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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 22, 2024 8:00am-8:05am MSK

8:00 am
the morning broadcast on belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues with news in the studio pavel lazovik. hello! the main political event for the weeks of april 24 and 25 will be the all-belarus people's assembly. more than 1.0 delegates and over 700 invited guests will gather in minsk. they will discuss the strategic development of belarus in various areas from economics to security. the entire belarusian assembly received constitutional status this year. this means that the vns will not just recommend, but will control the decisions of all key questions.
8:01 am
not everyone has experience participating in such big political events, but this is how the meeting was intended without elitism, so that everyone's voice could be heard. our democracy. our tradition, why the gna can be considered a symbol of independence, how dialogue with the people saved the country at key moments in sovereign history, and what happens if the state is unbalanced, the new status of the gna and new functions, why the contents of the west generate negativity and what decisions belarusians will make together , let's break it down into understandable politics. watch it on tonight's broadcast after the panorama.
8:02 am
an orange alert level due to heavy precipitation and wind was announced today in belarus; rain and sleet are expected, with precipitation in many areas. it will be rainy and
8:03 am
cold all week, it will warm up a little by the weekend, but the rain will not stop. in the fight for the white house, cnn predicts an almost inevitable victory in the november presidential election for trump. the former head of the american state has been leading on issues for a long time, but according to the results of the presidential vote in... who vote either for democrats or for republicans. according to the latest poll in georgia, michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania, trump has a comfortable lead over biden. his 4% lead continues to grow. for the current administration, this is literally catastrophic news. biden's chances of winning are inexorably approaching zero.
8:04 am
the latvian government is preparing to consider a ban on teaching russian as a second foreign language in schools; however, they promise to do this in stages so as not to provoke a crisis in the education system, because teachers will have to look for a new job, and new courses for schoolchildren. at the moment, russian is taught in half of latvian schools, in the service and trade sectors it cannot be done without it, and despite bellicose statements addressed to russia, the baltic republics...
8:05 am
the countries of south-east asia have seriously grown into china, which is a world leader . leader in steel production, last year they worked well, in general, we added more than 111% in the region ...


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