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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 20, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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the television news agency begins an information day, elizaveta lakotka is with you, good morning, this is you. a tradition that makes the country cleaner and more beautiful, there is a republican cleanup day in belarus. will america find 60 billion to help kiev? the war financing bill is scheduled to be approved today. huge ratings on social networks and unusual rules of the game. the debut of the belarusian club in the football media league. a good
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tradition that unites generations. today a republican cleanup day is taking place in belarus. every year they take part in it about 3 million belarusians. traditionally , work collectives spend this day in order to improve the facilities and territories of settlements, memorial complexes, places of military and military glory. the funds earned will be distributed among the gomel, minsk and brez regions, and those that will be transferred to minsk will be used to put things in order... in the gomel region, funds are planned to be used to carry out work on the memorial complex to child victims of war, in brest, the creation of a republican center patriotic education of youth on the basis of the kobrin fortification of the brez fortress. the capital is also joining the republican cleanup, the city leadership, the deputy corps, representatives of organizations and enterprises, young people and simply active residents of minsk will be engaged in the improvement of courtyards and public gardens. they will drop you off. new alleys
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will restore children's sports grounds, will also work on construction sites, will put in order monuments and military protections, and recreation areas along the cleanup route: repair of courtyard driveways more 2.0 square meters, it is planned to repair and paint more than 700 units of children's play equipment, sports equipment, small architectural forms, all residents who want to take part in the republic of kansk cleanup, housing maintenance enterprises are ready to provide the necessary equipment, and here it is not necessary to go to those places, which areas have been identified, you can simply go out into your yard to participate in establishing order and improvement. the cleanliness marathon will cover all districts of the minsk region, to clean up both work collectives and volunteers will join, for example, in the pukhovichsky district , special attention to roads along the highways will also be put in order at the battle sites. not
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to mention the spirit of enthusiasm and unity, involvement in creation, which will definitely leave its mark on history, watch the nostalgic episode of the atn project in the public domain. the tv news agency is open access; we have no secrets from our people. krasavik, month of the lenin kamunistychnaya saturday. at this day, many people from manchester came to the capital of the city, kab dapamagchy daterminova and saracagodzia called belarus the hell of the german-fascist buryers empty the first metro station. knowing from the prospect of becoming a dancer, he will become great and leaping. and the earth fell like a heap of work, rythmichna, zlajana. timetable express trains have passed us from
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padmas and the drivers are not worried about the flight, the underground palaces have built the budain metro, for just two months now the residents of the city and the state have been studying theirs is yours. the traditional ancient traditions were torn apart by our life. the yans went to hell first rocky saturdays, hell shockers of the previous five years. kamunistychny subotnik became the issue of these traditional practices. this day the republic produced branded products for a record sum for saturday, or 45 million rubles. new paskarenne nada ў these days. energy of vyalikag pachyn.
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the 27th meeting of the party, the religious council and the assembly of the republic were celebrated on a rocky saturday. saligorsk.
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april continues to surprise belarusians with low temperatures, rain, sleet, fog icy roads are expected in the country today, plus squally winds in some places up to 15-18 m/s. the day before, the north of belarus was completely covered with snow in vitebsk, in vitebsk due to gusty winds and heavy snowfall, rescuers went out seven times to clean up fallen trees. eight cars were damaged. together with road services and housing and communal services, they sawed and removed fallen trees from the roadway. energy workers went into high alert mode. excess moisture in the fields should be beneficial, but the temperature is below zero may harm growth and disrupt plant vegetation. therefore,
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sowing has been suspended in the fields of the vitebsk region. we switched to other types of work that can be carried out under these weather conditions. our spirit is not broken when favorable weather conditions occur, when positive temperatures return, when the snow melts, so to speak, from the territory. we will monitor the fields and give results whether it affected the condition of the winter crops or not. a new cyclone will arrive in the country early next week from the bryansk region, heavy rain and gusty winds will persist. there are only a few days left until the all-belarusian people's assembly, delegates will come from all over the country, these are people of different professions, ages and views. it is important to hear everyone’s voice, for example, the volozhensky district from belaya rus is represented by a mother with many children.
