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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 21, 2024 7:50pm-8:51pm MSK

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club of editors of any nation needs bonds, this flight is a bond, a bond of our society, for 3 weeks we lived with this topic, we followed, we worried, but most importantly - we were proud, this is truly national, mobilizing the whole country, the achievement of its flight rejoiced .
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they fly into space, where they build nuclear power plants, where women go on maternity leave for 3 years, i want to live in this country, don’t miss it on the belarus24 tv channel.
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hello, we welcome everyone who is with us now, we will touch on several interesting topics, for example, we will talk about someone who really wants to see belarus at war, but we will start with the main world news, first the world was waiting.
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how iran will answer, now the same question is addressed to israel. let me remind you that, according to the israeli military, on the night of april 14 , not a single drone reached israeli territory, all of them were intercepted by israeli air defense systems, partners, jordan, the usa, great britain, all hypersonic missiles, according to iranian media reports, reached their target. iran announced the end of the operation and warned israel against further action. it sounds like this: our answer will be much larger. today's military action if israel takes significant action against iran. andrei petrovich, this is how we have two positions: some say that what we are now seeing is the rise of a new world war, others say that this was a very subtly planned, symbolic response from iran, which on the one hand does not allow transition region across the red line, but on the other hand send a clear signal that we have something to answer, and if necessary, all...
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hands have said everything, let’s end here, we stop all activities, well, they showed us, of course, how the objects were hit, it should be noted that iran today has demonstrated its truly colossal military capabilities, taking into account the fact that everyone was warned, the israeli air defense system was again rebuilt in advance ,
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the planes of israel’s allies and israel itself were scrambled in advance, including jordan, great britain, and the united states, and yet, as iran reported, we waited. he was such a blow, the second, but he avoided more a strong blow in the grand scheme of things, third, he can come to an agreement with now, as they say, he can reconcile democrats and republicans, who will allocate the funds necessary for weapons systems to support military
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operations in the gas sector, but here it is important to understand one thing: israel has the opportunity of a delayed strike , well, nbc, indeed , in continuation of what you said, an american television channel, refer to... your sources in the us government, perhaps a possible israeli response will be inflicted outside iran, which means they can hit regional groups, primarily considering the territory of syria. alexey, how do you think events will develop towards what we are seeing now? well, it is important to understand that all the events that we observe are not spontaneous in nature, yes, that is, israel hit the consulate on april 1. iran in damascus for a reason, you know, they were sitting at the headquarters where we would strike, well, let’s strike, it is clear that this was a provocation, they put the question to rest, israel did not know that iran would answer them, well, of course i knew, you see, that is , initially the course of events was predetermined,
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why this was done, of course, it was done for purposes related to additional ones, this alone is integral. let's say, financial, yes, it is connected with the possibility of congress approving a package of military assistance to israel, moreover, separately from ukraine, but where will this assistance go, it will go to the american military-industrial complex, because before that, starting in 2022, everything american vbk received state support, thanks to ukraine, ukraine, of course, the project failed, we need it it must be closed, it is ineffective. something else, the situation in the middle east is ideal, here is stanislav, join us, but first a few opinions on this matter, china’s permanent representative to the un, futsun said: “israel violated international law by attacking the iranian consulate, iran reacted by taking advantage its legal
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right. now russia, post hi vasily nebendya expressed regret that un secretary general guterres did not attend the meeting at which israel’s attack on israel was discussed. the iranian consulate in syria, at the same time. took part in a meeting on the attack on israel, people are noticing everything now, they are noticing everything, your assessments of what is happening now are in fact true, the hypocrisy that we are seeing, the double standards, this is not the first time we have seen it, yes , when - as they say, this is different, in fact, vasily nebenzya stated at the council that why didn’t you condemn, not one of you condemned the virulent attack on the consulate in damascus. iranian consulate, but at the same time every, literally western leader spoke with condemnation of the retaliatory strike on iran, you know, if we take it as a basis, yes, let's look at the foundation of everything that is happening, there is expansion, expansion of the west,
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points have flared up, they will support this conflict in each, in each of these points, weakening, diverting attention . ukraine, the ukrainian project today, yes, it can already be said, ended unsuccessfully for the west, this is obvious to everyone, for a number of factors, none of their strategies worked. including information war, and, primarily, primarily, information war, which we are talking about today, the hybrid, primary component, is still informational, and from it further physical actions already flow, as those hot spots that we see, and if we look at the situation objectively, these are the manipulations carried out by the information campaigns of the media monster , which we know,
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belongs fully to the western world, this is more than 90% of the global media, these are all social networks, and it is correctly noted that we actually do not know exactly how many flying objects flew into iran, for example, how many of them were shot down, where they were actually flying, we saw on...
