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tv   100  BELARUSTV  April 22, 2024 3:25pm-4:31pm MSK

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panyadzelka airs on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 broadcasting in the capital and region. darya tarasava is with you. good day and sunshine and broadcasts. wet snow, wind storms, as the sky level has risen. storms of beautiful gaspadary residents in minsk and the central region. has the cyclone changed? new colorful varnish in the frundzensky district of the city, dozens of new parks, squares and street doors. minsk paddzitsa stands out for the marathon and the parade. unconventional cinema, premieres within the framework of an international project without termina daўnastі hell youth of belarus and race. the fallen price of the r-28 is not far from hell.
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70 thousand bushes, this is the first result of the marathon of happiness and parade in the capital, the culmination of the green right of the republican subbotnik. the residents of minsk have been kind to their families, their work and their studies, and their memories and memories. the city's most active landing forces, with 400 people in the flock of troops, are walking through the park. it was not without reason that the frundzensky districts of the capital were chosen for this purpose. they are dear to our heroes of belarus first. it was decided to improve
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this area into a recreation area, clear it of shrubs, install benches, make paths, a children's playground will be installed, in the near future a sports ground, a rope course, completely landscape this forest area, we plan to july 3, this area will be named in honor of the belarusian space exploration. in the partyzansky district , hundreds of chalaveks died. the republican action, in order to bring about a paradox in their own houses, took over the summer forest and numerous pedestrian paths and lawns. we come to the courtyards multi-apartment residential buildings in which veterans of the great patriotic war, former prisoners of fascist concentration camps live or lived, we are putting things in order, we are holding meetings with young people and honoring them, and expressed our words of gratitude for this peaceful sky that is above our heads, and we, thanks to the veteran.
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shmatgadov kvetak and kazba grass. at the onset of the stage in the green capital - the landing in the central region and the preparation for the marathon took place over 300 thousand years. high praise was given to the memorable months memorials and military ploughs. so the minsk team.
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new modular machines for collecting ingredients and other cheese are in production at the site. the first charge of the module appears in the doors of ladies who have reserved goods. there are no bins for collecting income. new constructions are installed during the months of regular dances, which is known in an unstable technical situation. as a rule, we install three modules: a module for collecting solid municipal waste, a module for collecting secondary material resources, plastic, paper, glass and a closed module for collecting large bulky waste. it is planned to install it in the factory area this year. 15 modular structures, 13 of them have already been installed, two remain. in this entire village , it is planned to install 390 modular structures for the collection of accessories. over the past three years , more than a thousand of them have appeared in minsk.
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the prime ministers within the framework of the international project without the term are inappropriate. 156 documentary films in memory of ab genatsydze savetskaga people ў bastards vyalikay aichynnay znyaў tandem.
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from belarus and russia for more than a hundred works, for on the basis of the barysa district library, works were collected and evaluated over a period of three months, where i depicted a poster dedicated to the war of 1941, 1945, on it i depicted
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the main character of the poem by vasily tserkin based on the work of tvordovsky. i drew my work based on the stories and poems i read. my work depicts a soldier who is celebrating victory day, behind him there are bright fireworks, wishes for clear skies above his head are written on victory day, my work depicts a girl who is celebrating victory day, behind her there are fireworks and tank, my work is called we remember you, we will be proud, with my work i wanted to convey to our generation what we need to remember about our ancestors, about their heroism, about their actions,
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with this our issue is completed, from region to region projects of the beltelerady campaign are available on the website the beginning of the day and the meeting on the 18th day.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is the news of the country. abroad, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the field events, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, on the territory. countries azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan,
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kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and. available 24 hours a day every day, be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus for myself.
