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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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live panorama in the studio elena sacheva, hello, weather swings in april.
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belarus is rocked and not only by floods of unprecedented proportions in russia and kazakhstan , heavy rains on the arabian peninsula , snow in europe, all these are the whims of nature or a consequence of human activity, and this is clearly their doing. military sword-strike exercises with the participation of the united states have started in lithuania. on the territory of our other neighbor, latvia, nato is conducting a maneuver involving german air force fighters. and the deadline is december this year, all issues regarding the repair and restoration of the zhirovichi monastery must be completed by this time... my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. snowy friday, today residents of the northern regions of the country again found themselves in winter because of a cold cyclone, spring field work was paused, employees of the ministry of emergency situations, road services and energy workers switched to an increased work schedule. contrasts of april in snowy panorama shots. a few days remain until the all-belarus people's assembly.
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work on sites of memory on the eve of the anniversary new locations by the hands of our fellow countrymen shock liberation of belarus, we collected a panorama of the upcoming cleanup event, we found out where the space portal will appear in minsk. with pride for the country and cosmic emotions in the panorama , we will meet our relatives. we will find out who the grandfather of the first belarusian cosmonaut worked for. 80% of schools are already using the new meals, and from september they promise all 100. today the government discussed the pilot project with all regions. for almost a week without clean water, residents of the new pine forest were able to get clean h2o today, however, no one is yet responsible for its quality, how the area was brought to clean water, look in the panorama. smargon and
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gomel opened the program of the fifth round of the belarusian football championship. boxer artur tuniev reached the quarterfinals of the european forum, and aryna sabalenka did not reach the final of the wta tournament in stuttgart for the first time in her career. snow today became the news headline of the day. residents of vitebsk, mogilev and bykhov returned to winter again in mid-april and social networks were literally bombarded with snowy images. snow in april, seriously, snow in april? april, do you even know that you are spring? due to the cold cyclone, spring fields work in the northern region is on pause, and road services, rescuers and energy workers , on the contrary, have switched to an enhanced regime. employees of the ministry of emergency situations went out to clean up fallen trees in vitebsk, which damaged several cars. the weather will continue to test everyone's strength. further in
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the forecasts there is sleet, rain, gusty winds, contrasts, april anomalies in the snow-flower report by ilya tsvetkov, and what about you, what are you doing, it’s like us, you, here it’s snowing. winter is real. these are the images that have been going viral on social networks since the morning: this is a frosty weather report from the mogilev and vitebsk regions. snow, ice, blizzards, in general, winter seems to have returned and come into its own again. at the same time, at the minsk meteorological station today, experts recorded different indicators. precipitation fell today in the minsk region. in some places there was even wet snow, but...
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the average air temperature was 6.8°, wind direction 245°, wind speed 4 m/ second, these are normal indicators for april. these are the climatic contrasts. snowy roads again, sidewalks in snowdrifts and frosty flashbacks of january. according to the hydrometeorological center, in the morning in vitebsk the height of the white blanket reached 5 cm. road services had to return to snow removal work, and the crew went to road accidents more often than usual, because many drivers had already changed their cars’ shoes. snow fell in the vitev region and this significantly complicated the road situation. as of morning , 12 road accidents were recorded in the city of vitebsk.