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who is bigger, their military industry, their economy is depleted, isn’t it, in fact
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, it turns out that today, well, let’s call a spade a spade, ukraine has turned into the training ground where two forces came together, it is clear to everyone that this is of course not ukraine, yes, it is the west and the east that came together, russia, in particular, and the collective west, both sides are honing their abilities to confront each other there. study weapons, study methodology, study tactics, study the ability of their own soldiers, combat coordination is underway, on the russian side, this is definitely combat coordination underway, because the army has been for many years, after 80 years, it has not participated anywhere in such, thank god , huge battles, yes, that is what we are today we see, therefore, the situation has come to the point that...
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information dumps on the one hand distract from some situation, on the other hand, as if to find a new enemy who can be demonstrated and said that here he is, as it were, a new personification of evil in ...
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since we're talking about ukraine, let's let's continue, kiev will make an attempt to destroy the crimean bridge by mid-july, writes the british newspaper sun, citing ukrainian officials; experts interviewed by the publication
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suggested that ukraine could use from 20 to 40 missiles to strike the roadway of the bridge. the first time it was with a truck, it was a whole epic, the second was with the use of underwater drones, surface drones, they blew it up, what they are preparing for today, well , firstly, there are two two weak points that they talk about and which they see , the first is, of course, that russia’s space reconnaissance group is insufficient for now, but it is growing, i think
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that this hole will soon be, as they say, the problems are closed, the second is the problems with the use of the a50. we saw these two there , according to some estimates, three, and 50 were shot down, that is, we do not cover with early regulatory detection aircraft the possibility of the approach of these missiles, and the third, of course, is the low efficiency of the use of the black sea fleet, we also see due to the reasons for this , what well, unfortunately, this is not only a problem of the russian fleet, this is a problem of almost all modern fleets, that they were not ready for this largely modern war using surface, underwater drones and everything else, but what is important?
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today we’ll talk about ukraine, why very often the russian federation still tries to help western countries get involved in ukraine, we’ll talk about it, but here it’s interesting why, given what they are planning.
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there is no agreement between london and washington, they are once again dividing it’s just the skin of this ukrainian, but not a bear, i don’t know what kind of animal it is, the ukrainian leadership is very difficult to trace, this is a well-known peacemaker, of course, it’s clear that he is now resolving his issues in the interests of the fact that gasoline prices are constantly rising, everyone knows , that voters in the united states will forgive everything except one thing, this is why gasoline is so expensive, yes, well, they have such a trick, so that’s what i boil down to, why do they say that? these attacks will be carried out approximately in july, and in the summer they are according to the crimean bridge, everything is very simple, intelligence clearly understands and gives a signal
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that a large-scale russian offensive is ahead, and, in my opinion, this is already being talked about everywhere, at the end of may, beginning of june and so on, than usually they already assume that most likely it will end, of course, with the success of the russian federation, we can already see this today, how it is carried out practically at the tactical level, what successes the armed forces of the russian federation show... in the conduct of military operations, but realizing this, a picture is constantly needed some kind of victory, remember, as soon as there is a major success, it must be interrupted, and as a rule, previous attacks on bridges, all other terrorist acts that ukraine has committed today, they were just such a small victory, but bright a flash of information, against the backdrop of all the ongoing events that exist, and of course, they will hang a stamp in kiev in front of which... they will be photographed, this will be against the backdrop of the general loss of ukraine during the summer campaign, summer-autumn, i think, exactly here this is a small problem. if we are talking
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about whether it is possible to use ukraine today, well, i say the logic is quite difficult to follow, but how ukraine got into trouble today, with regard to terrorist acts, and above all the procrocus cityhol and about other events that they absurdly admitted , what.
