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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 20, 2024 3:15pm-3:46pm MSK

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traditionally, every year we take an active part in planting forests; the best work you can imagine is to plant a tree that will subsequently grow and continue to green our wonderful homeland, the republic of belarus. the guys also work in the aviation department, a military unit, a very large territory, it must be maintained in proper condition, so the volume is large. work is also putting things in order in the forest, according to the plan, to improve dozens of objects in all districts of the region, in total in the central region a labor marathon took place more than 300,000 people. and the largest labor force in minsk - four hundred people - is working on the creation of the first space park for active and family recreation. the territory for its construction was the frunzinsky district, which is also native to the hero of belarus, our first cosmonaut, marina vasilevskaya. republican team building united the leadership of the capital. deputies from
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the city council and the house of representatives, the staff of the state control committee, as well as active youth. from year to year we participate in this action; today the entire committee state control operates throughout the republic. and even if i left someone at work , they would be offended. and god forbid, if we take this place, this afternoon there will be a gorgeous park, not to mention the fact that joint physical labor brings us very close together. we are finalists of the competition. we are here to help show our civic position, so we are helping in cleaning the recreation area, which will be dedicated to the flight of the first belarusian woman into space. during the republican cleanup day, labor activists will lay the foundation for the future park. the impressive green area will be cleared of impassable bushes and dry branches, then the territory.
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i’m in a great mood, the weather is good, the sun is invigorating, although, to be honest, i was returning from work yesterday, driving through the city, and thinking about the fact that tomorrow is a cleanup day, i looked at minsk, i think, why does minsk need a cleanup day at all, because i have visited many countries in my life, it seems to me that this is the cleanest, most well-groomed city of the dozens, if not hundreds, that i have seen, but nevertheless, there is always something to do, right? and
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another reason for everyone to get together, collective work unites, one might say, my first tree, i gave birth to children, planted a tree, all that remains is to build a house, only we go out to plant these beautiful trees of our beloved company, opochka, sun, everything is glowing, everything is warm, amazing mood , everyone can join the action, clean up their entrance, near their house or in the yard, let’s make the country cleaner. together. get to know belarus from the inside and deepen ties for comprehensive development of relations. a delegation of the communist party of china led by deputy head of the international department of the party's central committee, zhang zhou, is visiting our country these days. the first point in a busy schedule was a meeting with the leadership of the fraternal spirit of the communist party of belarus.
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today, africa is also very interesting for us; the heads of mid-belarus and equatorial guinea discussed the implementation of the cooperation roadmap approved by the heads of the two states. the negotiations took place in the format video conferences, special attention was paid to the implementation of joint projects in the fields of agriculture, construction, equipment supply, training of specialists and healthcare. during the negotiations , the schedule of upcoming bilateral events was also updated. quality, another brand of our country, bobruisk agromash, the largest manufacturer of agricultural machinery and equipment in eastern europe. today, the equipment produced by the holding operates in more than fifty countries, which allows it to achieve high quality products and how you manage
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to conquer your niche in this market segment in a special project of a television news agency in the country. in the year of quality, our company will do everything to ensure that our products are of high quality and competitive. i came here in 75, the enterprise developed every year, then they produced two cars of some kind.
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the us house of representatives held a so -called procedural vote and approved the allocation of military aid to ukraine, israel and
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taiwan. this is a preliminary procedure the final approval of the law on financing the war in ukraine, as well as on support for taipei and tel aviv, will take place today. there is virtually no doubt that 60 billion will be found; some republicans tried to slow down the procedure by proposing various amendments. for example, they demanded that the law ban the allocation of money to the nazis from azov. one of the amendments sounded like this: a congressman who supports the law undertakes to join the ranks of usa and go to the front. these ideas are unlikely to be seriously considered. europe also is making every effort to ensure that the ukrainian conflict continues as long as possible. it is reported that the czech republic has already found half a million large... caliber shells from the million that the european union promised kiev. and hungarian prime minister orban said that europe is one step away from sending its soldiers to ukraine. budapest, however, is categorically against this and will not support this decision, ” orban noted. self-implantation outside a courthouse in
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new york, a man doused himself with gasoline and set himself on fire in front of the building while there there was a trial against donald trump. the young man with severe burns was taken to the hospital, where... he soon died. after. how he published the manifesto. in his suicide, mark azarella soon made an appeal, he accused trump of seeking to establish global totalitarian domination. the investigation is looking into whether the deceased was mentally ill. the most bizarre forms of implementation are taking on the latest achievements of science. scientists from singapore turned living cockroaches into robots and released them into the wild in the desert. researchers developing technologies for managing insect paradises. they loaded the beetles. a source of electromagnetic pulses that force them to obey human orders.
