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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 22, 2024 9:00am-9:11am MSK

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but the bad thing, i’m using an eraser, fasten me into a seat, we’re in airplane mode, we flew together, we deserve it, we can’t hide from love anywhere, and don’t stop, you ’re with me now, we’re burning so brightly and we’re not afraid of anything, the whole movie not with your head. news live on belarus 1 and belarus 24 in the pavel studio. ozovik, good
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morning, in this issue: more than a thousand delegates, new status and discussion of strategic development. this week we are waiting for the main political event - the all-belarusian people's assembly. mass shooting in the us in memphis, america, they are looking for criminals who opened fire on partygoers in a city park. a major fire at a giant landfill, environmental. disaster in india, the legendary garbage everest caught fire. reliable support for justice and today is the day of the forensic expert in belarus. the main political event on the week of april 24 and 25 will be the all-belarusian people's assembly. more than a thousand delegates and over 700 invited guests will come to minsk. they will discuss the strategic development of belarus in various areas from economics.
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the delegates will raise, among other issues, issues that directly affect their field of activity, natalya glushakova, representative from education, dean of the faculty of business and law of the belarusian agricultural academy, shared this opinion. we are standing on the threshold of a new seventh all-belarus people's assembly, it follows.
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our democracy is our tradition, why the supreme national assembly can be considered a symbol of independence, how dialogue with the people saved the country at key moments in sovereign history, and what happens if the state is unbalanced, a new the status of the vns and new functions, why the kept women of the west generate negativity and what decisions belarusians will make together, we will break it down into understandable politics, watch this evening’s broadcast after the panorama.
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mass shooting in memphis, america. unknown persons opened fire on participants of a holiday party in a city park. two people died, six more were taken to the hospital. the states have seen a sharp increase in violence over the past few years. experts say the main reason is the migration crisis and growing drug use. tragedy in sri lanka. during a car race, one of the cars crashed into the crowd at full speed. seven people were killed and 20 were injured. reportedly, the driver of the racing car lost control where a particularly large number of spectators approached the track. the race is being held for the twenty-eighth time and is
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extremely popular on the island. more than 100,000 people watched her. a communal disaster in india and the largest landfill on the planet near the country's capital is engulfed in flames. the fire area is growing, it is not possible for firefighters to stop the spread of fire forces, toxic smoke covered delhi, the fire turned into a major environmental disaster, the negative consequences are felt by millions of people. the size of the landfill is tens of square kilometers, comparable to the indian capital itself. premieres.
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the project’s video library is presented in various formats: video essay, book trailer and video report, viewing media work, available on the official website of the project. today is the day of the forensic expert and the employees of the state committee for forensic expertise
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were congratulated on their professional holiday by the president of belarus. department as important part of the national security system, guards the rule of law, justice, protection of human rights and freedoms. operational. effective support of legal proceedings is largely ensured by the latest scientific achievements, modern technology and equipment, as well as a well-coordinated system of interdepartmental interaction and international cooperation, the congratulations say. the pilot project for the new lunch menu involves 80% of schools in belarus, which is more than 2.0 educational institutions. the big project started at the end of the twenty-second years, then they offered to try new dinners. institutions, over the course of a year and a half , the work of the canteens was organized in a new way, equipment was purchased, the menu was updated, as a result: more students began to eat in school canteens, leaving food on their plates less often, which means that new dishes were liked, and the skills of the cooks improved.
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an important aspect is the culture of healthy eating, we understand perfectly well that it needs to be instilled in our students, starting in fact from the first grade, which is why, from the beginning of the school year, a new an elective for schoolchildren, conversations about the culture of healthy eating, this is very important, because when we tell our schoolchildren how important healthy eating is, and what role it plays in maintaining their health, they will be more responsible , including not only to school meals, but to home meals they will work in this direction with parents, among the complaints the food is not always really hot, the problem of lack of demand for certain dishes with... responsibly, part cooked food goes to waste. the ministry of education has launched an online hotline and chatbot; you can report shortcomings in the work, especially since all schools will join the project from the new school year. endurance, agility, strength and speed in the republican competition of the ministry of emergency situations
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chose the best high-altitude rescuer of the emergency department. the competition brought together more than 40 professionals, and sergey lada watched every stage of the intense competition. knowledge of first aid, for the eleventh time this the competition confronted participants with challenging challenges that tested physical limits, technical skills and the ability to make decisions in a matter of seconds. this competition shows the level of training of our rescuers, so that you understand that for 11 years now we have been making these competitions more difficult every year, each time we add something new and it is clear that only the strongest rescuers end up here, they are selected at home. in the regions, it’s not just getting into the team, but these skills that we have today


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