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hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come to us and answer all the questions, you are ready to meet our guest. daniel, what emotions are you experiencing now? the emotions are the most
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incredible, because communication is always great. it's like the excitement before going on stage. in a sense, yes. are you ready to tell only the truth? i will try very hard. good luck then. so, welcome to our hero, the winner of the third season of the facebook show. daniil savenian. according to the rules of our program, you have the right refuse to answer a question three times. i hope you don't use it. and be attentive to the questions at the end of the program, you will have to choose the best one. and now you have one minute to briefly tell us about yourself. time has passed. my name is daniil savenya, i am 19 years old. i am a
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fourth-year student at the minsk state college of arts, majoring in pop art. you did it in one minute, but that's just it. the beginning of a conversation, we have 100 children in our studio, each has their own question, let's see how much time you have to answer, but before we'll start, tell me how it's better for children to address you: you or you, of course, you, then we'll start, who will be the first to ask their question. danik, hello, my name is ulyana, how did your life change after you won the factor byy show? my life has changed for the better. people started writing to me with various thanks, with admiration, but you know, the most important change is the opportunity to conquer new countries, new cities, thanks to the car
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that i acquired during this victory, and of course the most... there was no possibility of it close to home, as a result of which i ended up in molodechno, i don’t regret it at all, i think that my children, my peculiarity, they should be socialized in such institutions, because only there can one
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learn everything, and communication with sighted people. well , including how to arrange your life while being blind. and if the school you needed was in your yard and you could live at home, would it be easier for you? i would say that everything would be different, but it ’s impossible to predict. hello danik, my name is vika. what scent do you have? associated with childhood? and again, what aroma is associated? yes. and the first thing that came to mind was the cupcakes that my mother made, she cooks very well, she has some wonderful cupcake recipe, i even remember we once made one big one, and i brought it to school, everyone it was very pleasant, i still remember how at one of
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the afternoon teas, everyone, the whole class , used it, it was cool. great, even i smelled this cupcake, thanks to your mom, what’s it like when mom and dad aren’t around and there is no one to hug you and feel sorry for you, it was a way out of my comfort zone, and of course at first i wanted to go home, but in general, mom and dad always came, they came every friday, sometimes on thursday they came to pick me up or bring me sweets or just pay... attention and every day they called me, so i - i always felt parental love. taking this opportunity, i want to say one thing, there were moments in the comments when people wrote that he deserves some kind of parental love, proves parents that he can do something there. my
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parents never needed this and never do, they love me as much as possible. to love your child , regardless of his characteristics, this can be judged at a minimum, because my mother came with me to study in minsk, lived with me for 22 days, but it was i who insisted that she leave, it was necessary, mother, thank you for being there and for being there now, and can i hug you, of course. thank you, hello, danik, my name is artyom, i often hear that people with disabilities do not lucky in life. what do you think, are you lucky or not? i’m really lucky in life, it’s very important to find true
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allies in life who will be there, help and support, and i, thank god, was lucky, and you could give up everything you have in exchange for sight, no in any case, i am often asked if you want to see it, but is it possible to do it? i 'm always wondering why, just for what, in order to see this world, to perceive it differently, i can just close my ears and ask people to take me by the hand hands, and i can dive into the water for several tens of meters and feel that world, there are so many worlds around us that... well, the main thing is just to learn to see them, to want to see them, and vision is just one of the ways to experience this world, so i i think you
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move around the city on your own or someone accompanies you all the time, mostly i try to move on my own so as not to strain or embarrass anyone, but often my sister helps me, no, i don’t fall at all, because my vestibular apparatus and vestibular the apparatus of a sighted person is somewhat different, so i’ve already, well, i’ve been living like this for 19 years. therefore, even if i fell, it was only because i did not pay attention to the obstacles, but this does not
