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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 21, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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noon news on belarus 1, vladislav vundar studios, hello at the beginning.
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the order in historical places, the laying of new objects, together, maybe a lot, is shown by the results of the cleanup. a portal to the past in the minsk metro under independence avenue, the passage was decorated with paintings of victory. ankara is sinking, a powerful hurricane in turkey, the mosque could not withstand the impact of the elements. ukrainian summer without electricity, interruptions are expected even with the most optimistic. three matches for the final round of who will advance further in the belarusian football championship. a common cause that united the whole country. in belarus, the day before there was a republican cleanup day. it has been a long-standing tradition for everyone to work together for the good of the country. every year in april, millions of belarusians clean up after winter and improve their land, from big cities to small towns. i always take part in the cleanup.
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president alexander lukashenko worked in his small homeland, an apple orchard and 411 trees of five varieties were planted there. these are the fruits of domestic selection: belarusian sweet, sebrina, kovalenkovskaya, candy, and also redfree, a summer variety that came to belarus from the usa. this entire site will be handed over to local schoolchildren. we do this so that we can pass it on to schoolchildren so that they can take care of it here and take the result of their labor for themselves. as i said, every school should have its own garden plot, where you can dig around on the ground, walk around and touch it with your hands, so that there is less stupidity in your head, so these schoolchildren, well , they will work here as their garden plot, this was a wasteland, we developed it, next year we will land in the fall we cultivate it, add the necessary fertilizers, well...
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it’s technologically advanced, it’s exactly the same here, these were peasant estates, like this from the house to here, but this is already a dacha today, few people live here, the heirs live here, they cut out a garden for themselves, we fenced everything for them, and so as not to waste the rest, we decided to plant separate varieties of apple trees and work. everyone was invited, this is a well-known principle of the president: those who work next to each other every day, clean up and exchange microphones and cameras for rakes and shovels, but after alexander lukashenko felt that the journalists had not done their job well and invited them to chop wood, a master class with a full load, well, stronger is necessary, good, but stronger, the head of state has a special warm attitude towards his small homeland, for example, the subbotnik in 2018 alexander lukashenko... with three sons he worked on
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the improvement of trofimova krenitsa near the agricultural town of alexandria. now this place has become popular not only among locals, but also tourists. and in the twenty-first , the president was engaged in landscaping the area around the site, where every year at the swimming pool the alexandria festival, a favorite among guests from different countries, brings together friends. watch the main broadcast today for even more exclusive footage from the president’s small homeland and beyond. cleanup work, presidential master class on... kidrov, the future harvest from the experimental fields of the first and insides from the palace of independence, all this is in our section time of the first. when the president's decisions are invigorating in every sense. there will be no results this year, expect the most severe repressions. a couple of days, then all belarusian folk meetings. who and how will get to the presidium.
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we harness ourselves and work on the republican subbotnik together with the first one, so let you be one operator, that’s all, a personal example, what kind of harvest we expect in the presidential fields, this field can be said to be watered by my cat, we’ll show how anyone organizes any event with the participation of the first one, we are a team with some. we agreed with the staff. the day before
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, 2,400,000 people came out for general cleaning; everything earned from the republican cleanup will go to youth and memory; about 14.5 million rubles were collected. it's on 400 thousand more than last year. the funds will be distributed among the gomel, minsk and brest regions. this year , special attention is paid to restoring order in places of military glory, because our country is preparing to celebrate an important date. on july 3 we will celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. 35% of the funds raised by the cleanup will be used to equip the republican patriotic center in the brest fortress. the object was declared an all-belarusian youth construction site. a modern large-scale sports ground, tent city, we want to live in a clean country, we want everything to be beautiful everywhere, everything is good, wonderful, young people are getting involved, not sitting still, they are moving in the right direction, well, for the development of our country, 35 more % of
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the funds collected will be used for the reconstruction of the memorial complex for child victims of the war in the agricultural town of krasny bereg, gomel region, this is the only place in the cis where the memory of juvenile prisoners, hence the children, is immortalized. sent to hard labor in germany or were made donors for german soldiers. about 2.0 children went through the terrible torment of the camp. during the cleanup , participants honored the memory of the victims of fascism and symbolically replenished the apple orchard with young seedlings. why are we here? well, because this is our land, our territory, right here in the vicinity of these lands, this garden, it all belongs to the krasnoberezh agricultural college. we constantly work here on this territory, this is for us, this... naturally, this is memory, this is sacred. the rest of the amount collected at the republican cleanup day will go towards the reconstruction and restoration of memorial complexes of places of military and military glory located in the regions and the capital. feel the theme of the tragedy of war and the heroism of victory. the task for the young participants