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ukrainians do everything under the carpet, completely, they don’t even have the opportunity to resist them, that’s what they are trying to play at the political level and say: oh, you know, you are doing bad, bad, what you are hitting russian territory, russian mpzs, the bad thing is probably that you will soon destroy the crimean bridge, but this is all an exclusive game in order to distance yourself a little from reality. the state of affairs on the battlefield and at the same time winning some political bonuses for themselves, it doesn’t matter on the eve of the presidential campaign or
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the radio of voters, but there is only one meaning here : they are focused on the further escalation of the conflict on the territory of ukraine, they do not stop, they understand , what they have the strength and means to wage and conflict in... the middle east and to wage the conflict on the territory of ukraine, they are drawing more and more resources there, first of all, from the countries of the european union, how will it end for them, but this is how they see it, they they clearly see only one thing: a - the longer the conflict in ukraine, the better for them, they focus on 10 years, these are the guidelines that we are saying, tomorrow there will be a victorious there. this crimea,
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attacks will be on the crimean bridge, attacks will be on russian infrastructure, the question here is friend, that this conflict must be resolved so that it does not exist at all, peace negotiations, which were actively discussed this week, last week, in this strategy of yours, how are they invested then, peace negotiations, they are disadvantageous to the west, those that the model of peace negotiations that they are trying to impose through the swiss ... conference, this is understandable, is just a ploy to simply delay attention, to oust russia, belarus from this process, but how in reality will they now relate to the peace negotiation regime in general, no way , they will undermine it, discredit it, try, try, through such incidents there with the crimean bridge, to further
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escalate the situation,
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the ball, roughly speaking, is on the other side, i remember this process, which began in belarus, three rounds passed, the fourth round in istanbul and you then copied and handed over these documents to me, the documents were first shown, i read it, then you gave it to me, what was agreed upon, and the document that was initialed, there were serious progress, and the russians moved, the ukrainians, and then clearly...
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ukraine, but here the question arises about who the negotiations will be held with, that is , ukraine is almost entering a period of such illegitimacy of the president and no possibility of negotiating. the remark was correct, well, we can now hold negotiations, and what will happen, the same situation will repeat itself, the illegitimate president signed, and you see, i will not accept the agreement, we will continue in the same spirit, and let’s listen, indeed, the president called
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this squiggle. you won't like it, but they know how to do it to do as under the minsk agreements, remember, they will throw it all away, they will say, yes, it was not a legitimate president who signed it, and i don’t know this at all, the new president will say, this could happen, especially god forbid petro poroshenko comes to power there, sorry, he ’ll ruin it all, he’ll say, i don’t know, i don’t want to know, he’s an illegitimate president, tomorrow billions will put pressure on his pocket,
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the americans will always squeeze, they’ll say... continue the war, the war will continue, therefore, as the first president of russia said, it’s a squiggle there is some kind, well, we can even remember the words of merkel, who said what? an obvious position, yes, that the ukrainian government is absolutely untenable, it does not make any decisions itself, this is obvious to us, but the official position of the west regarding ukraine is a victim, russia is the aggressor, we
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are co-aggressors, yes in this regard, but what is it fighting for? ukraine is a legend, yeah, it’s fighting for independence, but at the same time, how can i give a picture. for society, including the ukrainian one, so that those - the heels who today are sparkling in their heels for obvious reasons, objective, why should they die, in order to inspire them, you need to give a picture that they are really fighting against the aggressor for their independence, that’s where ambiguous statements come from, yes, when they say, oh, no need to bomb the oil refinery, oh, crocus - this is isis, this is not ukraine, at the same time, emphasizing its independence and independence of decision-making, the same little guy from the security service comes forward and says, after all, it’s us, but officially it’s not us, that’s what it’s done for informational
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these are glossing over, that is, to the average person, it is practically impossible for our, our citizen to understand what is really happening, yes, it’s like thimbles, only... bloody events in relation to civilians who are not related to any power bloc, but they need information explosions, they need information shaking up, attracting attention to oneself, distracting from any others and
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attracting as much resource as possible to oneself in order to continue, supposedly the west does not want to give, but it gives, a hearth is created that is constantly, constantly... burning and its will not extinguish, alexey said correctly, that it will drag on as long as possible, for as long as possible, that’s why a warring belarus is needed, we will definitely talk about this, in a couple of minutes, stay with us. they were born in different parts. i came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty, my husband sergei, the first to come here for work, he really liked it here, i was born in telinograd, that is, there is, so to speak, a little history there, first there was telinograd, then akmala, everyone
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found it here something for yourself, here's our favorite the stage, our home, i can’t even say that this is work, this is our home, where we are... this is where i acquired my great happiness. watch on the tv channel belarus 24.
