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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 22, 2024 11:35am-12:01pm MSK

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we put in a colossal approach to the business, which everyone needs to strive for, we carry out 100% control so that these products comply with technical, regulatory and legal acts, correspond to the sample standard, in literally 3-4 years it should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special machine building, i don’t even have doubts that we will achieve our goals,
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now we are in the wonderful large hall of our theater, this is our favorite stage, our home, i can’t even say that this is work, this is our home, where we give our... soul, our creativity, our talent, everything we can, so that everyone who sits in this hall can respond, everyone feels their emotions, so that the soul opens up and sings, now to the other, to him. in my life it turned out that
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during my ascension in the theater, yes, when you already occupy a certain niche and become a prima, and not a simple ordinary worker, we had this decision to move to beautiful belarus, and it was hard, i , i won’t say that it was easy, it wasn’t easy, but... i wanted to resign in january on my own almaat in an apartment, then we still had an apartment there, i just lay and cried for a week, i couldn’t come to my senses, because there i quit, here i have not yet been accepted into the troupe, not accepted into the theater, in general i i stayed on the street, and of course for any... artist
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this is just a tragedy, but then i pulled myself together and devoted this time to the fact that i started traveling a lot, i went to pesero in italy for an internship, and i i also interned in vienna with gabrielle sima, she is such an amazing metz soprana, a mozart singer, absolutely absolutely brilliant, just an incredible person, and well, it probably paid off, so here i am, and i’m very happy. but in general i’m such a person, i never regret anything in my life, i can only regret that i didn’t do something, but i can say that moving is when you leave everything behind you, you start from scratch , and this is such a big push to overcome yourself, to reach some new stage of your development, you don’t stay in place somewhere, but there’s a feeling that this life is already somewhere there and it has remained at a certain level, this... does this really give you
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the opportunity to do more, to rise head and shoulders above what you can? until the age of 13, i was engaged in artistic gymnastics ; at the age of 13, due to health reasons , unfortunately i had to give up this sport, which i loved very much, for me that was all at that time, but in parallel with gymnastics, i really liked ballroom dancing, i remember well, we had an officers' house, it was in kazakhstan. i came there, this is
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my first coach, my first teacher dancing, and there was oleg anatolyevich kushnerik, so i came to him, of course he looked at me then, well, come. well, try it, because he understood that i was already an adult, that all children were taken from a small age anyway, but i seemed to tell him every time, i can do it, i will do it, because i have good physical training , i know what an activity is, i know what training is, and yes, he understood that in fact i can overcome all this, that i like it, that i am in such a fighting mood, very quickly i was transferred to the main group, where guys like... who were then defending the title of kazakhstan danced, so, probably, from that moment i began to seriously engage in sports ballroom dancing. at the moment we are in the palace of culture, this is the place where i work, this is the place where i started working as soon as i graduated from university,
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and here i worked myself, though not for very long, well in the future, of course, despite the fact that i studied in minsk, at the university of culture for 5 years, i was drawn to it. i want to develop ballroom dancing in our city, in the city of lida, to which irina eduardovna said: great, we love such specialists, so let’s try it, and we’ll see what you’re like, what you can do, with from that moment
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, little by little, at first i had two pairs, then two and a half pairs, then more, that is, each time there were more and more guys , more and more, then we defended the title of exemplars. team, today i am the head of an exemplary sports ballroom dance studio, i am at today i am a member of the belarusian federation of dance sports, this is so that our guys can go to republican competitions, and not only republican ones, so we have this status, i am a judge, i have the first category, of course i really wanted to go further to hold a tournament in my city, and of course... with the first question, with this question, i came to my director, kirina eduartovna, then, how could it just happen that we have a change in the chairman of our city, the mayor our city, so we went to an appointment with him, when we came to an appointment with sergei
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vasilyevich lozhechnik, how would he listen to us, what are we, what are we, who are we, what do we want, as if, he was the first to ask , what brand would you like to create for your team? then, of course, i said that sergei vasilyevich, we would really like to hold the tournament. then sergei vasilyevich and his deputy gennady anatolyevich, they came to the tournament together. when they arrived, they saw a luxurious hall, luxurious decoration, all the couples, beautiful girls in beautiful suits, elegant guys, elegant children's couples. and then they said, of course, in our city we also have all the conditions to hold such a tournament, we have the olympia sports complex, which can do it. to accommodate a large number of students, a large number of spectators, and as if the year before last we held our first tournament for the cup of the mayor of the republic of belarus in sports ballroom dancing, in fact, we turned out wow, last year we
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held the second tournament, and for sports and ballroom dancing was also for the mayor's cup, i hope that we will continue to succeed in this and we will be able to make it just traditional... further, so to speak, the head of our city saw that a lot of guys, a lot of kids, we have dancing, so his idea was to open a dance house.
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. we also decided not to look at overseas countries and came to the belarusian city where alexander. vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago back there were the lower castle and the pasade, and then it rose. the town hall, where the city magistrate was located, so the kobrin princes of their squad definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic decoy fish, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusually wonderful our country is. in america , houses afloat are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, that's it. they haven’t yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness
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enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. you know, the first feeling you get in minsk is safety, this calm feeling of security.
