and scientific institutions, to record their personnel. after liberation, no less heroic work was done to restore the entire education system. the material losses of educational institutions alone amount to almost 5 billion rubles. about 7,000 schools were destroyed, 20 were destroyed
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in belarus from 1950 to 1960. deputy of the supreme soviet of the ussr and the bssr of several convocations. evdakia ilyinishna uralova stands in to a number of outstanding women of the country who built this country with people like her who came from simple backgrounds.
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i came to construction at an already mature age, as they say, a conscious choice, i liked the fact that you see the results of your work, when step by step the house is raised, built, well, i have been working in construction since 1988, what we worked in the last century .


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