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and we continue, answering numerous questions from journalists, when the president was in moscow, he had to comment on one of the many in... the president of belarus, who is forced to talk about it again, well i think that around our state, we can literally say that this week, for example, the cyber system was completed, as they call security, this cybersecurity system has completely surrounded, well , essentially our union state, this is the most direct preparation for 2025, what the head of state spoke about, what we talked about at the very beginning of the program, that military development, in principle, was chosen
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correctly, and you saw the visit of the head of state at one time to the western operational command and the northwestern operational command, where it was precisely the issues of defense of the western direction, that is, from our western neighbors, the head states pays special attention, but the same thing, as we said, this is what was demonstrated today in iran, in many ways allows us to say that no one is ready for a global conflict yet, but this does not mean that that the global conflict remains. in a stable position on our southern borders, well, there is probably
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no other country like ours, so what can we say in terms of the upcoming summit, which is planned to be held in lucerne, in switzerland, in the summer, in july and this month, this is important aspect which, in my opinion, well, first, we know the position of ukraine, they have doctrinally forbidden to enter into any negotiations with the russian federation, the next one is entering the ninety-first. under borders and reparations, that is, who would agree to such agreements in peace agreements, of course, no one. it is clear that negotiations are impossible under the conditions proposed by ukraine, which is losing, as they say on earth today. the second position is that we know about the appearance of such an interesting formation that has long been forgotten, a cordial alliance, this is the entente, where great britain and france are now beginning to lead or rule the united states, which is moving there to the asia-pacific region. namely , to assume the powers of the overlord of this region and
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determine how this entire military-political agenda in our region will be built, so it is important to say what aspect is determined by this same overlord, and determined by the british side, cameron, it is clearly spelled out strategic defeat, there are no negotiations there, well, there is no word about negotiations, the possibility of even considering that russia could do something somewhere, there are... there are other players no less important, like china, and we know that at the meeting with xinzin and olaf scholz and macron, they clearly received from namely the head of the chinese state and a clear message: we are going only on the basis that there must be negotiations on equal terms, but necessarily taking into account what is happening today in terms of waging war on earth, i will briefly illustrate, you will continue, andrei petrovich, just just about this... like this an interesting pick happened the other day: the united states
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will hold china responsible if russia achieves success in ukraine, said us deputy secretary of state kurt kamble, but china is not in a position to calmly swallow such things, he responded through the mouth of an official representative ministry of the people's republic of china maouning, she said: this cooperation should not be subject to interference and containment, the chinese side also does not accept condemnation and pressure, and then i wonder what you are talking about, if not... some countries really pay first of all, they should think about its origins and the attention of the world in ukraine, hoping for a speedy end to the crisis, they must first take real steps to restore peace. this is what it looks like today. well, we understand perfectly well that kurt kumble has already played this purely for the public, this is a purely informational stuff, because if you want to get some information, then in diplomacy all this is done confidentially. and here it has already been put on public display. and china responded in exactly the same way with the same slap. that is, we know china’s position. the next player is türkiye.
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the position of these very countries, well , of course, to win over someone to show that look, the whole world is with us, but this is not so important, because they need to make it before the moment it begins, firstly , the whole.