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all the necessary energy will be developed upon the onset of positive temperatures, as for rabs, then in the majority a large area of ​​the rabs country is already
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budding, during this period a negative impact on development is possible, well, we hope that there will be no large drops in temperatures. and the plants simply suspended their development, will soon resume growth. for one day , all the april flowers in vitebsk became snowdrops. the buds of tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths, which bloomed earlier than usual due to the abnormally warm start of the month, ended up in snowdrifts. these are the fallen peonies we have, and here are the tulips. april in the coming days will be the same, with character, for now at the moment, the deviation of the temperature background from the climatic norm in the republic of belarus is mainly 1-3° below the norm. the main temperature background will be +1 +6° in some places, and at night from friday to saturday in most of the vitebsk region
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frosts of 0-3° are expected. the snow cyclone passed the capital, like other southern regions of belarus: sakura and magnolia are blooming, and lilacs have completely bloomed in grodnoy. the lilac has bloomed. they are mowing everything everywhere, everything is blooming everywhere, it turns out that spring is in the middle of the road, it got confused, it switched to the winter-summer format. ilya tsvetkov, marina romanovskaya, maxim lvov and grigory kristofovich, television news agency. extreme weather conditions are becoming an integral part of life throughout the planet. natural disasters are gaining both purity and strength from year to year. while one part of the world is experiencing drought, others are actively flooded with water. unprecedented scale in russia and kazakhstan, heavy rains on the arabian peninsula and snow in europe, are these the tricks of the shadow government or natural climate changes, to which man had a hand? in weather evgeniy belousov understood the vicissitudes, their causes and consequences.
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conspiracy theorists, ufologists and flat-earthers, the world is being shaken by a new dangerous weapon, this time climate, heavy rains in the arabian. they've been watching this for even longer, all you have to do is look around, extreme events are everywhere. no, of course,
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there is still some truth in conspiracy theories; many countries are really trying to fight climate change through experiments and experiments. so in the usa at the beginning of april a group of scientists launched a stream of microscopic particles into the sky. salt, it is the country's first outdoor experiment to limit global warming by increasing cloud cover to reflect sunlight. in those same arab emirates, salt experiments have been ongoing for several years now. controlled rains have supposedly already become a reality for arab sheikhs, although this has nothing to do with the biblical flood in the emirates. first of all, i must confirm that the meteorological center told us that their equipment did not fly during the disaster, there was no no interaction with this particular rain invasion. every expert in the world will agree that if you have a major weather event, there is obviously absolutely no effect from any treatment. of course, the idea of ​​controlling the weather deserves all sorts of praise, but
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everything must be in balance. and the catch is that humanity, alas, does not learn from its own experience. there is a simple principle: if in one place there is, for example, precipitation, in another there is a lack of it and, as a result, dry rivers and forest fires. any man-made climate disturbance invariably leads to what we are accustomed to calling a natural anomaly. ecosystem of the planet. so on the verge of carbon emissions and other pollution have significantly disrupted long-term cycles, and today one should not be too surprised by what is happening: the el niño phenomenon, which leads to a global increase in temperature not only on land but in the sea, is capable of triggering natural disasters without any secret weapon. therefore, there is no need to look for those to blame for what happened on... peninsula. everyone knew about the impending bad weather for several days. yes, in one day there
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was one and a half year's worth of precipitation of 142 mm. almost all major cities in the region were flooded, in particular dubai, sharjah and mocat. but the cause of the flood is the banal lack of drainage systems. now the consequences of the natural disaster are being actively eliminated. and new footage of not only raging disasters, but also human kindness and courage is appearing online. something tells me that the trouble in russia and kazakhstan is not due to the tricks of unknown people strength, the same phenomenon, thanks to which winters with little snow became full of precipitation, that ’s where the melt water went - another question, everything depended on people, corruption and negligence, these are the main pests, and not some kind of beavers, susli. and other georgians, about whom some officials suddenly started talking, you see suslik, no, and i don’t see him, but he’s there,
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come out already, why are you sitting there, come on, come out, you’ve chewed up the dam, thousands of flooded houses, hundreds of thousands evacuees, environmental threats, washed-out animal burial grounds with anthrax, this is not for you jokes, all this is the result of the carelessness of those in the emirates, or those who live on exotic islands. some people ask me: “ilyukha, will you return to pere, guys, this is my saturday morning.” however, no one is immune from bad weather and less-than-ideal managers. the europeans also rejoiced too early.