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nothing personal, watch on belarus24 tv channel. getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. the difference between our equipment is that they have very large capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities. our equipment is today, in fact, a very reliable safety margin is built into it. an approach to business that everyone should strive for, we carry out 100% control so that
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this product complies technically, with regulatory legal acts, corresponds to the standard model, in literally 3-4 years it should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering, i have no doubts at all, that we will achieve our goals. see the project, quality mark. on the belarus 24 tv channel . now we will go to my beloved mother on tea, let's give her a small surprise.
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we are visiting my mother irina and my aunts vova, our closest ones who we have in minsk, they always greet us with pleasure, invite us to come and visit us , our family with... consists of four people, i , my husband, sergei, i have two children, the eldest daughter daria, she is 15 years old, and the youngest son nikita. he is 10 years old, when we made the decision, the final decision to move to belarus, of course, when choosing a country, we first of all chose so that we could transfer our parents, our husband, my mother, since she was already at such an advanced age, and my family, since i was also
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alone with my mother, and this was the fundamental factor when choosing a country where we could all go together. when the children suggested that we leave, my first reaction was personal joy, because all my life i dreamed of living in belarus all my life, i spent my childhood here in belarus, i spent my youth here, then with little klava i came here three times, then when it came perestroika, here we are they stopped flying here, and i always dreamed of living here, because i have relatives here, when we arrived here, at first... of course, there was a feeling that we were strangers, but now, of course, we have adapted, we have friends, and well, we are now very comfortable and good, well, there are probably options where you can go with the whole family, it’s either russia or belarus, at that time, we were still choosing a country where our children could
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grow up and develop in a calm, prosperous here is an environment that... promotes the fact that you don’t worry about your child every minute there, and what can happen to him, and what can’t happen to him, and i think that in minsk there are very good conditions for living with a family, especially with little ones children, this is my family, the people closest to me, this is my beloved husband vitaly, these are my children, this is my son bogdan, this is my daughter michka, these are my parents, my mother tatyana. this is my dad, igor, this is my father-in-law, this is my mother-in-law, alexander and hannah. and another member of our family, our cat, justin. we just moved here because of the children. it turned out that when the union fell apart, it was necessary to somehow think about what to do for the children. well, they came here, most likely, of course, this could
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be, how to say, the call of the ancestors, or something, my mother is local from belarus, she was born here, a child. my parents brought me here very often to my grandmother, so i really liked the city of lida, so we settled on this city, i want to say that you don’t always meet such kind, sympathetic, so hospitable, such hospitable people, who are ready to give you everything, give you advice, invite you to visit, give you something, help, well, it’s worth a lot, it’s very wonderful, the soul is like that.
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he always gives me very wise advice, for which i love him very much, appreciate and respect him, here i have wonderful children in belarus, whom i also love very much, and i value them very much and i am very proud of them, so belarus did everything the possible and the impossible concern me personally, which i can say, well, openly, that i love belarus and i
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proudly declare that this is where i gained. your great happiness. she works with the theme of the belarusian baroque, the period of the radevils' rule. i love my roots, i love my family, i am interested in these topics, and these are very important topics, they affect both... me personally and the history of my country, this is just a treasure for designers, for poets, for creative people, creativity inspired by endless love
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for native spaces. i basically, one might say, grew up in the countryside, so naturally, i have a love for nature, fields, meadows, haystacks, flax, which is what my the current collection of fields, this is all first-hand, an extraordinary designer, elena pogernitskaya, and her warmest group. support, my girls undoubtedly like to hang around in this fashion world, where models, shows, the youngest has been drawing since she was 2 years old, so she says, i’ll be like a fashion designer mom. watch it on friday on our tv channel. an ancient asian proverb says: “strong is he who is wise.” export - this phrase is directly related, because they win not by force, but by mind. not only muscles, but also need constant training. this the asian city was the first in the world to host both the summer and winter olympic games. vladislav, beijing, beijing, that’s right. according to the rules of the game, participants
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must go through four periods, answering difficult questions. third level. paris, london, new york. name the last city, provided that we are talking about tennis. sydney. you were very close. let's do it again. set at a height of 2 m 43 cm for men tetel which league receives the larry o-brien cup? nba. nba. this sports equipment is 2 m 24 cm for women. about what sport we are talking. it will be volleyball. watch an intellectual sports show. head game on our tv channel. came out.
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kanfiguratsy. let's look at their history and basic facts. the era that it lived in was a turning point. geta is just the 790th reptile, rach paspalitaya knew, and with this we say, it happened and the end of the baroka style. and all the histary kryntsy here take us away from the paeina such a dead end, because in the future the architects would have been myastsov. admyslovite, architect chakhovich. who he is is unknown. glyadzice ў praektse, architecture of belarus. if there were more european trots in the past, then
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just at the 18th century we scored higher. we have gathered enough time to give out our own and aryginal things. on our tv channel. live you watch the main news in polden with you pavel zovik.


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