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happen often, i know that you write poetry, you can tell something of your own, and i really write poetry, this is true, but i can tell you what has already... been heard from the stage of the factor, i don’t ask you for anything, i won’t beg for anything, let me hear the birch noise, feel the fogs, give me the freedom to drink water and chip off what's nearby houses. feel the smell of the gardens, which are so familiar to me from childhood, let me hear the beautiful
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song that the nightingales sing over the forest, let me meet a new, wonderful day, and the dawn of heavenly beauty, and love that will pass like a dream, to... return later, i didn’t go through anything for myself, take care of my homeland, god, what kind of superpower would you like to acquire, it’s very good and at the same time very difficult
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for you to find your superpower, because i ’m sure that you have it, you just can you may not always know about this after your victory, you began to be called more often for interviews and performances, do you feel the feeling of being a captured star, let’s put it this way. for me , being a star means forgetting about those who were nearby,
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being a star is... giving in to the temptation of some kind of constant admiration for oneself and not seeing any mistakes behind oneself, not noticing any flaws. i can tell you that it’s just not that i don’t have the right to glorify a star, that’s obvious, but i’ll tell you honestly, it looks like... now it’s like an excuse, i have absolutely nothing to justify myself for, i just i don’t even really like it when they jokingly call me a star, my mother says, then you’re my star, there, yes, that you’re a star, there’s all that, i ask her not to do that, because well, that’s not what i’m for i walked towards this victory, this is not what i lived for, but i lived a certain life before the factor, what do you first of all
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pay your attention to? to the voice, first of all i pay my attention to the voice, because if you see a person’s appearance, yes, we meet him by his clothes, we see him off by his mind, then i perceive the voice, the external data already then, and as i personally understood for myself, external data is mainly more about what kind of hands a person has. then, how, how, yes, that is, whether they are rough or tender, but how a person basically gives in to himself, and so on, and also, what kind of girls do you like? and you know that i only like one girl, she knows about it... he knows, hi, danik,
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my name is danik too, i have a question for you, when you are called a person with special needs or disabilities, it offends you, but whatever they call us, honestly, you know there was a funny incident in my life, a friend of mine from st. petersburg. visited our glorious, and our glorious homeland, and it so happened that we were walking, in my opinion, on a minibus, my friend’s girlfriend was walking with us , and at some point we come out of the arch, we’re walking, we’re walking and just to the left voice, just here i am, okay, no, i won’t imitate him, the voice literally says
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the following: lord, how many disabled people have divorced, i must say that there were three of us, all had passions, and i didn’t find anything better than to simply answer, good luck to you evenings, therefore, answering your question, colleague, i am calm about the fact that they can call me blind, i generally call myself that, blind, a person with special needs, a person with disabilities, well, about disabilities ...opportunities, possibilities are limited only either by external circumstances or by the frames in our heads.
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how do you feel when people feel sorry for you, it is extremely categorically negative, you see, feeling sorry is not the same as sympathizing, pity is an arrogant feeling. this feeling superiority, but i feel sorry for you, you know, how i feel sorry for you, how i feel sorry for you, well, you are so pathetic, because besides pity there are other feelings, there is a feeling of compassion, this is when a person can notice its manifestation when you offer help to a person cross the road, maybe he can handle it, but you have compassion, you understand that it’s more difficult for him than for you, you help him cross
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the road. or a feeling of admiration, this is also great, you know, i used to feel bad about the fact that there were blind people and other disabled people heroicized. i believed that we should be, well , so equal among society that we should simply dissolve somehow in this and be what is called one whole, but then i realized a very important thing for myself, especially for the first time i i realized when i started studying, well, also the biography of alexei talai, when i started studying the biography of kostamarov, roman, it seems, if i remember correctly. and then i realized that glorification to some extent, or i would say drawing attention to the problem, is normal, when i met my girlfriend, this