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what will happen to our children, to our generation, this is the thing that fundamentally distinguishes the supreme council, for example, from parliament, as well as the chronicle of georgian lawmaking and what role do ngos play in world politics today? watch the full club episode editors on the youtube channel of a television news agency. a few hours ago, a massive drone strike was carried out on the positions of the shiite militia in iraq. one can judge that this is the second stage of the so-called crushing response that israel promised to iran. according to preliminary data , the armed militia of the province of babylon, which is considered associated with tehran, suffered significant damage. at the same time, israel refrains from striking directly at iran. the day before, several
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drones were shot down near persian izfahana, but tsahal never took responsibility for this drone attack. apparently, the peak of tension in the current confrontation between tehran and tel aviv has passed. the parties have softened their rhetoric and are diligently avoiding radical steps that could have catastrophic consequences for the region. mass protests against this continue in tbilisi. guarantees the low honorary title of foreign agents. most of the country's social movements are funded either by the european union or
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by the states. according to the new law, such structures must publicly acknowledge the fact that they are engaged in political activities at the expense of others in the interests of others. the president of georgia stated that the law would be vetoed. the eu, in turn, promised the official dbelisa serious problems. however, the parliamentary majority is working hard to adopt the document. they already voted for him in the first voting. the us house of representatives held a so-called procedural vote and approved the allocation of military aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan. this is a preliminary procedure, final the approval of laws on financing the war in ukraine, as well as on support for taipei and tel aviv, will take place today. there is virtually no doubt that 60 billion will be found for kiev; some republicans tried to slow down the procedure by proposing various amendments. they demanded that a provision be introduced into the law banning the allocation of money to the nazis from azov. one of
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the amendments sounded like this: a congressman who supports the law undertakes to join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine and go to the front. these ideas are unlikely to be seriously considered. europe also is making every effort to ensure that the ukrainian conflict continues as long as possible. it is reported that the czech republic has already found half a million large-caliber shells out of the million that the european union promised kiev. and hungarian prime minister orban said that... europe is one step away from sending its soldiers to ukraine. budapest, however, is categorically against this and will not support this decision, orban noted. holidays in the belarusian park in the braslov region should become all-season. in the meantime, our northern tourist product is in demand only during the hot season. the situation needs to be corrected, said the speaker of the house of representatives , igor sergeenko, and took part in the discussion of the results of the work and prospects of brasov.
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in order to build new facilities, attract investors, and for this we need to actively develop all-season tourism, we need to create work; for our part, the deputy corps is ready, within the limits of its competence, to provide all possible assistance to the region. all the deputies who were elected to the house of representatives today represent different regions of our country, 110 people, of course well, everything works.
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bsu, bsmu and mslu. the security center of the ministry of emergency situations again became a hospitable platform. the guys were able not only to make acquaintances, communicate, find common interests, but also help homeless animals. the proceeds from cornflower purchased for his couple will go to charity. what sets us apart from all other nations? well, it seems to me so, yes, this is our special feeling of kindness, a special feeling of warmth, a special feeling of love, complicity, this is a special contact. and i really want these exact feelings.
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connected with creation, with peace, with charity, and the kindest deeds that can be. the youth layer probably contains the main content - this is initiative. initiative in any business, no matter whether it is art or science, sports or achievements in the field of production, economics, the word youth is everywhere, we associate it with this, why, because the future is in their hands, they look to the future of our republic in their own way, and today’s event
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emphasizes that our youth are absolutely versatile, we put a lot of effort into... on television, hot emotions on the edge, as well as unusual rules of the game of football. the football media league, which has gained popularity , has paid attention to the belarusian football market and today will open its doors to our club for the first time. the themedia team, which includes bloggers as well as famous former football players, will make their debut in the popular tournament. more than 9,000 tickets have been sold, the meeting will begin at 18:00 at the
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dynamo stadium. the opponents are the media team of moscow spartak and the people's team. on this is such a turning point, we are starting a media league, our belarusian team is participating in it, which really represents both the country and our team in particular, and we see how they are progressing, they came to our country, they are interested in our country, how a new market, we are interested in them, let’s say, their competitiveness, or rather our competitiveness to feel at their level, the big day will open at 14:00 with a meeting of some of the most popular media clubs here before. and the football team 10, which was founded famous comedians azamat musagaliev and denis dorokhov. we will tell you the development of the event at noon, let me remind you that the projects of the television news agency are available on all social networks, as well as in our mobile application qr code on the screen. have a nice day and see you later.
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today, about 120 enterprises in our country receive tourists, of course, the flow
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of tourists differs from enterprise to enterprise, we can say that the main flags... in the range of about 200,000 people in 2023 . and for all enterprises it is stated growth of flows.


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