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politicians are exclusively occupied with saving the world ; it is necessary and it is possible to fight, but for some reason instead of its destruction. by the way, our president focused special attention on this. at the climate summit in dubai, he said that the green agenda is meaningless in conditions of confrontation and restrictions. we provide invaluable ecosystem services to our continent, preserving a unique source of oxygen, natural swamps, forests, and the lungs of europe. we are developing green nuclear energy, minimizing the risks of climate change. it’s paradoxical, but in response we receive new economic sanctions, barriers to
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international trade, restrictions on access to technology, and not only we, it’s time to admit that the green agenda is meaningless in conditions of confrontation, it requires respect, sovereignty of countries of unconditional justice. as scientists say, the climate is changing, something needs to be done about it. the world suffers from migration, hunger and conflicts, largely due to weather reasons, and no matter how hard people try, they are unable to reverse all the changes, but there is still a chance to slow down and minimize the consequences... there is, for this we need a powerful political the will that will allow us to build a global future, not on the principles of confrontation but creation, there is still time. evgeny belousov, mikhail drugakov, tv news agency. less and less
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time remains until the main political event of the coming week and more. final preparations are being completed. to the all-belarusian people's assembly. let us remind you that on april 24-25, more than a thousand delegates and invited guests, about 700 people, will come to minsk to discuss the strategic development of belarus in various areas, from the economy to the concept of national security. this year’s meeting has received constitutional status, which means that the supreme council will not only recommend, but will monitor decisions on all key issues for a long time. distances. the president spoke about this at a meeting dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary.
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together we have to continue a more substantive conversation about the new tasks that time sets before us, one way or another, they all relate to the issues of preserving our values, cultural, spiritual priorities, determining the goals of the state’s development in the conditions of new geopolitical risks, they are not small, we we say this a lot, we will do it during the all-belarusian people's assembly. formed in accordance with the updated constitution, in a word, our affairs quite a lot, huge. to begin with, the delegates of the supreme national assembly are waiting for the resolution of organizational issues, the selection of the chairman of the all-belarus people's assembly, his deputy, members of the presidium, all this is necessary for the coordinated work of the large mechanism. delegates will come from all over
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the country, these are people of different professions, ages, and, importantly, views. not everyone has experience participating in such large events.
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the center has organized transportation for people with disabilities; in the morning the children are brought on a special transport equipped with a lift, and in the evening at the end of the day the children taken home. this service is used
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by 30 people with disabilities. tatyana akushka herself is a mother of many children, raising three children. our main goal is to preserve belarus, to do everything possible and impossible so that our state continues to develop harmoniously in all directions in the future, in peace and tranquility. and maintain the course that belarus follows, focusing on socially oriented policies where people with disabilities feel needed. for the last
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a lot has been done over the years, even in terms of ensuring that people with disabilities feel safe and confident, a lot of bills have been adopted, but of course i am concerned about this issue, given that i work in this department from this category of citizens, this is significant a historical event, a landmark moment... you can make your contribution to the future and the present tomorrow, and the keynote motive for the upcoming cleanup will be an important date:
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the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. workers the landing forces will not only restore order at the memorials, the money collected during the large-scale environmental campaign will be used to restore places of military and military glory. and the cleanup is also an occasion to improve the areas near workplaces and decorate them. streets and even lay the first bricks for new facilities, in whose honor another recreation area will be opened in the capital, vladislav bondar learned. instead of a green stripe, take-off to landing, where space objects land, not so literally art objects. while there are not even outlines, everything is real it sounds like science fiction, but tomorrow they will begin to pave the way to space here. the path to the stars is not a day's work, our first one showed this with its example...