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she is such a strong person, she has so much soul, she has such a hard life, it’s incredible, but she goes for the break, but she doesn’t go over her head, you know, this is... this is the most important thing to go for the break , forward, but don’t walk over heads, because they walk over heads, as scavengers call them, but we are still people and we must be empathic, empathy is the key to peace, but how do you react when you are offered help on the street? positively, but of course i would prefer to refuse or somehow, you know, somehow, well, somehow... “yes, yes, thank you, thank you, no need, i can handle it, everything is fine, but in general i have an extremely positive attitude towards this, and this is one of the ways to show empathy. next, black sector, it
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’s on your left, daniil. hi, danik, my name is nastya. do you think that in order to sing and write about love, you have to be in love? what do we know about love? it’s a completely different manifestation for everyone. and can we say that love for a woman or a man is true love - this is exactly what is needed for writing songs, it is hardly possible to say that in general love is a feeling of deepest empathy for this world, this feeling of admiration, a feeling of irresistible craving, an irresistible craving for accomplishment. can we say that love is an all-consuming feeling of happiness? perhaps yes. can you please
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tell me about your girlfriend, what do you like most about her? firstly, he is a man of enormous strength. and you know, 90% of a man’s success is a good, kind, loving girl, woman, wife, this is the person with with whom i want to change, this is a person with whom i feel the ups more acutely than i felt it before, and the downs are softer, this is a person with... a very beautiful voice, she is infinitely beautiful. the next question is from the red sector. daniel, let's turn around. your mentor seryoga
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supported you very much during the factor, now after that you communicate with him? undoubtedly. seryoga is very strict and stern. what is he really like? i would say that i would not say that he is strict and harsh, he is fair, he is real, he is somewhere cautious, but he is like that, and i accept him for who he is, because over time he became a senior comrade for me and... in many ways he helped a lot, from rumors, the world of show business is very harsh, don’t you think? how will you be received in this world? i don’t expect to be accepted with open arms, but i really hope
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to look organically in this world of show business and maintain my main task, which i carry throughout my entire life. i also have one more question for you: how do you think you can become a world-famous singer? the question is that... that a singer is a much broader concept, ah, i would say that it’s not a singer, but an artist, let no one be offended by me, but there are simply a lot of singers, and good, vocal ones, but in order to become an artist, you have to go a long way, and not everyone, unfortunately , goes through it, and i can’t, i can’t say that at the moment i can call myself a super artist, that is, i... well, yes, i sing on stage, i perform a certain
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i’m creating some kind of story, but i haven’t yet become an artist in the full sense of the word , i probably will if i try, if i will make every effort much, much later, and world fame is a huge burden, this, this is a huge... expectations from literally everyone, and one wrong move can be the ruin of a career, and falling from this height is extremely painful, it always hurts , when you have everything, and then you have nothing, you know, an example is chester benington, sorry if i mispronounced his last name, he passed away, it seems, either in 2017 or 2018. and for everyone it was a surprise: what, why? a
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what happened? well, he had everything, this, this, who doesn’t know, this is the frontman, he had everything, as it seems to us, but you know what he didn’t have, why he died, he had depression, so the question is , again, how to relate to yourself, to your life, what to want, what to desire, ultimately. life may turn out in such a way that all this will not happen, do you think loneliness is scary, are you afraid of loneliness, and i ’m afraid of loneliness on a global scale, but sometimes i wish for temporary loneliness, i’m that kind of person, for whom it is important to create alone. but at the same time, i am one of those people who care, well, not
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so much about appreciation, it is important that the fruit of my creation is heard, seen, heard, depending on the form of creativity. therefore , to answer your question, i am afraid of being completely alone in the global sense. but sometimes you want to close yourself and just spend quality time alone. which famous person would you like to meet in life and what would you ask them? you know, i have now provided. in a very strange situation, i it’s not even that i don’t know what to answer, i
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’m thinking about how important it is for me to meet a famous person, you know, it’s much more valuable for me to meet a person, a person who was a discovery for me, who... then he opened it for me. and it will be extremely difficult to name them by name, because i don’t know all their names, and there is no specific person like that, there are many of them, and what i would like to ask, i would definitely like to ask outside the sight of television cameras in a closed environment, well, literally ask , and where you? found strength, what is your strength?