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if the project is successful, they could be used to conduct rescue search operations, not only in deserts, but also in forests or urban areas. and in minisoti they put flying drones to work. in one of the bars they now deliver beer and hamburgers to customers. drones do their job no worse than waiters, and maybe even it’s better, because they are not capable of spilling or dropping because of their own. technical characteristics, and drones do not require tips. today in minsk at the dynamo stadium, the belarusian club will play in the media league for the first time. at 6 pm , the dimedia team, made up of bloggers and famous football players in the past, will hold a meeting against the media team of the moscow spartak people's team. well, right now , with great excitement, a meeting of popular medialga clubs from russia is taking place, the head of one of which is comedian azamat. musaagaliev. together with him, my connections with the studio colleague andrey kozlov. greetings. yes,
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good afternoon, colleagues, in fact, this is probably a somewhat unusual inclusion. and our guests are completely unexpected in the news broadcast on belarus-1, but pleasant. we are glad to see you here. denis dorokhov, azamat musagaliev, i think it’s not even worth introducing. these are our guests today. and this means that today we have great football. you are famous comedians in russia. why media football at all? explain to a viewer who is encountering this for the first time. in general , football is an old dream. firstly. hello everyone, it’s incredibly nice to be here in this city, this is a city with a great history, specifically for us, it occupies a big place in our lives, because we generally started our journey here, every time you come here, you experience such pleasant excitement, awe and people, who we meet are always happy to make contact, to make contact, and as for football, such an old childhood dream, which turned out to be very close at arm's length when... the opportunity arose with this - to this touch, we really
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took advantage of this opportunity right away, but the fact that you can go on the field, or is it excluded today, are you today as the leaders of the club? well, yes, today we are only watching on the sidelines, we are probably no less worried than the boys, so we hope, yes, there will be a good game, because the entry threshold is already so high that we can no longer compete with our physical condition, the integrity of the match is really off the charts. to our guys, that's all for me, then sports news, results of the day, look at
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panorama, let me remind you that the tv news agency project is available on all social networks, as well as in our mobile application qr code on the screen. good weekend. lokomotiv compares the score of the final series of the russian volleyball super league. in kazan, girls from kaliningrad beat local dynamo 3:1. for the trophy, by the way. belarusians are fighting on different sides of the grid, and this time vera kostyuchik and her team took revenge on anna klimets. the clubs are moving to kaliningrad, where the third match of the final series will take place on april 23. between thus, the final of the belarusian handball championship continues, in a series of up to three victories the country's giants - minsk and mishkov brest - meet. the first match went to breshchany 30-27. today , the rivals will hold their second meeting at the uruchie sports complex. will the army find trumps? we’ll find out very soon against the current champion, watch the live broadcast on
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tv channel belarus 5, starting at 18:55 tv channel belarus24 broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch, our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country beyond abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel, so what is belarus like? business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival.
