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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 8:05am-8:11am MSK

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kiev's allies in skladchina will ensure the transfer of six patriot air defense systems to ukraine. in particular , the complex promises to be transferred to germany. the dates and the number of missiles are not specified. meanwhile, one such complex costs more than a billion dollars, and one salvo costs about 5 million. western politicians are actively campaigning to transfer new shipments of weapons to kiev. the head of european diplomacy, barel, and the speaker of the house of representatives, johnson, are calling for this : it is better to send ammunition to ukraine than soldiers. meanwhile, in washington already this saturday a decision should be made on allocating funds to kiev to wage the war. we are talking about an amount of $61 billion, some of which will be provided on credit. fighting crime and training in minsk, an international law enforcement conference among guests of colleagues from russia. the platform for discussion was the academy of the ministry of internal affairs. the circle
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of participants is traditionally broad : law enforcement officers, teaching staff, and researchers. more than 40 organizations joined the plenary session educational institutions from belarus, russia, kazakhstan and uzbekistan. such cooperation is extremely necessary in the context of the globalization of the criminal environment. fifty days of hearing among music lovers. minsk spring at the belarusian state philharmonic. poster in the tale of tsar saltanna for the anniversaries of 225 years since the birth of pushkin and 180 years of the roman korsykov. the main part of the performance in two acts belongs to the belarusian symphony orchestra under the direction of maestro anisimy. musical dedication in great music is addressed to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from nazi invaders and the centenary of the glinka college. minsk spring always appears.
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they will perform with the ensemble of the armed forces of the republic of belarus. it’s not just the main stage of the philharmonic that is making music, a vocal and instrumental renaissance. tomorrow in the small hall named after shirma. saturday's scale of the minsk spring with the state chamber choir and the program of renaissance and baroque music. next, in the morning broadcast, we will tell you about the developments of events at 9:00 on a successful day.
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belarus continues to diversify exports in the long arc market. yas calculated inflation in march and india ranked first in the world in terms of population. you are watching economic news. under traditional mechanisms , manufacturers can obtain affordable financing through lower loan rates, reimbursement of part of the costs of participating in exhibitions and costs of product certification. for import transportation in belarus
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doubled in the first quarter, according to the international freight exchange, the trend is still determined by russia. the demand for transportation from kazakhstan to our country also increased by 140%. these figures are due to the fact that many transit routes from other countries, for example, from china, pass through kazakhstan, and cargo traffic from turkey continues to increase. the belarusian fund for financial support of entrepreneurs has announced a competition of investment projects for small businesses. creation of import-substituting and export-oriented products, introduction of new technologies, saving resources and new jobs, these define the selection criteria for investment projects. state financial support will be provided as a loan or leasing. applications are accepted until the end of april. all details on the website of the ministry of economy. and now to the results of currency trading, chinese yuan dollars have fallen in price, the russian ruble has risen in price. so, the following rates have been established: american currency costs 3 rubles. 28
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kopecks euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3.50. 10 yuan costs 4 rubles 51 kopecks. and 100 russian rubles are 3.48 belarusian. prices for goods and services in the eurasian economic union. in march by february grew by 0.4%. the highest consumer inflation was recorded in kazakhstan, and a decrease in prices was noted in armenia. in annual terms, inflation in the union five amounted to 7.5%. a significant increase in prices was recorded for paid services. minsk and arkhangelsk will soon be connected by a direct flight. the russian airline has added our national airport to its route network. from april 25 , flights in the belarusian direction will be once a week on thursdays. and the departure of the capital by sea is at 11:00, travel time is 2.5 hours. and finally, about some world events in march , a record number of payments were made in yuan through swift. according to the international system, the share of the chinese currency in settlements is close to 5%. in addition, according...


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