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please tell us about your very first performance? you know, honestly, i don’t remember exactly the first performance, i honestly don’t remember, but i can tell you about the performance, the first performance at school. that same notorious line, day of knowledge , september 1, and i’m little, i’m 7 years old and i don’t understand what’s happening, why so many people are here. why, uh, somehow, well, i already had experience performing, but somehow, well , i’m not used to such attention yet, i have everything that could shake was shaking, and as i remember now, i sang the song first-grader, first-grader, today is your holiday, well, in the end, of course, everything was shaking, i
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was just worried as much as possible, i sang everything in such a thin voice, probably even slightly higher than the discount. it's a beautiful day, let's continue, the next sector is the yellow sector, to your right, in shows like factor byy there can be a lot of criticism from the people who watch them, how do you deal with criticism, you know, criticism happens different, unfortunately, not so much me as my mother had a chance to read the comments, i’m very for her... it’s a shame, because, but she shouldn’t have read some of the comments that she read. why do i say right away, starting with the bad? because there is the least bad thing, but, unfortunately, it is most visible, but there were also a lot of good
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comments, and i am grateful to everyone who contributed a piece. i put my soul into this comment, but to all the evil commentators i want to say only one thing: guys, everything you write will sooner or later come back to you unfortunately, so if you just want to take out your anger, please, i’ll just put up with it, i may not read it, but other guys who are just starting to even think about... and getting warm and so on will read it, your comments by type, a charity event is not in my garden, a stone is not in my garden, we, i, the mentor, the entire factorby team, we know what we went through together, you don’t know even a tenth of it, i don’t really understand, why
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write something like this at all, if you feel bad for your favorite, then write warm messages to him words, the simple fact is that i sing myself as if thank you very much, applause, and now a word to the mentor daniil savena:
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did you like the performance? i have just one, one big request for you, when you sing english, or rather. well, one request and a sub-request: when you sing an english song, always study the meaning of that song in translations, and in different ones, and pay attention to what you sing about, what you sing, and regarding the performance, it’s clear that you worried now, but you have musical data, you have a sense of melody, you have aa... quite pure intonations, if you correct them a little, they will be perfect intonations, just don’t be afraid of anything, go forward and look only at those who can really do something for you give.
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can you name your three positive qualities? what kind of friend do you think you are? you know, well, let my friends judge this, i don’t think i can objectively evaluate myself, well... first of all, the first quality is the courage to confront
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offenders, this is responsiveness and readiness to help is one and the same thing, in general, and this is the ability to convey. in such a way that it does not hurt, but is a kind of beacon on which to navigate. hello danik, my name is katya, who or why do you miss the most on the factor? you know, katya, i, i miss the factor itself. i miss that atmosphere, i miss the evenings when
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support comes before the broadcast, they want everything, and you are tuned in to the performance that will take place very soon, i miss the opportunity. sometimes go to the pts, mobile television studio and i definitely miss communicating with dear guys who are professionals in their field and good, open people. i miss these rehearsals, the time we spent on belarus in
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the film, we did one thing, and it was felt, everyone was focused on the result of a beautiful fairy tale. hello danik, my name is philip, what were you like during adolescence, during adolescence i would. unbearable, because i always wanted to prove something to someone, i always wanted to explain to people that i am smarter than everyone else, but thank god it is slowly going away, but it was a good time, because at this time we, this time is one of those... times when you are alone, this is a period when there is a colossal
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increase in creative energy. when you don’t look back at what they will say about you, when you don’t yet know and don’t look back at the fact that the emphasis in a word may be different and so on, and that’s great, it’s a cool age, so i understand that you , plus or minus, are all either already in adolescence, or... approach him, create, dare, love, i don’t know, just do whatever you want, because at this age you are, well, the most real, or something, perhaps, so, but do you think a song can change the world, for example, m ,
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stop war or violence, maybe? of course, the song appeared much earlier than writing, the song was at the origins of this world, one of the most important songs, i tell everyone, here is your homework, you all weren’t in class, but that means you will have homework from me, since i have a role here a mentor was offered and look at the translation from the text, tell me why, why wars happen, why we can’t get along with each other, because this song.