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belarus will not participate in hostilities, this is by declaring that there is no need to join , as you know, this is a reaction to numerous stuffing, and the role here is completely definite, there are those people who, out of habit , call themselves opposition, but in fact in belarus they are called nothing else like just runaways, i i will illustrate, unfortunately, this appears again again, in this case, particular cases that convey the general mood, which means that on the ukrainian youtube channel one of ... representatives of the so-called belarusian polymigration spoke out, the presenter asked her about the legitimate military goals of ukraine in the territory belarus, i heard the following, she said: i believe that in the current situation it is still necessary to act preventively, to strike at military targets, at the same oil refineries working today for the russian military-industrial complex, this is indeed legal, and ukraine has
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the right to do this, she responded and added that it is necessary to think about preventively deploying nato troops in belarus. then naturally the appropriate measures should be taken by the corresponding requests , somewhere in ukraine, in poland, so that they are deported here, it is clear that they cannot be deported, but actions must be taken. another thing is why she says this, is she speaking herself, it is clear that she is not speaking herself, all these thoughts, they have already been prepared in advance at some
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conferences that were held there the british, the americans, she is considering all this, whether this information was leaked, perhaps due to... inexperience, she simply leaked these plans on the air, yes, but in my opinion, this is a deliberate information pumping of society in order to achieve a certain state of fear , yes, that is, these rumors, pay attention, they probably became more active in the last month about the need to take some preventive measures against belarus, it started with...
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what should be done about this? well, of course you need to understand that our intelligence services are working actively to suppress various destructive activities, will they preemptively hit the refineries? no, they won’t, of course they won’t, because remember the statement of our head of state, as soon as they step across our border or make any attacks on our infrastructure, there will immediately be retaliatory attacks. and there will no longer be any red lines, they will hit their headquarters in kiev, in warsaw, and no one will stop until the use of tactical nuclear weapons, all these statements are just a test, you know reactions of the belarusian departments and the belarusian
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information field there, how we will react to this, so we are reacting extremely harshly, i think that the planned... psychological information operation is special, this is all being carried out, how it was done, we have already carried out analytics small on this matter, where did the rhetoric come from that belarus is going to attack lithuania there or poland aggressively towards poland, a number of small ones are being created, including telegram channels, incomprehensible authors give out as an ephemeral idea that... belarus is gathering there, look, it is strengthening there, we have some kind of exercises with russia, which means they are preparing, and so on, then a little more channel takes this information, as a result, our... leaders take it like as a basis, we know, there is such a sugar worker there today, yes, who is her, her
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assistant, yes, in the military department, one might say, and with a serious look he takes information from these sources out loud and declares that to the audience who they have information that belarus is really going to attack, it’s almost going to throw a tactical nuclear weapon there, and what this is not, it is... it is a classic special psychological operation in order to really create a source of tension in society, so that people’s emotions overwhelm the adequate mind, they begin to react to any further stuffing, that is, it works like a virus, but they infected a small channel and then it’s absolutely correct, but no one pays attention to the source where it comes from, that is , some.