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in the international poster competition: let the living remember, let the descendants know. the project is dedicated to victory day and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus. from beginning artists from belarus and russia 120. their work on the basis of the borisov regional library was collected and assessed over the course of 3 months. where i depicted a poster dedicated to war of 1941, 1945. on it i depicted the main character of the poem by vasily terkin based on the work of tvordovsky. i drew my work based on the stories and poems i read. my work depicts a soldier who is celebrating victory day, behind him there are bright fireworks, wishes for clear skies above his head are written on victory day, my work depicts a girl who is celebrating victory day, behind her there are fireworks and a tank. my work is called we remember you,
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we will be proud, with my work i wanted to convey to our generation what we need remember our ancestors, their heroism, their actions, i, as a member of the animal kingdom... when i came to the exhibition, i was surprised how well the guys felt this complex topic, this means that the memory in their hearts of the feat of our people is alive and will live, and the walls of the capital's metro were decorated with paintings of victory in the underpass on independence avenue artchronica, these are 15 reproductions of belarusian artists who saw the war with their own eyes,
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another belarusian tradition is to plant new trees to replenish green wealth our land. forest week brings together thousands of people every year. belarusian diplomats landed more than 10 thousand the day before. seedlings, pines and spruces in the smalevichi forestry. the head of mit sergei oleinik emphasized the direct role and responsibility of the department’s employees to make their feasible contribution to the preservation of environmental sustainability and natural diversity of their native belarus. the neat work was dedicated to the memory of vladimir makei. it was he who started this good tradition in the ministry. and thanks to our landscapers, belarusian streets are always the variety of colors is amazing, and very soon the markets will be filled with a choice of seedlings. and this has always been the case, even in times of shortage. we will show archival footage without retouching.
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minsk and beijing are finding new points of contact and bringing their views closer together, this was stated by the first secretary of the communist party of belarus alexei sokol at a meeting with representatives of the communist party of china. according to the delegates, our countries are successfully developing cooperation, including within the framework of the chinese concept of community, a common destiny for humanity. it implies the creation peaceful cooperation between countries. in all areas of development, today the celestial empire is largely adopting the experience of belarus, i saw how industry and agriculture are developing, how they are built in our way, by the way, they adopted our agricultural towns, the consolidation of the rural population is happening, job creation, infrastructure development, that is, this is happening at a colossal pace, of course we have a lot to learn from them, but they are adopting a lot from the population. the chinese communist party is visiting our country, in the guests plan to meet with the leadership
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of the upper house of the belarusian parliament, the presidential administration, and representatives of political parties. in poland, the alarm is being sounded due to the shortage of seasonal workers from ukraine, in particular when it comes to strawberry picking. according to the most conservative estimates, up to 40% of the berries may go missing; the ukrainian law on mobilization is blamed for everything. experts note that currently either teenagers or men work on farms. over 60 years of age, that is, those who are not subject to the law. at the same time, workers from asia or africa is not the solution. poles believe that they are only interested in documents and the opportunity to travel to western europe, but not in any way about work. in ukraine itself, a summer without light is expected. power outages across the country can last up to 6 hours. forbes reports this with reference to the energy research center. as for the coming winter, we can do without outages or with minimal ones. restrictions square is unrealistic: ukraine has lost up to 7 gigawatts
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only if generation is restored, this is a very huge volume - maximum damaged capacity, which was admitted by the minister of energy. a powerful hurricane is raging in eastern turkey, the capital ankara is literally going under water, strong winds have knocked down trees and torn off the roofs of some buildings, many streets are flooded, public transport is running intermittently, and in the city of cankiri the minorette of a mosque could not withstand the impact of the elements. danger level due to rain, strong winds and heavy winds are expected in the east of the country with gusts of up to 18 m/s. air temperature
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from +7 to 13°. and tomorrow there will be sleet across the country and ninety percent humidity. it will be rainy and cold all next week. it will warm up a bit by the weekend, but there will still be rain. the valley of three whales is a place where more than three dozen dogs have already found loving owners. help center. homeless animals are located 30 km from minsk. he is very young and requires support. essentially, this is a group of volunteers united by a common idea of ​​salvation. the center was taken under patronage. our colleagues, activists of the women's union of the belarusian radio company. dozens of eyes, the depth of which can confuse even a person with strong nerves, there is pain in them and a long road to trusting people again. who is it that wants to bite me? today they meet us wagging in the beats.


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