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a question that sounds in the minds of everyone, absolutely everyone, the military who are there, us, and there are other songs, there are songs that lift, literally lift people out of bed, make them move, such songs. nowadays there are many different programs and competitions being filmed in the world, but not all the winners of them turn out to be famous people, are you afraid
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that... people will forget you, many don’t know, who wrote the song my dear kut, many do not know who wrote such a wonderful song, such as, for example, a city that does not exist, unfortunately, it just so happened that the authors are mentioned in passing, or are they some... impersonal authors, my answer is that the main thing is that people grasp the meaning of the song, grasp the meaning and carry it further, so that they remember at least a line from the text and do not forget literally in a month, or even two, this is what i and
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every other artist should strive, i have... one more question, what is your biggest fear? well, i don’t think that the fear of death is a super-global fear, it is something that is inherent in a person, but the most global fear is, the most important global fear is to lose the person in you, forget about what it is and do bad things. this is perhaps the most global fear. and we turn, danil, 180°. the next question is from the purple sector: dani, hello, my name is dasha, can i ask you to sing? in general, you can ask, of course, you know, let me perform everyone’s favorite song, by the unforgettable yura shatunov, that’s how many songs there are, probably 20-30 years old, but
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absolutely everyone knows it. i don’t know what to say to you when we meet, i can’t find at least a few words, not a long evening, not a long evening, it will soon become night. at the dark spring, and not a long evening, and not a long evening, the night will become a dark spring, all
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the moaning night again, only i trust it, you know, today i am the night, you are all my melting. but even you can’t help and your darkness does nothing to me at all. this signal means that there is time for questions to the hero has expired. daniel, now you have to
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choose the best question of this program. it was a question of what superpower you would like to acquire for yourself. who is the author of the question? what is your name? what grade and school are you in? me. my name is alisa, i am a tenth b- grade student at secondary school number 54. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best questions receives a special gift from our guest, come out onto the site, this is for you, thank you very much for the question, thank you very much, thank you. daniel, now you have the opportunity to ask children your question. it is believed that children should not lie, but now i would like to understand
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how honest children are with us. dear guys, what does love for your country mean to you? it seems to me that love for one’s country means loving it and never betraying or selling it. i believe that love for your country is when you are proud of the people, culture, proud of the history of this country, the past, when you are proud that you are part of this country. it seems to me that love for a country is when you are ready to give everything in order to... it save - for me, love for your homeland is wherever you end up, wherever you end up, it is possible to remember this, at some point to return to where you grew up, where you
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appeared, to remember these wonderful moments, for me this love. daniel, it's time to say goodbye to our audience, a short goodbye. be happy, love and be loved. thank you! so, the winner of the third season of the factor byy show, daniil saveni, is visiting the program today with 100 questions for adults. i'm waiting for you, daniel, at the entrance to the site. daniel, what question was the most difficult for you? what famous person would i like to meet and what would i like to ask her? what surprised you about the children? the children surprised me with their interest, their depth and
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their devotion. today you managed to answer 44 questions. tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come? certainly. i address our audience. do you think that our hero was as frank as possible with you today? whoever thinks so, raise your hand, i think that danik was completely honest with us, because he answered all our questions, and... danik impressed me with such a kind, sweet, sympathetic person who would always lend his shoulder, i liked the show with him, he answered every question differently , and i noticed that in every question that he was asked, he saw, he was interested in answering correctly and honestly, is there anyone in the... audience now who
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thinks that daniel was a little cunning in answering some questions. raise a hand. well, daniel, you captivated our audience today. daniil, we have this rule: the hero always has the last word, sum up the conversation that took place. i am delighted, amazed, surprised, i am delighted that i was able to talk with such sensitive, kind children like... like you, because children are literally the voice of the country, a reflection of its essence. thank you all, guys, for your sincerity, for your honesty, and be healthy. the winner of the third season of the show factor bai, daniil savenya, was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week. see next
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edition, eight-time champion of belarus, marina slutskaya. has dzedo belarus developed enough in recent years or is there no limit to perfection? it is generally accepted that athletes have no bad habits, but what about you? at what points do you allow yourself to be weak? i really want to learn how to defend myself, can you show me a couple of effective techniques? 100 questions? we grab the adult’s hand, oops,
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that’s it, the person has fallen. zaslonov, konstantin sergeevich, partisan pseudonym uncle kostya, one of the outstanding participants and leaders of the partisan movement in belarus during the great patriotic war, commander of the partisan detachment of the brigade, commander of all partisan forces in the arshan zone.


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