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there was a local blacksmith, he and the commander of the partisan detachment borba repaired a cannon several times right in the village. they didn’t reach the partisans, they burned the village and 44 inhabitants, the same khatyn scenario: only thirteen-year-old kolya survived, miraculously, his mother sent him to replace his father in the pasture, this was their last meeting, it was nikolai kirilovich who would later insist that he should be here memorial and the whole country gathered for it. now new generations are protected, in this historical memorial place we plan to paint the beams that symbolize the burial ground, we will also restore the memory wall, today there will be a preliminary
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primer, tomorrow we will paint, and of course other work, to restore not only with our own hands everything we can to collect during the cleanup, will go to places of memory and glory, a third for the red bank, a collection point where the nazis took those taken from their mothers, a memorial about a stolen childhood the only one... of its kind in the cis, and so that our children remember, a patriotic center is being built for them in the brest fortress, we will send another third of the money collected to it, and even the foundation will be imbued with history. our volunteers are working to clear the foundation, we didn’t know it was here, just a month and a half ago we dug it out, and in the future we plan to build an educational building here. azarich, khatyn, trostenets. over the years, belarusians have already invested what they collected from community cleanups. into its history, in the place where it is born sports history of the country, in the legendary reubichs there was no cleanup, and the athletes’ schedule was tight, today they planted
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a walk of fame, a good present for the floor. centenary anniversary of the complex, the beginning of an interesting and new tradition and the most important thing, probably, i would like this alley to continue, there are more and more trees, accordingly , the world stars become more and more level, and the potential is huge, and how much we can do together, we will show this again tomorrow, we are ready to work hard, vladislav bundri, ilya puchko and alexander samailovich, tv news agency, space recreation area, which... tomorrow will be laid in the homeland of the first female cosmonaut of belarus in the frunzinsky district of minsk, will certainly become the starting point in realizing the dreams of young residents of the capital, because nothing is impossible, our marina proved it vasilevskaya. there is enormous interest in the flight, so while the astronauts are undergoing rehabilitation, questions are addressed to their relatives. the staff of the minsk cold storage plant today warmly welcomed the grandfather, the first belarusian cosmonaut fyodor vasilevsky. he once worked at a factory, he joined
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the team the year... yuri gagarin flew into space, and returned 63 years later when the starry sky was conquered by the belarusians. there were many questions about my granddaughter’s health, her childhood, and dreams. karina gurevich observed the meeting. fyodor vasilevsky came to the minsk refrigeration plant as a lumberjack and equipment adjuster in 1961, the year yuri gagarin flew into space. today, 63 years later, he returned to the plant, already in an honorary status. the grandfather of the first belarusian cosmonaut brought his grandson and great-grandson with him, so that you always have an open door here, we want to give you a pass, that is, at any time you can come to your native enterprise, the team warmly greeted their colleague, some managed to work with fedor sidorovich, others couldn’t wait to get to know each other, everyone really wanted to become a little closer to the stars marina vasilevskaya herself. i think that marina is very well prepared,
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she persevered. she did such a great job, such a great job for our belarus, we saw her report from the cosmodrome, we saw her in space, how she worked, and not every woman can withstand such a heavy load, of course, this is a great merit, when i found out that marina vasilevskaya flew into space, we were all shocked, you need to be so brave, we are proud of marina, proud of her family, proud ...
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became patriots of our country, people who take a step forward, in total the plant produces about 80 types of ice cream, everyone loves ice creams, skims, cups, cones and fruit ice. scanway sells more than 20 tons of cold delicacy, it is possible that it will soon appear in the line space ice cream and while the hero of belarus marina vasilevskaya is recovering and undergoing post-flight rehabilitation, the family is waiting for the meeting and remembers. how we worried and rejoiced.
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in lithuania, military exercises “strike of the sword” with the participation of the us armed forces started today. about 600 american troops and 120 units of equipment transferred from poland are involved in the maneuvers. as well as the ground forces of the lithuanian army and the us battalion already stationed in this baltic republic. together they will conduct live-fire training. among the stated goals demonstrate the ability to quickly transport ground forces units.
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meanwhile, nato is conducting maneuvers on the territory of our other neighbor, latvia, with the participation of german air force fighters. it is noteworthy that hangars were pre-installed to hide aircraft from satellite reconnaissance; this circumstance significantly complicates monitoring the progress of the exercise with the possibility of promptly responding to the actions of aviation of the north atlantic alliance countries. with the help of the united states, palestine will see neither peace nor statehood. in the council the un security council held a vote on the possibility of admitting palestine to the united nations. out of 15, two votes.