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generous, picturesque and monumental. sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you. you with active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello dear tv viewers on the belarus24 tv channel,
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watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. saturday broadcast of the current daily project of the country, the telenavin agency's career specialists are ready to highlight the palette of the most important and important aspects of the life of the belarusian regions. i am visiting you pavel azovik and the program. marathon of the highest stage of marching in belarus, one of the dances of the republic center
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of the patriarchal education of youth. menavita will go here for some of the people who have been paid on saturday for a short period of time. traditions that are ab'yadnoўvae and magchymastsya make our land more vibrant. this year's republican saturday, the good parade of gardens and evenings, the reconstruction and expansion of memorial complexes, as well as the month of battle and military glory, in all regions there are a lot of parks, squares and gardens, trees and bushes are planted, and sometimes
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saturday saturdays are dedicated to the reconstruction of the memorial complex of the dzetsyam akhvyaram. near the zhlobinsky district, in the established republican center of the patriarchal patriarchate , the cultivation of young people and the breskaya fortress, and dachshund on the good side of the memoirs in the regions and the capital. braska fortress - adzin s ab'ektaў i dareči, republican center of the patriarchate vyhavannya moladzi, just the first vyhavantsy already in the coming year. this season has become a major part of the marathon of the hour in the bratislava region, which is what the valancers are doing in these extraordinary days, let us be lethal. taxams of belarus act as soon as possible at the established patriarchal center, the subject of the ceremony is hanna buikevich. at dawn on june 22, 1941, germany committed attack on the soviet union, a powerful artillery bombardment fell on all four fortress islands. now we are on kobrinsky, on the northern fortification of the brest fortress. here,
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on the eve of the great patriotic war , various units of the 125th infantry were located.
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little by little, by the end of the month, maybe the beginning of next month, we will begin finishing work, we are engaged in landscaping, we are engaged in engineering sections, in the belarusian youth, since the end of the last month of the year, the changing adzin of this year is working student gatherings from all over the country come from different enterprises and organizations. thousands of belarusians wear the way of life at the created city, which is important for the region of the region, and this year 's future center has become a huge part of the marathon in brasce, just before that. representatives of the media and the ministry of defense. it is a great honor for us to be present at this construction site and to make our own contribution, because by building this center, we are building our
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future, we are making a great contribution to our future, the future of our children in general, the future our country. the creation of our patriotic facility has been going on for the second year now, so the work is planned to be completed in 2025; in 2025, we will already accept it.
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the competition in such a pharmaceutical industry is very strong, shepherding the best teams from all over the country and supporting them at the republican stage. on may 12 , it is exactly the day of the belarusian
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dzyarzhaunas. passengers in the regions from the streets of the changing courtyard. in the minsk region, in the spring relay race there are sweet carnivores and corn. grow flats and beetroots. there are plans to plant 38 hectares of kale. please take care of your life with your karmas, please.
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we have accumulated experience in the advanced belarusian market, as well as in recent reptiles, betting on sarts and agricultural selection. natalya ignatsenka watched the pace and progress of the harvest in the fallen region of the country. grassland lands of the karmalyon kamunalnaga pradeniya on the territory of three districts: karmyanskaga, ragachoskaga and chachacherskaga. flax culture velmi patrabavalnaya and yakastsi gleby. many deposits and hellish depths of the spring, ideal 20.
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there is nothing necessary for the getag at karmalyon’s great succession.
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vary is not only for the imagination, but also for private ladies. dry planes are increasingly popular with the belarusian energy sector. the production of burning granules is established in 21 lasgas of the country and 350 thousand tons of pellets per year. thus, barysausky lasgas pasta is an alternative fire in the purpose of the original industrial enterprises and the zheleva-kamunalny gaspad. shukaets new expat directions. peravagi vykarstana poletnykh katlou dam katejnaga typu pavinen.
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used in the form of firewood, naturally these firewood can be used not in the form of firewood, but in the form of pellets, here a fairly high level of labor is released, the productivity of boiler equipment increases, here we can say that we already produce boiler equipment that can automatically produce thermal energy without participation of staff, in fact , this equipment is quite expensive if you compare it with
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the cost...
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in order for the cheese to be of high quality, you need to turn it over daily, that is, work there is enough here, our cheeses ripen for two months or more, at the moment there are cheeses in storage that are already 3 years old, and also each cheese we undergo is refined, somewhere it is infused with honey, salt, in this way the memory cheeses are ripened, for their admyslov microclimate has been created, pastayannaya padrymlivaetstsa adolka...


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