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literally after a short period of time, all of you standing in front of me will understand that you saved the world, on this piece of land, defended the sovereignty and independence of our country. understand, guys, not every belarusian, unfortunately, understands this today, but very soon they will understand. inflates some kind of emotional background,
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and we cannot trace where the next steps lead, but they lead to what we are discussing today, we see in the middle east, we see in ukraine, we see how they are now approaching china, through all the numerous alliances , following the example of aucus, they recently recalled serbia, which had been pricked for years. want to get on the agenda to show that they for now they have been muddying the waters, which by any means mean something, this is exactly the situation when
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belarusians once again need to, firstly, look at the context, at the source of information, as you rightly say, to get to the bottom of the matter , to understand that the world in which we we live today, it’s very expensive, we can lose it very quickly, i react until i figure it out, absolutely right, to the source, figure it out, emotions today are... showing emotions is also very expensive, emotional, against the backdrop of this emotional explosion can be very there will be no turning back from the terrible things that have happened, we calmly move forward, we understand, we look better at the information when they tell us about how people come from western countries to belarus and find a second homeland, how happy they are to live, and not in big cities, in small towns , recently there was a report about a family, they appreciate what i say: we have been spoiled, and we very often do not understand how valuable it is, and how fragile it is, and how we all need
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to take care of it together, we must not forget about the treachery of our enemy , in which part, there are separate camps, there are those who stand with flowers, they are absolutely unaware of the existence of the radical part, which, if we attribute this to the twentieth year, who studied how to resist, the girl sincerely says, i’m peaceful, she was prepared according to a completely different program, than the radicals, in this part
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it’s really difficult for us, it’s like... our behavior with ukraine, if we compare it, that is, we must understand that these are our people, these are our brothers, these are the same as us, these are slavic, our triune people, this is ours an integral part, but on the other hand, this does not negate the fact that if we turn our backs, conditionally, yes, then we will be stabbed, which means that we need to, you and i are in, probably, the most difficult situation that we it is necessary to be
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, as i think the president is speaking correctly, about the fact that now we are in peacetime, this is really very expensive, i think our program as a whole is dedicated to this, what is literally on the southern borders, on the situation is escalating on the western borders, but we have created precisely the prerequisite conditions for so that, in principle , nothing threatens us at the moment, it is important to understand here, we discussed with you a problem related to what our fugitives are thinking about, but they only think about one thing. there will be no more peaceful protests, no one will come out with flowers anymore, they will start cutting and killing, that is, by and large, extremism is the basis of the angle, and of course you need to approach all this wisely and think about how to resist it, i think that we are quite capable of resisting this, we have strengthened it enough our positions both on the internal and external contours, look, this is joining the shanghai commonwealth organization, look, today we are aiming at what
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we are planning somewhere in brix, our word is heard. perceived, the most important thing is that in addition to these aspects, yes, we flew into space, that is, all people see that today everything is about creation, this is exactly what the president spoke about when setting tasks for the agrarian-industrial complex, this says: this is the time, this is the respite, perhaps, which is probably given between one and two electoral campaigns, it must be used as efficiently as possible, and not only in the military sphere, and not only in those related to food security, but in all of these nine areas that have been adopted.
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the strongest restructuring of the entire world system must survive, yes, but primarily in the economic field, if we ensure, on the one hand, the economy, the growth of exports, which means export earnings, and at the same time ensure our national food security, then we are in this period, but a turbulent period we will stand further, further it will be easier, but the system will be rebuilt, in any case it will be rebuilt.
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on the contrary, to concentrate on work, on adequacy, on the perception that we must be ready, this does not mean that we are going somewhere, as some believe that we want someone.
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we need to pursue a creative policy, we need to develop, only then will we, a developed, forward-moving state, be able to fully resist the threats that are around us. thank you for participating in this conversation, thank you for your opinion shared today. and finally, first the nwo, now iran is responding to israel, china is clearly indicating who it is with and why. the world no longer wants to play by the anglo-saxon rules. the result is a strategy of intolerable sanctions. failed, so did the cancel culture, but most importantly, the chaos that once sowed turned out to be not so manageable. and now bloomberg is not just hinting, but practically putting it in the headline: china, russia and iran are reviving
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the era of empire, destroying the us neocolonial order. what does it mean? well, even a cornered rat is dangerous at its most despair, what to say about a powerful power that is acutely experiencing the loss of its influence. washington will scratch and bite. what does it mean? for us, not to get lost among the giants, preserve the culture of tradition, develop the economy and new competencies, demonstrate reliability and adhere to our own in spirit and vision of the future, and this is another pointer to the fact that in 2025 there will be not just elections, it will be an exam for the maturity of our society. that's it for today, happy. getting to know belarusian enterprises and outstanding the result of their work. the difference between our equipment is that they have very
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large capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities. our technology today is actually very reliable; there is a colossal safety margin built into it. the approach to the matter to which. we need to strive for everyone, we carry out 100% control so that these products comply technically, with regulatory legal acts, correspond to the sample standard, in literally 3-4 years it should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering, i have no doubt that we will achieve our goals, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel only for our viewers, we choose the best routes. we also decided not to look at overseas countries and came to the belarusian city.


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