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with israel and iran, today the israeli army attacked a facility near the city of isfahan, where one of the largest iranian air force bases is located. the scale of the attack and its success are still difficult to assess; it is only clear that the persetian air defense destroyed several objects that posed a potential
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threat. at the same time, there are no reports of explosions on the ground, that is, of hitting a target. american the media, at the same time, declare that the conflict is over. israel and iran are no longer going to launch new mutual strikes. where are the roots of modern conflicts and where is the border between soft power and war? experts and guests of the editors' club discuss the most important events of the past week. who will win in georgia, parliament or adherents and agents. a history lesson for tbilisi that must be learned, how to recognize double standards, whose information hygiene experience is the most relevant today, who lives in a smartphone? we will figure it out. only a fool can believe that in some country the special services, which by duty are supposed to deal with these issues, do not look at or analyze something, moreover, we must strive to ensure that our special services in our country deal with this, god forbid that
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other special services are watching us, be glad that the belarusian kgb is watching you, be happy when a belarusian policeman approaches you, be happy because he thinks about your health, about your life, because he is a belarusian, he is a citizen of this country . from the state border in the village of kovalevshchina , two men were detained, an aircraft -type unmanned aerial vehicle, a laptop, an antenna unit, a thermal imager and batteries were confiscated.
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an administrative process has been initiated against the detainees. the civil procedure code reminds that on april 1 , the presidential decree on state accounting and operation of uavs came into force. import and storage of documents is prohibited. operation and production of drones without permission to use them near the border is another violation of the border regime. in the minsk city court issued a verdict against the editor of a polish channel, who was part of an extremist group. from the case materials it is known that a resident of minsk has worked for the belsad tv channel as an editor since 2016. after the resource was recognized as extremist, she continued her activities. thus, it was seen in her actions.
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we analyze everything and take additional
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security measures; i will not hide that we analyzed the events that occurred in the moscow region and have already been worked out today additional security measures, in places with large numbers of citizens, we propose to introduce special safety passports so that absolutely all questions, any emergency incidents from employees of the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of emergency situations, and the ministry of health are reflected there. will have this passport, when the groups move forward, they will perfectly understand how many entrances, exits, what kind of glass doors and how to enter, the most important thing. in such cases, intelligence agencies must act as a single coherent mechanism, identify shortcomings in communication in emergency situations and such maneuvers should be carried out. quality situation. the water in novaya borovaya has improved today. let us remind you that all this
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week, residents of the area complained about rusty water. the supply of drinking water was promptly organized. as we were told in the minsk regional executive committee, to solve the problem , a special headquarters was created from employees of government agencies. alena leshkeevich, about how the area was brought to clean water. since monday, residents of novaya borovaya began to complain about the quality of water in their taps. on tuesday the situation is even worse worsened, the liquid became like tea. there were also various impurities in it, from monday evening water the color of black tea began to flow from the tap, sometimes mixed with sand, the situation over these days either improved or worsened, when cleaner water flowed in between, we had already used it for soul. to solve the problem, a special headquarters was created; information appeared in chats that the cause was being eliminated, but, as it turned out, it took 4 days to resolve it. today the water may look clean, but the conclusion is. there is no examination yet on its suitability for food.
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throughout the week, residents of the area used water from their cars, and its delivery was promptly organized. even today, those who are afraid to drink liquid from the tap also use a water truck. so what happened, where did the rust come from, we turned to minsk vodokanal for comment. according to the organization’s specialists, the bar is on the balance sheet of the private company astocomfort, which should also be held accountable. for water in your block in nearby areas, the quality of the liquid in the pipes meets the standards, the quality of water within the responsibility of our enterprise is in accordance with legal standards, we, in turn , have increased the frequency of water sampling , we are constantly monitoring its quality, the solution to this issue lies entirely within the responsibility and competence of the astocomfort enterprise, and according to the legislation , the astocomfort enterprise is obliged to carry out all work. preventive, including mandatory flushing of networks that
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are under their maintenance and balance. the leaders also commented on the situation developer company. according to them, they examined all pipelines. there are no failures in their networks. it is unknown where the rust came from. impurities from the outside, according to representatives of a private company. and the spot problems started two weeks ago. then they began to sound the alarm, but their task was construction. stockcomfort company is not. is the operating organization of the water supply system, accordingly , only the water utility is responsible for the carrier itself, for the incoming water supply, each resident, including novy borovoy, has an individual agreement with the water utility, so the water utility is responsible for the quality of water, our task is to eliminate the consequences, which is what we are doing now. together, both the private company and government organizations can be said to have solved the problem today. almost clean water came out, but according to the residents
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of the block, there was a little more sand, the results of the research into where the breakdown occurred will be known later. alena lishkevich, ivan mozgo, roman filyutich, television news agency. how schoolchildren eat and what they prefer, the pilot project was discussed today in government, and apparently, the food was liked in a new way. in belarus, almost 80% of schools have already switched to the new menu. cooking deliciously is healthy, this big project to eat differently in schools started at the end of the twenty- second year, then there were new items. the menu was offered to try only in twenty-three schools, but now such lunches are offered in more than 200 educational institutions, but the beginning of the school year, which means september, in all schools in big cities, as well as in the countryside. a lot has already been done in a year and a half, we have studied what schoolchildren like,
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multiplied by what is healthy and got the optimal lunch, but still not everyone eats everything and not everyone likes everything 100%, but the fact that the system... of schoolchildren in a pilot project, more than a million schoolchildren eat every day in our schools, that’s why we understand preserving the health of our children, creating a safe environment, this is the number one task for our educational institutions, a new organization of the work of canteens and 300 new recipes, they have been collected in collections for cooks, but in order to cook in a new way, we need to replace the equipment, 4600 units of equipment. already we have purchased, there are about 700 left, all schools will be completed over the summer, because even well -washed dishes are important for a good appetite. 52% of us are already provided with dishwashers, and we set , first of all, the task of having dishwashers
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in schools with 50 more students, that is, where there are more risks taking into account the number of students, this is 66%. that is, this is where 50 or more students study, if we talk about technological equipment, cutting vegetables, yes, no matter how trivial it may seem, but today 95% schools are provided with this equipment, the figures show that children are eating better, high school students are agreeing to eat lunch at school and they are throwing away less, waste has decreased by a third, and this is a plus, but there are still complaints, for example, the food is not always there. control over the quality and safety
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of products, individual violations of food preparation technology, deviation of rations from norms and non-compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements. examples of the persistence of the problem of lack of demand for certain dishes and, accordingly, some of the already prepared food goes to waste. well, here we need to approach this issue in a balanced way, like all the parents here, i think, you understand that the lack of demand for dishes also manifests itself at home among children. it is important that parents and students themselves positively assess the work of the state in this area. the ministry of education has launched both a hotline and a chatbot, so ... they read reviews and suggestions online. the information is daily, it is also a good tool for quickly responding and supplementing the menu collection with new recipes, of course, taking into account the main thing that it is delicious and useful. currently, more than 95% of our
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educational institutions are staffed with cooks, and more than 1,100 people last year underwent advanced training in order to receive the fourth category, which is required to organize a school. nutrition before september, all school chefs will improve their qualifications and cook in a new way, which means the pilot project becomes the canon of proper nutrition, it is discussed today in schools as an elective from the first grade, so the work is not targeted, but across all directions. svetlana lukinyuk, andrey ivanenko, tv news agency. bringing regions up to the level of development of large cities is one of the most important areas of government policy. to ensure the fulfillment of this task. deliberate development of the country, attractiveness of small settlements, well-being of people. such accents were heard today in the braslov region, where the results of the work were summed up and points of growth of the national economy were identified. the speaker of the chamber took part in the discussion of the district's prospects together with the local vertical and enterprise management representatives igor sergienko.


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